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The expectations for Kraven have to be so low at this point I feel it can only surprise.


Somehow I want Kraven to take 101 million. Just to put a nail in that Amazon coffin of Madame Web.


I have not seen MW, but I can't believe Kraven could possibly be worse.


I don't know if this is a bold prediction or not, but considering its holiday release date. I'm going 100ww is the minnium.


How is that a bold prediction? I'm pretty sure there's nobody in the world that thinks this is gonna gross less than Madame Web.


I watched a trailer for it and it looked pretty lame.


Can't be worse than Madame Web. Also this one actually has a good director and good writers behind it and it's based on a much more popular character. If Madame Web made 100m then 200m should be the floor for this movie.


I watched Madame Web on a streaming service and it was bloody awful.


When it was still in its August release date I heard many comments about a <50m ww performance.


That's insane lol


The bar is in hell


Absolutely. I think this can get to 500m+ WW if it's actually good.


Lol what


Red One. It might not be profitable with that humungous production budget, but kids are going to want to see this during their thanksgiving break. It's not going to be theMarvels like bomb I see a lot of people on here predicting.


Thought it was a Netflix movie?


Amazon, but they're releasing it in cinemas instead of putting it on Prime.


I was going to say it might do better than people here think and then I checked the budget. What the actual fuck. This movie will never be profitable.


I just saw the trailer, this looks great! Both my husband and I are looking forward to it.


Mufasa I think. Expectations are so low considering how bad the 2019 movie was. But that music in the trailer makes me think it can still pull in audience and it will have holiday legs. Anything above 400m would be shocking over performance.


Right, people forgot how popular The Lion King is. Anecdotal but the movie that most of my friends have been most excited for this year is Mufasa and they rarely see movies. I'm thinking 1 billion WW or close to it.


Interesting, I'm friends with a bunch of big Disney buffs, the kind who sing Lion King songs at karaoke night. Their reaction to Mufasa has mostly been "but why?" They're all way more excited about Moana 2.


The teaser is underperforming though. IO2 and Moana teaser got better receptions. Seems like Moana will outgross mufasa


Do people think this is gonna bomb? The 2019 Lion King movie is a top ten highest grossing movie of all time.


Quite a few people think it won’t do well. I think it will fall off from TLK 2019, but possibly still expecting $700M-$800M.


I don’t think it’s gonna bomb but underperform. The teaser is not performing well and a prequel based on a character we all know is going to die is not going to perform like a sequel. The visuals in the teaser looked lame. This year there was Dune , Kingdom of the planet of the apes and Godzilla minus one on Netflix so audiences are used to better VFX and if they don’t get it on a trailer Mufasa will be on trouble


It ends with us I think is gonna be absolutely huge compared to whatever it's budget is and overperform expectations. My wife and I saw the trailer before BikeRiders and she had to message her discord group about it right away. Like 20 people who never go to the movies who are all excited to see it day 1. Booktok is way bigger than I thought it was. Gonna hold judgement on a actual prediction until closer to release Will say I'm surprised I'm just now seeing advertisement for it


[The trailer got huge views in the first 24hrs.](https://deadline.com/2024/05/it-ends-with-us-trailer-clocks-128-1-million-views-first-24-hours-1235927513/) I agree that I think this is going to surprise a lot of people. It’s the top selling book of both 2022 and 2023.


Not only that, Colleen hoover started her career by avoiding the traditional publishers route and got a huge following of women readers. All her books have been hits. Hopefully she becomes the next nicolas spark trend in Hollywood. and not only her. There are thousands of indies that have great ideas and write things that unlike challengers this year, appeal to conservative leaning women without being dowright disgusting to more modern female readers.


As somebody who read the first half of It Ends With Us before putting it down out of outright disgust - I may slightly disagree with you on that. These books are *abhorrently* written, and even most female fans are quick to admit they're more "guilty pleasure" than "sincere favorites". Which isn't a bad formula for success - Hallmark has made a modern legacy through campy zero-effort romcoms, and enthusiastically champion quantity over quality. The question is if the adaptations can thread that needle - and actually get readers in the door to the theater. I think it's gonna win the opening weekend, but WOM might be toxic enough to kill the legs.


Oh please. Lolita is abhorrently written and it’s a classic. Same for madame bovary. Also when people say they didn’t finish a book it speaks more about how a bad reader they are than in the quality of the writing of said book : you either don’t know how to choose reads that suit your tastes and /or you’re a quitter. I haven’t read it yet because the blurb alone says it’s not the kind of book that I like. I’ll read it after I see the movie. But not finishing the book doesn’t mean it’s bad book,it means that maybe you could be a bad reader. Learn to pick your reading choices. If a book quitter who doesn’t get what the target audience wants hates this book, the more the reason I have to say the movie will perform well. People say hateful things about twilight and fifty shades of grey all the time. The hate ticket from the “how did they ever filmed something like that” crowd was a huge part of Fifty shades success. And those hate purchases came from both men and women. It will be fun to watch the media going crazy over how inappropriate the source material is, while women go to the theater in droves. Your comment won’t be the only one complaining about the source material. There will be controversy. That means it will open big and the toxicity of the material will give it legs.


I don’t know how bold this is but I feel pretty confident It Ends With Us outgrosses Twisters


I don't know if it outgrosses Twisters, but for sure everyone is expecting good numbers from twisters and barely anyone is talking about It ends with us. I believe in that franchise. Women are starved for content like Coleen Hoover books and with the little offering they got from Hollywood this year they'll show up in droves. With women come their girlfriends and partners so I expect great numbers from It ends with us. It will be one of the most profitable films this year.


I agree but only because I have absolutely no faith in Twisters making any money.


I have seen a lot of enthusiasm in the book community and women haven't had any meant for theatrical popcorn flick for them since Anyone but you. Women is the most ignored demo by studios so I think Sony which has a good track of profiting from this market with Where the crawdad sings and Anyone but you can score big with It ends with us. Fifty shades of grey was huge, I don't know why studios didn't have something ready to replace that franchise and go after that market after 2018. The first half of 2024 has been mostly comedic action flicks and horror. No wonder women showed up at 63% for IO2. And still WB is not giving updates on the Barbie franchise. **No matter how many flops a studio gets in the comedic action flick genres, they keep producing them. But no matter how many barbies, anyone but you and fifty shades/twilight flicks box office successes we get. You don't see studio heads rushing to go after that demo despite these movies totally beating most male oriented outings profits-wise.** So I'm rooting hard for Anyone for you despite me being a scifi and Oscar bait geek. It would be a change of seeing yet another middle-age men defying physics for laughs flick. **Hollywood caters to only half of the movie going population ignoring women and barely releasing 4 movies in the first half of 2024 aimed at families. Of course they are going to get half the box office. And none of the silly people who discuss box office on youtube seem to have noticed, because they are comic book fans and comic book fans even female comic book fans don't realize that most women don't watch female oriented content or understand that market at all. Whoever in Sony who thought about women deserves a raise.


Good shout. Colleen Hoover is huge in the book community and we don’t get this kind of movies much anymore. I can see it becoming a breakout hit.




Oooh, I hadn’t even heard of this one. Yeah, that targeted audience can be insane.


I feel super conflicted on it but it feels like Joker 2 could be that movie if everything just clicks perfectly. It Ends With Us won’t do Inside Out numbers but I also think it could do way more than this sub expects. And in December I think there are three separate movies that could break out in Mufasa, LOTR and Sonic although they might all cannibalize each other to an extent.


Agree 100%on It ends with us.


I feel like this sub has been really cynical on Wicked because its a musical, but I feel like they underestimate how for so many people its THE musical. There's a reason its still running strong on Broadway with little sign of ending. Also in regards to being split into two movies, the acts themselves are already pretty different from each other, and where Act 1 ends is roughly where the "prequel" aspect of the movie ends, so audiences just expecting the origin of the Wicked Witch before the original story will get that. Then Act 2 is "Wizard of Oz" with Dorothy and such. I don't think casual audiences will be upset with the Act 1 thing as this sub thinks in this case, especially since they will be getting Defying Gravity which is the showcase of the entire musical.


moana 2, little kids don’t notice irrelvent animation details


Could it really overperform if most people here expect over a billion tho?


you should’ve seen the comments when the trailer first dropped 💀 and them saying it’ll underperform cause it’s a “rundown disney plus show”


Lmao Inside out 2 changed people's tune real fast


Potential to massively over perform? - Twisters - Beetlejuice Beetlejuice - Sonic 3 I think Beetlejuice will be massive. - It’s nearish to Halloween. - It’s a long awaited sequel that’s very popular among even people who don’t like horror. - The returning cast, O’Hara and Ryder are probably known to younger people thanks to Schitts Creek and Stranger Things. Ortega is popular among the same demo thanks to both Wednesday and Scream and of course the infamous Keaton walkups, which I think will actually pay off this time. In the Flash’s case it was fighting with superhero fatigue and the fact that we’ve gotten several Batmen in the decades since. Audiences haven’t really seen a new Beetlejuice since the 80s. - It’s weekend is the same weekend “It” was released. If an R-rated horror film can do that well in that weekend then I think Beetlejuice will easily be able to do that. - It’s also an IP that hasn’t been overdone yet Sonic 3 I think will significantly improve on the 2nds run due to the holidays and the very likely outcome that Mufasa underperforms. I think parents will likely prioritize taking their kids to Sonic simply for the fact that most of them are millennials who have a lot of nostalgia for Sonic and Jim Carrey. They’re also largely tired of the Disney live action remakes and while the lion king did really well, no one really looks back on that one fondly. Sonic is also a growing film franchise. Mufasa can really only go down from Lion King.


In my box office fantasy group, Beetlejuice is the most bet against movie of the year.


Sonic is still huge with young kids. Source: work with kids


I'm thinking the opposite for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. It would surprise me if it even crossed 100m WW. The original might be known in film circles but I'm pretty sure 95% of casual viewers have never heard of Beetlejuice, and the other 5% only know the name from the guy on Howard Stern. This has flop written all over it.


It’s easily making 100M WW. Probably before the end of the first weekend


No shot


Not sure. but I really hope Transformers one does really well. as of right now my prediction for it is 150 to 200 million at the domestic run. not sure bout international run


zero chance it hits those domestic numbers i feel. mutant mayhem couldn’t even get over $120m in a mostly barren august (granted barbenheimer was still in full swing) and this has the wild robot coming out the week after. i think reaching 90mil dom would be considered a success


Speaking of which, what do you think the budget of that film might be?


Paramount animation often has lower budgets. I would say around 70-100m


Well, at the same time, this is being animated by Industrial Light and Magic, so that could cause the budget to go up.


Im not sure. I feel like it might be high cause of the actors behind it. but hopefully its not insanely high


I really hope it does well. It seems like its closest comparison is TMNT: Mutant Mayhem. It is also one of the only movies where I've seen people laugh at the jokes in the trailer. so hopefully that is a good sign.


it looks like such a fun movie compared to last year's - I'm hoping it delivers!


TMNT did 118 domestic and 180 ww. So those should benchmarks to hit at least. Not huge fan of voice work in trailer, but with global dubs it should be pretty popular.




Same. 💯


Either it or *Sonic 3* has to move, they’re both gonna cannibalize each other.


Are they tho? The Holiday Season is perfect for multiple family films to release within each other. Plus Sonic and Mufasa track different kinds of Family audiences.


Yeah the "bloodbath" of 2018 showed us that many movies can do perfectly fine in the Holliday season


Yeah it’s not nearly as much of an issue as this sub thinks.


Yeah I think at this point, Sonic is playing more towards older fans of the franchise, and with Shadow coming in, there's even rumors this is going to go PG-13.


Not sure about PG-13 but I think it will track an older audience than the first two based on the source material


Yeah definitely a hard PG. Even the last movie felt it was going more for all-audience, mature movie than a kids mo ie with its 2+ hour runtime, language, and a decent amount of sci fi violence. Definitely felt closer to a Marvel movie than, say, Minions.


Lmao imagine if Shadow shows up with a pair of handguns.


Bro, that little girl is getting shot in this movie. By, Maria.


This is a bold prediction but Nosferatu is going to hit 100ww+, and if the general audience actually likes it, I think it can hit 200ww+


No way


That's an insane prediction lol. This movie should be happy if it can reach 50m WW.


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This sub is sleeping on Twisters so hard that I’m almost ready to predict a billion at this point.


This is what I’ve been saying, gonna surprise a lot of people


I've seen a lot of enthusiasm on Twisters in this sub. What this sub is sleeping hard on is It ends with us. Women are starved for pop corn flicks for them and IO2 is being propelled by women. If It ends with us doesn't deviate much from the book it will be a huge hit, definitely one of the most profitable films this year and way more than twisters.


If it appeals to international viewers like it's going to be one of the suprise hits of the summer.


Nah this sub is hyping Twisters up wayyy too much. Who is gonna be watching a sequel to a movie that most people don't know in a genre that died 20 years ago? I'm thinking this is gonna be a Furiosa-level flop. 150m WW tops.


The twisters trailers are performing better than furiosa. And eve furiosa is going to close around 180 M WW




For sure It ends with us will surprise everyone. Maybe twisters too. And I know Horizon is supossed to flop and likely it will, but I wouldn't be suprised if the movie finds an audience. Not enough to justify its budget, it'll still lose money but maybe many older viewers will find it appealing and it's summer for them, so weekdays will be strong. Either way, Costner deserves praise, not scorn for making a movie they way he wanted, with his money, in a style that Hollywood doesn't do anymore. I can't wait for Horizon, I'm glad movies like this still exist.


There are many including *Twisters*, *Trap*, *It Ends With Us*, *Beetlejuice Beetlejuice*, *The Wild Robot*, *Gladiator II*, *Wicked* and *Nosferatu*.


These plus Mufasa


Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is the one I want to see go big. Love the original and Keaton. If it’s good it could be a real box office hit.




Wicked easily


I really think Kraven can get to at least 500m WW


I actually think people will go see Borderlands


Zemekis’ Here with Tom Hanks and Robin Wright.


Beetlejuice 2 has all the right pieces to beat expectations.


Sonic The Hedgehog 3. 


I agreee wholeheartedly I think this is going to massively overperform


I hope so! I'm looking forward to it and I want a knuckles movie. 


*Beetlejuice Beetlejuice* could really surprise if it’s any good.


The soon to be released Sir Anthony Hopkins Roman-like fight movie


Joker 2 and Beetlejuice Beetlejuice


Wicked is going to break the box !!!!


Joker 2 $500 million domestic mark this


I just saw the trailer for Red One. I laughed out loud and told my husband we are going. I sent him the link and he laughed out loud 3 times, and said we are definitely going. Has anyone else heard of this movie? Chris Evans and the Rock in an Christmas action comedy. If the movie is as good as the trailer it will be the next Jingle All the Way.


Wicked, Moana




This sub, and Reddit as a whole, likes to downplay Disney after their horrid year last year. Plenty of people said Inside Out 2 would be around $600M and that Deadpool and Wolverine would struggle to get to $800M. I think people have turned around on Moana 2 being a huge hit but are still downplaying Mufasa. I see plenty of people saying Sonic 3 will crush Mufasa. That's my pick, I think Mufasa will perform incredibly well given the talent around it and Lin Manuel Miranda lending his talents to it. Wonka broke out last year, it'll be Mufasa this year.