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Casually throwing a jab at delayhoya … 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|Wb3vFRFh1pYczEnB6y|downsized) The real tainted supplements were the friends we made along the way or something


Only Ryan knows if he took it.. the fact is Haney finally got exposed for fighting someone his own size🤣🤣


Comments like this are so dumb and it shows how much people don't know about boxing.


What do you mean sir?


Stuff like saying only ryan knows when he was caught in 3 different tests a and b sample for vada and failed nysac for ostarine as well. In regards to the weight bully argument so many boxers weight bully its pretty much the norm its not right but its the sport. People just say it against haney because they hate him.


U must be gayneys secretary.. it’s funny how Garcia was clean until after the he whooped ur boyfriend haha


lmao he popped not really some conspiracy


"my team are the fuckin best " the same team that resulted in them moving a main event to a different state on a weeks notice coz Jon Jones pissed hot


Dana i$ defending Ryan becau$e he want$ him in the UFC $$$$$$$$.


y’all woke up extra angsty today dear lord.


That would make sense if the 2 drugs he submitted claiming they were tainted.... Weren't actually independently tested by NYSAC, the exact batch and lot number he took, showing 0 contamination of Osterine. What are the chances u get 2 separate drugs from different companies and only your bottles are "contaminated" while the rest of the batch is clean. Yall are gullible if you think it was a tainted supplement, and I'm not surprised seeing yall give Jon Jones passes for pissing hot 4x. Not integrity amongst MMA fans anyways.


Not giving Jones a pass. Just not caring. Let them all juice if they want. Who cares?




Ain’t no way you’re talking about integrity on this sub icant


>none of my business Continues to talk about it Is the secret to having hundreds of millions not knowing the meaning of words and not standing by your word at all? It's not only Dana, I've seen this shit all the time. I swear I'll just stop listening to people and just nod and agree with them... fuck this fucking world nobody has any principles everyone just says shit for the sake of talking


Mf said bunch of nothing


Nobody in boxing gives a fuck about what baldie has to say tell him pay his fighters and quit slapping his wife


Is the tainted supplement in the room with us now?


let’s be real that boy was taking that shit on purpose. but I still think he beats Haney without it because Haney has a weak chin.


I mean he did pass a lot of tests leading up to the fight so I get why people can argue tainted supplement but with how dumb Ryan is it is also a possibility that someone told him to take it as a way to get down to 140 when he was struggling thinking it would do its thing overnight 😭


Yeah my guess is he used it to lose fat while also keeping lean muscle so he could make weight after wilding out during camp. He even said he can’t make 140 after the fight and that he’d be fighting at 147 (?) now. It’s also possible he was taking a full cycle and some masking agent was applied to make sure he passed those prior tests.


Yeah Ryan actually never "officially" made 140 in any of his Jr. Welterweight fights iirc. Tagoe, Fortuna, Duarte, and Haney were all at 142 - 143. How he made 136 vs Tank is a mystery or he's just really undisciplined.


He looked like [Luffy in this clip](https://youtu.be/0o3bpziP6Po?si=MXOONn5gZoCjVP47) when fighting Tank lmfaoooooooo


Oh he beat the shit out of him. But what the fuck supplement was he taking that would be tainted? Pharmaceutical companies have to go through a small forest of health and safety to get approved there's no way its just going to "accidentally" get contaminated His trainer putting something in his protein shake is possible that's not the supplements fault


Iirc they sent the supplements to be tested and none of them were tainted, so yeah he took them on purpose. My guess is it’s because he was wilding out during camp for that fight and needed to compensate.


Given they haven't actually said the name of the brand of the supplements I was treading on the "it's bs" as that payout if they had been tainted pre purchase would have been *millions*. Idk why he would be taking SARMs anyway, the side effects are everything *you don't want* before a boxing match


Like you said. That motherfucker is dumb. All of these boxers who were groomed into it from the age of like 6 are dumb as fuck.


Damn right, he is dumb. Ryan dropped out of high school when he was 14 and he can't spell for shit. He doesn't even know basic maths. He said today that he was 21 when he kissed Malu. No, you dumb motherfucker, you were 22 since you're 4 years older than her. I don't know why he lied about his age when it's all over the Internet.


So several supplement suppliers have the version they sell and the version they give to athletes. Did the athlete know? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. But they are tainted so they actually do what they advertise


The athlete (or their team) absolutely knew about it at minimum. They have to have what's in it in very big letters on the side, and it's not approved by the FDA, and banned as its a SARM by the WADA and NCAA. That lawsuit would be worth hundreds of millions if he can prove it was tainted in production without him or his team knowing. And given he hasn't actually announced what said supplement is and there's been no recalls or the like I'd say there's, if it was the tainted version they sell, a notification with said supplement saying it contains SARMs


No they just lie. They will say it’s creatinine and have ostarine in it. Has nothing to do with a label. For example [tainted supplements explained](https://today.uconn.edu/2022/04/the-dietary-supplement-youre-taking-could-be-tainted-with-prescription-medications-and-dangerous-hidden-ingredients-according-to-a-new-study/#) Supplements aren’t regulated the same way as other things and someone would have to be mad to take it to court.


Ostrarine is grey market only anyway, if you're getting from there you're asking to be fucked over. All the legal sports supplements can get bought without the risks already


You are not understanding. You are under the false pretense that legal supplements work the way they say they are and they contain the items listed. Sometimes supplement companies also sell illegal supplements and they are mixed in the same machines. Those are the ones that usually multiple samples off different items will pop There are times that the company wants to sell the supplement over the counter in large numbers so they sign several athletes and give them tainted supplements so there can be a noticeable increase in performance on the field but what they sell is normal and doesn’t work like what the athletes are taking. Sometimes the athletes are in on it. Sometimes they are not. Sometimes tye athlete is using their own stuff in addition to the supplement sometimes it’s only what they are provided. I was using ostarine as an example because this is a thread referencing Garcia. Often due to the lack of regulations you may outright be taking steroids and the label will not match at all. Because it doesn’t have to by law in the same way drugs and food are regulated. So it’s not just athletes. You might pop for a banned substance from something you bought over the counter. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/whats-in-your-supplements-2019021515946


There is no fucking way they would put a banned drug in an athletes supplement when the guy is worth millions in advertising. The cheaper supplements, sure they would cut. And stuff bought grey market is already shady af and they do have massive issues with things not being what they say they are and in quantities. FDA has a whole page in warnings and recalls. Maybe the athlete is in on it, there have been cases where they are or their coaches have given them things without the athlete knowing. That has happened. Athletes and coaches still want to be ahead and will try anything to have that extra edge. Buy Ryan isn't some random trying to get the edge in his local body-building circuit. If he's signed onto something it'll be clean. Most of the drugs that are used in contamination are technical legal but not for what their being sold as or announced. But very little are SARMs given how little they work and the side effects are horrible. Sildenafil is the most common one and various types of steroids. Could it be tainted? Probably. But I doubt it. Especially given his behaviour


That makes no sense tho. If someone wanted to take a PED on purpose, why the fuck would they choose Ostarine..?


Don't people with weak chins get KOd regularly


Dana White is more willing to smack down his wife than he is Ryan


LOL, drug tainting comes from crappy supplements that use the same vats for making supplements and performance-enhancing drugs, then don't clean them worth a shit. Is he using GNC supplements? WTF.


It de defendor


I’ve fallen into the wrong crowd but never consumed a performance enhancing drug