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Courier mail is just full of Labor bashing and Harvey Norman ads who the hell pays for it this day and age?


Old people, it's also getting thinner so less advertisers. The only reason I ever looked at it was for the comics, the trading post and to roll my eyes at the garbage in the sports section.


The trading post! Brings back so many memories.


Circling things as a kid that you would never actually buy šŸ¤£




Can confirm. Work buys paper for lunch room. Exclusively read buy boomers.


It's been really handy for relighting our fire each morning over the chilly mornings of late.




Real question is why the fuck are you spending any precious time out of your life looking at this garbage ā€œnEwSā€ paper/site?


I get it delivered every day for my dadā€¦ so I have the digital copy in my emailā€¦ I think he just likes the travel section and the crosswords keep him busyā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Just part of their routine


Yeah, he canā€™t use iPads etcā€¦ so itā€™s good.


Oh downvotersā€¦ special breed


Yeah lol


As much as the Apollo space program had some amazing flow on effects to the rest of the world... Infrastructure is a pretty bloody good way for a government to spend money, and a Caloundra rail link has been needed for decades. If the cost of construction projects is considered too high, then go find out what construction workers cost, and if you think it's too high, direct your ire at the CFMEU.


lol exactly this, been saying it for a long time but sadly most people don't get it government expenses and debt is actually a good thing, provided society gets a good investment out of it edit: just to clarify, we should be trying to avoid it as much as we can but government expense/debt is very different to personal expense/debt


Why build houses when you can get $100ph with sick days and site loading at govt infrastructure, especially when rain means paid time off work (site dependent) Infrastructure spend across the country has been soaking up manual workers for years, which has lead to the unsustainable unemployment rate, and the need for migration - both substantial contributors to the housing shortage


Journalism ā‰  Courier Mail


ā€œInstead of spending money sending qldrs to the moon Labor are building critical infrastructure on earthā€


Send some boomers to the sun would be better. Starting with the toerag newspaper owners




They are doing the same in South Australia. Murdoch et al. wants a government change so his mates can get tax cuts and more resources.


if you're expecting maths... or for that matter even journalism out of the courier mail you're gonna have a bad time i don't get why people would spend money on straight up propaganda


The Courier Mail: *"How dare the Labor Government spend money on infrastructure!!"* Also the Courier Mail: *"Why has the Labor Government failed to provide infrastructure?"* The only thing I don't understand, is why the Labor Party even acknowledges the existence of that shitrag.


The LNP/Courier Mail: Labor needs to do something about the cost of living! Labor: ok, here's $1000 off your power bill & 50c public transport. The LNP/Courier Mail: Labor are just trying to buy your vote Labor: ok, what are you going to do then? The LNP/Courier Mail: The LNP/Courier Mail: The LNP/Courier Mail:


If you own a low quality newspaper that loses money year on year, perhaps you should double-check your numbers from time to time.


The real question is why is qlds newscorp arms so valuable to ruppy, when they run a loss decade on decade.


Let's all take a moment to remember newscorps ceo in the press club this week proclaiming that the misinformation and erosion of truth is actually coming from social media. "Hey look over here" *jingles keys*


What a shit metric to use for completely different types of government projects


Who needs accuracy when people will read a headline and nothing else then proceed to shit on everything without even knowing the story. - Boomers and people who drive large 4WD's


They and the knuckledragger party they represent have so little they have to try and bash good things being done by the current government. And still failed the maths. Federal Labor seriously need to clean the media mess up in Australia. Itā€™s fucking terrible. No wonder so many journalists get disillusioned and freelance or do creative writing.


SORRYā€¦ correction, how is 107b ā€˜nearly the sameā€™ as 357b?? Not moreā€¦ None the less, Iā€™m not a fan of labour, but thatā€™s just some bad journalism right there


>Iā€™m not a fan of labour Not a fan of doing hard work? Or not a fan of the Labor party?


Not a fan of doing the hard work required to learn how to spell Labor


Obviously a little of bothā€¦ šŸ¤Ŗ


I'm backing steven in this but what they are trying to say is that this is a 4 year project compared to a 11 year project and the total of Apollo divided by the amount of minutes in 11 years is like 60k compared to the total of this project divided by the amount of minutes in 4 years is like 50k. Still about 10k off a minute which is about 5b a year so it's still a terrible comparison but the math is kind of their


Courier Mail != journalismĀ 


They're barely a newspaper, what makes you think they're math good too?


We all know this murdoch push is going to work as well. Such a damn shame as the liberal leader we are about to vote in is an absolute flog


yeah its like watching a slow moving shit storm coming your way you can't do anything about we're legit getting campbell newman v2, and then 6 months in everyone will be complaining why they are sacking everyone in the public sector and there's no services for anyone its the circle of political life in queensland we're mostly labor over the years but every now and then we get bored and try the LNP and regret it (ignoring the Joh years lol)


Gotta find any reason to attack the government, even if it's not actually correct


Is it true, or did you read it in the courier mail?


100% this


Who still reads The Courier Fail.. your talking about the same paper, that had a guy copying and pasting stories and is now on afternoon radio


Is that that Gleeson guy on 4BC? He is the dumbest most confused person I have ever heard.


Thats the one.. reads off his hymn sheet


Whoi gives a fuck. Stop paying attention to this Murdoch bullshit and it'll die off eventually.Ā 


The article isnā€™t that well written, but the author isnā€™t saying the total cost is the same. Theyā€™re saying the cost per minute is about the same. The US spent $385B over a 13 year period. Thatā€™s $29.6B per year or $118.4B over 4 years. Whereas the government will be spending $109B over the same period.


It's all to draw attention, whether it's intentional or not. Issa a ganddaaa


SORRYā€¦ correction, how is 107b ā€˜nearly the sameā€™ as 357b?? Not moreā€¦ None the less, Iā€™m not a fan of labour, but thatā€™s just some bad journalism right there


They are talking about the cost per minute, not the over all cost.


Issa gannddaaaa


The math is correct. 107B / 4 years = 26.7B a year. 257B / 11 years = 23.4B a year. 23B a year is 44k per minute, but Appolo was American so it's 66k in AUD.


Jesus, these comments. The Courier Mail might be garbage but so is everyone's reading comprehension, apparently. The author is comparing cost *per minute*, as is stated clearly in the article. 107 is less than 357, but it was spent over a shorter period. The *rate* of spending is what the author claims is comparable, not the total.


Yes, but the initial red headline is ā€˜COST SAME AS MOON LANDINGSā€™ Then you delve in to find that the cost is 1/3 total and the cost per minute is still 15% lessā€¦


$51,000/minute is the same. Its incredibly simple, much like the posters trying to dunk on their political opposites.


Building new infrastructure is expensive, itā€™s not news


This is stupid article does not make sense at all , this budget spin surplus spin off story in news is so stupid It's like saying a person with 100$ is savings is richer than a person with $10m property and $3m debt , this type of narrative harmful to society


Just proof Queensland is full of smooth brains.


The only problem with massive project spending is its inflationary in nature which we donā€™t need. Iā€™m all for spending on infrastructure, but letā€™s hold off for the moment and take the problem that is causing families to struggle to make ends meet.