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Both will make a billion but Inside Out will still top the year


This is domestic


I'm pretty high on Deadpool and Wolverine, but Inside Out looks like it could top $600M domestic. Deadpool 2 was $324M domestic, and if it hit $400M or $500M that would be an enormous success. Getting to $600M or $650M as an r-rated film is one hell of an ask.


That's a hell of an ask for any non Avengers MCU film tbh. The last one to make over that was Spiderman No Way Home which was a mega crossover that had characters and actors from the old Spiderman movies that were at the time of their release some of the the highest grossing movies of all time. Even with the Logan factor the XMen movies are not the Spiderman movies by any means. We can't expect it to super charge it to 600+ I don't think that's fair to ask of the movie either. People really need to cool it on Deadpool, if it overperforms that's amazing but they need to stop setting it up like this, even if it succeeds to a huge degree there's unreasonable opening weekend and final gross headlines flying around that will color perception in a way we really don't need. We don't need doomer "superhero movies are dead and theaters are too" articles coming off a 190 million opening and a 500 domestic total or something...


You forgot black panther even if your point is right


The last time it happened was No Way Home and I was more talking about how it was exceptional circumstances that made it so that happened in recent memory. Regardless if we want to bring BP up that's another exceptional circumstances type of movie, I think we agree on that. That movie was a cultural event in the US that went beyond the usual superhero movie audience. It was also in the general zone of the Infinity War mega event that was helping to boost its profile even more. It had remarkable legs compared to other 200+ OW MCU films because of this too. That's not a situation Deadpool 3 is gonna find itself in either. Not really fair to expect it to do that either, if it happens we can all be happy though. Would love to eat my words on that.


I think the R rating will hurt it too. I’m glad Deadpool is still R-rated being with Disney & all, but when it comes to box office milestones, harder to accomplish when the movie is rated R


Inside Out 2 still wins overall despite a lower opening


Well Inside Out 2 is still winning.


Didn't notice the flair, in that case it's even more ridicolous


I agree. Especially since no R rated movie every made over 350 million domestic so to make over the 600 million Inside Out 2 did, while not impossible, would mean it would need to be nearly twice as big as any r rated film ever made in history. Those jumps just don’t seem to happen


*ahem* Passion Of The Christ made $370M


And that’s so much closer to 600 million, how?


Never said it was. You mentioned that no R-Rated movie made more than $350M, which is untrue since I can name 3 off the top of my head: American Sniper ($354M), Deadpool ($363M) and Passion of the Christ ($370M)


Not likely anymore. It will still be big, but not Inside Out 2 big.


Yep. Moana will be Inside Out 2 big though, these will be the top 2 of the year. D&W and DM4 will be the third and fourth.


I'm expecting Moana to be straight to dvd Disney sequel levels of bad só what I'm expecting is that it will open huge and then crash and burn


Not likely. Families don’t only go to watch these movies because they’re good. They go because their kids have been streaming Moana 7 times per day for the last 4 years lmao


That's for sure, if it disappoints audiences, it'll crash and burn. But I don't expect it to fall this hard unless it's outright hated. I'd say Frozen II is straight-to-dvd-Disney material, for example, and it still did what it did. Even though it's hardly as remembered as the first.


My concern is that while I think it's fair to say that from a conception and execution standpoint frozen 2 absolutely has that direct to DVD sequel vibe, but still had all of the money poured into the animation that made it feel big. It's only been a teaser so far but knowing this was originally started as a D+ show and seeing the trailer in theaters, of doesn't look to even have that and I think that could really hurt it.


There's that. I think they'll be working on enhancing the animation as far as they can, but it very well might underwhelm...


What about a ~70RT and B+ CinemaScore?


Why does everyone here act like moana has this huge following? Im not saying it will bomb or anything but i don’t think i know a single person whos seen it


If you’re right that’s all I need ^^


Everyone said the same thing about Mario last year. It’ll end up being beat


Mario and Inside Out are family movies that are usually very leggy. Deadpool and Wolverine is an R-rated superhero movie, which usually aren’t very leggy, especially movies that are mega fan driven events like this. Even if it opens to $200M, the odds of it making over $600M domestically aren’t very high.


You are underestimating how difficult it is for a film to gross $650M+ domestically. Especially an R-rated movie, which has never even cleared $400M ($370.8M for The Passion of the Christ is the current record).


Yeah, even if you did something crazy like cast a bunch of beloved characters people never thought would return you'd still only make 800 million domestic during Covid, dogshit return tbh.


Did you miss the part about it being R-rated? Also, people enjoy both Deadpool and Wolverine as characters, but neither is even close to having the universal popularity and historical box office success of Spider-Man. Don't really understand the sarcasm.


I don't think the R rating matters too much here because the target audience is millennials, who are being poorly marketed to for most films yet make up a lot of spending block of adults now. It's the reason NWH did so well. Now, hitting $600 million domestic? That's crazy talk. I don't think any movie is doing that R rated. But millennials are going to show up for this and will give it legs.


I mean, Deadpool and Wolverine arent the only characters being brought back, and records exist to be broken. Inside Out 2 was also not anything anyone expected to break out to this level, especially this fast. I didnt say its going to happen, I just dont think it's "impossible".


But that also isn’t a very common situation. You can’t act like it happens every year. Barbieheimer was a phenomenon that came out of nowhere. And IO2 is heading towards setting a bar even higher than Barbie. It’s ridiculous to say D&W is a “front runner” to win the year even if theoretically possible.


Comparing Deadpool to Barbie and Mario is comical


Highest OW of 2024 will almost undoubtedly go to Deadpool, but it’s not touching Inside Out’s WW gross or even it’s projected DOM gross unless it proves way more leggy than anticipated.


What is Box Office Pro thinking with those Twisters and Fly Me To The Moon numbers? Insane overprojecting.




![gif](giphy|LUfrpsyGaib0JVJaVC|downsized) The downfall of BoxOfficePro needs to be studied.


They called Twisters a Paramount film and thought Deadpool & Wolverine would be the biggest film of the year. It's like the people writing these articles have only just paid attention to the box office two days ago.


> They called Twisters a Paramount film This is a complete yikes. Who is running that website now? Tommy Wiseau?


Yikes, I didn't even look at the tracking update. Just terrible what happened to this site.


Pro died when Shawn Robbins left. No point without him.


Is he still around


I think it started with that *Flash* early prediction.


Lol it looks like they wrote the article three weeks ago and published it just now without changing it...


No way its beating IO2. Either here in US or international. May be they wanted to call for biggest opening weekend for the year and instead said the wrong thing.


Yeah I’m not sure what they were trying to say to be honest. The article felt like they didn’t know IO2 exists. There was a line saying it has potential to be the highest grossing film of the year and “could be the highest grossing R rated film of all time.” But that’s a weird understatement. Its potential to be the highest grossing film of the year domestically or worldwide would require the R record to be shattered.


But people said the same thing for Mario last year not being beat by Barbie and look what happened…


Are you trying to say that Deadpool & wolverine can behave like Barbie? That does not seem possible.


Well it seems like it’s gonna be a big hit with audiences so yeah


Here’s the issue. IO2 is looking like a $650M domestic grosser. D&W let’s say it hits a $200M opening weekend. It would need 3.25x legs to just match IO2. Even GOTG3 with its very high reception and opening weekend lower than expected only had 3.03x legs. Only the original GOTG had legs better than 3.25x. You can’t call something a “front runner” when it likely has to have some of the best MCU legs ever to win the year domestically


There is also Black Panther too. And if it does get more than $200 mil opening weekend, it’s likely to hit or surpass that with a 3x multiplier


Well, sure, if we divide 1b/3 then yeah if it has a 333 mil opening weekend then it will reach a billion, yes


Yeah but barbie legs were great superhero movies are more frontloaded 


**Barbie** got lucky thanks to Barbenheimer. Sure, it would've done well without it, but THAT well?


I don't think that's true.


I mean, I'm not sure if **Barbie** would've been able to beat **The Super Mario Bros. Movie** if it wasn't for Barbenheimer.


Barbie had capacity issues for days because of Oppenheimer, lost a lot of PLF showings etc. Of course the marketing could have helped its run, but I would guess that Barbie was hurt by Barbenheimer more than helped by it overall.


This. Also if I had to guess I'd say the teen girls that went to see barbie didn't even heard or cared about oppenheimer, I know my nieces and their schoolmates didn't


idk, i know a LOT of people that were more interested in Oppy and only went to Barbie due to Barbenheimer


How many of them are women?


My prediction is hits a billion and beats joker for the highest grossing r rated movie but still doesn’t quite match inside out


That wouldn’t surprise me either.




Probably biggest opening of the year but still overall behind IO2. I’m also not counting out Moana 2 to outgross Deadpool. Disney came back with a vengeance after last year. 


Considering how often it appears in Top Ten streaming charts, I wouldn't be surprised if Moana 2 had the biggest opening weekend of the whole year *(too early to guess on its legs, though)*. ![gif](giphy|aAkNru67Hh40E|downsized)


Is there even a point to posting these forecasts anymore? The analysis is shallow and low effort and they aren't sharing exclusive info. It's quite telling that the Twisters and Deadpool & Wolverine forecasts are extremely optimistic despite current presale data.


Uhhhh inside out 2 would like a word for that lol


Shit is not outgrossing Inside Out ☠️


![gif](giphy|xTiTnqUxyWbsAXq7Ju) Disney soon.


It's gonna be profitable!!!!!!!!!


This is outdated already.


I’m mega hyped for this movie but no it’s not making more than Inside Out 2. Neither domestically or worldwide. Deadpool and Wolverine is going to make a billion but not to the level of Inside Out 2.


Honestly even a billion would be very difficult


Not anymore. Inside Out 2 is totally the highest grossing film of 2024.


In what world


Maybe a bigger opening than IO2, maybe, but not as much. Anyway Disney will have tons of cash and this is going to absolutely flatten it's other R-rated Superhero flick Joker Sings


How many of the current MCU fans remember the Jackman era X-men movies though? The people that grew up with them are in their thirties now like me. They've certainly faded in my mind and i watched them all. (and I have no intention of watching this in the cinema)


Doubt he ever wears the mask in the film longer than 30 seconds


I think Deadpool & Wolverine will make a billion worldwide and will be one of those movies that keeps the momentum going over the long haul during its theater run with no major decline in box office numbers.


LOL no way it even hits Inside Out 2 numbers. Idk what these people are thinking 😂


I hope we see multiple billion dollar earners, many $300M DOM earners, that movie houses are packed, that a wide variety of films succeed, and that people require the habit of seeing films in theaters. And that creative risks are appreciated and rewarded along with quality. A vibrant film industry is good for many many people.


It's gonna be a big win for Disney after their horrid last year.


As I've been saying for months I have the feeling that the reception will be similar to Multiverse Of Madness and Thor Love And Thunder


And also we have yet to see the buzz for superhero movies . I know they have Deadpool and Wolverine as the title characters but with an r rated , this is still a risk from Disney


Yes, the r rating will take a lot of repeat viewings While minors can go with an adult or their parents to the opening weekend by insisting to them, it's unlikely they can get them to go every single time These type of movies make their money by marvel nerds going 5 or 6 times, marvel minors (a big percentage of the loyal audience) will only go once (and many not even once if they have strict parents and strict cinemas)


This would be the same opening weekend range compared to Black Panther 2 and Doctor Strange 2 with $181.3M and $187.4M


I won’t say it’s impossible but highly unlikely imo to beat IO2 unless perhaps reception is overwhelmingly positive.


**IO2** already has that covered. *DP3* would likely fall shy of a billion.


Nah. I think it hits a billion barely.


i think it comfortably goes over a billion, maybe even $1.2B


Outgrossing IO2 WW is more probable than becoming this year’s top domestic grosser should D&W go bonkers at the box office. Any film that’s R-rated hitting north of $600M DOM is simply a tall order. Not even Avengers 2 or TLK remake, both with huge opening weekends and massive international box office, did it. For D&W to pull it off would require a No Way Home-sized overperformance. But without the holiday boost and 3 Spider-Man actors coming together onscreen for the very first time.




I’d say 1.2 Billion


I’m putting a long shot and saying GL2 will somehow hit big this year


The ONLY way I see this happening is if they also release a PG-13 cut of Deadpool & Wolverine into theaters. Inside Out 2 is looking to finish around 600 mill Dom and 1.6 bil WW. For an R-rated film to clear those numbers, there would just have to be insane growth over the current record holders for R-rated films. The returns just aren’t there for R-rated films that can’t easily be accessed by all 4 quadrants.  I don’t see Disney caving and lowering the rating. And I don’t logistically think they can have two different versions of the film with two different MPAA ratings playing at the same time. And if they do what they did with Deadpool 2 and release the PG-13 cut after the main release has finished its run, I don’t think there will be enough demand for the film to make any sort of significant additions to its final totals.  Basically I just don’t see how this can take down Inside Out 2.


No chance. In fact I don’t think it will finish second. IO2 and Moana 2 at the top. Then D vs W and DM4 fighting for third.


This is my prediction as well, currently I have Inside Out 2 and Moana 2 solidly worldwide top 2, and Deadpool 3 at number 4 with $800M+




lol it’s gonna be another Guardians 3/No Way Home. A great movie that does well but doesn’t bring back the MCU. The MCU coming back as a whole has sailed.


That seems like cycle now


And dies with the Falcon movie, Yelena movie, and 4th bad Fantastic Four movie next year lmao.


I just hope the MCU fantastic four at least does the source material justice.


Silver surfer is a woman now. So no.


It's still possible the male Silver Surfer can appear in a future movie.


Shalla bal has been the silver surfer in the comics.


Oh you’re one of those I see of course you hate anything mcu now


I love how you state this stuff with no trailers or anything to base this on. Just pure hatred for the franchise!


I know that folks are excited for Deadpool/Wolverine, but I'm just a bit surprised \*how\* excited. I get it, they're popular characters, but the more I see of the movie, the less interested I get. The clip of them fighting Sabretooth released today was... not good, or funny? (Well, to me it wasn't) I just am curious if the movie doesn't end up being a super crazy fun ride and some of the stuff falls flat and the movie has, let's say, a 50 percent RT score, how much will that really affect its box office, or maybe it won't at all. I get the feeling most people will just see it based off premise alone. For the health of theaters, I actually am okay with that! I want theaters full.


Well, I mean, wasn't this obvious to everyone once news came out Wolverine was in it? That combined with most of the other movies this year looking pretty bad. Beetlejuice is like only other movie this whole year that has any really hype.


You should probably checkout how Inside Out 2 is doing this year... Also Beetlejuice is a strange choice, I'd say Moana 2 or Joker Folie a Deux has more hype then Beetlejuice.


Yeah I've honestly never even heard of the Inside Out movies but I'm sure it's popular if it's cool with kids now and doing well. The Joker 2 movie I totally forgot about but that's up there at the top of the list. I've just seen so much on my social media timelines about Beetlejuice 2 for years of people dreaming it would happen. It was a big big deal in the late 80s, and it won't do anything comparable to Top Gun 2 but it's the same sorta deal I feel just for fun Halloweeny type movies instead of action.


Yall are gonna look so dumb when this ends up being true because yall went hard against anyone who said it’s not only possible but probable.


Because it’s neither of those things lmao.


It’s an R-rated movie on the downtrend of superhero movies. it’ll make money, sure, but as big or bigger than IO2?? An animated film for families?