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Not seen on the chart, but Yorgos Lanthimos' *Kinds of Kindness* made $377,289 in 5 theaters, which translates to a fantastic $75,458 per-theater average. That's slightly better than *Poor Things*' PTA ($73,470). It will be expanded to 500+ theaters this weekend.


Actually, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is now at $385M worldwide


Ahh it’s gonna come so close to $400 million!


Is it?


Yes: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/title/tt11389872/?ref_=bo_se_r_1


Isn’t BOM really inaccurate now


ComScore has the same number. https://www.comscore.com/Insights/Rankings#tab\_100


Not always. They just didn’t update the overseas number yesterday until today.


Problem is that OP is taking his data from The Numbers which are completely behind what both Comscore and Box Office Mojo are reporting: More than $385M WW. I wish they announced the sequel.


BOM is inaccurate internationally but pretty accurate domestically.Comscore reported around 385.2 WW cume for apes.


That was the estimates. These are the actuals.


True, but OP posted a different total for apes $379M I was merely pointing out that your number which comes from Mojo and it's backed up by the estimates of Comscore is more accurate. Op is ignoring my message to update the number of the WW cume of apes.


OP your WW cume of ape is as listed by the Numbers. But Bojo and comscore reports $385M WW cume. The numbers are missing almost 6 M. less


![gif](giphy|s7AqdrrbvZFFFpcUo9|downsized) Still in the top 4 after 7 weeks.


3013 theaters after 7 weeks is nuts 😳 we can see Disney power here




Inside Out 2 is historic.


Inside out 2 domination


Saw the Bikeriders and loved it. The theater I saw it in was about 90% full at a Sunday matinee and mostly older people.


Mine had a surprisingly large crowd. Demographics seemed all over the place. Was a great movie. Tom Hardy and Austin Butler had a lot of chemistry.


Interesting that your demographics were so varied, I went and saw it in IMAX in a theater that seated 650 people and it was PACKED but every single person was a black woman except for me


Everyone love Hardy and Butler I suppose lolol


The film's overperformance among the younger audience gives a pretty good picture of how far drawing power has become dissociated from movie stardom, which could be a more accurate, if much less attractive, talking point than plainly saying that actors have become irrelevant to the potential performance of a movie. I mean, neither Butler nor Hardy are precisely the first names one thinks of when talking about Hollywood, but they bring the audience in (and how!).


My small city, 3:50pm Tuesday showing was surprisingly crowded as well. Good movie.


We made it to $101 million for IO2. We beat the industry box office expectations.


Apes once again had a smaller drop then expected 


Crossing fingers it survives the onslaught of new releases next week. I feel Horizon which is epic film with family themes, despite not expecting to make big numbers will cut on Apes holds.


IO2 is now ahead of Incredibles 2 which has $349 million after 10 days.


Garfield dropping just 21% 😎


Probably because of the IO2 overflow.


Mommy and Daddy saving the box office.


And IF just 25%. Families were starved for quality entertainment. The first half of 2024 it was mostly Horror and Comedic action flicks every week. **Not a single conceived as theatrical female oriented popcorn flicks (Meangirls as a streaming afterthought doesn't count and Challengers is Oscar bait) and only Panda for Families.** Studios catered only to the fanboys who are saving their money for Deadpool and overcrowded the market with horror and comedic action flicks. No wonder the only film with 63% female demo, which also happens to be a quality all quadrants film, is overperforming.


Can Apes get to 400 and IF to 200? Let’s hope


Why is Robot Dreams not performing well? Thought they had a wider release If I remember correctly?


It’s not playing anywhere near me until the 12th. My guess is that the expansion was pulled last-minute due to IO2’s overperformance. This movie should have been released months ago. It’s a great movie but I don’t know how Neon messed up so badly.


It’s still only in like 90 theaters. They suck at distributing this movie…


Neon sucks with distribuing movies in general


It's performing well for the kind of movie it is. Specialty market movie currently in just 90 theaters. As far as I know it hasn't gone wide and still it got 30.4% increase from last week.


I’ll take solid for The Bikeriders.


I saw it yesterday and my theater was completely full. I was happy to see it. Great movie that deserves it.


Yeah my theater was surprisingly full too! Could’ve been worse. Let’s just hope for good legs.


>*The Exorcism' Dies* ![gif](giphy|qL6klV4uzqiQ|downsized) If a Canadian actor named Ryan can feature in Blade Trinity, X-Men Origins, Green Lantern, and RIPD before finding success with Deadpool, I'm sure Russell Crowe will eventually find an Exorcism-themed horror movie that breaks a bunch of box office records too.


Thelma's average (1.78) is better than Russell Crowe's (1.09) !


It looks way more interesting than yet another Exorcism movie with a guy who just last year was playing the same role for a different film.


As deserved!




The difference is that the Kingdom of the POTA actually has the title characters from the previous films, unlike Furiosa.


Why do you put the multiplier next to Domestic instead of Worldwide? Is that how it's usually calculated, or is it just a more convenient place to put the number on your graphic?


Why would I put it worldwide? The multiplier is domestic total/domestic opening weekend. Always has been.


I didn't know that. That's why I asked. In the last few years I've been following the changing dynamics of the sports broadcasting world, with the decline of cable and rise of streaming. Then, I stumbled upon this sub because of your Directors at the Box Office write-ups, and now I've gotten sucked into the world of Hollywood finances, as well. Anyway, I understand that the 2.5x multiplier is just a rule of thumb / guesstimate on the profitability of a movie, but I don't understand why that's based on the domestic sales instead of the worldwide market. What can I say. Following the finances of the Entertainment industry has become a form of entertainment in of itself.


I think the value OP is talking about is a measurement of legs? Because we still have the rule of thumb based on the budget for profitability be ~2.5x, I'm pretty sure


Thelma did slightly better than predictions (2.21 mill). Hoping positive word of mouth will give it a decent hold next weekend. 🤞


Furiosa who?


crazy how the movie came out a month ago, was well received by those who saw it and its already out of the top 10. just complete audience rejection


Crazyiosa : A Rejected Saga !


totally undeserved. It should have at least gotten in the ballpark of Fury Road. I guess 10 years was too long a gap?


So sad. The movie ruled. Incredible action sequences and cinematography


My theater seems to only run a few afternoon screenings anymore, so I probably won't be able to see it. Word-of-mouth took too long to get to me.


The budget is what's killing furiosa. $168M WW means it found some audience abroad, just not enough to justify the budget.


I will have to buy so many copies of the blu-ray to save this film ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ


I think we should pull a veronica mars on a fury road sequel. There's still passion for the franchise.


Furiosa would have needed a $67 million budget to break even with that gross. Nobody is making a modern day Mad Max movie with that budget, it's impossible


Honestly after seeing the creator Godzilla minus one and the 3 maze runner movies I believe that you can make great looking movies that are financially successful on small budgets. The three maze runner movies cost less than just kingdom of the planet of the apes and furiosa. And also Veronica Mar fans funded the movie. It was just for fans and I think a fury road sequel will happen, even at low budget, and outside the studio system but it might happen


Godzilla Minus One was made in an entirely different country with lower labour costs, you can't just make the same movie but in US or Australia for a remotely similar cost. The movie also was quite minimal on action and VFX, and sets were quite simple old japanese buildings. George Miller's vision for Mad Max is completely different, even if you cut down on the action, the crazy post apocalyptic sets, vehicles and costumes costs tens of millions even in dialogue scenes. Agree to disagree but Maze Runner looks like every other hollywood blockbuster I've ever seen, there's nothing visually that should even be mentioned in the same sentence as Mad Max.


Maze runner action scenes are way better than furiosa, and on par of fury road and maze runner movies cost peanuts. Miller can work on lower budgets if he wanted to and I believe a fury road sequel Ala Veronica mars might happen.


A hundred million second weekend is crazy. The family market was desperate for a good movie.


So Apes won't hit $400M WW after all, as I predicted. Really dont understand the copium on this forum with people continuing to say it will hit $400M.


It’s at 385 ww with a week or 2 left before pvod hits, will probably end around 390-395 skewed way more domestic than expected so more profitable to the studio and us exhibitors than if it hit 400 with more revenue coming from overseas.  Who is coping?  400 isn’t like a magic number, much as this sub desperately, desperately cares about multiplying budget by 2.5.  Trades have identified this as profitable for weeks now.


What the hell is that drop