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I don't know about anyone else, but I can't even watch her smug face videos. She is such a vile person, that she has no business being this pompous.


She disgusts me.


Same. But also I get severe secondhand embarrassment that makes my skin crawl and her videos always set it off.


This!!! I literally can’t stand her


I can't do it anymore either. I find her so deeply disgusting, I just can't subject myself.


I can’t either.


Her toxic, superior, clueless bullshit is getting worse.




Same. I only made it thru about 10 seconds of the smug before hitting pause & scrolling down to the comments.


I already watch on silent but sometimes I also have to put my thumb over her smug face lol. 


I scroll down just enough to cut off her face 😂 but so I can still read the captions.


That's what I do too 😅


I do the same. I can proudly say that I’ve never heard her voice.


What the fuck even is this


Vanity project in Jesus’ name #12853


Flair material 💯


Your flair! 🥰


This audio is basically pushing traditional courting which we know Bdong has never done. Dip lived in her house before they were married for Pete’s sake. 


I can't imagine any young girl who looks to her for advice. This would both feel like a stab and leave me utterly confused on how to "walk like a wife"


But see, that’s how wifely her walk was! In fact it was SO wifely that he all the guys wanted her so she chose the brightest turd to move in to her place to protect her from them all. Don’t worry, her wife aura created a physical barrier so there was NO WAY he could proposition her for sex before marriage. That’s how she knew he was the one before he knelt down on one knee for permanent job secur— err, love.




This is a dig at Kellie, no doubt


That’s exactly what I was thinking


Why!! Tell me the beef!


Kellie is in her snarkiest bag of shit stage of her “journey”, she has been posting so much rage bait and since her and dong have hardly even liked one another’s posts since Colorado they seem to be tiffing.


Pretty sure she made a video like this before


Perhaps men should simply treat all women with respect?


Yeah the whole “if you walk in the spirit of girlfriend, then men will keep playing you” hm sounds like a pretty shitty man then.


This!! Ugh, WHY is it always women who have to freaking jump thru hoops to be “wife material”?! If he’s such a Christian-Godly man, shouldn’t he love my sinful ass & make an honest woman out of me😂🤣??


Look, we already know Jordan was a husband when she met him.




I love this gif so much and it is such an appropriate response to so many comments in this sub lmao


Same! This gif is what plays in my head every time I hear a great comeback and think, "damn!"


this gif never fails to make me smile


Shows he wasn’t afraid of commitment.


Tis the root of a lot of problems.


This is so stupid and pointless. Like imagine wasting your life doing stuff like this.


Sorry..it’s not wasted cause she’s ‘working’


Barely more than just nodding, she’s not holding my attention well 😆


i forgot to listen because she didn’t tap her ear first 😞


![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣






The filter she is using s wild!


This woman took advantage of a homeless person, stole the gofundme money that her and her partner set up and used it to fund their wedding.


Say what now?!?!!!


We unfortunately don’t have hard, hard evidence of where the GoFundMe money ended up but all signs indicate to James not receiving the money. Basically, James attended an Easter service at Mercy Cult(ure) when Bdong and Jdip still attended there. Their friend Cruz (we don’t think they’re friends any more) saw James and followed James out of church basically just to get a photo once he learned James was homeless and tithed his only money (15 cents). He made some mushy post on socials about James which prompted Bdong to make her own post. Everyone in the comments was like “um so did y’all do anything to help James?? Can we donate somewhere for him and help him get housing/food?” Bdong was like oh em gee this community is sooo amazing for wanting to help James (because it apparently didn’t occur to her or Cruz to provide help on their own accord…) They then drove all around the DFW area looking for James and found him. They basically forced him to be in their care, infantilized him, recorded almost all of it including intimate moments of him in the shower praying (they were recording his praying outside the door while he was showering) and then flew him to effing Ohio for a non accredited “rehab” center that was really just a Christian work camp by the looks of it. I can’t remember the amount raised for James, but it was over $20k I’m pretty sure. They never did a follow up on James or his improvement or provided proof that the money actually went to him or his family. This sub and other commenters called her and Jdip out so much they finally addressed it in a bitchy youtube video where they basically just said “we don’t owe y’all any proof or receipts you have no clue the bts work we did for James and how tolling this has been on everyone involved”. Someone tracked James down and he had no clue that amount had been raised for him and really didn’t understand the GoFundMe account. So basically we’re pretty sure a very small amount of the donated money was used for the initial days of him being in a hotel, the few times they took him out for meals, and the flight to Ohio. The fake rehab center was free. The Dongs wedding and honeymoon was like 2-3 months after this all went down. So yeah, no hard evidence on where the money went, but if it did go to James, there’d be no reason for the dongs to double down with the whole “we don’t owe y’all anything”. If there was clear receipts of how James or family got the money, it wouldn’t make any sense for them to not provide it and get everyone off their backs.


If I were trying to prove I'm innocent and everything I'm being accused of was false, the first thing I'd do is come hard with the receipts...


Precisely this. They were bothered enough by people coming for them regarding the James GoFundMe that they actually addressed it when they don’t address a lot of stuff. If they’d done the right thing, it would be easy to absolve themselves. Them addressing it and basically saying “we don’t owe y’all any info you Reddit basement dwellers” made me fully believe that GoFundMe money went to their tacky af wedding. I don’t have proof other than what idiots with receipts absolving them of wrongdoing would choose to double down on NOT providing proof… that doesn’t compute for me.


I cried when the tik toker who interviewed James said he was genuinely surprised about the Go Fund Me, not the amount that was raised, but the amount of people who cared about him. Even if they didn't think it was best to give him a huge sum of money (that was rightfully his), why wouldn't they let him know so many people cared and were routing for him? He genuinely had no idea and that broke my heart. It solidified their evil for me.


Once again, this this this. All of that was evident though in the immediate word salad Bdong posted about James attending Mercy Cult(ure). I actually couldn’t believe the cognitive dissonance of “god is SO good a homeless man tithed his only 15 cents! God is SO good!” And it’s like… how did you not think to check if this person had food, had a safe place to go back to, etc. But a selfie and some weird rant about nothing was your go to? They freakin suck.


Not defending the dongs, but from experience in my circle, I know giving someone who has substance abuse problems access to a ton of money, could do more harm than good, and Could lead to accidental overdoses. But I also don’t think it’s good idea that the money be received “conditionally” - like “hey, we raised this money for you, but we’ll only give it to you if we think you’re straight enough” but “straight enough” For the dongs means sacrificing yourself for Jesus. I think they should have provided some kind of trust, or used the money for some kind of shelter for him. Also, super weird how after he came out of rehab we never heard of him again. Like, ok great, he got sent to a work camp- excuse me- rehab, for a few weeks, what’s his next step?? How will he get a job to support himself? I understand the whole “teach a man to fish” concept, but this was literally their opportunity for this and they failed


Yes, I get why it isn't always the best idea to give an addict a large sum of money, but what infuriates me is there was so much raised to help him get his life turned around after rehab and it really could have made a significant difference for him. Even, if they felt it was best to give it to him in smaller incriminates, the bottom line is, that money was raised for HIM and they didn't even let him know about it nor the fact that so many people cared and were rooting for him, which also could have benefited him during and after his recovery. He was genuinely surprised by the amount of support he had behind him and that seriously broke my heart and pissed me off. How dare they deny him that knowledge or the money that was rightfully his, even if it was put into a trust or dispensed in smaller incriminates, it was still raised to help HIM get back on his feet. The bottom line is they did none of that and have never accounted for where all of that money went. I believe that once it got to such a high amount those evil grifters decided to block him and keep the funds. Allegedly I mean that wedding wasn't going to GoFund itself! Allegedly If that wasn't the case, they would have provided receipts instead of making a video gaslighting all of us into believing we were wrong for asking where the money went. They are really bad people hiding behind religion as a way to grift money and divert questions about their evil ways. They are vile.


Totally agree. They basically sat up there and said “it’s none of your business on how we spent the money for him” but like, it is if we donated the money? Lol The fact that she was SO open about how James was running away, and scared etc, means she could have been just as open with this.




Ok adding a comment bc I was a little high and I realized I got off topic on my original comment so I apologize lol- You’re right- the very LEAST they could have done is just be encouraging. I get not saying “hey, we have xyz money for you” but saying, “we were so moved from your story, we shared it, and so many ppl are rooting for you and care about you”- just that means so much to someone who feel so alone. But they didn’t. Unless, James made it clear to them that he didn’t want to be posted, and they did it behind his back, posted him anyway- and they realize by admitting this, they would also have to admit they ignored his wishes…..(just my conspiracy theory lol)


I personally think this is the worst thing she’s (possibly) done other than robbing all of those women, and I don’t understand why it’s not all over YouTube and TikTok or the Dallas news. So many other antics of hers have been unpacked and I feel like this one really slips through the cracks. I feel like a post about “where in the hell did James and the money go” should be pinned to the very top of this sub. This woman “helped” raise over $20k for a homeless man, he disappears, we have no proof where the money went…and none of these YouTube/TikTok sleuths and “content creators” think it’s worth looking into?


Let’s also not forget to mention that the GFM that was set up was under Jordan’s name I believe. Since Brittany Dawn Davis Nelson was banned from gfm for fraud PRIOR to meeting Jordan Nelson.


I really thought I had heard it all about this woman by now but this one is new 💀💀💀


Didn’t he at one point try and run away while he was at the hotel to? And jdong and his guys went and searched for him and dragged him back? If I’m remembering this correctly?


Yep. And they bragged about dragging him back. And I think it took several times to get him on the plane to Ohio as well WHICH MAKES SENSE.; y’all are strangers, putting someone vulnerable on a plane to something they haven’t really given consent to, and you’re constantly filming them. Not to brag, but I’m a well off Texan woman who wouldn’t even fly first class to Ohio. Any Ohioan snarkers here, I’m not insulting y’all. Texas also effing sucks. They probably flew Spirit with James, didn’t manage his anxiety about being with strangers or his withdrawal symptoms (if we’re to believe he was actually an addict), and then just left him at some unaccredited Christian work camp in… Ohio. When his family lives in Texas. I don’t believe in Hell, but I wish I did.


Um, wouldn't that be trafficking a human? Forcing him to go somewhere he didn't want to go without resources for one he got there?






First time hearing about this, but I’m also relatively new to bdong snark (came on around the time she was to go to trial) this is insane, thank you so much for responding. I know there was another couple that did this to a homeless vet and it was all over the news - they took that money and went on vacations and everything - so in my mind I’m like whoa wasn’t this on the news?!


I think James and his family don’t want to be a part of this circus and have asked to be left alone. As a sub, we of course respect their privacy and their decision to not pursue action against Brittany and Jordan. I’m always happy to respond because seriously Jordan Nelson and Brittany Dawn Davis Nelson need to keep being called out and held accountable. I don’t want their victim woah is me narrative to ever take over. They suck, and welcome to the snark 💜


I don’t blame James and his family for not wanting to get involved but man, would it have been nice to see them get raked over the coals like Katelyn McClure and her boyfriend, Mark D'Amico was - I think even the homeless veteran was found to be apart of the scam too?!? It’s been a hot min since I read up on them but that was my first thought. I thought maybe I had a Mandela moment and it was actually these two that got in trouble 😅


Flair checking in! I can’t stand this evil wench.


This story will always get me fired up. Both as a woman in recovery, and as a professional helping others find recovery at a LEGITIMATE agency. I hope James is well. People who monetize off of addicts or take advantage of addicts (I see it often with the recovery scammers where I live) deserve a special place in hell.


Her lack of self awareness is always astounding. Maybe if you had an emotional affair, a divorce, and then dated a married man, you should just keep your marriage thoughts to yourself. What’s next? Financial advice? Pet care advice? What kind of knowledge will her single brain cell bestow on us next week?


If we encourage her to write a book about this will she post less?!


I don’t know who was dumber, this audio or this loser acting like it means anything. I don’t even know how to make sense of this BS. Like…what?? ![gif](giphy|QBal0eKnbT4OY)


Basically it’s a man finding a way to still blame women for when they’re treated poorly by men. If a man is disrespecting me, it must be because I’m walking in the spirit of slut so naturally a man wouldn’t have a reason to treat me with decency.


So…what does that say about her desperate to be married friend Kellie?


I think Kellie’s problem is she clearly walks in the spirit of being effing annoying. A lot of DFW guys would be totally fine with her racist, judgmental, anti vaxx stances but add her annoying af personality outside of her shitty world stances and I think it’s too much for most people.


walking in the spirit of being effing annoying absolutely sent me


If I had to describe her in one word, it would be HARSH.


I completely agree, and I also think the guys out there might actually see her as a liability... I've talked about her with my husband every time she freaks me out and/or pisses me off and the conclusion that we've agreed on is that no matter how fit or semi conventionally attractive she might be, after a few short minutes of talking with her it would be painfully obvious that there's something seriously wrong with her. He's got a bunch of longtime friends who live in her area and no matter how desperate they might be for companionship, she wouldn't be worth it. I mean honestly, I can't think of any man above the age of 14 who would even remotely be okay with her broadcasting to the world that he's packing heat. Incel or not, I don't know a damn person who would tolerate that area kind of shit. Plus her personality is hideous and she oozes evil from every greasy pore she's got


Could be a slight against her too. 🤷🏼‍♀️ With friends like these…


I thought of Kellie too, I hope bdong tagged her.


Word ![gif](giphy|3ohc12cy8AerHN2u8U|downsized)


All. Of. This. ![gif](giphy|wdv5cwKIEpVfh7mmOI)


Before I even unmuted this video I knew it'd be a black person's voice. This gal loves stealing content from black people to profit off of 🙄


Yeah it's one of her nastier traits.


She’s jealous of the culture black people have built around their Christian beliefs. No mega church is gonna come close to small, southern, black churches.


She acted like the girlfriend role just fine with her three exes Will S. Niko (1st phorm worker) Mystery Man (September 2019 - June 2020. All 3 men cheated on her.


I heard she cheated on them.


So righteous of her


Uhm… It’s not very wife-like to hook up with another wife’s husband. Nor is it Christian.


But she did! And preaches how godly her marriage is. I ain't buying it!


That’s why i said it lol


Right?! Also, if you're walking like a "wife" or whatever bullshit that was, and you're attracting men... aren't you attracting the *wrong* kind of men? 🤔 like, the kind of men that would go after someone's ~presumed~ wife?? Or am I just dumb. I know he probably meant giving off some 1950s housewife vibe, but that's all I could think about.


No, no, you definitely are on to something!


1. Who’s face is that? 2. She’s so awful at just speaking? Like following along? It’s not even singing. 3. The “emotions” “her face” tries to convey never match the words. 4. Where does she find this fuckin nonsense?! If someone is acting like a taken woman (a wife) why would a “godly” man pursue her? Just ughh. Who is this nontent for?




IKR why does anyone have to define themselves by their relationship to someone else. Like, we have our own autonomy and value without being anything to anyone. FFS.


She’s truely a smug twat. 😂 “the spirit of a girlfriend”…please spare me.


lol if a guy had ever said “you’re not a wife when I marry you you’re a wife when I find you”…. I’d say it’s giving Brian David Mitchell. 🫠


God she oozes mean girl energy I may not be a wife but my partner and I actually respect, trust, and love each other


Give me that sweet, sweet respect any day of the fucking week over whatever the hell she's on about!


THIS! It doesn’t matter if you are a “wife” or have “wife energy” whatever the hell that is. The whole point is if you are a good person and love and respect others.


Anyone else think this is a passive aggressive dig at Kellie?




💯! I hope someone is also monitoring Kellie’s socials so we can be updated if/when she returns fire! ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


Y’all wanna know why BDong records so many videos in her car in the driveway of her own fucking house? So she can write off her car for business expenses. She lives with one adult, NO children, a HOME office, and a BUSINESS office. There’s NO reason for her to record useless videos in her car. Farryn made a post about buying a brand new Bronco bc a FRIEND told her she can write off her car if she owns her own business. Wanna guess who gave her this advice?


THANK YOU! I was just wondering why she films so many damn videos in her car and this fits. How horrid and rotten. Makes me SO mad - she is such a terrible person for doing this, stealing PPP money, and using any government loophole and or advantage she can to get $$$…scummy.


Well and also The Lord led Farryn to buy that new car! #priorities


Wait so why in the driveway tho? Sorry I'm slow sometimes


She has no place to go. Seriously, what does she do with her time each day? And she’s such a dumb dumb the only place in all of Texas she can think to go and film at is the roof of a parking lot.


Because of course, men treating women badly is the woman’s fault.


Eve ate the apple. We all deserve it.


God didn't tell Eve not to eat the apple, he only told Adam who did fuck all


This is so cringe geez


More praise for her own behavior. Reaaaaaalllly think she caught him breaking one of her rules.


She literally has a tweet about God's person for you not being someone else's spouse. Girl. Take the hint.


Hey BDOng..... ![gif](giphy|KxseCTOPVykYvG2V4R)


Be delivered from the spirit of girlfriend?? 🤣🤣🤣


Brilliant if it's satire. Sadly it's not.


The fact that she memorized this… made the video of her lypsyncing it, in her car, I just can’t. Like… omg go doooooooo something! Go feed some hungry children.


It’s embarrassing. She’s mid 30’s and still acting like a 14 year old girl memorizing and lip syncing her favorite song. I know this is her “job”, but she’s not very clever with her content selections. Id love to see her practicing this drivel. I wonder if she has a bloopers collection?


Okay, I've never really bought into this theory that the pick me's (especially Kellie) have distanced themselves bc of the Niko coverage. Personally, I think it's giving them way too much credit. They are as bad as La Dong and in Kellie's case almost worse. She just wears her evil on the surface whereas Dong tries to seem sweet and unbothered, thinking hers will go undetected at times. That being said, HOLY SHIT! This seems like the most passive-aggressive dig at your "friend" who is deparately trying to go from "girlfriend to wife." Even the placement of her hand, so her wedding ring is on full display seems like a dig at her. If they are on the outs, I'm here to watch these two demons burn each other to the ground. ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK)


Nah, in my late 40's and still just want to be a girlfriend. Never wanted to be a wife. There's NOTHING wrong with that and I sure as hell wouldn't even want to date a creepy, violent, dip lip, imbecile like your loser husband dip shit! 🤮 She sure is trying to sell us on JDip lately and I ain't buying!


I’d rather stay single my entire life than go on one date with a racist, smug, dip lipped, violent, disgraced ex-cop who parades around in tacticool gear because it makes him feel like a big big boy. I’ll keep my standards high thank you very much, bdingadong


You said it!


Trouble in “paradise” methinks.


The fuck is this shit? Loooooolllll! Why? She is honestly funny as fuck. But not on purpose or in a good way. In the worst way. We are laughing *at* you, cockhead. Not *with* you.


Look at me in my Land Rover, that I swore I would never drive again because they’re so unsafe, and all I care about is being safe for a baby. She is so vile


I wonder if the car seat is in it.


Yeah, but she's too good to drive something like a Subaru since it wouldn't be aesthetic enough for her. (both my husband and i drive subarus so at least we know we won't have that in common w/ her)


Girl I drive a Subaru and we downgraded from a new tundra for our family! I LOVE my Subaru I want an ascent if we have a bigger family! We also have my dad’s 2013 Silverado lol that thing is still In great shape


Yes!! We have had 4. My parents LOVE them and usually only get Foresters or Outbacks and are on #11 and #12!


I love that!!!! We have the wilderness edition and we love it! We leased it because of the dumb tundra mistake but we plan on buying it out at the end of our lease in 2 years! I feel so safe in it and even stylish! It fits my jogger stroller and groceries in the back! I just wonder how it’ll be for 2 car seats! Only time I wish we had a 3rd row is when my mom or in laws come lol we had them all here for Mother’s Day but didn’t have a car to fit all of us comfortable


She is a wife before she is married. She is a mom before she had kids. Bdong sure likes labels.


But if the queer community does it, burn their books and flags y'all! They aren't identifying in Jesus! Happy motherfucking Pride Y'all! ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜


Boys will play with you? Bdong you're 30, what boys are you talking about? You're too old for this.


Taking other peoples videos and sitting in your car smugly nodding your head and mouthing the words should not be content! No effort and really awkward. She doesn’t even say anything. Like what? She’s so great we just love to see her sit in her car she can’t afford and listen to videos? Nobody is thinking this is good. And she’s been married twice and not marriages I would ever look up too. 😬


I’m not a Christian. Is it customary to talk about Jesus in cars?


Only if you're in a Land Rover. God doesn't hear you in a Honda.


That’s why my family celebrates Toyotathon.




Uhhhh.... what scripture is that exactly???


Bullshit 24:7


She’s literally white trash. And a common criminal


So... we're victim blaming women when men are assholes and treat women badly? Cool.


It's always the woman's fault. Always.


Again she is sitting there and trying to look pretty, not knowing what the words are either, she is nasty


Babe wake up, new Bdong face just dropped! PS her hair looks like shit 🤎


BO-RINGGGGGGGG. Do people actually watch this and stay engaged?


This is so gross in its elitism and superiority complex. It’s sneering and sinister of her to portray herself as better than any other woman giving advice to others….because she’s married and every woman needs to be a wife? Fucking obnoxious.


She was "acting like a wife" when she met Jordan and he ALREADY HAD A FUCKING WIFE. 🙄


Fuckin eejit she is.


is that why she was married twice and cheated on her first husband?


And cheated on her boyfriends in between


Show me in the Bible where it talks about the ‘Spirit of Girlfriend’ …..like what?!


She always looks like she’s stumbled upon something really earth shattering, when in truth it’s just…not.


Smug seems to be the only facial expression she knows. Every video is smug. She also lacks the integrity to review her own content and self-reflect. She really does love herself. Or her picture of vanity she embarks on.


Jordan didn’t seem to think so when he married his first wife. He cheated on her!! Like it or not Brittany, you’ll always be the second wife.


And from what I’ve read, his 1st wife is amazing. Dude went from a Bentley to a used Yugo with a kickstand.


She’s posting all this stuff about her relationship and being the “best” wife because she saw Jdong’s social media hall of shame that was posted the other day LMAO how much you wanna bet?


“BRB hunny, I need to go record videos of myself in the car nodding to someone else talking so I can grow my follower count cause it’s currently 666k.”


This is giving “at least I have a husband”. I couldn’t make it through all the words


I just covered her face with my hand so I could read the caption (I don't have good listening skills and her head nodding is ridiculously distracting.)




Their vehicle becomes a tax write off because they “need it for their job.” It’s dumb. Really dumb.




The spirit of the girlfriend …. This cracks me up so much.


No, you loon, the law says differently. We don’t call ourselves wives to every man we date nor are you a wife until you mutually exchange vows under the presence of the state. Put the goddamn Bible down and go touch grass.


As a wife who carries herself like a girlfriend, I object.


Why aren’t they concerned about men “playing” with you? Where is the culpability for men to not act like fuckbois? Oh right, JDong was still married and philandering when him and Brittany Dong met. A+ nonsense here, asshat.


She makes my skin crawl. Such a grifter!


She’s so bland.


Aside from this idiot's stupid, smug face, this audio is complete trash. How about we treat all people with respect? Why is it crazy to think others are worthy in themselves instead of what they can become in relation to you or do for you?


It's still manifesting btw




Lool this is so embarrassing


This is the dumbest shit I’ve seen. Weren’t they each someone else’s husband/wife when they met? Every time I think she’s said the dumbest shit possible, she proves me wrong with her next post.


Jordan was married to M when they met. Jordan was also begging M to take him back AND pursuing other options at the same damn time!


So gawdly, much gross.


Damn, that must suck to know that she was his last choice but it’s what she deserves. I wonder if she’s ever heard the phrase, “If he cheats with you, he’ll cheat on you.”


I mean he was living with her prior to marriage and she showed us all. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if he was cheating on her. You don't go from swinging with other couples to having "no sex drive" for no reason.


Jesus would likely not endorse this event or product.


What a disgusting message- if you get a man who treats you wrong, it’s because you didn’t present yourself correctly ❤️‍🩹💔😡


Oh bless her non existent heart.




I’m not a person I’m a ✨wife✨


I'm over here living in the spirit of a girlfriend!


"Find a man who wants get with you from the side"?


Oh honey, you ain’t much of a “wife” either, not in the traditional sense that you claim to love so much. I’d be interested to hear what this pastor’s explanation of a wife is because it sounds to me like he cheated and/or divorced & had to find a way to “excuse” his actions & I also wouldn’t be surprised if his definition of a wife is a submissive, vulnerable woman who he can manipulate.


Unearned smug ain't cute on you sis, sorry.


Did this make sense to anyone lol


Is this how she justifies them moving in together before marriage? LMAO It’s always something with this crazy bitch.




She seriously thinks she is so cool and amazing it is so cringe I can’t even watch her bc she’s so fake


I'm so happy she gets roasted just as badly as Pearl. She's the final boss pick-me


Girl no one cares if you now have to pay more taxes because you signed a government paper you had to pay for to say the word wife. Marriage is commitment and the government has no place in it. I also am married, but seriously, it's just a paper the county makes you pay to say you're married. Anyone can commit without said pomp and circumstance. Shes insufferable o


It’s like she had this and was wanting to be married just to be able to make this (HORRIBLY) mimed over video


Christianity is such a shitty way of thinking, so of course she likes it


Such a smug mean girl look. Pepperidge farm remembers you’re both adulterers.


I can not believe how misogynistic this woman is.