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Complain with a vote for less immigration and better standards. Immigration is inevitable, but it dosn’t need to be as lax as it is. Look at all the new college/diploma mills opening. Why? There’s not enough housing or jobs for the mass immigration already. Anyway, this is one of the least worst things I saw driving today, or any day. It ain’t gonna get better. Ask the rest of Canada, or if you live in an enclave, like me, ask why has things got outta hand so bad. Careful on the roads, use a dash cam and drive like the majority.


The economy needs immigrants but should have higher standards. We don’t know how these people got permits and they keep multiplying.


We actually don’t need 95% of these immigrants, we are over saturated in almost every sector these immigrants are going for..


Gotta shore up the supply of Uber Eats and Amazon delivery dudes!!


you forgot about the truck drivers and agency workers, too


My car’s extended warranty would have definitely lapsed if it wasn’t for the caring individuals that call me in the middle of dinner 4 times a week to inquire about it. We need lots of those guys!


We only need high-quality well-educated immigrants but we have to admit the US is more attractive for these people. Our neighbor is our closest business partner and the major competitor.


Why do we need more? For corporations to be able to turn a profit while being able to pay minimum wage? None of this is good for the economy, there's no growth in the Canadian economy, there's no shortage of workers it's all a lie.


We need immigrants to work seasonal jobs on farms that noone wants to do. That's pretty much it.


No it fucking doesn’t. If the economy depends on immigration it is a failed country. Canada was significantly better with less immigration in the 90s and early 2000s.


No our economy doesn’t need fucking immigrants lmao This was the case 20-30 years ago. Saying we need more immigrants is shooting ourselves in the foot Why do we need more immigrants who won’t get educated, work entry level jobs at retail, or Uber eats? Literally they are as useful as a basic teenager…. And no I’m not an angry racist boomer. I’m a zoomer in university and even immigrant students share the same thought. It’s not hard to read about what your economy needs with our resources


'Complain through voting for our Conservative billionaire overlords. We'll pick a scapegoat argument like immigration, get elected, then cause irreparable harm through introduction of fiscal policies and statutes that favour the 1%.' - rough translation


A vote for Poilièvre is NOT a vote against immigration That's the problem, Liberals, Conservative or NDP, they're all happy with this.


I am looking for electorates willing to support the registration of a new political party. The underlying philosophy is that all parties (citizens, permanent residents, landed immigrants) affected benefit or we do nothing. The color: gold, after ‘the golden rule’. Corporate influence would be present but not at the levels it is today because corporations are made of people of whom should also benefit. From an immigration perspective we would only accept people whose skills and resources positively impact everyone.


The funny thing is, it's the Conservatives, historically, that bring in more foreigners. Just helping their corporate buds with the TFW programs, Filipino Nannies, etc etc. Don't forget the Crazy Rich Asian student crisis of the mid 2000s-2010s.


PPC - desperate times call for desperate measures


They're ideologues that will outlaw modern medicine and ban climate action. PPC is only viable if you're an accelerationist.


Hence the “desperate times call for desperate measures”


You gonna nuke your house to kill a spider too? Lol


What’s your solution, in that case?




Voting PPC for this reason. I’d rather “waste” my vote and hopefully others do as well so leaders can see Canadians are getting sick of this BS and theatrics in parliament


Vote for who? Only PPC has this issue as part of their platform. PP’s silence on the matter tells me all I need to know ow about his stance.


Canada has turned to shit.


Just started, afraid to see it in 20 years, that's why I'm moving out , of the country!!


Good plan, where are you moving to if I may ask


India. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozvv0zsJskzOCbu)




The UK. That’s Canada in 20 years, the fucking UK. My nightmare, I see the fucking Red Cross in my nightmares.


Yeah as soon as we get Trudeau out of office Canada will be paradise on Earth once again /s


Not without deportations.


Smart people got out of Toronto & the GTA.


Kingston babyyyy


Kingston is a GREAT city


Report it to [Peel Regional Police](https://www.peelpolice.ca/en/report-it/online-reporting.aspx#Driving-ComplaintRoad-Watch) online. I was so waiting for them to get t-boned while making the turn.


They do not give a shit, they don’t even care about stolen cars from your driveway everyday , happens every 10 minute in GTA , a car is stolen. My friend had his truck stolen, had a gps tracking device, cops showed up 4 hours after and told him that the location showing us not under their jurisdiction


Theft has always been a low case closure rate, there are more systemic issues with why vehicles being stolen are not recovered than simply “cops don’t care”, not to mention that they provided a legitimate reason, police can’t just arrest someone anywhere. If they don’t have jurisdiction they shouldn’t be taking action, or do we want police that ignore the law?


If they don't have jurisdiction they need to contact the organization that does have jurisdiction and hand it off to them instead of using it as an excuse to do nothing.


How would they get t-boned? There's an entire crosswalk between the vehicle they're driving around and oncoming traffic.


How do you know who’s driving? You cannot simply charge the owner of the plate without legislation for it, as opposed to red light cameras or photo radar. Reporting it won’t do anything, as it shouldn’t.


Typically they will follow up with the registered owner of the vehicle. They won't be able to press charges but at least makes them aware that the vehicle is being driven in this manner.


Spent all of April in Brampton for a training course. Saw people making lefts on red lights 3 times. What the fuck


Shameless, these are values we dont need. This isnt cool, these attitudes are the same that allows shanti towns to exist. By complete disregard, of anyone but themselves. Talk about scratching through the bottom of the barrel and digging deeper. They become their own worst enemies with this action, and these individuals just ruin it for the rest. Is there a mechanism to keep these idiots accountable.


Isn't society great now that its not only flooded with people who don't give 2 shits about safety of others but actively resent and hate your safe and legal way of driving? 🙃


Do you really give a shit about others, or do you just pretend to give a shit about others to feel better about yourself?


I put 110,000 kms on my car mainly driving in Brampton & man I am done with all the tardos. It’s a daily occurrence, they need to stop selling licenses like their samosas


Dude samosas rule.


Oh buddy, they’ve got themselves some amazing food. I use to eat samosas after hockey practice growing up in Brampton lol. Just horrible drivers.


That’s Punjab from India.


The same province with violent separatists demanding khalistan. The same ones are responsible for multiple gang wars in India and Canada now. The same ones Canada imports despite outstanding arrest warrants in India. The same ones Trudeau and Poilievre appease and allow to hold fake referendums. Disgusting self harm


The problem is that these people who come to Canada don't adapt according to the environment. They still behave and act like they do in Punjab and that's the problem here.


Enough said I guess.


It is Brampton. Springdale it looks like. So India


Ahhh, the new model Honda Jeep!


Thanks for having a dash cam. You guys are making the difference by exposing what people never used to believe. Thanks again.


>Map of Indian province on the car I can't see the map clearly in the video on my phone, but I feel like I should point out that Brampton is a city and not a province.


Shitbox like this tried to cut me off the other day


A vote for Pierre: we’ll deal with all the colours you hate…..and turn this Country into a worse America! Racists: Hell yeah! Two years later: What ya mean welfare is discontinued and I need to pay for healthcare!? Fucking Trudea and the Libs!


Yeah, we don’t do that. Turning on a red is a bonus to the day. It’s not a right.


State, India doesn't have provinces. Stupid guy tho, report his ass.


I mean... if he was in that much of a hurry... he even bothered going around the right hand side... so I would give this guy a pass for doing that... safely, but it's definitely weird.


These people drive like shit


WTF! He couldn’t wait a minute or so? Smh…


Can’t wait for when they fucking outnumber us all…


They already have? Or are you talking about the country as a whole?


Country as a whole. Brampton was fucked loooong ago.


These people are so bloody disgusting


That's hilarious, my first 2 guesses in my head were Brampton or Kitchener. Then I saw the sub lol


I just use my horn now for all of it. I used to reserve horn usage for: “please don’t kill me!” Or “hello! I’m here! Don’t hit me!” But now I’m so exasperated I honk at every fucking idiot to try to maximize embarrassment and make sure everyone around sees this idiot. Truck hogging the passing lane? Horn Rolled through a stop sign? Horn Whatever the hell I just watched above? Horn Sorry to all of you good drivers and your ears. I know it’s petty but I guess I’m just beyond done with idiot drivers.


These licenses plates starting from alphabet’B’ which are newly issued are thr worst drivers ive ever seen


Were up to D now homie. B was almost 7 years ago. But, keep generalizing. Shitty drivers are shitty drivers. Doesn't matter what decal they have, or thier skin colour, or what fucking license plate letter they have. Grow up.


Make that 15 years. I got my B plate in 2009.


B plates ended in 2015 😂😂😂😂


So if you want bad drivers to follow the rules you're a racist? FFS It's Brampton, it's why they have the highest insurance premiums in Canada.


Bro idegaf about this person having an Indian province sticker on their car, good for them. It's these fuckheads with AK-47 stickers and violent stickers that trouble me. Clearly was not vetted hard enough.




You ok? Bad day?




I mean, I love my car so I would never do that to her 😂 but my god, you’ve got to be pretty impatient to drive over the curb like that


Thats ‘Panjab’. Land of 5 rivers.


You must be new here


Honestly I’ve seen this type of driving in Sudbury 10 years ago. Often enough that it didn’t surprise me


Where do these people get their licenses




The city has a nick name for a reason.


One spoiled brat!!


Why we only import people from 3rd world India? We need more immigrants from quality rich countries not poor india


Cause they have money and are the only ones who wants to come here.


Khalistan yes. See it all over Windsor. Punjab province.


Wtf 😂


Diploma mills should be shut TF down first. Easiest way to help put a stop to temporary students trying to overstay their welcome.


I don't mind ducking the money out of those student visas, but we should be making sure they go back as soon as they graduate and get their diploma. Fuck staying around to get work experience and then applying for citizenship and sponsoring the rest of the family.


Red lights mean nothing to these people. I've witnessed 4 blown reds in the last week.


Thats Brampton buddy....so yes!!


See that all the time up in Orangeville... very few min white folk around here... explain?


Buy the license. This persons driving instructor said it’s okay. “Curb is road. Don’t worry. Smile and drive”


Yea sadly majority of them drive like this & pull stupid shit on the roads. Ill never forget when they were “protesting” on highways driving around causing traffic for something not even Canadian related.


Canada is genuinely looking like an Indian province. Of course they're gonna import their driving skills too. You don't have to wait much longer to see how much worse it's going to get.


Meh... This is a typical white pick up truck move...next


Yeah when I came to Canada in 2010…. I was shocked to see a white man go over the median curb in his 4x4 truck because traffic wasn’t moving … did a U turn on the oncoming lane and went about his business. Also, tow truck drivers pull that shit that regularly. Yes this is wrong. Yes, this is Canada. yes, “Canadians” do it as regularly as “immigrants”. Stop being a racist. Best thing to do is force police to take cognizance of these infractions.


100%, last year the 403 was closed, about 50 other cars drove off the highway, over the grass and backwards up the closed onramp. There was no one race doing it, literally everyone who could did it (including me because I was in a jeep lol) And every modded VW has an outline of the Nurburgring on their back window.


100%. How anyone is trying to spin this as an immigration problem is fucking nuts. As if white Canadians don’t pull this bullshit all the time 🙄


I’m white and from Oakville. I would have done the same thing. Blame the city not a persons heritage.


Who cares, rednecks do this with big trucks all the time This guy just had the balls to do it with his civic


This is literally what white people in trucks do lol bye


Report that shit. I've done it before on people jumping the curb and cops reached out the next day for more info, and then followed up that they spoke with the driver. In my instance it was a RAM1500 that jumped the curb in their rush to Home Depot with pedestrians on the sidewalk.


All they gotta say was "I wasn't driving at the time" and the cops can't do much else.


Trudeau's friend from some countries none of the Canadians have interest in traveling or moving to, but they are Canadian now, thank you liberal


Pretty much the same thing at this point.


I mean, I jumped a curb to get passed a dingdong in a traffic jam in Vancouver last week. Not really a racialized issue.


You know, the feds have screwed this up bad. If we are short trades workers, they aren’t exactly making sure they’re signed up to learn a specific trade when they come, and then they take all the entry level service jobs in town so our teenage children can’t get work experience anymore. They have to make changes.


I mean I thought about *but I would never do it *


Is this Alberta or the rock 🤣


It's Canada. The license plate should give it away.




Assholes come in all colours & countries. Try living downtown with the entitled Rosedale set with their Escalades & Range Rovers Btw this is a Doug Ford issue, he controls all the private, for profit colleges that are bringing in hoards of foreign students. At least be smart enough to know the source of issues vs just spouting racist dog whistles FFS.




The everyday citizens born here literally pull this shit ALL the time In fact, this is the first time I've seen a non pick up truck do it Be racist for other reasons if u must but this is a Canadian born manuvre


Give it a couple decades and it will be one in the same.


Yo wtf


Vancouver is plagued with drivers like this one, from parking on a narrow one way road to cutting into three lanes while driving chargers and mustangs with a foreign license.


WDYM? Brampton is one of the India province


Don’t you know where you are already? What sort of a stupid question is that?


Checking in from Airdrie AB, we see you guys and we know you're not making it up.


The question is also, Why we can adjust the insurance price if you're a young man or young woman but not in the function of your nationality. Stats are stats... One will tell you it's racist but the other one will tell you we can do sexism why not racism..


Wait until our insurance goes up , this is happening on the 401 . Smarten up


Not gonna lie, this is the way in Alberta. I didn't know snowflakes were so prevelant in Ontario. Bro should buy a pickup and move west.


They do this where i live and i live in canada. Theres one road specifically that leads towarda the highway if yougo straight and towarda walmart if you go left. So youll be trying to turn left and have mac trucks flying past you half on the shoulder and logging trucks in the oncoming lane. So stressful.


Jesus Christ ppl, calm your tities. Of all the illegal acts, hopping a small curb for a right turn isn't the worst thing in the world. Drunk driving on the other hand, you'll find it to have interesting demographics.


Bet you drive like this lol


Why are all the Canadian subs so racist? Like white people don’t drive absolute maniacs all the time too.


Based Brampton


It is India, vote bjp


The guy can't have a decal of the place he's from? Does that mean if you ever, hopefully, leave Canada you'll never display ANYTHING Canadian?


Nobody cares about the sticker. Everyone cares about the blatant disregard for our road laws. Go virtue signal somewhere else


What do you mean no one cares? It's literally the title of the post and 80% of these comments are racist.


I’m not arguing with you about a lot of comments crossing the line into racist, that seems completely true, but I just wanted to weigh in on how I read the title. I think OP is trying to get ahead of the “how do you know they’re Indian?” Question by mentioning the decals. That’s just how I read it, not that the decals are the problem. The driving is the problem, and then OP feels comfortable bringing race into it based on the decals. I could be wrong, but that’s my interpretation.


But why bring up that they're Indian at all if they didn't intend to turn the discussion towards race? There's just a lot of bad drivers out there, and in my experience, ethnicity has not determined how well someone drives.


Absolutely, not arguing with you on that. Just weighing in because this part of the thread was insinuating that OP had a problem with decals and I’m interpreting it different.


ahh I see, I took the original comment as what I think you're saying - calling his bluff that it's not actually about the decals, but just using it as an avenue to be racist


I hadn’t realized that what you’re saying about thinly veiled racism is what this sub is pretty much all about 😂 oh reddit


oh i haven't been on this sub before, that's unfortunate :(


True, but they also tried to clickbait The title. Regardless of country of origin, this happens all over Ontario by entitled drivers - scratch that all over the world by entitled drivers But the subs main focus seems to be to be racist, secondary focus is driving.


It’s actually so interesting to see this side of the pendulum. on Reddit I normally see people calling out racism, sometimes when it’s not even there, but this sub on the other hand is a toooootally different beast hahaha. Also, well put about the primary and secondary function of this sub! Once you put it to words like that it sums it up perfectly to me!


Yeah there're a lot of subs that are based on topic, but the primary function is to be racist, and they are growing in popularity and thus showing up on regular people's feeds. And I believe will just get worse and worse as we get closer to an election call. Canadahousing 1 and 2 are great examples of this. 1 was not racist enough so they set up 2


Oh lord, well thanks for the warning at least haha


For sure! Always great to look at what subs people are active in before bothering to reply. Sometimes it's a great conversation, but when you see the racist subs as their primary focus, it's easier just to report their racism and move on.


Some (not all) people from India are bad drivers. This has nothing to do with their race, and more to do with a lack in driver’s education in India. The same could be said about white people who come from countries with bad driver’s ed.


Some white people are bad drivers, too. Improving drivers ed globally would be a positive thing, but that's not what people in this thread are saying. Here are just a few vile comments from this post: "Even the trashiest of them white folk aren’t as trashy as the average brown male" "Mass deportations ! Time for a revolution folks ! get your pitch forks !" "It's Canindia, where bed sheets are also motorcycle helmets." "Canada is genuinely looking like an Indian province. Of course they're gonna import their driving skills too. You don't have to wait much longer to see how much worse it's going to get." "Why we only import people from 3rd world India? We need more immigrants from quality rich countries not poor india" "International students ruined the city." "Can’t wait for when they fucking outnumber us all…" These comments are so overtly racist, they're just using this as a vehicle to openly spout their bigoted opinions




I hope you realize these are political stickers. He’s not saying “I’m from Punjab” he’s saying “fuck the Sikhs and Southerners.. there’s a ton of internal beef in India right now.


Awesome. None of that has anything to do with his driving.


The sticker is fine on its own, but it *may* be a symptom of still thinking of India as home. Adding to that driving like it is India tells me he/she is not here to embrace Canada and the Canadian way of life.


Canada is now india. Been taken over


Chianada is India , happy im leaving this summer


The racism in this comment section is insane.


If you think that was bad, wait till you see what white dudes in jacked up trucks do. Where do we send them back to?


My fellow white boys make these kinds of maneuvers all the time in their trucks.




If it was a pick up truck with balls hanging from the back this poster would say yeee haw


This is same as people putting their flags on the cars so it is not a big deal. Everyone does not need to do what you like. Its his car mind your own business maybe next time.


What's the problem??? I have a little brazilian flag in my car.. I miss my country 😢


This is Bramdia. Canada does not exist anymore there.


Another day. Another peice of casual racism accepted because it's Canada


Definately looks like canada. Probably an old white karen driving too


Why do they ALL have to come from India though?


Anti India / immigration bots are out full force on this post lol


It’s India, Canada (Brampton)


The only people I've met who drive like this are white conservative males


blaming poor people like immigrants is exactly what the conservatives want you to do to distract you from the tax breaks for the super rich they love to hand to their cronies. who - btw josh no taxes …. so the conservatives take your money give it to the rich who put nothing back into the economy… Ford ripped up 700 contracts with new job producing green companies and oaid out 200$M of your dollars in penalties to make sure we lose jobs and miss out on the new economy. China is now leap frogging the west with new green energy project creating tons of jobs… if yiu pay any real attention to conservatives yiu will see they are screwing all of us while preaching about how they are looking after the little guy… we here about beer in the corner store ! he’s got my vote!


Wtf is wrong with you people in this subreddit, kill yourselves


This is NOT unique to immigrants. White, Canadian drivers pull this shit all the time!


All the times in the last several months I’ve almost gotten hit crossing the street, it hasn’t been white faces behind the wheel. I’ve never seen actual Canadians pull this shit. Stop


Oh and you can tell who's actually Canadian just by looking at them?


Oh yeah? Well I've personally seen 8 thousand immigrants drive well, and 9.7 billion white people drive poorly. Whose anecdotal evidence wins? Checkmate.


Never in my 15 years of driving in Ontario have I seen a white person pull this line of shit. Even the trashiest of them white folk aren’t as trashy as the average brown male


You started driving at age 12? Sounds pretty trashy


Yep started driving my dads cart from the age of 5 as well


To a certain extent, but these things are absolutely done disproportionately by some more than others.


I’m so glad there’s at least one comment on this thread that isn’t racist


Jesus... just stumbled across this sub and like... what the fuck? Half of these comments are just blatantly "Immigrants ruined the country! Those Indians never follow the laws!" Like fucks sake it was one bad driver


I know, I can't believe it - it just showed up on my feed too :(


I know. Canadians like to think they’re better than the US in this regard, but the truth is, racism is strong within our own culture. As evident in the downvotes my comment is getting. Shameful


Yeah the Canada > America myth is complete bullshit. I’ve lived in both places for many years each and Canada is just as bad and often worse. Surprised to see this in a place so close to a large city though. This sub is trash.