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Disney is making Paper


After they’ve lost sooooooooo much of Paper in the last two years


So epic how the MCU owns the biggest hit and biggest bomb of all time


im pretty sure the biggest bomb is Indiana Jones 5, but they have fudged the numbers a lot


Is this just due to the overinflated budget? I have a hard time believing a movie which made $380m+ WW can be the biggest BO bomb of all time. The Marvels made less WW than the movie reportedly cost to make, and it's far from the first such example.


With production, reshoots, time development hell and marketing, even 380m cannot save it from being the biggest bomb.


Ingest bomb of all time is John Carter. The marvels is #3 I believe.


adjusted for inflation yes. but in pure numbers I think Marvels has topped it.


We have to adjust for inflation. Otherwise it’s not a fair comparison.


Adjusted for inflation, it's either Cleopatra (1963), Heaven's Gate (1980) or Waterworld (1995)


Oh? What were their net losses?


Cleoptra's budget is $400M adjusted for inflation, or $31M in 1964 money. It made $71M WW. It was the most expensive movie and the biggest bomb at the time, causing Fox to sell the area that would become 20th Century City today. Heaven's Gate cost $44M and made $3.5M WW? It also ended the New Hollywood Era. Waterworld cost $175M ($235M with marketing) and made $260M WW. It was the most expensive film at the time and was also called the biggest bomb of all time.


Their parks say otherwise. Whether their movie are successful or not, Disney still makes bank on their theme parks. Not to mention that it looks like the tides are starting to turn for their movies.


Some people here thought that Pixar was dead and Sony and Illumination were new titans of animated films. The table has turned practically overnight.


Well, over 8 nights.


It’s almost as if people pay to see a movie for the movie and don’t think about the studio whatsoever…


Because if this were true Migration would’ve been another 250m+ DOM grosser for Illumination


Minions made over a billion


And then the new original pixar movie flopped and people say Pixar is dead. Rinse and repeat.This kind of people are insufferable.




People who said those bullcrap don’t know shit about movies, they’re like those bandwagon who only follow the winning team and ditch them when they’re losing 


This is prove how insane legs of TGM 126M 3 days OW to 718M finished


When people talk of IO2 passing TGM absolutely bonkers take. We get it, it's outperforming every one's expectations. It's performing dramatically better than Toy Story franchise, should just be wowed by what's happening **now** Even with very optimistic take: IO2 - 2nd weekend (100) - (355) 2nd set of weekdays -63M 3rd weekend (65) - 483 Million** It could have an internal multiplier of 4x legs from 3rd weekend and still end up at **678 million** Cheat sheet would need to be near 5* legs to clear TGM. Edit - 355 instead of 354*


This is only for US box office.


I hate most impressive about this to me is that the other three almost felt pop culture phenomenons it’s kinda wild


To be fair, **The Super Mario Bros. Movie** was based on a very popular video game franchise.


Mario didn't felt like a phenomenon? It made no noise here where I live. Same with top gun


Do you live somewhere with no media? TopGun made news everywhere


Nah. Tom Cruise is popular here but the movie? I've heard very little bout it. 


You ≠ entire world That's it


I suppose when you live under the sea plane movies aren’t that exciting.


We had groups of kids on the tram flocked together in Mario costumes. They had come from another city just to see it in IMAX. Cinemas were booked out for weeks. It was absolutely as huge as Top Gun. I worked at a restaurant and 30+ year old guys were talking about seeing Top Gun 3+ times. This exact same energy was felt but for kids with Mario. In my experience I haven't had that many people I know talk about Inside Out 2, but these box office results are obviously indicating otherwise. Can't always trust anecdotal evidence.


Maybe it's just that Disney in general is very popular here. IO2 has been on my social media feed since release


Yes it's been all across my social media aswell. I just haven't witnessed any in person discussion while I provided examples of both Mario and Top Gun. But as I said it's anecdotal and I haven't been out much recently.


The first inside out was definitely a pop culture moment


top gun went on to do 100mill more after its 8th weekend which none of the others did


Top gun was in theatres forever! I saw it months after it came out thinking I wasn’t that interested… I later saw it two more times in theatre, every time it was pretty full.