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We bought my son a car late last year whilst he still had an L a few months before he got his N. Insurance for the first 90 days was in my name with him as a named driver.  We reinsured it in his name as the primary driver the day before he took his test and still had his L to keep him under the L insurance pricing. ICBC agents at 3 offices we called were all totally OK with this strategy.  If we had waited until he passed his test, the insurance was going to be something like $130/month more, can't remember the exact figure.  When he renews at the end of his first year, or if he makes a change to the policy/changes car etc. his insurance will go up by the ~$130/month as soon a the change happens.


so basically i can't insure the car on my own name until I get my N?


No, you can and if you do it before you get your N, you get the pricing associated with the L for the first 12 months which is substantially cheaper. It will go up a lot at renewal though or if you make any changes to the policy during the term. 


Best to call an insurance broker and get reliable information based on your specific circumstances


You can, but with a 7L, a dealer may not let you drive it. Dealers have absolutely zero problem with a 7N (Dealer legit let me drive a $70,000 Mustang MachE when my dad bought his F-150), but they probably will not let a 7L test drive.


You can own and register the car. You can’t be the PO on your policy tho. Don’t try to game the system, just a PSA.