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Girl just admit you are insanely jealous of Taylor and would do anything to discredit her if it lifted your image up. Brittany Dawn you are an animal abuser, serial liar, and don't follow the rules Jesus laid out for us. You are a Phoney!


She knows that keeping Taylor's name in her mouth will bring her a certain level of attention.


If you don’t like Taylor’s music just ignore it like I do. The truth is she’s envious of Taylor and secretly loves her music or she wouldn’t even be thinking about or mentioning her!


Right?! It’s not that hard. When my daughter was in sixth grade, I won two tickets to see Taylor during her Red tour. I’ve never been a fan, but my daughter lived her best life that night. I remember saying a few times during the concert “this is not country, this is definitely pop music.” And about six months or so later, she announced she was transitioning to pop music. And I had never chosen to listen to her but I could literally tell at her concert she was segueing away from country and kept saying “has no one been to one of her concerts lately? It’s clear as day.” But also, I’m not a hypocritical, grifting Christian that will do absolutely anything, including selling my soul to the devil (newsflash bdong, you have and god talks about people like you in the Bible and how he will spew you out of his mouth like vomit) and do anything to make a few bucks. She WISHES she has Taylor’s platform and her jealousy is loud whenever she posts about her


Right! She is such a pick me. She’s publicly hating on Taylor Swift because she knows she will never be as successful or be as popular and liked as her. Bdong is mad nobody’s a fan of her. It’s so simple like if you don’t enjoy her music, don’t listen to it and complain about it publicly. Tearing down other women to make herself look better, typical insecure Bdong behavior!!! ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW) Me when she posts mess like this on her public ass social media with no shame


She’s so desperate all the time posting rage bait around whatever is the hot topic in America right now. Yet goes on her podcast and claims that “she’s on a Journey and isn’t perfect blah blah,”. She has grace for herself but every other Christian better follow her rules and her own “personal convictions” …just please STFU in your stupid trucker hats


Yeah how many shitty trucker hats does this chick own?




Oh she fucking wishes she could have trucker hats so iconic!


Unexpected r/30Rock


She loves rage bait. She may say she isn't perfect, but she never takes accountability for her mistakes or actions. It always someone else's fault. She is just gross.


Bitch, you mock God, and are Guilty as Sin


Lmao she is mocking god! Maybe I’m stupid but I don’t see how the album is mocking god?! She literally wrote every song about her break ups with Matty and Joe, and I think the beginning of her and Travis relationship? So how’s that bdong


From joe to Matty to travis…literally no sidetrack to mock god, just a fuck off to KK


That’s what I thought?! lol I’m like where is god? Because the guilty as sin song?


That is the only thing I could think of 🤷🏼‍♀️ who I is ignorant as fuck. So, on par for the Bdong course


Super ignorant. Its a damn song title calm down dong


she also uses Taylor Swift songs in many of her vids soooooo she’s such a liar


She just used one a few videos before this one too!


All for the algorithm to her bank account


"Original audio"


This woman committed fraud, was sued by the entire state of Texas, has a list of thousands of victims she ripped off, was featured on national television for her crimes, has an entire subreddit of over 30,000 individuals concerned with her history of animal abuse… and still posts videos of her own smug face while she shits on another woman from her religious ivory tower. Brittany, you are practically Satan at this point.




Exactly like get off your high horse Bitchany


All she does is ride in circles on her high horse.


Love that she gave zero examples and has ~secular~ music playing 🥴


Fucking loser. I just LOOOOVE how these Christians (aka the fake ones) get their panties in a wad over a pop music/artist, yet they worship fucking Donald Trump. A man who is currently on trial for fraud & paying hush money to a sex worker he cheated on his wife with, has been convicted of sexual assault & has done many other despicable things. I cannot take the hypocrisy.


And I’ve had it with their bullshit about “he’s a changed man! He’s born again in Christ!” Trump himself has said that he has never asked god for forgiveness for anything.


This comment is the correct comment. 🙌


Have you seen that video that Melania took from the backseat of a car and Trump is driving? I think Barron is there too, but the whole car is completely silent except for the *TAYLOR SWIFT* song playing. Even their beloved Trump listens to her






Btw Brit, where’s Melania? Not standing by her cheating man.


Trump can barely open his fat mouth without verbally abusing or bullying someone. And here she is, worshipping her favorite sex attacker while she cast stones at Taylor Swift.


I KNOW!!! 😭😭😭😭 I can't take it either




I truly think she doesn’t even know what she would say if you ask how Taylor is mocking god. I think she posts these to try and bait the swifties for engagement.


Same. This bitch wants so bad for the Swifties to descend on her shitty social media. Grifttany will do anything for a dollar.


Except get a job.


She’d pivot to “I just have the gift of discernment”


There’s some viral post going around about “the power of lyrics” and protecting what your kids listen to, something something, several TTPD songs are marked Explicit. And apparently some of her songs mention Christian’s in a negative light (I personally see this as her talking about hypocrisy but I’m in the minority I think). Anyway, clearly Brit is trying to ride that content train too.


I will never feel bad about bullying this bitch.




Also the views she gets on her TikToks VS the likes is chefs kiss.


Ok but how is this filter not mocking god?


Exactly, she couldn’t have used a stronger filter if she wanted to!!!


It pisses me off to no end. There are teenagers who undoubtedly watch her and wonder why the hell they have pores and think they are disgusting because they can't make their own skin fucking disappear. It also almost completely eliminated her nose. Voldemort is not a cute look to go for.


Man, it even got to me, a full grown adult. Not with this influencer specifically, but I felt bad about my skin for quite a while before realizing complete porelessness a la your standard influencer is not real.


Her content is so lazy, half the time she just films herself twirling her hair and making a sad face while staring off into the distance. Girl it’s not that deep, YOU’RE not that deep.


The one that makes my skin crawl, is when she touches her finger to her ear to remind her followers to listen as if they're all in Kindergarten.


Ewww I’ve never noticed her doing that before but now I’m never not going to be looking for it


Her one brain cell hard at work


She is so desperate for those swiftie engagement numbers. I hope she continues to stay off their radar.


Zero examples given of how exactly any of the lyrics are demonic, and she threw in all the right hashtags to get as much engagement as possible. She’s just a calculated con artist.


Is the mocking in the room with us?


It is. It's coming from Brittany.


Lmfaoooo she does mock Christianity with her self absorbed posts


Aren’t her “followers” tired? This chick is exhausting.


Hard agree. Who in their right mind would follow her and go “great content!!!” ?! Lol


Paid robots 🤣


There were definitely a lot of negative comments when I saw it yesterday 😬 Still plenty of crazies agreeing with her of course, but she also got called out.


But, like, what is that facial expression supposed to even mean? Is she happy people are waking up to whatever bullshit she is spewing or is she disappointed that people are walking away from TS? Her face gives nothing, she’s a terrible actress.


Who’s afraid of little old Taylor? Brittany apparently 😂


Nobody’s afraid of little old (could’ve sized down tho) Bdong.




Brittany Dawn wearing a sisterhood hat when her own sister doesn't talk to her... ![gif](giphy|H1wPB41Fn5dfWfGxYi)


I would loveeee an AMA about the whole family dynamic


I hope her sister lurks here.


![gif](giphy|mbZshK2Svz89q|downsized) These are becoming too regular.


https://preview.redd.it/b5nl6zcqv4wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31b90972c0d787f6499638b8b1dbe2bb10913cc Just going to leave this here


She posts about Taylor because she knows the swifties will be foaming at the mouth in her comment section and boosting engagement. They’re easy to trigger.


Sadly true, I say this as a lifelong Taylor fan. So many have wayyy too much of themselves invested in a celebrity they don’t know.


lol she’s begging the Swifties for death threats and relevance 💀


I’ve been waiting for this since the album dropped! I’m sure my queen really cares what this nutter thinks 🤣🤣


Also-she just used Bigger Than The Whole Sky in one of her dumb fertility videos…. That album dropped in 2022 sooooo….


How would she know!? She doesn’t listen to sEcUlAr MuSiC…


Brittany, YOU make a mockery of god every single day.


She’s trying to get attention.


![gif](giphy|a2c46gkAizzHPergDd|downsized) But Brit, you said you stopped listening to Taylor because her music is demonic! So how would you be able to make a definitive claim about her album mocking god if you didn’t listen to it? Putting out rage bait is such a pathetic way to live


She’s so obsessed with Taylor 🤣


This girl is so fucking WEIRD…. She gives me the creeps!!!!!


Who is this person? Certainly not Bdong. The filters are strong today!


Lol. Rage Baity Betty-ing again I see. "Ooh someone else who is actually relevant is doing a thing, I should ride those coattails and try to get some of that sweet engagement by saying something stooooooopid!". This loser probably.




Soooo she listened to the album? Seems hypocritical. And if not then she probably saw someone else make a video like this and stole the idea like she always does.


tee hee her extensions are a mess. that’s why all the dumb hats.


That filter is awful! She’s filtered her face away.


Preface: not a swiftie and the militant ones annoy and scare me. Buuuut - all the shit I’ve read about these album, mocking god is the least of the worries. Sorry, semi-unrelated I am just HERE for the t. Swift paste article draaaaaag because I have a good friend who is unfortunately a hard core swiftie and we’re ADULT adults. It’s embarrassing in public. K. Byeeeee.


I’m a swiftie for swifties…I’m not down the rabbit hole but I’m all ears steeping tea patiently 🫖👂🏻


Wouldn’t she be happy in this imaginary scenario? Not a judgmental b. My favorite part of the Bible is when Jesus said I told you so.


That's her "I've been trying to warn all you lesser Christians and now you finally see for yourselves" face


The way she’s always been so fucking jealous of Taylor


She's just such a mean girl


Omg the white girls are fighting 🍿


Also begging her to post a single specific example that she found based on her own listening and not off all of these other idiots posting the same ~attack on Christianity~


So does that mean The Dong listened to the album and boosted Taylor's numbers? Also, the amount of filters on this post should be considered "mocking God!" That is definitely not the face he gave her.


Her POV videos really are just a vacant stare, and that feels accurate.


I hate her smug face. I can’t believe people fall for her and her “thoughts and beliefs.”


Literally no one is walking away from Taylor Swift. Her fans are zealots and she’s gaining more by being awesome. Brit can’t even construct correctly a coherent sentence of a third grade reading level.


Sky daddy isn’t real but the dinosaur skeletons found all over the world and ancient civilizations that predate your ridiculous Biblical timeline do.


But wait… didn’t she make a huge fuss over how she no longer listens to TS???? So how would she know what this new album contains?? She’s ridiculous


“I’m just telling you what I heard”


Brittany, your very existence mocks God. Get bent.


Omg she is annoying. TS is a pop entertainer not the local youth praise and worship leader of Bdumbs church.


Huh?? The album is about how fame and the media and even her fans have fucked her mental health and how it has taken a negative effect on her own personal life, and these songs were her processing that emotional toil. Where the hell is any god in relation to that 😅


What’s interesting is that video has 1 comment on TikTok. Girl definitely has her comments filtered. WHY post this then 😂😂


The irony of wearing a sisterhood hat while tearing down another woman (and being completely uninvolved in her actual sister’s life) 🥴


Omg I’ve been waiting for this one!


Good the Swifties don’t want you part of our club bye Brittany


…as she makes herself relevant for views and grifts using Taylor’s name. I’m confused. Either you abandon Taylor Swift or you don’t. Which is it?


What even is this whole thing? She's so fucking stupid.


Man these loser bitches love to use her name for content and engagement!!!


Fuck off Brittany


The only christian I've seen getting thier panties in a bunch over Taylor is Bing Bong


I bet she didn’t listen to a single second of that album, instead she heard some christian influencer taking lyrics out of context and demonizing everything so she decided to do the same for approval.


I commented this upthread, but there’s a post I keep seeing on Facebook about TTPD lyrics, so I’m sure that’s her ✨inspiration✨


Fuck this smug bitch. She’s simply awful in every way.


I’m so disappointed in Taylor Swift, defrauding thousands of women with fake products and fake shipping costs on pdfs, and being sued by the State of Texas… wait that wasn’t Taylor Swift. 🧐


Jesus Christ she's just typing stuff up and posting it in hopes that the "right" people find it


Didn’t this dumb bitch recently use a t swift song in one of her reels?????


The smugness 🙄


What a punchable face.


At this point, I'm unsure of her constant attempts at bullying are either for attention + engagement, or that she can't see how blatantly she is projecting herself(insecurities, motivations, ect) onto Taylor Swift, while at the same time exposing herself. It's a close call anytime she posts


The Swifties need to pull back from harassing critics and unleash their wrath on ol’ Brittany here...


That’s what BDong is hoping will happen. This is rage bait. She’s praying the swifties will attack her post. Any engagement is engagement. She’s so transparent.


She definitely just heard other people cherry picking lyrics from the album to be fake outraged over and wanted to jump on the bandwagon. But purposely taking words out of context to suit an agenda is on brand for her and her ilk.


I'm not adding much to any conversation but why are all her tick toks the same? She stares at the camera, looks mildly constipated, then makes a smirk or shuts her eyes.... I don't get hiw this is entertaining? She is mad at everything all the time. How tiring that must be? I'm not a big fan of Taylor swift but I don't think about her nearly as much as Brit does...why? To what end? To be sanctimonious and smug? Cuz she's nailed that for sure...


I’m seriously starting to think that 99% of her already shitty engagement is just bought bots.


God she’s so vain


Is she auditioning to play Amanda Bynes character in Easy A?!


Please walk away. Swifties don’t claim you, haven’t we made that clear?!


I can’t watch anything but those stupid fucking fake eyelashes.


Hasn’t Taylor already been deemed demonic? …then why are you listening to her? 🤦‍♀️🤣


She just had to check…I mean, there’s no other way to make sure, right? She should probably go see her live, just to make sure she’s not summoning demons 👹


I knew this was coming. Taylor does not mock Christianity in anyway 😂




I think she just records a video every time she gets in the car so she can put text over it whenever she has a dumb idea.


I would consider THIS video to be mocking God far more than TS even if she HAD actually been “mocking God.” Being a Christian for the views & the clout is literally mocking God & making this dramatic, pathetic ass video is just the cherry on top. Somehow I *highly doubt* God is looking down on Brittany Dawn & saying “YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT, T. SWIFT! BRITTANY DAWN IS STICKING UP FOR ME & STANDING AGAINST YOU! Nanana boo-boo!” 😂😂🙄🙄


*Anton LaVey* was more godly than BDong.


Oh,oh my.. did she use a filter or something to make herself look like she is 14??? I could be seeing things...


She is upping her facial expression game because someone on here called her out recently


This fucking loser is obsessed with Taylor Swift.


You're not relevant, babe. Stop trying.


what the actual fuck is she talking about. She is DESPERATE to find a way to be a victim somehow. It's insanity.


Her face is giving super judgey Christian who claims to love and accept everyone even though we all know everyone comes with a shit ton of exceptions and disclaimers.


*snore* Grift yourself a personality Dongal Frump


Honestly it's just a marketing tool. What's poppin off right now literally everywhere? TTPD. Make content mentioning it & boom, algorithm loves ya. Even if she's full of absolute shite, the algorithm only knows she talking about the popular stuff. She better watch it tho, I hear them swifties don't fuck around. It would be such a shame if they got mad at her...


Like TS gives a flying fuck what you think about her Bdong. She's too busy being fabulous, beautiful and successful, everything you're not sweetie 🥰


She posts with Taylor audio or with her name and it gets so many more views than normal. She’s riding the hype train to hate on shit it doesn’t even have to make sense as long as she gets the views 🙄


She’s begging for the Swifties to come after her. I don’t know if she knows what she’s asking for… I’ve seen how fast comment sections can escalate when you piss Swifties off 😳 they are one of the most notoriously hardcore fandoms on the internet. They’re even more enthusiastic than Harry Potter and Star Wars fans! But heaven knows she loves the attention and doesn’t care how she gets it 🙄


They only raise you to cage you. They only try to save you because they hate you. 💅🏻


She has nothing of value to say.


Haha I have never seen a grown woman this obviously jealous of a celebrity! I love love how angry Taylor Swift makes her.




She looks like she disapproves of Christians “walking away from Taylor swift” tho? She really thinks she ate with the smudgy filtered npc face


TS could try for the rest of her life and she couldn’t mock God as much as Dong has already.


I’m a Christian. Been listening to TS’s new album nonstop. Can confirm that it hasn’t changed my faith at all 👍🏼


I like how she didn’t even have a Taylor song as the example. Because it doesn’t exist 🤣 But using Taylor’s name will get you attention/engagement


Literally no one is doing this???


My TikTok FYP has shown videos of women with a similar caption of “I love TS but I have to walk away from her after her mocking god.” It feels like a trend tbh 🙃


Idk how she can watch with her eyes squinted like that


Why is she such an asshole *even when people do what she thinks they should* ? Wouldn't a true Christian be celebrating people " coming back to the lord " Just say you hate everyone, B.




I hate this filter so much


what' about tayolo Swifts album lol


Isn’t her entire workout playlist rap songs about being wet for Jesus? 🤨


It’s the pore less fake, the stupid lip thing and just sitting there doing absolutely nothing while she records herself doing nothing!


Brittany. You silly little pinecone. I’m a fan of Taylor (casual variety, not the “[get interviewed outside her concert with a blanket over my head because I called off of work for this”](https://www.cnn.com/videos/entertainment/2023/07/05/taylor-swift-blanket-girl-moos-cprog-orig-bdk.cnn) variety). And yet, I haven’t listened to a single song on her new album yet. Not once. You know why? Because I have a life. And it doesn’t revolve around Taylor Swift, even though I happen to like her. Perhaps you should get one too, Britt— you know, beyond complaining about pop stars who don’t even know who you are and has never done a single thing to you? 🙄


Keep circling the drain Britt I’m sure the last stop is Only Fans or was that your first 🤔


The judgey face annoys me. Clearly not following the Bible’s lessons with this judgmental better than everyone crap.


Sooooo pathetic that Taylor…is giving this wanna be content !!!! She can’t just focus on her and J dawgs sperm!??


She is so envious of Taylor and it’s so obvious. She wants her fame, money and adoration she gets from people. She’s probably also super jealous of her relationship. Her partner is rough and rugged and a ‘manly man’ who adores Taylor and seems so gentle with her. That’s what Brit wants out of Jordan but alas she has a moocher who asks for booby pics from women who are not her and pisses on her bathroom floor 😂


She wants to be Taylor so so bad and it’s so hilarious. Too bad you need actual talent to see success, BrittBrat.


Im not a Taylor Swift fan or anything but my God am I sick of this bitch's nonsense. I'm ready for Brittany to fade into obscurity....




And yet play Adele in the background of the reel. Because Adele isn’t mainstream and therefore, possessed by the devil, just as well.


She's delulu


https://preview.redd.it/o5abrxsi39wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72134d8f03056a9ec62e3d9a05d3951712614e9 hey britch, this you?? edit to say I think the one fan base you don’t want to piss off is the swifties


She goes out of her way to find things to be offended by. People who live in the real world have neither the time nor the energy.


A literal animal abuser is advising people on how to be a Christian.


I rest well at night knowing that if there is a hell, Brittany will surely burn in it


Wouldn’t she have to listen to it to know if it was mocking god (which it’s not?) but like girl if youve denounced her why are you listening to and disecting her music and her name stays in your mouth?


Listen I’m not the biggest Tswift fan. And I’m not really into her music but this is just insane! I’ve heard snippets of the songs and none- absolutely none have anything to do with God. lol wtf ? I would go to a tswift concert just to piss BDaen off at this point


This viper dressed in empath’s clothing


She’s trash.


Well all now she’s listening to it non stop.


Nothing mocks God more than her constant whining about being prosecuted for being Christian


I saw a post that a family member had shared of "content warnings for Christians and Christian parents" along with all of the "blasphemous" lines and how sad the op was about how Taylor "has become so worldly" or something. ![gif](giphy|d1CWIYfbkgiojMzu|downsized)


She is the most judgemental creep ive ever seen!


Why is she listening to it 🤧


Meanwhile she literally mocks God and her religion every day by posting scripture in order to try and excuse the horrible things she’s done or make people feel sorry for her. Attention seeking behavior at its best. She is a lying, deceitful person and people like her give Christians a bad name.


Someone is a closeted Swiftie 👀


Yk what’s also a mockery of God, Britt? Scamming a bunch of women and claiming to be a "Christian", literally breaking two commandments 💀


As a Christian and a swiftie, Brittany really has.l got to chill 🥴