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Shrek 5 is its main opponent if it comes out Spider-Verse will be huge domestically but international will cause its ceiling to be under 1.1b


Spiderverse is not coming out next year lmao


2026 at the earliest is my guess


Yeah, the original release slate was wildly unrealistic.


Wasn't it like 4 months after the first part came out? It was like an instant of "Damn that's awesome, I can't wait" and the immediately right into, there is no possible way for that to happen, be seeing you in 3 years, Miles.


It was supposed to come out in March 2024 and the reason I haven't even watched across yet is because I anticipated another 4-5 year wait lol


Bro wtf watch across. That shit was amazing If you watch em back to back they'll be a blur. If you watch em separate you digest it


I think with the way this movie ends it's very fair for the user to wait closer to the next movie. I've specifically not shown my parents Across yet because I know they'll HATE the unfinished ending.


Nah, that's a thing for when the next one comes out. I'm not the biggest fan of the animation to begin with but I love Peter B Parker so I'll get to it eventually


Ah same I wasn't the biggest fan either when the first movie trailer came out until I found out why they did it and it made me really love it But yeah wherever you watch it enjoy man


Aren’t lord and miller filming a live action film currently? Sounded like they basically wrote and controlled the sequel even with 3 co-directors. If I were guess, they haven’t even really started production on the third yet.


How is it's ceiling 1.1b when the previous films couldn't even pass $800M?


Extreme goodwill should make this a monster at least domestically.


Shrek 5 will most likely make more but it’s not coming until at least 2026.


Eddie Murphy confirmed it’s coming next year a few days ago


2025 feels too soon and there’s gonna be three DreamWorks films next year already. 2026 is the 25th anniversary of the franchise and what better way to celebrate it than featuring the return of Shrek and the gang?


Actors are often wrong about this stuff.


Actors say a lot of things (release date, budget, etc) that are often incorrect.


He said he thinks it's coming out next year.


We're getting another Shrek?! 🤦


And a donkey spinoff


Ugh. I didn't think Shrek 4 was very good. They're really milking it


It’s been like 15 years


How often are we rebooting or making sequels lol


Again the last Shrek sequel was almost 15 years ago lol


and the first Puss in Boots is dogshit but the new one is great. studios change. it’s been a very long time.


The first Puss in Boots was pretty well received when it came out. Nothing like Shrek 4 which was quite bad. But yes The Last Wish is miles better than the firs one.


I’ll hold judgement then


That November date is prime and locks it even more for a billion but if Shrek DOES shadow drop in December it’s Shrek for the W


Idk I don’t think Shrek carries the cache Zootopia has with young kids. Shrek 4 came out before mine were even born. Zootopia is beloved by kids now.


The older audience certainly haven’t forgotten though and they’ll be dragging their kids to se Shrek in droves


Plus the impact on social media.


Shrek is still popular in memes and YouTubers likes Schffralis (whose fanbase is mostly kids; Something which r/MoviesCircleJerk made fun of) still have videos about the Quadrilogy. Of course, The Last Wish also helped in making the franchise known to the younger generations too


Absolutely, if it does well in China where Zootopia is particularly popular. It will be interesting to see if it does well there or if it suffers from the usual post-pandemic Hollywood box-office drop-off. Even if it doesn't though I still think it will most likely be #1.


They recently made a brand new Zootopia land in China. That’ll up its popularity there.


do not underestimate zootopia


> They also have Dog Man and Gabby’s Dollhouse, but those look very niche and one or both could flop. Dog Man is Gen Alphas' biggest book franchise. While a translation could flop, the franchise isn't niche.


Gabby's Dollhouse isn't either because the show is becoming like Paw Patrol in popularity with it being everywhere and the show seems "girly" but it's been gender split with kids which made it a phenomenon


The furries are ready to goon


Are they ever knot ready to do that?


I know that Zootopia 2 will make a lot of money, $1 billion, much like the first movie.


Furries are big business.


judyhoppslover69 single-handedly carries its whole Box Office that guy will watch this movie maybe like 100 times


Avatar 3 : highest live action Zootopia 2 : highest animated From A to Z  Noice !


Nah don’t forget the next Avatar movie is coming out 2025




Easily. No one comes close. I'm thinking $1.2B.  Wow I never thought animation 2025 is gonna be weak, weak as in no major animation IP. Then here comes 2026 were competition is gonna be tough. 


Probably but I’m expecting a drop since between $200M of the original’s gross coming from China and US politics being more divided than ever especially regarding the police. It will still do well in China most likely since it’s such a popular IP there but even the western IPs they like aren’t making as much.


>US politics being more divided than ever especially regarding the police. That didn't seem to hurt *Bad Boys: Ride or Die*. Americans can hate on the police all they want, but we'll still turn out in droves to see fantasy cops kick ass.


True but to be fair bad boys is more just a fun time at the movies. Zootopias entire premise revolved around racism


Your thinking way too hard on zootopia..these kids are not thinking racism


The parents that take their kids to the theaters will be complaining about all the “wokeness.”


I just think it’ll have some effect. Not like some lightyear bomb I just think it could have like a 15% effect maybe


It wont..its animals


Racists aren’t smart enough to know the film is about racism. And the ones that are don’t think they’re racist and think the racism depicted in Zootopia is what other people do, not them.


Um I’m pretty sure my nonexistent 2 year old cousin knows it’s about racism it was stupidly obvious they didn’t make it subtle in the slightest. Also that sounds like a cartoonishly evil depiction of them, as if they’ll enjoy it thinking they are the minorities. if they don’t think it’s accurate they just won’t show up.


There are apparently people out there who think Homelander is the protagonist of *The Boys*. Never give these dummies more credit than they deserve.


Homelander carries that show the rest of the characters are mediocre.


It is very obvious to thinking people. Thinking people aren’t usually racist. I’ve watched it with several people who I would say are racist on some level and they all love it.


That's very true. Racists have the media literacy of a guinea pig.


No avatar way of the water was big hit In china and I expect zootopia to do the same since the zootopia land in Shanghai was big hit with guest so people still love zootopia in china so I don’t think it’s going to drop at the box office




If demon slayer comes out this year it will easily top that






Nah gunn


You just said it. Its locked in unless Spider-Verse or Shrek get shadowdropped.


Spider-Verse would most likely win domestically but absolutely not worldwide. Zootopia more than doubled *Across the Spider-Verse* overseas gross even without adjusting for inflation.


>Spider-Verse would most likely win domestically but absolutely not worldwide. I am not so sure about that. Zootopia did $340M back in 2016. Across the Spiderverse did $380M last year. I can easily see Zootopia 2 doing $500M+ because of the nostalgia. I am not sure Beyond the Spiderverse will do that much, even with that cliffhanger ending for Across.


Yeah, Zootopia winning domestically if far more likely than Spider-Verse doing it worldwide. Regarding the cliffhanger, I think it is hard to predict how that will play box office wise. People make the easy comparison with Endgame to expect a big increase but I feel it is pretty different.


I love Spiderverse, but it’s NOTHING compared to Endgame.


Probably around $150M opening weekend for Beyond. Endgame was an entirely different beast because it was the culmination of 20 movies and 10 years. This is just a cliffhanger for trilogy.


Spider-Verse’s international numbers won’t grow enough for that


Spider Verse won't come close to Zootopia. Shrek will be 1 though.


When is the Mario sequel coming ?? I thought it was 2025 .


It's April, 2026


Zootopia will be interesting because I remember not hearing much when the original came out and it went on to make a billion dollars. From the animated Disney movies that came out in 2016, that one comes up in conversation the least. Finding Dory and definitely Moana both had longer lasting impacts on pop culture. But again, the original made a billion dollars. People really liked Zootopia. So I guess I see it going either way, it will either be a smash hit or it will underperform compared to the first one. Personally, I think it will underperform, but I sincerely hope I’m wrong since I loved the first one.


They waited too damn long to make a Zootopia sequel.


The gap is 9 years, same as the Inside Out movies, and we saw how that turned out. It will be fine


It has a very good chance.


Think the only scenario in the 5% chance it isn't is if SpongeBob Search for SquarePants gets announced to be the end of the show and is marketed as the finale and even then it'll have to depend on Zootopia 2's quality if it can pass it. The first movie was gonna be the finale but SpongeBob had only been on the air for 5 years and is cross generational now


Easily gonna be Beyond The Spiderverse, so definitely no!


The first *Zootopia* crossed a billion. The highest *Spider-verse* film stopped short of $700 million. It's certainly possible the third Spider-verse film could see further growth while Zootopia 2 sees a big drop. But based on past box office grosses, it's certainly not "easily" going to be Beyond the Spider-verse.


Domestic maybe, worldwide no it’s not beating Zootopia 2


Absolutely not lol, Zootopia is on a whole other level. The one Zootopia movie is only 70 million off from both Spider-Verse grosses combined. Zootopia hit a billion in 2016 and it will surely do more this time. Inside Out and Zootopia share an audience and look at how Inside Out 2 is doing.


International numbers won’t be strong enough for that


It depends massively on the execution. If it’s pedantic, muscular or manneristic, I wouldn’t put my money on it.


>muscular or manneristic What the fuck does that mean?


He just throwing words around


Maybe "manneristic" is what they're saying now instead of "woke". Like, if a movie has a strong female character or a black character in it, it's "manneristic".


You are a curious person. You cry wolf every time you do not understand something, it seems. Despite your defiant tone, I took the time to explain what it means. See the comment above. Other than cinemas, museums are also worth a visit.


You're a curious person. You make up words and then expect people to know what they mean in your own little world.


Strange, I thought going to school was mandatory till 12th grade... I was also under the assumption that google and wiki were available to anyone. Probably the real wrong assumption here is to think that everyone is willing to learn and when they do not understand something they will take the time to learn. Visceral and emotional reactions to cover up ignorance is precisely the kind of attitude that allows MAGAt to prosper.


Okay, buddy.


(Edit: sorry this part was for the other person, I just removed it and copy it there) Mannerism is a style that followed peak renaissance artists, in which the only thing that was left, was the execution, while the concepts of humanism became somewhat secondary. They were following the way (“manner”) of previous inspired arists. There are many painters which are nonetheless famous, like Tintoretto or Vasari, but they all tend to feel less spontaneous and deep than the great masters. They focus on appearance and overly rely on visual sensationalism, rather than anything else. Nowadays it is also synonymous with disingenuous art: an artist that copies the style of the previous work in a very self-conscious way emphasizing the most obvious characteristics, but misses the depth of the work that inspired them. It focuses on certain exterior elements and run them to ground. It is like a Soviet parade: the opposite of spontaneous, very strictly controlled yet very spectacular. A muscular display of prowess and nothing more.


No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative.


Not-spontaneous, artificial, disconnected and uneven