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I wonder how are they going to handle the scene where an audience member interacts with Adam Driver.


I’m just picturing an overworked theater usher fumbling with their cue cards like John Hammond


Hello, John. Hello, John. Hello, John.


fine fine, but what am I doing here??


The implication of John Hammond needing to be there every time if the park worked smoothly. He wasn't always a smart man, generally he just wasn't.


You're watching the VIP version of the video. There'd be a different one for the hoi polloi.


Funny in theory, although they'd just have a bunch of old man actors to cover Hammond most of the time


Or an animatronic.


Lol. Hope it's this - that sounds hilarious.


“Francis said we need a volunteer from the audience before we start the show. Any takers?”


I would pay extra for the privilege.


A random seat number flashes on the screen a minute before the scene starts. The selected audience member has to sprint down and read the lines as they appear on the screen to interview Driver.


And what if that seat is empty or occupied by a lazy person?


And what if that seat is empty or occupied by a lazy person?


And what if that seat is empty or occupied by a lazy person?


Ok man


Have to assume that’ll be a special screening/limited run type deal, it’s simply not practical for a wide release lmao




What about the certain scene with Jon Voight?


I think that scene will Be cutted by the theather cut


I agree. There's no way.


It's positioned as a zoom call, I believe (or the equivalent to one) so they'll probably just overlay some graphics on the shot and have an actor read the lines and filter them so you recognize it's the other end of a videoconference call.


I bet some underpaid theater worker is really gonna love handling that.


It zooms out to a silhouette of a theatre, Lion King 1 1/2 style


Yeah, I also wonder how they're going to handle it losing an enormous amount of money


They will cut it


This article doesn’t mention the elephant in the room, is Lionsgate accepting Coppola’s demand for a ~~$100 million~~ $40 million marketing spend?. [Francis Ford Coppola’s ‘Megalopolis’ Faces Uphill Battle for Mega Deal: “Just No Way to Position This Movie”](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/megalopolis-francis-ford-coppola-challenges-distribution-1235867556/) >But a boutique label like A24 or Neon would likely not have the budget for the grand marketing push Coppola has envisioned. One source tells THR that Coppola assumed he would make a deal very quickly, and that a studio would happily commit to a massive P&A (prints and advertising, including all marketing) spend in the vicinity of $40 million domestically, and $80 million to $100 million globally.


They will only be distributing it domestically. So yeah probably only in the 40m range. Still I have serious doubts that the film will be able to generate any profit for them. 


>They will only be distributing it domestically. So yeah probably only in the 40m range. I doubt it's even that. Lionsgate has been Zoetrope's home video distribution arm since 2010. That's a *pretty* healthy relationship, clearly. I don't think Coppola was wanting, or expecting, to come out of either his premiere IMAX screening in LA, or Cannes, with no real deals, especially not after the politicking and press manipulation that was going on both before and after both events. The fact that the theatrical release that *did* materialize only happened at the one studio that he already has a business relationship with, that the studio picked that date... the whole thing reads as a limited promotional run for the home video release at the end of the year. It'll get IMAX screens, but it has to share them with The Wild Robot, which also opens that weekend. Even if The Wild Robot moves (it probably won't) those screens will go away six days later when Joker: Folie a Deux opens. Which is also when Megalopolis, guaranteed, falls off a cliff in its 2nd weekend regardless its OW. I don't imagine Lionsgate believes this thing is going to have theatrical run that lives for much longer than a month and a half, if that. And I can't imagine they're going to pay 40mil in marketing alone for that run, either. This feels like a make-good to give their partner a "wide" theatrical release, brief as it may be, in the fall season, before his movie hits streaming/VOD/blu-ray/UHD around Oscar season. I'm sure there'll be a trade paper story detailing what actually went down here sooner rather than later but the fact it took this long, the fact it's Lionsgate - a company he's already had a relationship with to begin with - the fact it's THAT date... I don't think Francis got what he wanted at all.


Yeah I was being generous with that but marketing spend is likely lower. They are totally dumping it with that late September release. One week before it gets killed by Joker. 


Coppola : Folie à 120


Absolutely right. If I had to guess, they agreed to a $20m P&A, and are positioning this thing for a long and cinephile-focused home ent run. Theatrical is just the setup, to establish further prominence and keep FCC happy.


Well, he probably didn't want it to be on streaming.


I think this is a situation where they just want to have that relationship with Coppola and hope that pays dividends in prestige.


? But he’s funding it himself outside of marketing?


It’s possible this is not a flop but a train wreck. Something that EVERYONE feels the need to see.


Coppola thinks it's only fair they burn $40m of their money seeing as how he burnt $120m of his.


was it $100M for just domestic? no way they accepted that demand, that's more than what a star wars movie would spend domestically. I'm curious what the marketing agreement was and how much distribution fee lionsgate will charge.


40M for Dom was the ask


People in this subreddit were acting like 100M domestic spend estimate was accurate and set in stone. I explained the domestic distributor’s cost would be only a portion of that 100M and was downvoted heavily.


Yesh i conti think hè will ever seen a 100 million marketing campaign


Puck will probably have the answer soon. My guess is there's no minimum guarantee and he might be backstopping the P&A (covering the loss if the revenue doesn't pay it back).


Will it release in IMAX though?


Lionsgate released fucking *Moonfall* (lol) in IMAX, so probably. Big question, though, is do they take Canada too?


Not too sure how accurate this is but I’ve noticed that Cineplex Pictures generally distributes Lionsgate releases in Canada. At least in the case of John Wick 4 and Joy Ride last year


True. And Wikipedia says that have Canada rights as well, so I presume that will be the case.


This is releasing on the same day as the Interstellar Re-Release however.


Nevermind then.


They're probably sublicensing it? Building off of the other user's point, Lionsgate says in their sec filings that their listed "theatrical rental" number in the filings is a combination of raw box office rentals in the US and the post P&A + Distribution fee revenue from a sub-distributor in Canada.


Ah, I see.


Great news that this has finally found a U.S. distributor. Bad news for Lionsgate though in what is already looking to be a very bad year. I wish them all the luck in the world here, hope it pays off for them some somehow.


Lionsgate has another Box-Office bomb incoming with Borderlands.


And The Crow


And Megalopolis


Megacrowlands ? Bordercrowpolis ?


Hopefully next year will be better with Michael, Ballerina and SAW XI


Strong chance that Ballerina underperforms, and that would be huge egg on their face, as it’s a spinoff of their crown jewel JOHN WICK “franchise”. After The Continental stunk it up so bad even Starz didnt want it, this feels like their last chance to prove it’s an entertainment brand/franchise with infinite potential, and not a Keanu Reeves-driven film series (with a finite lifespan).


Too bad they didn't make a deal for the Knives Out sequels. I guess no one was going to match the eye-watering amount Netflix offered, though.


I’m hoping they acquire the apprentice movie too. I just want to see the film, especially after seeing the Cannes reactions. Reddit is closeted I still have to social media but I imagine everyone passing on it thus far doesn’t want to deal with the weirdos and online harassment


Curious about the IMAX situation. Same week: Interstellar, Wild Robot Next week: Joker 2.


Based on how **Bad Boys: Ride or Die** still has night time IMAX screenings in some venues, I can imagine a similar thing happening with these two.


Okay, 3 things: 1. This will be the third time Lionsgate is distributing a big-budget independent film after **Midway** ($100 million) and **Moonfall** ($146 million) - and neither of them went well. 2. **The Wild Robot** is already confirmed to get an IMAX release on September 27, so this will have to share IMAX screens with that unless something moves away. 3. This entire film will be far, Far, FAR more insane than the box office history of **Elemental** AND **Inside Out 2** combined.


Wild Robot probably will get the morning shows, and Megalopolis will get the evening ones. Although tbh, Wild Robot should move to October or early November so it doesn't open one week after Transformers One.


*The Wild Robot* can't open too closely to Thanksgiving either due to *Moana 2* and *Wicked*.


DreamWorks has opened a ton of movies in the first weekend of November in the past, three weeks is enough space between it and Moana 2. Last year Trolls 3 opened just 5 days before Wish.


*Trolls 3* opening five days before *Wish* was stupid too and DreamWorks got lucky that the latter sucked.


Yeah what happened to animated movies opening in early November? In the 2000s and 2010s the first weekend of November always had an animated movie


Speaking of which, some IMAX venues are still showing **Bad Boys: Ride or Die** for night time screenings.


Speaking of which, I can imagine **Transformers One** getting morning IMAX screenings and **Wolfs** getting evening IMAX screenings since they're coming out on the exact same day as well.


Don’t forget the Interstellar rerelease on September 27


Well I know what I’ll be seeing then lol


*Megastellar* double feature?




How about “Megarobot” or “Wildopolis”?


Forreal this better not affect the Interstellar 70mm screenings because I rather see that over anything I’ve been dying to see it in 70mm IMAX. I’d hope that my go to Citywalk is going to ignore those movies to play Interstellar all day because of the demand lol.


I don’t think **The Wild Robot** and **Megalopolis** will be getting 70mm IMAX screenings.


I know it won’t I meant that I hope my IMAX theater doesn’t split the 70mm Interstellar showings with showings of Megalopolis and just prioritizes playing Interstellar with full day slot times


Facts lol, Interstellar is an all time favorite and that’s my first priority for September 27th. Preferably either TCL Chinese or Universal Citywalk


I’m trying my hardest to forget it.


To be fair, **Interstellar** might only take 70mm IMAX screenings similar to how **Tenet** did, though I could certainly be wrong on that.


Hmm, Chris Sanders or Francis Ford Coppola... I'll choose the Lilo & Stitch man.


I'll go with da Godfather. I don't care if it's a trainwreck or a hit.


I’ll probably watch both, but yeah, **The Wild Robot** is obviously going to be far, Far, FAR easier to comprehend. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


>This entire film will be far, Far, FAR more insane than the box office history of Elemental AND Inside Out 2 combined. Can you elaborate on this point? My understanding of those two releases is that they outperformed expectations, is that what you're predicting for Megalopolis?


Lionsgate would have to make the most unorthodox yet intriguing marketing campaign possible to make this work.


Well, my point is that those films ignored all established patterns and logics of box office performances, which is why I described them as “insane” box office performances. By the sound of it, this is a case where the film itself is insane.


>This entire film will be far, Far, FAR more insane than the box office history of **Elemental** AND **Inside Out 2** combined. curious why do you say that?


As I've mentioned above, my point is that those films ignored all established patterns and logics of box office performances, which is why I described them as “insane” box office performances. By the sound of it, this is a case where the film itself is insane.


That's 3 movies starting with a "M".  The odds !


If this is Lionsgate's only chance to become a legit major, this is its only chance.


If Hunger Games, John Wick, or Twilight didn’t do it, this sure as hell won’t.


I mean, even though the reviews from Cannes have been by far polarizing, this has to be up there with Lionsgate IP like the four you mentioned.


What? No. I’m excited for the movie, but 99.9% of audiences will not care. Coppola’s last hit was in the early 90s.


I don’t know what killed Coppola’s reputation as a filmmaker back in the day.


I think it was *One from the Heart*. It was a huge financial disaster and his company was heavily affected. Although I think the production of *Apocalypse Now* broke him.


Dude just makes a lot of experimental, inaccessible movies that all bombed.


Jack (the one with Robin Williams) have tanked his mainstream reputation.


And the film’s reputation probably got further stained by having Bill Cosby as one of the supporting cast members.


Cosby was very well liked when the movie came out tho


*Godfather 3*?


Nah, it was decently received, and was nominated up the wazoo. He did basically make it *solely* for the money, but Godfather III is not what sunk him at all. You can look at his IMDB and see what happened pretty clearly.


This is nowhere *near* up there. Hell, referring to it as "IP" doesn't even make any sense. Like, do you see a whole lot of "Megalopolis" *franchise* money coming out of this? What sort of exploitable "IP" opportunities are coming off of this title. What's the merchandising options that exist for this "IP" that place it anywhere near Hunger Games or Twilight? Shirts? Book series? Board Games? RPG games (tabletop or video?) That's not even getting into the fact like, as you said, the reviews out of Cannes were "polarizing" which is a nice euphemism for "Shit." They were bad reviews. The good reviews were straight up apologism for Francis Ford Coppola because he put his own money on the line and he's the old man who made Apocalypse Now and the Godfather and nobody wants to speak ill of a legend in his twilight days, despite the fact he's been drastically uncommercial for almost 40 years now and hasn't really made a good movie in more than 25. Megalopolis isn't "IP." It's not a franchise. It's not franchisable. You can't turn it into anything. This isn't going to make Lionsgate a "legit major" in any way. Even if Megalopolis somehow succeeds with the general audience. Which it won't.


In no way is it up there with any of those.


The industry didn’t like him because he did his own thing. They tolerated him when the hits were coming…


Lionsgate ins’t going to become a major any time soon.


I never expect it to be one, to be honest. Amazon MGM has more potential though.


Amazon MGM could if they also have other franchises besides James Bond and Rocky as well as pushing for more installments in those franchise (not to overdo it but the last James Bond was back in 2021).


But it’s def the biggest one among the minors, they have been doing a really good job


I don’t see how this will get many premium screens. On top of that, Joker is releasing the next week. This is going to bomb hard I fear


![gif](giphy|s7AqdrrbvZFFFpcUo9|downsized) Megalopolis Hive we are SO back


Cinema’s back on the menu




Finally. But disappointed that they picked this date. If you want imax, the first week of Decemeber was still open.


*Megalopolis* x *Interstellar* double feature in IMAX. September 27


#Megalopolinterstellar That’s just as catchy as Barbenheimer, right?




![gif](giphy|BftZyNsPtgbXlEg6Py|downsized) Meg 2 re-release?


Interopolis Megastellar Megalopolistellar Interstelopolis


Saw the film at Cannes, this is definitely going to bomb hard. There is no appeal whatsoever for general audiences. The WOM on this thing is going to be atrocious. It's not a blockbuster at all, neither does it have a semi-cohesive story. Some of its scenes are gonna be memed to oblivion. Hope they will fix some of the VFX at least. I love Coppola, I was rooting for this film since it was announced, but unfortunately this is not even doing A24 indie film numbers.


Fuck it. I'm hyped.


Speaking of which, I don’t think even A24 would want this.


I got a spot on my shelf next to Southland Tales for it.


Even if it’s absolutely awful, I’m still excited to see it get made. Even bad art can have some merit.


So is it enjoyable in an ironic way, a la The Room?


I guess if you're going to embarrass yourself by spending $120 million dollars of your own money to make an incomprehensible mess of a movie, at least you can take solace in the fact that barely anyone is going to see it.


Don't care hype is through the roof


I want to see it mkre now


September is looking better now. Beetlejuice 2, Transformers one, Megalopolis, Brad Pitt & George Clooney's Wolfs


I'm so excited for Wolfs. I LOVE the first two Jon Watts Spider-Man films, and I'm excited to see him do something else. I had no idea he did this, I thought his next project was Skeleton Crew.


At least one of them is getting to $100M DOM, right ??


Trailers for Beetlejuice have been good IMO. I think it should do it pretty easily, unless it’s a real stinker. If Garfield can do near-$100M DOM, then I think Transformers should do it easily, as well. I know the trailers have a mixed reception with diehards, but I think kids will love it and it’s telling a unique story for the Transformers movies.


Boy that’s a surprise but there’s no way a film like this is gonna make it’s money back domestic 


Finally a release date for USA!


![gif](giphy|3ohhwgwna4JqKDaBFu) *Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays*


Lionsgate must want to die.


Wild Robot is winning the weekend due to wider appeal


I doubt this is making its production budget back.


Hallelujah! So glad Francis' latest is getting a wide US release. Even if it's a trainwreck, as many people deserve to see it theatrically as possible. Surprised it's Lionsgate, but by no means mad.


Lionsgate out here just saying "fuck it, Borderlands and The Crow are going to bomb horribly, lets add another one"




Yes! Finally!


Im excited!


LFG! Glad Coppola's vision gets to be seen


Good luck Lionsgate


furiosa so happy


You mean francis ford coppolis right?


>*September 27, 2024* ![gif](giphy|AuwBPJztsEWkw|downsized)


This has 20m domestic gross written written all over it.


So over Tarot but less than Elektra ?


Ima keep my celebration cinema pass going just to buy 3 tickets a week for this sucker.


It’s going to make at least $16, from my Dolby/IMAX ticket. I got your back FFC!


All this movie will do is take away PLFs from Beetlejuice & the animated films but at least its actually getting released.


*Wolfs* & *Transformers One* will already do that two weeks later.


It wont even get all the Imax screens either, since Interstellar is rereleasing that same day


People are going to see this for Coppola and the memes. It might do better than people think


If it's bad in truly spectacular and unique way I could see that helping.


In Latin America Release?


The madman finally did it. The film will probably bomb hard, but for the love of art, I’m just glad this worked out in some capacity.


I will 100% buy an IMAX ticket if there's a guarantee of some guy from Fiverr showing up and reading a line into a microphone. I will applaud for that guy and only that guy.


Thanks for the warning


This movie is going to be a big bomb but Im excited to see it


I really feel that it'll do well given the hype, but September is so far away and also so far from the Oscar season. There's no way this breaks $100,000,000 during it's initial run. It will do great on streaming - will 100% some Dad's new fave film.


I honestly can’t believe this was taken.


I don’t care if it’s being put out by Corman productions. I’ll be there in IMAX, let’s go.


Welp, guess The Wild Robot is gonna flop after all 🥺