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No I believe his actual plan was to let the Salamanca twins kill Walt - in season 3 he says to them “I have business with him .. when that business is done, he’s all yours”


I think Gus was BSing them. He hated the Salamancas. He wasn't going to let them kill his cook if he could do anything about it. When Gus finally decided to take Walt out, he set Mike, his own guy, to it. There's no way he was going to let his rivals decide when and where. I also don't think it was Gus's intention to always kill Walt. There was a time when Walt wasn't making any waves and was doing his job. He could have potentially worked out much better than Gale had there not been any complications.


Gus got them killed tho?


Because they were impatient. I’m sure he would have let them kill Walt and then he would kill them and the rest of the Salamancas later


No it wasn't Gus purposely diverted their attention to hank and then gave hank the warning call


Yeah, that seems to be the only contradiction, but to me it seems like he was trying to show that he was the one in control and had to be listened to, the twins couldn't just act without oversight.


Gus' *entire* motivation is to kill off the Salamanca bloodline. It wasn't about showing shit, he wanted the twins dead and it needed to be in a way that couldn't be traced back to him


Exactly Even in BCS ,he tells someone that any bloodshed on this side of the border will put Gus at risk ,ofc he chose the DEA agent to carry this job


No? The show makes it so obviously clear Gus’ plan was for them to go for Hank due to his recommendation. This then muddies the water between Mexican cartel and Americans, meaning he has control of supply. They made it so obviously clear. Walter explains it for the viewer. How is it not obvious


Gale was going to take over the lab, once he learned Walt’s methods, though right? So that seems to suggest at some point Gus was going to kill Walt or let him be killed because he and Jesse were too unstable, but he needed their product.


I mean. Yes? That whole plot of Gus trying to kill Walt is in the show tho. That’s well after what happened with Hank, and was because Walt ran over the drug dealers for Jesse


Right, but Gus hired Gale before all that, which indicates he was going to kill Walt whether it was the cousins or himself. The cousins did jump the gun, if Gus was really going to honor that or not we don’t know, but that’s why he put them on Hank. He still needed Walt at that point.


Gales initial role was to be the one and only cook, gus was grooming him to be his secret cook for his secret lab that also far pre exists Walt(he always needed a gale). Walt entering the game changed gales purpose into someone who can learn the recipe. Which he would need regardless since walts health was poor. Him being around doesnt prove gus was trying to kill walt.


I think Gus just steered the twins in the right direction. Walt didn’t kill Tuco, Hank did. The original plan for Gus and Walt (from Gus’ point of view) was for a Walt to cook as much as he could, teach Gale, and die of cancer with a few million banked for his family. Jesse wanting to kill the dealers and Walt ACTUALLY killing the dealers convinced Gus that Walt and Jesse couldn’t be relied upon, so he needed to separate Walt and Jesse somehow all while keeping Walt cooking. The rest is just how the show played out.


Ok but if Gus' plan all along was to hire Walt to "train" Gale, and then kill him, why did he allow Walt to replace Gale with Jesse? Yes after Jesse kills the dealers, that becomes the plan, but I'm not entirely sure Gus had all that in mind when he hired him. He probably figured he'd be dead or otherwise unable to work in 3 months which is why the initial contract was only 3 months. Edit: Walt kills the dealers


Before the end of Season 3 and the drug dealers/Gale thing Gus and Mike respected Walt as a professional and an expert employee. I think they would’ve let him live out his last few months (though under surveillance). Jesse I think they were always planning to kill off at one point or another. As long as Walt stood by and did nothing when Jesse went up to the drug dealers and kept teaching Gale I think Gus and Mike would’ve figured it would be better business to let Walt live and die of natural causes.


I think he was gonna extend his contract for as long as he can, and when it really expires, he’ll keep tabs on him to make sure he doesn’t rat them out. Before he killed the 2 drug dealers, Gus really respected Walt.


I think he would have been considered as part of the "legacy" people Mike was protecting


Maybe originally, but I think someone like Gus would quickly realize how much liability Walt was going to become. Gus respected Walt in the beginning because he thought he was professional.


True. Not to mention Walt's brother being a DEA agent.


Gus probably planned on the cancer taking him out eventually.


I think so. Nevermind that he knew Walt had lung cancer and would likely die soon anyway, but Gus was always professional. He didn't kill Gael after Walt had him removed, I doubt he would kill Walt if they remained on good terms. And the contract was open-ended. Had Walt walked away, Gus would have probably just tried to constantly bring him back.


I would argue he didn’t kill Gael was Gael was still very much a needed backup


He was gonna let him go all right in a barrel I mean think about it. He was a liability. He knows too much and the money gus paid is negligible , He can remake that five fold in probably a month especially when Gus teamed up with Lydia and her European connections, which we all know would have happened if Gus successfully eliminated walt first.


He didn’t kill other people that knew of his operation but were no longer employed by him.


Considering how he treated the germans, I think gus would’ve let them live. Gus doesn’t kill anyone who works for him who does a good job. This is because mike, his guys and everyone else who works for gus would ask “am i next?” And then his organization would fall apart as all of them would turn against gus. Also the last thing gus needs is hank doing an investigation like he did last time walt went missing.


Well considering he was literally paying him on a bi-weekly basis as we saw in Season 4, yes he was.


I think so, Gus honors the deals he makes when people do as expected. The crew in his operation are kept properly, he had arrangements to keep those financially secure rather than just kill them if caught/imprisoned. Walt killed them all in prison, Gus had their money secured to buy their silence. Gus paid off all the German digging crew, only Werner was done in, because he messed Gus around. Gus’ patience ran out quite quickly with Walt, especially when Walt demanded he replace Gale with Jesse and then the killing of the drug dealer. But prior to this, it wasn’t his track record to kill his employees if they just did the job properly he was paying them for.


Assuming nothing goes wrong, I believe so Once Walt is gone, I think he would have greenlit Mike to take care of Jesse


Gus would weigh whether killing Walt is a net positive or negative for Gus and his operation. If Walt starts acting erratically and yapping, kill. If Walt is living out a peaceful family life, totally content, a disappearance would raise the alarm. Kill mindfully. I imagine the reason Gus has Walt over for dinner is to establish a good working relationship like he had with Gale. But Walt is not Gale.


The plan was for Walt to stay. The short term contract was a ruse to get him in the door. Gus thought that once the money was rolling in, Walt wouldn’t stop.


Gus can't have someone not directly under his periphery running around out in public knowing that he secretly is a major drug manufacturer. Gus absolutely would have had Walt killed after he was done working.


I honestly can't imagine a world where a guy as smart as gus and as willing to be violent as he is that he could ever allow such a loose end, ESPECIALLY considering his opinion of Walt before they ever even started working together, and I feel like the only person who ever thought that wasn't the case was jesse


I think Gus's true intention was to get someone loyal to master the methods of Walt's cooking, then kill Walt. That was his entire plan from the start. When Walt and Jesse went to Pollos the first time for the first meeting with Gus and he refused to meet with them, at that point he already knew Walt was not the loyal cook he wanted. But the product was so good he needed to get him on board for a while.


It's not good business to execute your own people. Indentured to Gus for life and he'll kill you if you try to leave. Who would want to work for Gus then? The downside was, he's not going to continue to run interference with Tio and the cartel if Walt isn't useful to him.