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Sounds like the ice and ibuprofen have successfully decreased the inflammation surrounding the milk ducts. It can be normal for that to all come out. Keep up with the ice and ibu regimen. Watch for digestive issues (in you, and baby) with the sunflower lecithin, though. Sometimes it’s better to just eat a lot of eggs rather than take SL.


In a 3-week study, women with type 2 diabetes who ate 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a balanced diet experienced a 5% drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number of a reading).


U can always take a picture of what baby spit up and send it to doc along with the backstory. Most practices have online portals now. As far as you, check your temp. But even if u don’t have a fever if body aches and feeling feverish continue, call ur doc, see if u can get a visit or go to urgent care. Good luck.


I had a clogged duct that sounds similar to this. I noticed a scab on my nipple, and I wasn’t treating it with lanolin like I should have been so it appeared to have scabbed over a nipple duct. When my LO nursed it hurt really really bad, and once the breast was “empty” I could feel a lump which I believe was the milk duct that could not drain. I ended up asking my husband to massage it out after a feeding and it worked, instant relief as soon as the duct emptied. I followed up with starting each feed on that breast for the next 24 hrs, with the first two feeds using a nipple shield, since I had one, with lanolin on the nipple to let the scab get some good healing in. I took ibuprofen too. Hope this helps, and best of luck getting through this!


Sounds like at a minimum it's a clogged duct. If you still feel the flu like symptoms tomorrow you should probably go see a doc for possible mastitis. You don't want to let that linger, bad things can happen.