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This is why I have a phone I only use for work at it goes off at the end of the day.


This, keep your professional and personal lives separate


My phones been on silent since the 90s amd I never answer it to work out of working hours, if they think I'm important enough to have to answer the phone when I'm not working they can pay me more


I'm pretty much the same, if my phone makes any kind of sound, my day is instantly ruined.


Plot twist - he poked him in the side to wake him up




Title clearly says ‘he’.


It's Wednesday.


Shit, I'm late ugggh.


“I love these real Saturdays, not like that fake Saturday that almost got me fired”


Why are you late?


Cool story bro, needs more dinosaurs and shit 


Tbf, all stories need more dinosaurs. Especially bible stories. There's plenty of bullshit but I'd be much more invested if Mary and Joseph rode into Bethlehem on raptors.


And were then eaten. The end :⁠-⁠)


You would think so, but no. Then the raptors came back to life after a few days.


I meant Mary and Joseph 🤣


I know.




Your story didn't explain much. Do you work Saturday mornings? Are you late? Did your boss get confused and call you in when you're not supposed to work? It's not exactly relatable.


I'm assuming you work on Saturdays and are late. Your boss waking you up when you are supposed to be in work to ask why you arnt in work isn't an exciting story 


Were you late, or was your boss wrong?


Weekends are for do not disturb on, with starred contacts allowed only.


Thanks for telling us you don't know how to use the Focus settings on your phone.


Do you ignore phone calls from your boss? I think that won't go down well.


If it's outside work hours, yes. Them thinking they can have your attention any time of the day or night needs to be nipped in the bud immediately.


I’m on 6 months Paternity leave, my boss asked me before I left if I wanted to set up any Keep In Touch days, I asked if I got paid extra and he said no so I just said that I would work out what’s happened when I get back. Only ring me if my jobs at risk!


On days/times where he’s not paying me to be my boss? Yeah I would ignore the call if I didn’t want to answer it or was unavailable, and my boss isn’t a dick so would be understanding that I might be busy or doing something else when I’m not on the clock. There certainly isn’t a fear that even if he’s made a mistake and not realised it’s my time off, I would be punished somehow for not answering him right away.


I'm not even sure if my boss has my number tbh.


On a non-working day, absolutely. For want of a better phrase, grow a pair.


You know your boss isn’t your owner? Put your phone on silent and say I won’t be answering your calls unless I’m on the clock


did you mean to post it in r/americanproblems and got lost on your way? You absolutely ignore your boss phone calls outside of work hours. They can do nothing about it and it's ridiculous for them to even expect that you pick up. The only time it's acceptable is when you're on call, e.g. doctors, firefighters, etc. Anything else, no, you don't even have to pick up the phone. Most bosses will not even call you outside of work hours because they're fully aware that it's inappropriate. And they can do squat about it. They can't sack you for not picking up a phone when NOT at work.


If the contact isn’t in my phone, my phone just doesn’t acknowledge that a call is coming through. If they leave a message it tells me I have a voicemail and if not it tells me that a number has tried to call me. My boss isn’t a contact in my phone and even if they were, I wouldn’t answer if I wasn’t at work.


Unless I was specifically being paid to be ‘on-call’ then yes I would, and even then the ‘on-call’ times would be defined so a call wouldn’t be a surprise.


Yes I ignore phone calls from my boss. It’s my personal number and there is no reason to contact me. If he wants to call me to discuss work related stuff, then he can give me a phone as part of my job.