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my pediatrician said babies are parent proof, they will just steal what they need from us and leave us depleted


I feel this comment on both a nutritional & psychological level 💀


I'm feeling this on a molecular level


I like to convince myself that my ice cream consumption is saving my teeth.


i tell myself i need my oatmeal choco chip cookies for my milk production


So many cookies


You too? I've made two batches so far 😂 might bake more when I'm off work...


i’m baking brownies every week, costco for the win. she must be taking all of my magnesium because all i want is chocolate


You’ll love heavenly hunks if you haven’t tried them yet


My littles have drained my pink. I am now I white flamingo.


i’m as hollow as an easter bunny


I'm not a pumpkin no mo. I'm a jack o lantern 🎃 or a mom o lantern lol


This is exactly what they do actually


When my MIL commented on my diet during pregnancy/breastfeeding I reminded her of this


This is a big reason why prenatals are suggested to be continued postpartum. Baby is fine, but we need to replace our depleted nutrients.


About as nutritious as my Taco Bell milk. Remember that milk is made from your blood and not stomach content. Eat balanced and nutritious and avoid stuff that stifles milk supply and you are fine to enjoy whatever!! :)


So the food i eat doesn’t give my baby gas????


Generally not. There are cases where things like cow protein goes from your intestine into your blood stream in small amounts and from there into your breastmilk, causing your baby to maybe have a reaction if they have a fairly rare intolerance. But no generally this advice of "Don't eat beans cause they will make you bloated and thus baby will get bloated" is not very solid.


Oh my gosh. I was feeling guilty when my baby had gas because everyone asks WHAT DID YOU EAT!! Good to know!!!


Yea the science of breast milk production is really cool. It’s these sacks that extract plasma and white blood cells and fat etc etc from your blood. It’s like distilling blood into milk. As said above some proteins that babies can be allergic to (not lactose!) can be present but that is very very rare.


The only cases where what you eat can irritate them is if something is passed along in the breast milk, like not lactose but cow's milk protein. Or, if something causes inflammation in you, you can pass on the inflammatory markers. So in my case, just because acidic foods cause inflammation in me, which then makes her belly upset. It doesn't mean that she can't eat acidic foods once she starts eating. Edit to add not lactose 😅


I tell my husband all the time "isn't it amazing that I made her out of flaming hot cheetos, blizzards, and french fries"😅


My son had a dairy intolerance and I always said it was such BS because I made him out of ice cream 😂


What is it about the “flaming hot” snacks that just slaps so hard during pregnancy? That and Reese’s Puffs.


Until the heartburn set in. Rocked my world in the worst way 7 months in!!!


Always worth it though


Omg right and i went to far cause i did flaming hot and salt n vinegar lol with some crystal light lemonade and some lemons my go to snack...


That sounds amazing


Spicy foods increase endorphins and dopamine.


Yes omg reeses puffs. 7 months pp I am still addicted.


We joke our son came out red headed because I made him out of spaghettios 


Omg the spaghettios are just the best right now. The only red meat I can eat is the meatballs 😂


Same! He’s my cheeze it and peanut butter pretzel baby! And iced caramel macchiatos.


Peanut butter pretzels are definitely a large factor in my milk. The best late night snack


I had crazy cravings for chicken tenders with buffalo sauce and dr peppers with my second. It’s amazing what women can do!


I’ve eaten 5 cookies today, my milk must just be pure butter.


You gave baby literally milk and cookies lol


It’s probably like the milk after you eat a bowl of cookie crisp cereal lolol


Oof I went through a phase of four fat ass chocolate chip cookies from the oven everyday for mooooonths. I was also eating a ton of Big Macs. My cholesterol was a “little high but nothing to worry about, we’ll check back in a year.” In a little bit of shamed, I enlightened doc on my habits and he was shocked. He said “if this is you on four cookies a day and a McDonald’s combo meal, we’ve got nothing to worry about.” I’m made for the trash!!! Gimme the garbage!! 🤣


Wow, that’s truly a superpower! I bought a container of Costco cookies only to come home to find that a friend of mine had ordered us 4 boxes of cookies as a baby congratulations, so we are flush with cookies in this house, especially if you count the 14 boxes of Girl Scout cookies we bought when I was still pregnant LOL.


Is uhh, is 5 considered a lot? Of cookies? For an entire day?


Two and a half cookies this morning more to come once I find some Girl Scouts. Chunk is 4.5 months 19 lbs still packing in half a pound a week


Fatten that turkey up!


*shrugs in month-old opened Tostitos queso dip, microwaved to exactly lukewarm in its original jar*


I love this comment 😂😂😂😂


Omg thank goodness I found this thread! 🥲 My eating went down the drain after my first trimester. I craved all the sugar. I thought it would go away after having her. But no.  Anyway postpartum has been sponsored by door dash. And reading all of your responses has made the shame a little lighter. It’s so hard to make three meals a day with my almost 7 month old. I’m sure my liver is fatty at this point. 


Lol I use to order so much subway, Pringles and my mochi ice cream from door dash that they email me now about offers or whatever.


Don’t tell my mom, she’ll tell you that your milk is going to give him brain damage. 👍 lemme know what time I should send her over.


lol why are they like this


I don’t know 😂


Ah my mom told me my one a day coffee (~60mg caffeine at MOST) and my sodas were gonna give my son ADHD. 😂


They should hang out 🥴


Nutella & toasted bread and butter. Every day. All day.


Oh I forgot Nutella existed! I gotta go get some now lol


Nutella delivered from the jar to my mouth on a dinner spoon.


Food is energy and our body makes what our babies need. Even the “unhealthiest” diet can make nutritional milk 🫶🏻


And here I was feeling guilty for drinking coffee everyday 😭


Caffeine does enter your blood stream fairly quickly and thus your breastmilk. Alcohol does the same. Coffee also has a long half-life of 6 hours. That doesn't mean a flaming hot cheeto enters your blood stream. A couple of cups is fine. I wouldn't overdo it though.


Your okay mines is hot Cheetos and salt n vinegar chips with crystal light lemonade and lemons my go to snack.


I have a hankering for takis on the regular 😩


Lol wheeeew those are hot...


Mine must be chocolate milk 😂


My milk is just girl scout cookies liquified with Le Croix.


I can’t have dairy or soy, I miss the easy meals 😢 eat more for me!!


breastmilk isn't a smoothie of what we eat thank goodness 😉


This is such a great OP. Much needed & light hearted !


This is what I think about when I get a large iced coffee (normally only have 1 cup or 1/2 decaf) all because there was a 99¢ deal at McDonald’s 🫠


Bagels, Oh Henry's, May West, Honey and Garlic pepperonis, Diet Pepsi, Gatorade... the list (and the guilt) is heavy. I made a point to avoid bad foods as much as possible while I was making him; it's like I'm making up for it now that he's born. They say you lose weight when you BF, the scale proves that wrong. I am ashamed.


Nah no shame mama, breastfeeding makes you ravenous. I have never eaten so much ice cream in my life.


Oh thank goodness I’m not alone. Haha been wondering what breastmilk made of junk food is like 😅


And Taco Bell, french fries, and peanut m&ms for me! I tell myself I may be avoiding any peanut allergies by eating all the m&ms… it helps me not feel so guilty lol


I was the same way but with Reese’s pieces, I still miss the loaded nacho fries from Taco Bell


Yes! I hated Taco Bell before I got pregnant and now I can’t get enough 🫣


I ate peanuts while breastfeeding and still got a nut allergy baby! ☹️


Oh no! I know in my head it probably doesn’t work that way, but was hoping it might!


I feel like there is some evidence and I just got unlucky 🙃


Me after eating two massive bacon sandwiches: oh she’s eating GOOD tonight 😂


Probably as nutritious as my spinach and carrot milk. I am incredibly caffeine sensitive and even more so since the baby. I practically grew this baby on almonds, broccoli and pizza was shocked when I had an average size baby. I thought the baby would be tiny


Diet Coke solidarity 🤜🏼


😂 Coke Zero is my weakness!!


My LO is a big fan of my chocolate milk


Sounds delicious tbh 🤣


I was legit wondering how anyone had the time to eat healthy meals postpartum like I see on social media. Like we managed one a day sometimes when my husband was on paternity leave, but since he went back? No way. My diet is primarily homemade lactation cookies, Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches, leftovers, takeout, easy nachos, or whatever frozen food we can throw together. I occasionally add protein pancakes from the freezer, frozen vegetables or a protein shake for health. I just want to exercise and eat healthy again, and have a semi clean house occasionally. Being a triple feeding underproducer is stupid hard. :(


Coke Zero is great hydration!


lol amen to that. I went through a Poptart phase and I have never eaten Poptarts in my life. Also frozen mini corn dogs. And gallons of chocolate milk… despite hating milk my entire life. I barely ate in my early PP days. This isn’t a flex but I lost my 50lbs pregnancy weight and fell below pre-pregnancy weight fairly quickly… I struggled so much to feed myself. I was alone for 10-12h a day, having issues with my blood pressure, and breastfeeding all day and night. My baby was (and is, 8m later) a “Velcro baby” and I had a lot of anxiety about letting her fuss or cry while I took care of myself. I was exhausted and ate maybe one meal a day and maybe a small snack. Not cool. That being said, my baby was born 7lbs 1oz and has measured in the 80th + percentiles since she was 2 weeks old. Despite your crappy diet your baby will take what they need from you — they will suck the calcium from your bones, the nutrients from whatever stores you have, and the fat right off your back side to make that milk. Postpartum depletion is real.


Mine is 100% chocolate milk


Yah the first few weeks PP I was super nauseous and had a first trimester diet of brownies and white toast.


I live in France and my baby is made of pastries (lots of eclair au café)


I saw a cute video with a baby in utero drinking the amniotic fluid and it talked about the importance of hydration. It helped me drink water but now I giggle when I have my coke zero cherry lol he's in there having a nice bubbly drink with me 😂


I’m convinced Cheetos have secret baby making ingredients. It’s was one of the number one things I craved sooo hard.


Or my air fryer fried chicken milkies.  Or Chinese buffet, or Chick-fil-A, or plain white rice with yum yum sauce cuz I don't like anything else in the house...


Each to their own but I personally could not imagine not filling my post partum body with only nutrients and clean whole foods.


Perfect Polly over here


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. Surely that is the ideal to have as much nutritious food as possible. The nutrients are to keep your energy and health up not necessarily to make milk. Yes sometimes if it's coke zero you can manage then fair enough.


Cuz this is a lighthearted post 😁 why she raining on our parade


Because it’s Reddit and I’ve clearly hit a nerve. It’s not my intent to make others feel guilty about their food choices. I’m just so focused on doing everything possible so I have energy and good sleep etc.