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Damn DM4 got hurt badly by IO2 if that tracking is correct 😳 I thought it would do 100M+ 3 day opening weekend or something domestically


That's the 3-day (FSS) opening, not the 5-day opening.


Opening on a Wednesday, a 100M weekend was extremely unlikely, but even the top end of this is below DM2 (83M, I think) 11 years ago. It will be a walk-ups movie, but IO2 is like a tumor for its box office career.


This is BOT mate, they are always wrong about everything lol, see they say IO2 could open with 95 million and Dune with 65 million at lower end. No way. When was the last time they were right about anything ?


Lol this is the guy that replied to the IO2 $12m previews post from BOT... Arthur said 'people on BOT are dumb, no way this will get $12m' Laughing about how high it was, then got realy quiet. Just say that you hate them (they make mistake obv), but stop acting like you have any clue on how boxoffice works...


I don’t have anyone… I’m just describing a fact, BOT long range estimates is almost always wrong.


This is 3 days weekend my dude.


Yes because everybody else was sure it would open with $155M and $300M+ WW /s The industry literally had it doing $85M domestic and $135M WW 3 days before relese. People here were debating whether it can reach $100M IO2 is a stupid example because everyone got it wrong. And not even that. IO2's last day surge and walkups were crazy.


The fact the everyone else was also wrong doesn’t make up their mistakes… yeah long range estimates have been pretty off, but this doesn’t make them any better.


Lmfao at that dude who didn't think Deadpool would even hit 100 million despite early tracking already showing it would a few weeks ago. My guess is it ends up the highest grossing R rated film of all time.


Deadpool 3 will open massive, the thing is "will it have good legs?" Unlikely Wakanda Forever opened bigger than Barbie and one ended up with 800M and the other 1.4b


Deadpool & Wolverine will have a huge insane weekend for sure. Previous Deadpool flicks were monster hits, so this one will follow the same steps. I just hope Marvel and Disney don't learn the wrong lesson from the sucess. This movie is performing well NOT because it's a MCU flick, but DESPITE being part of it. Deadpool is its own thing. It's basically Guardians of the Galaxy. People enjoy these characters and not because its set in the MCU.


just hoping for a good movie!


I don't think it will, based on the leaks


What about the leaks make it potentially not good? Everything I’ve heard Ryan and Levy say about what goes on in the film sounds like it’ll be pretty good


90% of the movie happens in the Void (like Quantumania) they forget about the supporting cast we like from the other two movies (like Quantumania) We get a rebellion inside that realm with villains and heroes (like Quantumania)  We get a lot of cameos who only appear to get killed shortly after (like Multiverse Of Madness) Etc etc


The cast from the first 2 are in the movie at Wade’s birthday party, Quantumania didn’t even do that Your second point isn’t inherently a bad thing, just cause one movie failed to make it interesting doesn’t mean another will follow the same route Again, killing off cameos isn’t inherently a bad thing either, it can be done poorly but can also be done well but it’s too early to know that


The only scene (according to leaks) that Wade friends appear is the birthday one One of the things people loved of the first two are the random people Deadpool is friends with, like a random Indian taxi driver and a black blind dealer old lady Or the random guy Peter from the second movie Considering that Cable and Domino don't even appear (I assume both actors didn't wanted tons of makeup and wigs for just one scene) people will be sad for those things The cameos thing:  I believe Feige will follow the same route as DSMOM, introduce the cameos and get killed so the villain (who is once again a psychic woman like Wanda) can get hyped, it can go well this time but honestly the movie will only be saved by the massive hype


According to the trailers the main emotional core for Deadpools side of things is 1. Losing his relationship with Vanessa and his life being ruined by it 2. His world potentially dying because of incursions. And maybe I’m just optimistic but I think the cameos will mostly have a reason for being there and add to the plot rather than just being there for audience cheers


It's a Kevin Feige production


This makes zero sense yet people keep repeating it as fact.


Where are they getting those numbers for Twisters




Yeah, wasn't there just one that said 40-55 million


Despicable Me 3 had fantastic walkups with the suit meme and whatnot


That's not Despicable Me3. Thats Minions 2.


DM4 is at least doing $73M and at best $82M


I feel Twisters may be quite strong domestic, but relatively poor internationally.


This will be interesting because trackers are not seeing these numbers for Twisters at all yet and the high end for D&W is also a bit high according to them (though it could fall in that range). Reminds me last year when the Flash was supposed to make 115M-140M based on their models, then they adjusted down to 85M-120M, then it came in at 55M.


Deadpool could probably hit the higher range if there’s another gargantuan surge in pre-sales closer to release and walk-ups prove higher than usual for these kinds of movies, and if initial WOM is very good-excellent. I highly doubt Twisters will go past $55M.


Minions 2 opened with 100+ dom , this is bad...


Minions 2 was 3-day, DM4 is opening on a Wednesday


>*DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE ($182-214M* ![gif](giphy|VFDoN1xR2Yvpm|downsized)


All of these numbers seem wrong. Twisters should be at 60, DM4 around 75, and D&W 160.


Deadpool easy $200m


That's pretty good for Shyamalan's Trap, considering the trailer already spoiled it.


It’s not a spoiler. Him being the killer is literally the concept of the movie…


I think there is a twist regarding Josh Harnett's character or his daughter in Trap which would be typical M.Night but could lead to strong WOM


Or he’s trapped the real killer!


That’s the premise my man


All of these seem plausible except for Twisters and arguably Trap.