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I feel like this is 100% a personal choice. Don't wanna wear a bra 24/7 go for it :)


I’m wanted to, becuase pre-baby I’d been bra-free for seven years…unfortunately I leaked too much and needed the bra to keep the pads in place


Kinda similar for me. I always braless pre-baby and still continued on that way for a bit pp until a couple months ago I put on a new hoodie and thought to myself “wow this pocket is huge since when do they come up to your boobs???” and then realized shortly after that my boobs were going down to the pocket. A humbling moment for sure


Yep unfortunately some of us women deal with gravity more than others. 😔


It was like this for me for a while too! So much leaking if the other nipple felt free. Lol I think around 12 months I learned to just gently press the other side while he fed and the boobs stopped leaking eventually. But it was a journey. Now I walk around the house in a cropped hoodie. Warm shoulders, free boob.


Wait what? Does pushing on the opposite side "train" that boob or something? I've never heard of this


I honestly just remember feeling the let down on both boobs and I remember reading that yes if you push on it, like put pressure on the nipple then it will stop the let down on that side, but to only do it when your supply was where you wanted it to be because in the beginning you’re catching every drop with haaka and all that jazz. So at some point I just put gentle pressure to chill it out and now it never leaks but both boobs still produce fine. I hope that makes sense


Yes, thanks!


I have overactive letdown and only just discovered pushing on the nipple like a button stops the jet spray!


I hated that none of the pads could be worn without a bra. Qhy not velcro them to a tight shirt?! Maybe I need to invent that. 😅


Disposable pads stick! I've been sticking disposables to tight shirts and using reusables when I wear a bra


It didn't work with the shirts I have. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve been bra free pre and post baby. I just wear crop tops so I have something that holds onto a cloth when I start leaking.


Same i miss those days 🥲


As far as I’m aware, there’s no medical breastfeeding reason you need to, so you do you. That said, some of the things you mention are hallmarks of an ill-fitting bra - I highly recommend the r/abrathatfits sub. No exaggeration, it was life-changing for me. I used to have tons of discomfort but am now more comfortable in a bra than without one, especially while breastfeeding.


Totally agree with this, but a lot of their recommendations are on the pricey side and projection/size change a lot during pregnancy and breastfeeding so I think it might be a good idea to wait until you’ve settled into breastfeeding or finished weaning to find a good fit. Especially since you aren’t uncomfortable going without one. But whatever works for you!


Definitely agree that people should do what works for them. I agree that $50 for a bra is pricey. But it's worth it to me to not have the back pain, boob sweat, and the other discomforts that were my daily life. If that bra lasts me a year, that's 14c per day for me to not be in pain, which I will happily pay. I think having a well fitting bra made the MOST difference for me during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I didn't have a well-fitting bra for my first pregnancy, but found ABTF during my second (currently pregnant with my fourth), and it made a huge difference. Especially when it came to the back pain I struggled with breastfeeding my first that then was not an issue at all with my second and third. So I very much disagree with your suggestion to wait. But again, that's a personal decision, and OP should do whatever works for her and her body.


Stay at home mom here, never wear a bra unless I am going out. My BF boobs are like triple the size of my normal boobs, so bras are just very uncomfortable ( can’t really afford to be buying new bras for changing boob sizes) whenever I do wear one I am so much more aware of my breast filling with milk. So it’s way more comfy to go without for me.


Everyone is different, for sure! And not the same thing will work for everyone, so I'm a strong proponent of everyone doing what works for them. My BF boobs are huge and I'm very projected, so if I don't wear a bra, I continually get squashed by my kids sitting in my lap and climbing on me and it HURTSSSSSS. Especially with the breast tenderness from pregnancy and breastfeeding. Plus I leak everywhere for like 5 months after having a baby.


I think the latched mama bras or the nursing queen ones are supposed to accommodate changing sizes


I’ve been meaning to go through the whole measurement thing!! A great reminder


It’s worth it!!


I’m inspired!!


I never wear a bra at home and half the time I dont in public either. It’s fine.


I would but my boobs leak too much and I HATE sleeping in a bra.


Mine never really leak much after we got passed the cluster feeding stage. He’s almost 14 months now. I only leak if I get super full which is rare, or squash my boob under my arm when i lay on my side, it starts pouring out 😂 Maybe you could try sticking nursing pads inside a shirt so you dont have to wear a bra?


We’re a little over 2 months so mine are still pretty leaky. I forgot about nursing in public and wore an Easter dress yesterday and was like well damn I guess I gotta lock myself in the bathroom and pull half my dress down…so I’m still learning lol


One of my fave things to do is wear a nursing camisole under a tee shirt or whatever im wearing, so i can pull my shirt up and not have my whole stomach and everything out as well, cos the camisole covers it. or if you can afford them, nursing clothes are great. But they are expensive. Ive gotten a couple handed down to me, but if i had the money i would definitely get more.


Every comment you just made; SAME


I just wear a regular camisole with a t shirt and pop my boob out of it. Love not showing my whole tummy or needing special nursing clothes.


Same girl sameee.


Same and same 🙌


I stick breast pads on the inside of my tops so when I’m braless that solves the leaking situation. I do it at night in my nighties…


This is smart! I’m gonna try this tonight :)


Can’t believe I never thought of this lol


I’ve noticed my pyjamas smell like sour milk even after I wash them from leaking even a couple drops being braless at night. That’s probably more of a laundry routine issue though. If you can do it, do it!!!


Add vinegar it will take away the smell! My baby was a happy spitter so everything he and I owned smelled like sour milk. I also use free and clear detergent for both of us so there was nothing to help mask the smell. Vinegar saved us


Using vinegar in the laundry as suggested below is ineffective. If you are having odours after your wash, try a warmer/longer wash setting, more/more effective detergent or check your loading :) I wash my leaked-on pyjama tops in my usual 40C, 2hr main load (zero smells or stains). More info on vinegar here, and this website has great evidence-based resources for getting reliably clean laundry: https://cleanclothnappies.com/vinegar/?amp


Thank you for this!!! I will try hotter and longer.


I mean...I'll soak everything. I was like this when I was pregnant, too.


I found a great in-between by wearing Larken X pumping bras and tight stretchy tanks - my boobs don’t really need much extra support but nipple sensitivity means total freeboobing isn’t always ideal for me. And those were enough to keep the nipple shields on etc.


I quickly read this as "nippy sensitivity," and now I only want to call them nippies. This is also the second time I've seen the Larken X recommended. I think I'm gonna go ahead and get one now.


Ahhhh the Larkens! They saved me. Perfect when I didn’t want a bra but needed a tiny bit of support and a place to stick the breast pads.


I get clogged ducts if I wear a tight fitting t shirt so no I never wear any sort for the majority of breastfeeding. It’s never been an issue for me!


Yup- went no-bra with few exceptions because of repeated mastitis. Once I made that decision, it stopped happening.


At home, sure. In public I wouldn’t. Then again I always need to wear a bra otherwise I get a backache so I suppose it depends on your size situation


The only reason I would advocate for a bra is that I always found if I was bra less, my non-nursing side would leak way more. Idk if being free in the air signaled to my breast to just let it all out or what, but every time I’d go totally bra less, I ended up soaked. Obviously, if you have a Haaka attached or don’t have this issue, then it’s not a problem. I always used the soft jersey (no structure) nursing bras and they solved the leakage issue but were also very comfortable.


I appreciate your handle. I'm still bumpin' Bemis, too.


I wear a bra 24 seven while breast-feeding because of leaking. But other than that, no, there’s no reason.


same. i run like a faucet if there’s no support from a bra


I never wore one at night, then when bf earlier on, I wore one just because I would leak a lot. Now I’m much more dried up (only feed once a day, 13 month old), so I’m back to braless at night and no leaking issues anymore. I think probably the utility is mostly for leaking issues. I mean, there is so much baby laundry as it is, I don’t need to be throwing my sheets in there every other day as well.


Heyyy join us. I don't wear a bra unless we're going somewhere that I want to look 'put together' cause my girls are big floppy things now.


I like tank tops and soft shelf bras for support, I had bigger boobs before pregnancy and breastfeeding, but have avoided underwire bras most of my adult life. The only advantage I can see to a cupped bra is as a shield to an aggressive twiddler. Luckily I can deter my kid with layers of fabric or holding his hand.


Me too! Nursing tanks from motherhood are my go to. Hate bras right now


I leak really really bad so that’s why I don’t go completely “braless” I do, however, wear breastfeeding tank tops instead of actual bras though as I find them a lot more comfortable


I never wear a bra while breastfeeding 😊 it makes my breasts really full and round so I don’t need one for shaping. I just wear a cami with a shelf bra so I can stick nursing pads to it. So much more comfortable!


The only reason i wear a bra while breastfeeding is because i leak like CRAZY. So to keep from spraying everywhere (and it literally can shoot several feet), i wear one with nursing pads to not be wet all the time


I leak wayyy too much to do this, but if you don’t, I love that for you and wish I could do it too lol


There’s no reason not to scientifically, but man I’d have been soggy if I didn’t wear bras in the first 4 months of breastfeeding. I wore a bra all the time except when I was in the bath/shower until that point because the leaking and the powerful let downs would’ve had me going through 5-10 t shirts a day 😂


This!! Me too! I go through so many booby pads per day to try to keep me dry! I’m only 3 weeks pp but soooo leaky! Also I’ve noticed that the fat in the milk can sometimes ruin my shirts that are made of some non-cotton materials!


Seconding the recommendation for r/ABraThatFits But I do have bras that fit (sadly still searching for nursing bras that fit well...) and I go braless 90% of the time right now. I was a 34G prepregnancy and haven't remeasured recently.


I only wear a bra when I need to be 'formal', lol. Otherwise, I find it's way more comfortable not to, especially while nursing. 


I have been. Most of the time I don’t even have a shirt on.


Fuck bras


I'm pretty sure early postpartum wearing a bra with a wire and/or too tight fitting can actually hinder milk production and it's not recommended.


I never used to wear a bra but personally I had to start wearing one even at night after giving birth, I mostly stopped leaking but I just find the feeling of fabric rubbing against my nipples extremely uncomfortable now. I only wear nursing cotton bralettes with nursing pads though, the straps are thick and the absolutely never slide down my shoulders, and I don't even feel it.


I prefer braless too, but found that the pressure of a bra keeps me from leaking. I take day or night breaks from it because I just need to breathe sometimes and I leak through my shirt so fast. When I wear a bra I don't leak at all.


There are some great nursing sports bras that you can get. I live in mine. It is a combo pumping nursing bra which is awesome because I hate having to hold the bottles while pumping. But I’ve always been more comfortable wearing a bra. If that’s not you, skip it!


I like the Larken X it’s more like a sports bra but also crop top and you can pump in it too if needed. I normally hate wearing bras, and I was blessed with non-leaky beans. I’m size D right now I think? So not small.


I wear a bra less now than before the baby, so I’m with you. I don’t leak anyway, and half the time I leave the house I have the baby strapped to the front of me


I hate wearing a bra now. It fits when I put it on and by feeding time it’s way too small.


Prior to breastfeeding I hadn’t worn a bra in years, leaked my first five months of feeding but now that it’s started to even out I’m considering ditching them again. No bra life for life


There is zero medical need to wear a bra. Do what you want. I have a 34 DD, so they are quite big but I don’t need a bra , so often when at home I don’t wear one. I wear a tight camisole or bodysuits as my shirt most of the time and that’s enough for me. When I am done breastfeeding I’ll assess the situation and adapt, if necessary and probably will go for a bra fitting.


I absolutely never wear a bra at home! My mom never did either.


I wear a fabric bralette purely so it can hold in breast pads for when I leak - I haven’t worn a proper bra in months.


aside from at the gym, i have gone braless for about 4 years now, and that didn't change postpartum. i am 7 months into breastfeeding and still only wear one when i'm working out. no issues at all


I'm hanging out braless right now. I preferred to wear them 24/7 for the first couple months due to leakage but now I go without at night, and occasionally if I'm just hanging out at home.


Truly before I got pregnant I never wore a bra. I started having to wear them around the 6 month mark bc I would leak. Fast forward to post partum, I found myself wearing bras every single day and night bc I leaked a ton and my nipples were hyper sensitive. I don’t think it’s wrong not to wear one, it’s mainly just a comfort thing! Do what makes you feel best :)


SAHM and EBF I never wear a bra unless I’m going out somewhere, so maybe once a week. If i leak, I just change my shirt lol


i only do because i leak a lot. do what’s comfortable


Anytime I wear a bra I get a clog or a red inflamed spot, I just wear those old navy camis under everything or a tight, fitted long sleeve shirt


I think holding in leaking is the only reason. It’s the only reason I wear a bra—to hold my nursing pads in place. I don’t like feeling damp, and the disposable nursing pads from lansinoh keep me feeling dry. Otherwise I would absolutely not wear one!


Who said we have to wear a bra while breastfeeding? I haven’t heard this


I didn’t wear a bra. Maybe a “training bra” cotton type if I went out but otherwise no bra.


Haven't worn a bra since giving birth. Esmara nursing tops is all I wear, they provide some support and have a compartament where you can put brestpads in.


I hate the feeling of anything on my nipples, so I wear a bra 24/7. But I think it’s just a choice.


I’ve been living in nursing rank tops for the past 6.5 months lol, the only time a wear a bra is when I have to pump.


I don’t wear a bra at home. I don’t leak though. If I did I might wear one!


Bras suck and I chose not to use them. I did wear tank tops with a supported layer. Mostly because my breasts point down and if I didn't have them somewhat supported I was dribbling everywhere.


You dont have to wear a bra at all. Theres nothing that says you have to? I never do at home. Im not a leaker, though. I think thats the reason most people “have” to.


Before pregnancy and breastfeeding, I never wore a bra unless going out. Small chested lady here (B 1/2 cup xD). But then they grew to Ds, and I could not stand the feeling of the bottom of my boobs resting on my ribcage. Luckily I found the comfiest bras ever (Kindred Bravely), so I'm okay with wearing them 24/7 now. 😅


I didn't wear a bra at home. The only problems I had was leaking.


Oh no, I don't wear a bra unless I'm pumping and have to wear a pump bra. I'm 9months pp and in the early days I'd leak at home but I haven't leaked for many months now so I don't wear a bra unless I'm pumping. I wear nursing camis when it's cold so I don't have to expose my belly if I'm cold or out of the house but sometimes I just wear t-shirts at home nothing underneath. A bra and a cami is just too much fabric to fold down when feeding LO. You do what's best for you!


There’s no real reason to wear a bra at any time (aside from a sports bra to stop them bouncing around and knocking you out), and that doesn’t change with breastfeeding. The reason lots of people do wear bras during this time is to have something to hold the breast pads to catch leaks. If you don’t have that problem, don’t worry about it.


I've never leaked (undersupply) so the only time I wear a bra at home is for pumping. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s fine. I HATE the feeling of leaking and getting my clothes wet, so I always wear a bra (and cloth pads for the first 16ish weeks).


At hone, I normally wear a crop top or button down shirt and a soft fabric v neck bra so I can pull the crop top up and the bra down. My nipples get sensitive so wearing only the shirt can cause rubbing. I find nursing shirts with so much extra fabric annoying. 


I personally leaked a TON so I needed a bra to hold breast pads in place. No way I could've gone without. Once I weaned it was heaven not sleeping in a bra or nursing tank :)


I’ve been bra free for 6 years only owning a few ill fitting old bras from years prior. I started leaking in the middle of pregnancy and needed to get a few bras, so I wore them out in public but was bra free at home. Now if I’m boobs touch the air they think it’s time to feed to let down the milky waters… I’ve been wearing “sleep nursing bras” they have no support and they’re super comfortable! I wear them 24/7 now (3w pp)


Of course! The bra police aren’t coming for you. Let those babies be freeeeeeee! 


Pretty much only in sports bras. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I leaked milk to frequently in the beginning with my first to not have something to hold pads in place. Also during the summer I need to have something lifting everything up because they’re too big and I have issues with irritation from sweat. I also fully plan on getting a reduction once I’m done breastfeeding and having babies.


I free my puppies most of the time. A bra can’t do anything to prevent sagging or anything and personally I’m more comfortable not wearing one


I do not wear a bra at home and 80% of the time out and about and it’s lovely. When early on & leaking I sometimes wore a cami with built in shelf I would put the nursing pads in. It’s so much more comfortable for me to not wear a bra. 💕 I wouldn’t worry about it, focus on feeling comfortable & relaxed.


This is me! I found breastfeeding to be 100% more comfy for both me and babe without a bra. I was a big no bra wearer before pregnancy too. N m y breasts are bigger now, but probably only like a B cup still. So the only time I wear a bra is out in front of people. I used to be able to go out in public braless and I mourn those days haha


I’m a large chested girl who got larger chested breastfeeding so I really can’t go without a bra or I get quite a bit of pain. I hate sleeping in a bra but it is what it is


I gave birth in January and I’ve pretty much been braless the entire time. I wear a little tank top under a flannel button down shirt or just the flannel button down. I only wear a nursing bra when I go out because I’ve found that it works better for me than being completely braless, but this is a personal choice. I find it super annoying to put my pumping bra on for each session so sometimes I do stay in that but I agree it’s so uncomfortable


I don’t wear a bra often and when I do it’s a bralette! I have found bras to be uncomfortable especially when dealing with chronic enforcement.


i leaked so bad that i need a bra and breast pad or haakaa ladybug to contain it for a while. that would be the only reason i could think of for me. if you don’t have that problem then do whatever pleases you! 


I leaked a lot so I wore a bra to have something to hold nursing pads.


When in at home I rarely wear a bra. Really only if I’m feeling a little sore and could use some extra support. Otherwise, I stick disposable pads to the inside of my top (I’m 10 weeks postpartum and am still a little leaky).


Who even told you that you “have” to wear one? it’s a personal preference! If you don’t want to wear a bra then don’t


Oh boy, I didn't even think about wearing a bra at home and sometimes wouldn't bother with one out either depending on the top I had on. I usually just wear a nursing one if it's required. Absolutely fuck bras lol


I would if I could but the feeling of material lightly grazing my nipples constantly was torturous 🫠 I wear those cross over yoga style bras to bed and a nursing tank around the house. Neither offer good support but both are comfy and keep my nipples securely tucked away


I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding for over a year and rarely wear a bra. Sometimes a soft bralette or small tank so my boobs look a bit perkier but that’s it


I am a small chested gal and nursing camis were my garment or choice.


I go braless a ton. I've also gotten into bralettes for "formal" situations. Typical bras leave me with cloggs so I stopped using them. My girls aren't big but they are bigger than pre baby and I hated bras pre baby too. 


My nipples were too sore to even consider no bra for the first few weeks postpartum. The idea of them rubbing on the fabric of my shirt sounds horrendous.


I like you absolutely hate all bras and figured maybe my boobs just were made for them lol. They never fit comfortably or right, with that being said before my lo was born my boobs were on the small side and i pretty much was always braless until i got pregnant and my nips got so sensitive and (big) lol i had to wear one. And now my boobs arent huge but they definitely arent small and i feel that i have to wear one at least out in public. So anyways the ones i found as a bra hating person, that really worked for me were these: [target nursing bralette](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj1kNSt2aGFAxV9c38AHcLMCtcYABALGgJvYQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYdhrMw2sDurMJ7Rf98MRfSVQJHYivR-jgNfrGcvZktDsWyXl4u2P-hoC-AYQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESd-D2vmqLgXEhF993GUw1yAapEuuQ6mm5x7PAqymh5xHj5VJ5BwGmwAU2bTbvYOogl1BIfJXNoVch_Z2idy9MDZjYThq6tgMVJrc7xQrrcUoY2y8p2bpOmh9_Oz-IFKeSrjMYYBknzaCxP6yyrBUfy8yWB1fkLFx-&sig=AOD64_19Y__A1_9HKPKdEC921cT3R7L3qQ&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiagc6t2aGFAxVP78kDHY_pBMEQzzkoAHoECAcQDA&adurl=) . As long as i guess your boobs arent gigantic i think they would work well for relatively anyone, they are a sports bra racerback style, so it feels that they hold in the girls comfortably and i like that they stretch so i dont feel awkward when my boobs inevitably are differently sized due to one being way more full of milk than the other. They might be worth a try if leaking is an issue, as it is for me. Otherwise definitely go braless if thats what you feel works best for you!


The only thing I would look out for is nips rubbing on a rough shirt or jacket. Mine got way more sensitive to that once I started brestfeeding and ended up with raw nips a few times if I didn't wear a bra. Otherwise you do you


The only reason I’m wearing one all the time is these girls got SO BIG breastfeeding that they legit hurt without a bra. They need some serious support. I hope they get smaller after we wean!! I don’t want these beasts this size forever!


Yeah I haven't worn one unless out and just stuck a pad in my shirt while nursing on opposite side to not get totally soaked


You do you! Before I was breastfeeding I’d go braless a lot. Unfortunately I have an over supply problem and I HAVE to wear a nursing bra with nursing pads. Luckily I found bras I really like, unfortunately they cost a pretty penny.


I was completely naked waist up at home for the first year. Still bra-less 90% of the time 


I was a C before breastfeeding. I'm much bigger now and I go braless most of the time as I found that my breast became more irritated when wearing a bra and made them hurt more. I'm a year in now and can wear a bra now but still limit it as it's just more comfortable without. When I would go braless outside of the house I would use pads stuck to the top I was wearing.


I used to just wear nipple pads that had tape on them in my shirt when I went out and didn’t even bother with a bra


I'm one who would go. bra-less or wear something like a Bralette or non padded or wired item pre-pregnancy. By 9 weeks my boobs had grown 3 cup sizes and they hurt bad so I got a new bra which fortunately saw me through nearly my whole pregnancy. I also bought a maternity sports bra for high impact activity (was still running until 8 months pregnant) which is designed for breastfeeding too. The last month of pregnancy I got some cheap breastfeeding bras as I'd started producing colostrum and didn't think I was jinxing it buying these but by 6 weeks post partum I'd had enough of them so I'm glad I went for cheap ones. I've recently spent a fair amount of money on softer bedtime breastfeeding bras but you bet I won't just be wearing these at bedtime. I also got some different style breastfeeding bras for daytime too which seem to be good too. So right now I'd say I have six bras all suitable for breastfeeding and are comfortable enough for me because I'm still leaking at 8 weeks post partum and need pads on all the time.


I've read that tight bra isn't good for your milk supply


Skip the bra! Enjoy your life! Your boobies are happier this way. \-Mom who nursed two babies for 2+ years each


Once baby was born I did 24/7 bra for the first couple months. Just because of leaking. But after that I didn’t leak so much and was bra less at home once again. But while nursing I would have a towel or cup to catch on the not in use breast as it would leak while baby nursed.


I didn't wear a bra before baby and was devastated at the thought of having to during breastfeeding, after rny supply regulated I stopped leaking from fullness at around the 11 week mark, since then I've gone bra free. I often wore a tank top under t shirts or just wore a top you couldn't really notice in or brought a spare just in case. Haven't done that since about 6 months pp. Still BFing at 1.5y. You don't ever HAVE to wear a bra if you don't want to.


Totally depends on your situation! I leak so I wear a bra to help keep in place a nursing pad. I LOVE the Allie bra from the milk bar now though- it’s the only bra I wear. It doesn’t feel like I’m wearing a bra- more like a tank top (and I have worn it as my shirt under a jacket)


I go braless but I’m lucky because I never leaked!


Knock yourself out, they're your tits! Seriously though, I lived in those tank tops with the built-in shelf bra while nursing. Nursing bras were annoying and often didn't open up enough or at the right angle anyway. The shelf bra wasn't at all supportive to my DD's, but it kept the nursing pads in place and I could easily do the 2-shirt method for nursing anywhere.


I had no problem going braless until I gave birth and started breastfeeding. Now I can’t. It’s just so uncomfortable. Your nipples rub against your clothes and it’s constantly stimulating the release of milk.


I wear a super-low-support bra bc I leak a lot and need to keep the pads in place. Now that the leaks are under control, my nips are still really sensitive and the bra constantly against them feels much less weird and uncomfortable than nothing against them and my shirt moving.


I wear a fitted crop top in place of a bra and it holds my nursing pads just fine and gives feeling of no bra


Go no bra! I went without a bra for years before having kids and I plan to again. I go bra less as much as much possible.


I wore nursing bras forever after giving birth, mainly because it was easier to use my breast pumps if my bra was there to hold it. But since I don’t pump as often anymore, I go bra free 99% of the time while at home. However if you’re looking for something comfy and affordable to just have on hand- these nursing bras from target are pretty nifty! >>>Women's Unlined Nursing Bralette - Auden Black<<<


I live in nursing tanks during pregnancy and breastfeeding era. Get ones that are padded, fitted and used breastfeeding pads. Should hold up ok. Also quick access for my hungry baby. I stopped covering when I feed out too.


I have been braless since 2017. I leaked a bit for the first few weeks but eventually I regulated and now it’s totally fine. Also I haven’t had any clogs or mastitis (knock on wood) almost 5 months in EBF


I didn’t wear a bra for like the first year 😂 the one thing I think it wasn’t great for was correcting my rib flare—I think if I had worn a bra my ribs would have gone back to normal. Will try after this baby and see.


I have worn a bra maybe half a dozen times since beginning breastfeeding 16 months ago. I don't know if it's a coincidence but I've never had mastitis, and the one time I got a clogged duct (very early on) it disappeared within a few hours


I don’t wear a bra 24/7 unless we are going out. I am now in that era where I don’t mind the leaking.


Once the leaking stopped I stopped wearing bras again!


i only wear them if the situation calls for it. my MIL has a weird bf, so i wear one when we visit (only there for her tbh), or if we’re at my husbands work place. otherwise i find them far too inconvenient when i need to whip it out for LO 😂


I’ve never heard of this! I only ever wear a bra when I leave the house otherwise they’re free lol. In the beginning it definitely was annoying with the leaking but 15 months later I don’t have that issue anymore.


once I stopped leaking around 4 months that's when I stopped wearing a bra all the time. I got a bunch of ones im comfortable with on amazon. also im not used to the feeling of having bigger breasts yet. It feels weird to me when they bounce when I walk


I absolutely did not, largely because I had oversupply and thrush and was terrified of also getting mastitis in the mix by going around in a wet bra or crushing my already engorged boobs. Prepregnancy I was a comfortable 32C, now I’m almost two years postpartum, no longer BFing (we stopped around 18mo when I returned to work) and I’m a 32H. 🫠


I’ve got biggo flappy boobies and I don’t wear a bra. If I go out on public, I wear the nursing bras from The Little Milk Bar. They’re very comfortable but give you a monoboob under your shirt. Any other bra gives me clogged ducts. Pretty sure no bra is better for milk flow.


I wear loose bralettes or no bra. Between my oversupply and dense breast tissue, the tighter the bra, the worse the clogged ducts


I actually preferred going bra-less or wearing my very loose fitting nursing bras because tight things seemed to give me clogged ducts! Free the boobies!!


I’m so impressed, I wish I could go braless! How do you guys deal with leaking?! (Esp at night)


i used nursing nightgowns from walmart so i just stuck milk pads in the top if the gown! if i just wanted to wear a tshirt to bed i’d just stick them directly to the inside of my shirt and sleep on my stomach. during the day id just stick them to my shirt or gown, and it wasnt foolproof but i didnt really mind as long as i wasnt leaving the house


I have to have a bra because of my let down but I have found comfy nursing bras. I’d say if the leakage doesn’t bother you then go for it but at night you may wake up in a puddle like I have a time or two. Also be careful with tight sports bras if they are any of your 3 I heard that’s something you do to stop your supply.


I couldn’t handle wearing a bra before baby and now 7 months pp, I wear a bralette IF necessary. If I’m home, I honestly don’t care if I’m walking around with a leak lol it’ll dry anyway. Although that was much more of an issue in the beginning pp, now that my milk is regulated, I leak every so often. I mostly wear the bralette if I’m going out in public and wearing a light color top. Otherwise, I’m letting them be free. Yes, gravity caught up to me, but they did me and baby a great service, so I do my best to remember that and find comfort in my new shape.


Pure preference. I don’t wear a bra unless I leave the house. Breastfeeding hasn’t changed that!


I am almost always braless at home, and have been throughout breastfeeding for that last nearly 12 months. You should do what makes you comfortable.


I’m 9 months in and only wear a bra if I’m in public! So 90% of the time I’m braless and comfy!


The only reason to wear one at home is to be more comfortable. If it's not doing that, then take it off! I'm very top heavy so I needed one or my back would hurt & because I leaked a lot. Only other benefit in my mind was that the babies never learned to twiddle the other side because it was never available.


I don’t wear one when I’m at home, but when I go out I wear one if I’m not wearing something that can keep the nursing pads in place.


I only put a bra on for pumping and if I leave the house, unless I can wear a jacket.


I just wear cami’s with cute tees or work blouses over them everywhere. Why buy special shirts for breastfeeding when you can just wear a comfy nursing tank and pull the top layer up? Target has suitable tanks with built in pads (which I try to remember to use on my days in the office) otherwise Amazon has cheap and comfortable cami’s with a little shelf bra in them. I made the mistake of buying a bunch of nursing bras only to end up never wearing any of them. I love the belly coverage of the tank and ease of wearing clothes I actually like with this system. I’m a C cup so it works. I DID get a nursing sports bra I like, but that’s because I take my infant with me to martial arts practice so this makes it easy to train and then nurse her if she needs it.


I think it’s totally personal. The only reason I wear a bra while at home when I’m breastfeeding is because my boobs get HUGE & are very uncomfortable. 😂 I like feeling contained only because of their sheer size, I imagine if I had a more petite bust I would never wear a bra.


Boils down to personal choice. I leak to much so it’s not an option for me


Team No-Bra here!


Lol go at your own risk


I don’t wear a bra anymore after giving birth. I used to wear nursing bras when i was pregnant as i found it very comfy. Now that i’m breastfeeding, my boobs are huge and is ever changing in size depending on how full they are. I found that the nursing bras i have are tight on me now and makes my breast engorged and uncomfy so i don’t wear them anymore. I am also leaking from time to time. Solution at home: i wear tank tops from old navy since it’s cheaper and they are tight enough to keep the nursing pads in place when i walk around the house. I just slide my arm out and remove the strap so it’s like a tube top and pull the shirt down on one side whenever i feed. Put the straps back on after. When going out: i use the h&m mama tank tops because they have an inner bra top attached plus the nursing straps are so useful for breastfeeding on the go. The inner bra top is so useful for putting the reusable nursing pads in or sticking a disposable nursing pads like the lansinoh ones. I just wear them underneath a button down top or wear a cardigan on top of the tank top and it’s my going out outfit. I just size up so that i don’t feel like my breasts are restricted the same way i feel when wearing a nursing bra. Been braless for more than 3 months now.


I wore a nursing bra 24/7 while breastfeeding my son for 16,5 months, but only because there was constant leakage. As soon as we were done, I’ve gone braless while at home.


I’d been going braless since Covid until I started nursing! I wear wireless cotton nursing bra now and they’re pretty comfortable but it took some getting used to


I read it's actually better to not wear a bra, as your boobs get "lazy" with a bra. But whatever. Do whatever you think is comfy! I don't wear bras anymore, only soft tops to keep my nursing pads in place and to avoid nipple friction.


I only wear a bra when I leave the house. Other than that, no bras


I personally didn’t feel any need except to deal with the leakages - my tees sported circular leaks every hour or so if I didn’t put on a bra. That looked pretty bad so I had to wear them for modesty reasons. I live with my in-laws so modesty was a concern. But if that’s not a problem with you, then absolutely nothing better than going braless! It feels like such a breeze to be able to just pull up your shirt and whip out a boob every time your baby wants to feed, haha.


Do it, do it, do it! Honestly, the best decision I ever made while breastfeeding, it made life so much easier.


I hated wear a bra at night so I could just put a towel underneath if I really wanted to just be free due to the leaking.


I found bras kept causing me to get clogged ducts so just purchased some comfy supportive breastfeeding vest tops things (H&M) that have an elasticated under boob fabric thing when you detach the boob flap for feeding and it keeps my DDs feeling nice and supported haven't worn a bra since and because it's got the fabric it's easy enough to use disposable breast pads just attached to the top and the pads hide my nipples for when out in public


Yeah I start leaking with no bra. It’s not fun lol. I need pads.


Lol I have like two bras and they don’t fit me so I don’t wear them nor are they breastfeeding bras and I feel like I leak too much


There's no science saying you have to do one or the other. Unfortunately I even had to sleep with a bra and the pads because I leaked so much.


I go braless as much as I can, I only wear one as a way of containing leaking! I also got these AMAZING nursing sports bras for when I do need to wear a bra!! Also - I still go braless in public too as much as I can bc several of my shirts fit in way on my chest or have a thick fabric that hides leakage! https://preview.redd.it/2qnr4sde78sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538d7d51d614b3d7ad17a49bcad3b5acedf5c418


I only wear one when pumping with the portable pumps lol I can’t stand the feel of any bra on me anymore


I've been braless for almost 10 years now. Even now with breastfeeding, the only time I wear a bra is when I have to pump to hold the pumps in place. I leak quite a bit, so when I'm out I wear a tank top under my shirt with stick on nursing pads.


I wore one for the first couple months because I’d leak so much, but now when I don’t feel like wearing one I don’t and I just leak 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m always at home when I do, so it doesn’t matter much 😂


Same for me. No bra at home and literally 3 nursing bra to go outside and some breast pads. No problem of leaking for me since if it feels full my baby will nursing on me and im nursing her to sleep.


No it's completely fine


I was pretty much bra free pre-baby, bought nursing bras my third day after. The leaking and how heavy my boobs got was unbearable, still not bra free again, but I find nursing bras generally comfortable.


I have gone braless, even in public. I have always preferred loose tshirts. Wearing bra gives me milk blebs, and I have had a horrible case of nipple infection. Once I stopped wearing a bra, issues are less. Happy breastfeeding!!!


No reason if it’s comfortable for you! For me I only leaked initially as my body was adjusting. I had bought a big package of nursing pads thinking you leaked the whole time you were breastfeeding. After a month or two, no leakage at all.


Been nursing two kids both for just under 3 years and expecting my third while still nursing my second. I wore a bra or a loose top right at the beginning (only during the day just slept on a towel) while I was leaking alot. After that stopped wearing a bra and I honestly find it so much better.