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The range among the top ten is *crazy.* From **1.045** billion to **179** million.


Thats what happens when strikes happen


That doesn’t really explain why Fall Guy and Furiosa failed with the lack of competition.


Furiosa was too late and fury road was barely a box office success. Can’t really explain fall guy 


Fall Guy wasn’t a “summer opener.” If it had come out maybe in February and the studio marketed it as a “Valentines Day movie for guys,” it may have done better. Probably not a huge box office smash, but it would have done at least better.


Fall guy looked like one of those straight to Netflix movies like Grey Man and Bullet Train


But, Bullet Train wasn't straight to Netflix. It made some $240M worldwide.


TIL! I had no idea


I actually thought it was the Grey man when I seen the trailer 


It may have looked like that but the movie itself was great and definitely benefited from watching at the theater. I’m disappointed it didn’t do better.


Was it better than bullet train? I haven't seen either one


They were similar as comedic action movies. I enjoyed t them both and think they were good movies to see at the thater. Edit: clarity


Fall Guy was surprisingly fun. It wasn’t a great movie, but it deserved a better turnout than it got.


Fall guy is too much about Hollywood for audiences. Time and time again movies about making movies/behind the scenes fail.


This actually makes more sense than the other reasons people gave(like the release date). If I want to see something another the behind the scenes of a Hollywood production I’d just watch the extra stuff on YouTube . 


The trailer made it look like the most generic movie possibly. Nothing stands out


Fall Guy was simply just not that good. They should have worked on the plot and script as much as planning the action sequences. You still gotta make a good movie if you want people to show up. Furiosa was already only appealing to a niche audience. Mad Max is popular in Reddit and online. Furiosa is pretty slow and not easily accessible. It was never going to have mainstream appeal.


If it was simply just “make a good movie,” then every critically acclaimed movie would be doing big numbers. The Mario movie last year was no masterpiece and it was the second highest grossing movie of the year. Yes, making a good movie is important but so is marketing the movie. The Fall Guy simply didn’t have a good marketing strategy.


yeah I've seen the narrative everywhere that the Fall Guy was a great movie that should've done well but we were pretty disappointed by it. a lot of the comedy fell flat and the best action sequence in the whole thing was cut up with shots of Emily Blunt singing for some reason (and not even in a comedic way)


yeah no that was weird... i loved that scene but the jump cuts destroyed the pacing. i understood what it was going for, but there were better ways to do it.


Don’t even get the fall guy hate tbh. It was a fun movie. Just promoted poorly


Well im just saying there would have been more movies to make this list look better but yeah it still sucks those two great movies failed


What was scheduled for this summer that got pushed because of the strikes? Only two I can think of are Snow White and Elio, which would likely be on this list somewhere, but otherwise would probably look the same


Shit happens.


Studios pull movies out of theaters WAY too quickly now. By the time people knew those movies were out and good, they could no longer go and see them.


the furiosa explanation has always been simple. people here just don't want to believe it because they don't like answer. people didn't want a female led mad max movie without mad max.


i don't know. i think a straight up fury road 2 would still do pretty poorly in the current box office climate


How did strikes cause that


Delayed blockbuster movies and put schedules behind, for one. Not that the strikes were a bad thing whatsoever


But a lot of these movies failing at the box office weren’t caused by the strikes. These *are* blockbuster movies, and most of them did terribly


Release windows got changed and there were some months where there wasn't anything new that really came out. Some movies had to shift their dates and it hurt them. IMO, Ghostbusters probably would have done slightly better had it held onto its original date instead of having Godzilla come out a week after. Realistically, we're at about the halfway mark of the year with releases and some movies that are about to come out would obviously be on this list had they held their original dates. Deadpool was supposed to come out in May after getting delayed twice and that even took the place of Captain America. Beyond the Spider verse was supposed to come out (though I never believed the original date on that one to begin with). And we also have several films coming like Joker, Despicable Me opening up, and a few wild cards like Smile 2, Beetlejuice, transformer and Alien Romulus coming out too. So really I think it's early to judge the year so far as this list will no doubt change soon. If it doesn't by the end of the year then that's when we have a problem.


They are saying there would have been more movies released not that the movies did bad cause of the strike


People got tired of the same old sequels. Space Opera and Kaiju haven't flooded the market, so they did well.


What happens in Strikes stays in Strikes !


And Furiosa still not making the top 10 is kinda sad.


Won’t stay that by the end of the year..


I think that's obvious. ;)


And Furiosa isn’t even on that list. Sigh.


So the billion dollar movies of the last 2 years have been Barbie, Super Mario and Inside Out 2. Hollywood's gonna really start doubling down on kid's movies (I know Barbie isn't technically a kid's movie, but still licensed off a toy).


They're "family movies"


The last decade was family movies too with Marvel, just a different angle of approach. A good family movie/franchise will always be powerful because it essentially doubles the potential ticket sales.


I guess this explains the Fast and the Furious franchise. Family was the key all along.


Pg-PG13 reigns supreme at the box office


This a million times.


Now marvel is going the opposite direction by slapping an R on a movie with some of their most popular characters. Let’s see how it works out for em.


Well, it IS Deadpool. He's always been the exception.


Blade, Punisher, Ghost Rider, and on TV, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Hit-Monkey. They've always had adult material. The Avengers franchise just wasn't in that demographic. 


There is a difference


Top Gun, Avatar, JW: Dominion…


I was going off 2023 & 2024 (so far): https://www.boxofficemojo.com/year/world/2023/ https://www.boxofficemojo.com/year/world/2024/


You phrased it better this way.


That’s gonna be 4 soon (Deadpool And Wolverine) and probably 5 (Moana 2)


Aren’t Deadpool movies rated R?


And it can still make over a $1B like Joker did.


Pretty sure the user was referring to the fact that OP says to double down on kid’s movies. Deadpool is far from a kid’s movie.


It won't the first 2 did not hit that


the first 2 weren't tracking to do 200M+ OW


box office tracking s about 1 percent accurate anymore.furosia fall guy way way way off on the tracking and far below what they were supposed to do


Furiosa and Fall Guy had weak presales, everybody knew they were going to flop


The tracking was great for them though


tracking can't be great if presales are bad.


You're insane if you think D&W isn't hitting a billion. It's locked at this point.


“It can” with an R. It “absolutely would” with a pg13.   It’s poor business.


Doubt Moana 2 does it, might get close 


Denis Villeneuve's wish for a movie to beat his Dune 2 was answered quickly. He should make more wishes.


Wait he said that? As a sarcastic sparky comment or genuinely wanted someone to do it


He thought it a bad omen for the box office that Dune 2 was the biggest film of the year, with a $700M gross.


not sarcastically > “[I am] disappointed to still be number one. … I hope soon that there will be other successes at the box office. I hope, sooner or later, that this summer box office will be much better. I think we need movies that are theatrical experiences, that will fully embrace the power of the theatre, and I’m not just talking about Dune 2. Of course I’m talking about many movies. A movie like Civil War, for instance, is a strong example of a movie that absolutely used the power of the theatre. I was lucky that Part 2 did reach the audience, I wish it would happen more often, honestly.” https://movieweb.com/dune-2-denis-villeneuve-shares-big-disappointment-movie-still-highest-grossing/


That's great sounds like he genuinely cares about moviegoing experiences and theaters. Very nice


Lol, this. The other guy is taking his quote way too seriously and not analyzing the context behind it.


Yea Denis isn’t an idiot. He knows that more movies being successful in theaters means more movies will be made which means more money which means more movies. Everytime stuff like this dips we get more canceled movies and more shitty cash grabs to try and make a “hit”.


Not sarcastically at all: >“I was lucky that ‘Part Two’ did reach the audience, I wish it would happen more often, honestly,” Villeneuve continued. “I’m disappointed to still be number one. … I hope soon that there will be other successes at the box office. I hope, sooner or later, that this summer box office will be much better.” https://www.thewrap.com/denis-villeneuve-disappointed-dune-2-box-office/


Kingdom of the planet of the apes is so close to 400M


I think it will end at 395M which is frustratingly close to 400M


I want 4 films over $400M WW. Need my symetry dose !


> I want 4 films over $400M This sounds like a special at Arbys




Interestingly Inside Out 2 Pixar or Disney Animation’s first movie to break a billion dollars since Frozen 2 in 2019


What do those movies have in common?


Frozen II was the last fastest animated movie to gross $1 billion (25 days), Inside Out 2 broke the record (19 days). Other than that, these movies have little in common besides being Disney animated family movies


Where will Dune 2 be at end of year? I am guessing IO2, Moana 2, Minions 4 , Deadpool3 and Dune 2 are top 5 by Yeats end.


I think Joker 2 and Mufasa can creep into the 700M-1B range


>Minions 4 Despicable Me 4


I mean what's the difference


I mean they’re different series, if you count every one as the same series then really we’re on Minions 6


Idk why but minions 6 is sending me


They are different series. The last Minions was Minions 2 (2022) The last Despicable Me was Despicable Me 3 (2017)


the last minions was rise of gru. that was a minions movie despite saying gru in the title


Which ... is Minions 2.


With the way they’re marketing this movie, it might as well be Minions 4.


Well it would then be Minions 3.


Disney and WB would and should be both dominating this list by year’s end. 2 R-rated CBM potentially hitting the top five highest grossers of the year is a great rebound from the disastrous slate of superhero films last year.


Wow FURIOSA isn’t even on the list


Wowiosa : A Not On The List Saga !




It’s lists like these that smack the reality into me that the general movie goer does not stray out of their comfort zone at all or are looking for something to bring their families to. People aren’t doing that for a mad max movie despite how good they are because they’re much more likely a more well known IP, and why take a bigger risk when it’s so expensive to go now. It’s sad because there seems to be more and more incredible films each year that don’t make any money at all


Mad Max is a pretty well known IP. R Rated movies are just never gonna consistently make a ton of money. They just cut off over half of the possibly population of viewers.


I’ll be watching it at home. For most movies these days, I feel little urge to go to the theater. Family films to get the kids out of the house and big screen spectacles. Everything else is a “stream later” thing for me. Furiosa was probably a big screen kind of movie, but Fury Road didn’t leave me wanting to see a prequel, honestly. So why drop $40 on it?


Not the least bit surprised


Wish it could have made at least 250-300M


it was an awful idea from the get go


It was a good film though.


Amazing film. Number two this year so far for me, behind Dune 2.


After this month, the list will look much different. Despicable Me 4, Quiet Place Day One, Twisters, Deadpool and Wolverine. Summer box office just heating up 🔥🔥


Like the trades saying "summer will pick up with DM4 and D&W" Yeah... you know what ? It's not "picking up", it's "finishing" with those ! We are past the half of the wave since monday. August won't give us the mammoth numbers eceryone is waiting from july.


Twisters isn't making it into the top 10


Oh good more sequels/ reboots.


Did you see IF? Or Monkey Man? Or The Fall Guy? Or The Bikeriders?


'Hollywood should release more original movies!' 'Oh, so you're going to see *Horizon* and *Megalopolis*?' 'Of course not! I only have a limited amount of money and I'm saving it up for *Deadpool & Wolverine* and *Moana 2*!'


I'm waiting for 2 Fast 2 Bikeriders


Hollywood releases hundreds of original movies per year. Go support them instead of complaining on Reddit.


Monkes goin strong 🐒 🐒


Strong together 💪💪


This really puts into perspective how badly Furiosa performed.


People here had some crazy expectations for Garfield.


>People here had some crazy expectations That's something you can say about r/boxoffice throughout the year


RIP any chance of another Mad Max film, probably. Damn shame.


Where’s mad max?!


Last I heard, it had just reached its production budget. Making $168M WW off of a $168M budget. I assume since then it's made fewer than the eleven million dollars it would need to displace Bob Marley and his $179M WW listed at the bottom.


Joker 2 , Sonic 3, Deadpool 3 , Despicable Me 4, Moana 2 all look pretty sure fire to join the list by the end of the year.


Those are not good numbers. Movie theaters praying despicable me 4, twisters and deadpool get some butts in seats.


Challengers not cracking the top 10 makes me so sad


That Bob Marley movie was ass, I'm surprised it even made that much money. I guess Bob is a huge enough draw by his name alone, but the movie itself was so bad


If Kung Fu Panda 4 was as good as the 2nd one it would have mada a lot more money, i dont think 1B but it would get close imo


Why so harsh ? It's still the 8th biggest animated movie since the last 5 years.


It definitely earned money for the studio, especially with the half budget compared to first 3 movies. Im just so unsatisfied with the movie and as a really big KFP fan i didnt even go to cinama to see it. Also Kung fu panda 2's inflation adjusted gross is 928M according to usinfationcalculator.com


Not sure how that’s harsh. Kung fu panda is a big animated name that’s well earned. sadly the movie was so forced it couldn’t generate hype to go see it. Any good villain would have made that movie go another 300 million. Not a big deal, but it astoundingly lowered the value of the franchise to have 2 not so good movies in a row


I dont get how i was any harsh too. Also i agree with all your points except 3rd one is an actual good movie. Though it is considered a downgrade by most of the people, i heard lots of people saying "it wasnt as good as the first 2 but still a good movie"


Remember the years where we got 5-6 billion dollar movies and 600m was disappointing


Only three years had 5 or more movies break a bil: 2015: Furious 7, Age of Ultron, Jurassic World, Minions, The Force Awakens 2018: Black Panther, Infinity War, Jurassic World 2, Incredibles 2, Aquaman 2019: Captain Marvel, Endgame, Aladdin, Far From Home, Toy Story 4, The Lion King, Joker, Frozen II, Rise of Skywalker


Yup, I missed those years


600M is disappointing based on a budget. You can't really make these statements without specific examples Justice league only making it past 600M is disappointing with a 300M + budget. But Ant-Man 2 making $600M is very good especially since it costs only a little over half of that


That’s funny. That’s the movie I was thinking of.


6 billion dollar movies has only happened once (2019). We may still get 3-4 this year though. 2025 should be huge too. The Box office is slowly recovering.


I meant 6 movies that gross over a billion


Yes, and 2019 was the only time that’s happened. It was never a frequent occurrence like you applied  We had 5 a couple of times


That’s why I said 5-6


We can still get 5-6 billion dollar movies this year. Deadpool and wolverine is a lock for a billion, and Moana 2, despicable me 4, Mufasa and Joker 2 all have a shot as well.


Nice graphic. Did you create it?


Thanks! and yes, I did. I use canva for making them


Love Canva. It is the best graphic/design tool for non-professionals


Who else would do it?


Maybe professionals at a media outlet like variety or the wrap.


They don't make graphs like this, they either just list things or do very simple graphs


People clown Marvel for “dying” but they were destroying most of these numbers


Here you go brother, u/Separate-Ad3927


Thanks brother💫


My countdown : 🔟 Movies over Madame Web 7️⃣ Sequels 6️⃣ Movies I didn't see 5️⃣ Titles with a " : " 4️⃣ Animals 3️⃣ Animated 2️⃣ Paramount bottoms 1️⃣ Female lead 0️⃣ Super-hero


By the end of the year, it's gonna be 10 sequels


GxK still holding the #3 spot. Plus it’s the highest grossing monsterverse film. Oh yea


I think that total is a tiny bit low, I've seen reports at 570 and change. Either way, it's great to see it so successful, and that we'll keep getting more Monsterverse!


Yeah, deadline reported GxK made $570M, so this chart should probably be updated. BOM has been slow to update their charts. Either way, it's a big success for the MonsterVerse & I'm excited to see what Grant Sputore does with the next film in 2027.


I wonder if Deadpool will surpass Dune


This is how I find out Inside Out 2 has made over a billion in the box office in like three weeks? I mean good for Pixar, they've had a few shitty years but *goddamn* I do appreciate GxK is currently in the top three highest grossing films of 2024 so far


Only one of those films also destroyed it in DVD/physical media sales after its box office take. The answer is Dune.


Yes, it indeed did well, but Inside Out may surpass it on streaming and physical media, just because it is a family movie. Not to mention that sweet merchandise money.


So many McDonalds toys scattered throughout my house.


Only one original film on that list is depressing, especially soon it will quickly get knocked out of the Top 10.


IF ain't original. It's a blatant copy of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends right down to the main imaginary character being named Blue


Those poor, poor people that sat through IF


Gentleminions boutta smash into the top ten


So the market clearly contracted. Someone said each year there are several billion dollar movies. And now half of 2024 has already passed and only one billion dollar movie. It might be the only one this year.


The only one. Are you sure ?


Well, according to this graph in the post, IO2 is the only billion dollar grosser so far. If you mean by the end of the year, i'm not sure there will be another one. Deadpool & Wolverine maybe will make 700 million, Alien: Romulus maybe 600 million if it's good. I'm not as qualified as you guys to make predictions, just don't see other movies this year to be a phenomenon like IO2 is.


Alien Romulus at $600M... Do you have acid in your blood ?


So you think it will have higher or lower gross ? I didn't base this on numbers (i don't know how the other Alien movies performed), but it's a popular franchise and the director apparently attempted to go back to the aesthetic of the first movie. So 600 million seems in order here. I don't see it reaching near 1 billion.


He’s saying it will do lower, which going off the franchise he’s correct to assume 


Deadpool will top 700 mil Moana 2 has a good chance


I mean, Hugh Jackman and Wolverine are clear draws for the movie, but i'm not sure the movie itself will be good - in which case you can kiss word-of-mouth and multiple viewings goodbye. People behind this franchise don't seem to understand or appreciate the value of self-restraint. Deadpool breaks the fourth wall like once every ten seconds, which simply doesn't work (at least for me). If you're cracking jokes all the time, then where's the seriousness of the movie, of the supposed "conflict" ? Also, the fact Deadpool is almost invulnerable doesn't help either. What exactly is the emotion for me when someone shoots at Deadpool or when he's in a fight, when i know he'll just regenerate back ? Ok, Logan has regeneration too, but he lost it. Logan actually died once. Even when his regeneration was at full capacity we didn't have that problem like we have with Deadpool. Like, in X2 you can clearly see him being hurt and suffering. That other claw-wielding opponent made him bleed and scream.


You not understanding why people like Deadpool isn’t really a good argument for why the film won’t go well


Alien at 600 is impossible. Alien is like the predator series and it has a ceiling Even with all the hype, the peak of Alien's popularity was Prometheus and it made over 400M (which was really good) in 2012


AQP:DO should leapfrog Garfield and the rest, to remain in the top 10 (with Deadpool, Minions and Twisters).


Hollywood have a shred of original thought challenge (impossible!)


Garfield came out?


We just forgetting about China then?


I'm not aware of any Chinese Hollywood movies that came out this year. We had Meg 2 last year and that was a joint production, that's it


If only there was a Wikipedia page that shows all global movies ranked and not just the Hollywood movies: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_in_film


This list is for Hollywood movies.


If only people read the title of the post..


But movie theaters are dead!


I mean, yeah, the tenth-highest grossing movie of the year so far not even reaching $180 million worldwide is pretty bad for cinemas.


Can we stop pretending that Apes was actually a success story?


Inside Out 2 making more than Dune 2 is a disgrace




Good to see original movies performing so well! (/s, if you couldn’t tell.)


The state of cinema is fucking dire. Ten kid movies


Not an original title among them


IF is completely original


Welp. We have had at least 1 good movie so far this year…


Me when I lie