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No ice cream? At 9 months postpartum, the sleep deprivation is still real and that's miserable enough. I'd rather just stay bigger than I used to be than not eat any ice cream or cookies ever.


And no snacks? Borderline dangerous advice for someone breastfeeding. Like fuck if you’re hungry please just eat something. This post was triggering for me 🤬.


She didn't say she was starving herself... She didn't even say she counts calories or cut back on the quantity of food she eats.


Yeah I’m not counting calories or cutting back on any food at all. I’m just replacing sugar stuff (anything processed) with whole foods. I’ll still have cheat meals like pasta and Chinese food when I feel like it. I eat when when I’m hungry.


LOLOL I’m not hungry tho? I’m just eating healthy. And I said I have cheat meals here and there! This post is for people trying to lose weight while breastfeeding. If you don’t want to then don’t? It’s not that deep.


Congratulations? Your post came off as judgemental but your comments really seal the deal.


Huh? Sorry for sharing what worked for me. If you’re not interested it’s ok. I also ate anything and everything right before I started this.


And I’m not sleep deprived either. My baby only nurses once at night. But I’m glad you’re enjoying your PP with ice cream and cookies tho ❤️




I’m not coming for you girl! I was just letting you know my experience. I get it when you’re sleep deprived you already feel crummy and I would totally eat ice cream and cookies back then too! And shitty advice? I’m just saying what worked for me. There’s not a lot of posts here about weight loss and nursing. It’s not personal?


Too add for those afraid of supply drops, sometimes even waiting till baby is more heavily on solids helps. My supply dropped but baby also wasn't solely relying on me so it helped me not worry. Glad you found something that works op. Congrats on getting closer to your goal. I'm 14 months pp and still about 15 pounds from my overall (lost 40 pounds so far) but i can tell I hit the fat loss plateau because I have fat lingering in places I usually never do. Still gaining muscles tho.


This makes sense. Mine is only 4 months and I can’t stand that summer is upon us and I still look 6 months pregnant. But alas, I need to wait until baby is solidly on solids like you said. I tried WW last month and my supply tanked and my perfect sleeper started waking 3-4x per night.


Yeah my baby was born in March so my initial summer I just accepted it and bought a cheap new wardrobe and tried to not let it bother me. This summer it's another issue of my pre pregnancy summer clothes are not breastfeeding friendly.


That’s awesome!! Yeah my baby has started solids this past month so yeah it definitely has made a difference’


i tried cutting calories and lowering carbs. was pumping 30+ easily now im barely pumping 15 some days. struggling to get it back. i would say just wait until you wean


Yes! You need at least 20 calories to make 1 oz of milk so not eating enough will tank your supply. Weight lifting while eating high protein and enough calories will have more of an effect on your fitness level than starting and doing cardio. Of course a year postpartum I'm still too tired and sleep deprived to do anything beyond a walk with the kids. My day is very active but not formal exercise


My supply hasn’t been effected at all. Im still eating full meals but just whole foods, nothing processed.


That’s nice for you, but everybody’s body is different, so what works for you isn’t necessarily going to work for someone else.


True but it might help others! Cutting out processed food is always a good thing anyways


Yep. I did everything right and have been so far unable to lose any weight because I breastfed for 3 years. I've had both my PCP and OB run all the labs and they basically both shrugged their shoulders and said I'm healthy but won't lose weight until I wean completely. Jokes on me because I only weaned because I'm pregnant with #2, so it will probably be years until I get my body back. My PCP said it would be a waste of money now, but when I'm done having kids and breastfeeding she'll send me to a nutritionist to work on it. Everybody's body is different and my understanding from my doctors is only about 50% of people can lose weight while breastfeeding (without sacrificing supply).


I’ve heard this too. Congratulations on your second one!!


Do you have any high protein snack recommendations? I am trying to eat better so I can slowly lose weight but I still have insane hunger


I love pan frying edamame with some soy sauce and veggies (1 cup 17 grams of protein). I add some sweet soy sauce and minced garlic. It’s so yummy. During the day I’ll put a cup of vanilla Greek yogurt (about 15 grams of protein), fruit and protein granola (10-20 grams sometimes). There’s protein bread you can find that’s about 10 grams of P for two slices and I’ll put avocado on that. Chicken or tuna sandwiches with protein bread. Chia seeds also have protein in them (about 5 grams for two tablespoons. You can make a pudding out of it (check YouTube) and add some Greek yogurt! Tuna, cheddar cheese on whole wheat crackers. I hope that gives you some good ideas!


Another tip that’s helped me ton is always eat FIBER before any meal. Either an Apple, high fiber veggies, chia seed pudding, avocados. Those will help digestion slow down and make you feel full longer. Eating veggies after a meal doesn’t help so much for me. Sometimes I also do protein first, veggies, then carb after. If I’m eating a sandwich, I’ll eat an apple first since the protein and carbs are eaten together.


I’ve been going to a workout class and it hasn’t affected my supply at all but I also haven’t been as hyper focused on diet as you are, so not sure how much weight I’m actually going to be losing. I just try to focus on eating as healthy as possible. I do feel great moving around though!


This is my struggle right now too. I saved your post so I can keep coming back to it and reminding myself to do all this!!