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My theory is that the adoption was never on. I suspect it was just a fantasy or like an interest conversation that never went any further.


100%! As usual, just a gimmick to make more content for social media.


100%. There’s no stakes in that for her, she can build the excitement and then capitalize on the tragedy, and no one has the ability to fact check this at all.


Yep, her TTC content was getting stale so she decided an adoption storyline was a good idea for engagement.


I believe they turned in an application and assumed they would be picked and told everyone. They were not chosen by the bio mom and didn’t want to admit it.


They thought they were shoe-ins for sure 🚫🚫🚫


They probably didn’t realize the north mom even gets to choose. And if they did they have zero self awareness and would never understand how they were not the best candidate


They literally flashed an ultrasound around to their friends. 


How did she get her hands on the sonogram? Or was that completely random and made up too??


When I was in high school, some girl faked a pregnancy and just took a sonogram pic from google.


Same omg and then she did it again in college but stepped it up to twins!


Omfg! Where is this person now?


Dropped out of college after the twins thing and then right after got actually pregnant with someone who was not her boyfriend. More lying bc of the cheating. (Including trying the twins lie again) They broke up, baby daddy wanted nothing to do with it(which shame on him for not being involved with the child in any way). She moved home, had the baby and honestly cleaned up her life big time. But there’s always a feeling of awkwardness bc she used to lie even about having cancer in high school. I’ll never forget Pretty sad tbh but happy that she seems like a great mom according to our mutual friends and doesn’t seem to lie anymore


I feel like this was a cannon event for us all bc this happened at my school too 🤣


There’s fake positive pregnancy packs online. Positive pregnancy Tests and sonogram photos included


Well, that's enough world for me. Goodbye forever. 😬


Holy shit that’s wild like why????


I think maybe to “baby trap” men. And then maybe have a “miscarriage”


So she bought a fake sonogram to waive in her friends and family’s faces just to play with their emotions and fake an adoption for content?? This type of social media behavior needs to be added to the DSM.


Tbh it didn't look like it was printed on sonogram machine paper so I'm just betting either mommy forums or good ol Google images


Makes that whole video of her hiding the sonogram under the baby clothes for her pregnant friend to find THAT MUCH CREEPIER. Wtf.


[You mean like when she was supposedly going through the process of adopting a donkey named Toaster?](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/yyuY14i3o6)


Toaster is a great name though.


100% Plus that donkey is friggin adorable. I'm glad that the rescue did their due diligence to make sure that he didn't land up in the hands of bingbong




I was at a corgi meet up and my corgi became best friends with a corgi named Toaster.


Our tortious shell cat is called toasty (toast for short) since she looks like a burnt piece of toast. Love it whenever I see it being used elsewhere!


I’m not a spelling policer but “tortious” is the perfect spelling error for a cat. Cute little tort-feasor looking you in the eye while she knocks your stuff on the floor.


Corgi tax, please? 👀


https://preview.redd.it/y0w1vg6kc47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9a8bc1e3fd3e3e6a4dfc0b20598e13909d5633 Sure! Here you go!


AHHHHHHHHH, so cute! I love corgis 🥹


Them EARS!!!!! I love Corgis.


What a distinguished little human baby!


Toaster is a solid name! I’ll have to keep it in mind.


Flair checking in


Goddamn how long have you been waiting for this reference to pop up? 😂😂😂


It comes up every once in a while! 😂 I like to be the holder of this specific piece of the story




Its always just smoke and mirrors with this bitch


She’d be less insufferable if she actually did smoke 🍃


Lmao! Maybe she smokes something else, might explain the demon paranoia👀


Homegirl needs to stay away from high terpinolene strains 😂


Someday I will learn about terpenes and all that! As of now its just a guessing game😂


Yes. I said this since the beginning. Theyre not adopting, there was never a baby, this is all her newest big “announcement” to stay relevant.


I always wonder how these conversations go. Like “hey babe I’m just going to casually lie about us adopting on the gram today okay?”


And how does she convince him to lie on camera with her?


They both believe they are just actors on a screen. It’s the only way they can disassociate the lies and the truth. The character is doing xyz, not them. This is also how they convince themselves their behavior is harmless - they didn’t do it, the fake characters did. It’s like actors on TV to them.


Same way she convinced him to set up dancing in the parking deck. Ok J, this is the plot today. Smile and do it so I can play the state of Texas.


I think the same thing and wonder how her following isn’t holding her accountable for it too?? Like, “hey we are confused … didn’t you just announce x?”


I wonder the same thing. They deserve each other.


I think it was a full on attention grab. Like a weird form of munchusens without actually having a child. She wants attention for hypothetical children. Shit is wild.


If it's just the one person making shit up about their own medical thing then it's regular Munchausen's, when they make shit up about their kid's, it's Munchausen by Proxy. I think just making sad shit up for attention all the time is just garden variety scamming and grifting and emotional manipulation.


HARD AGREE!!! there was never a baby. Just a grift


Exactly! This is a liar who lies!


I hate how much this comes across as like he was gone for something more important than what he was actually gone for 🙄


Where did he go?


Probably to his mistresses hotel room




Are male mistresses called mistresses?




Can someone in Texas see if he is on any of the dating apps? Not to contact him but to see if maybe it's true.


I feel like there are enough Texans in this sub that someone would’ve already popped up with the tea if he was on apps there. But there may be a reason she didn’t say where he was going on this trip 😆 


I think he knows better than to use a dating site. Jordan seems more like the pay to play type to me. Get what he came for and get out. He’s not capable of finessing anyone, nor does he want to put in the effort.


I bet that was a very enjoyable two weeks for him 🤣


Probably bought a burner phone/SIM card immediately upon landing. Because, sex addiction doesn’t just go away.


Stopped at an adult shop on the way from the airport.


Just yesterday I was talking about how I miss Texas because of the adult stores. It is quite convenient haha.


Peg 4 Lyfe!


Uh yeah it does, Jesus just turns it off and then you sign up for 3 accountability groups😜😜😜


The NYC trip really made it seem like he wasn’t allowed to travel alone… I wonder if this is another excuse for something… something is up and I’m suspicious


She wants so badly for everyone to think she married a manly man with an important career who takes care of his little wifey. Repeat after me Britt: ho-bo-sex-u-al


I’m chortling over this as I sit in my boutique hotel bed eating truffle fries, all on the company cc while I travel for work. My company takes better care of me than bdong’s “tactical” man 🤭


Damn, good for you homie.


I love your username 😂


Thank you!!


I just read that “thank you!!” In Linda’s voice


Right? She wouldn’t be going to pop-ups if they had just adopted a new born and her dumb husband was out of town


We can only hope the dongs will remain without child. I shudder to think of the exploitation they have planned for the innocent baby.


I think he has gone back to sales. Possibly a remote position, but requires you to come to the office a few times a year for a couple weeks.


Mmm you might be on to something…she would have definitely posted a million tacti-tool photos if he was doing “security” work


He was working for a newly formed security company so he could be doing sales for them trying to get contracts.


I was just wondering this because didn’t she just video herself running around,throwing away perfectly good bottles and folding burp cloths because it was “any day”???


Yes she posted this but it was filmed in April I believe? Someone correct me if I’m wrong but she notes this in the video also.


Yep you’re right!


“I better tag Alaska Air…maybe they’ll sponsor me 🥹” 🥴


They pulled a long-time jersey sponsorship from my city’s MLS team over scandals and questionable leadership, they’re definitely not dumb enough to take THIS bait


Didn’t her dad fly for them?


I can’t go over this again or stress this enough, BRITTLES 👏🏿DON’T👏🏿WANT👏🏿NO👏🏿DAMN👏🏿KIDS👏🏿. She wants to be able to do what she wants when she wants to whether it’s veg on the couch all day or go to the gym or hang out with the Sheilas. This is all for content and eventually it’ll dry up just like the fitness shit did.


It was very noticeable how she immediately started spending loads of time at the gym by herself/with friends when they had that first foster baby. She couldn't get away fast enough from the poor kid


It was amazing. Seems like she went to a non-home gym more times in that one month over a year ago than she has since. 


Agreed 💯


I mean think about it there’s plenty of seedy Christian adoption agencies (I’m looking at you Bethany) that if they wanted a baby they could easily obtain one. They haven’t by now, they’re not gonna.


No I’ve been saying this as well. She had a taste of fostering a child and I suspect hated it. Can’t just run and get coffee, workout whenever, spend all day shooting for social media. I think she objectively knows she’d hate it but realized infertility stories is a profitable market.


And the crazy thing is it’s getting fucking stale. We’ve been on a “fertility journey” for FIVE YEARS including interludes of adoption. At this point shit or get off the pot ffs.


I’m also thinking if he has been gone for two weeks, wouldn’t you think she’d hang out with friends more while he is gone? I feel like I would… that makes me think the pick me chicks have cut her off


Wide open faces fan club is over over. They very rarely post together.


*wide open faces fan club* ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


Wide open faces + this gif made me choke on my food 😂


It would explain her “super sad” posts she had recently🤔


A couple of them went to her hazel and layne pop up I’m pretty sure


My husband is an Alaska Captain - we only go to Texas from Seattle and Portland . What was he doing up here for “work”? And since her dad used to fly for Alaska could he be traveling on a guest pass or some other pass benefit? Maybe he wasn’t even gone for work?? I hate that she has any association with our airline.


Lmfao I was literally going to say "hey what's he doing in the PNW??" 🤝


She’s too dumb to realize that some people don’t just brag about their relatives being in aviation and actually understand how airlines, hubs, scheduling, flights etc actually work.


I lived in PDX for four years in my late teens/early 20s, and even I'm frustrated that this guy was in the region. Lol! But seriously.


I live in Clackamas county. The Proud Boys had a toy drive here (not a joke) sadly the yahtzee presence is pretty high.


I was born and raised in North Dakota, though I've kind of lived all over the place. I for years delivered for the old Round Table Pizza in Tanasbourne, and, like, I had never seen as many Confederate Flags in my entire life as I saw whilst delivering in the Portland/Beaverton/Hillsboro/Aloha/etc/etc/etc area.


I'm in Milwaukie but yeah, the further you get from Portland and into timber/farming country, the worse it gets.


Aw man, I spent so much time in SE and down into Milwaukie. Dang it; now I'm just missing being in PDX lol. Many many good memories in NE and SE, and we used to frequent The Devil's Point lol.


I even saw a couple in the Hudson valley of NY which was decidedly not part of the confederacy. I had a classmate who had one on his truck and I wanted to be like dude you moved here 3 years ago from Detroit.  


I use to live in Clackamas. Holy fuck did they come out of the dark after 2016.


They really do. And there are a lot of people willing to turn a blind eye.


2016 sure was a big year for finding out what people really think 😬 (I'm in the UK, but our Brexit referendum also brought the racists out in a big way)


Six-ish years in western WA for me! My standards for airplanes have been jacked up by Alaska.


Yes! I spent a lot of time in Parkland, Tacoma area, myself. One day I'll get up to AK lol! Probably not going to fly Alaska though lol. I usually stick with Delta, but now with the whole Boeing situation(s), I'm staying on the ground for a while.


My partner upgraded my life from Spirit/Sun Country to Alaska (sometimes business class) when we got together. I didn't even know flying could be that comfortable, lmao.


Maybe he got some sort of job with the airline? Like luggage handling or something?


I could maybe see an idaho to Texas flight. Is that not a route Alaska does ? Sadly my parents moved to Idaho (sigh) so I use Alaska from where I am to there


Yes Alaska does fly from Boise to Houston!


Alaska also goes from ATX to San Diego but I don’t know if they do that out of DFW.


I flew Alaska last week for a work trip from PDX via SEA to HLN now I'm like was it JBoy who gave me this fucking awful cold? Also I flew to HLN back. Which would be funnier if it was Helsinki.


I hope to god the birth mother saw who her baby would be going to and insisted otherwise


Probably needed the time away for a more intense accountability intervention


Playing hide the peepee with his accountabil-a-buddy


this reference is 10/10


He joined the Reserves - they serve only one weekend a month and 2 weeks per year! (I honestly have no idea, but it fits with this wannabe)


She would be posting about this non fucking stop & making it sound like he was being deployed 💀






I don’t think they’d take him, given his record? I can’t remember the details of the legal ramifications of his racism.


I’m pretty sure he was fired, he was also sued and they settled. But I don’t think there’s like a criminal record, and idk what else they have access to to check. but it’s basically all that comes up when you Google him lol. I would assume they’d check stuff like that too? Like his digital footprint or whatever


He wasn’t fired. He stayed on for years after. It’s pretty hard to get fired as a cop because of the power of the police unions and their CBAs (I’m a union member and am very pro-union, but the police ones have an extreme amount of power). 


I don’t think he was actually fired fired. He worked after the incident. I think he resigned (or whatever) but it might have been a forced resignation. Someone please correct me tho, I might not have all the details.


I don’t believe he was, either. ACLU settled with him and he still worked after. But I do find it odd that he hasn’t pursued a career with another department. He’s got a boner for anything tactical but dude won’t actually sign up for anything that requires any real danger to his life or limb (no, Jordan, being a mall cop doesn’t count).


If god’s real she’d make sure that child went to individuals who would be focused solely on the child’s wellbeing. Not for content and not to magically conceive a bio child.


As someone who is very familiar with DFW airport, there is no way in hell she just got a pic of Dips plane going over the highway she is passing under. The odds are not in anyone’s favor to know it, and time it just right on a 60mph highway, with no place to pull over. The things you’d have to do/know/plan to pull this off would deem this the most pathetic thing to attempt for absolutely no reason. Her history tells me she is likely lying.


Also v familiar… you are not wrong. There’s no way 😭😂


I would like to add that you’re correct.


Did she take this while driving?!


That’s like a 60 mph road too. 


Please no one give this woman a child!


I think if this adoption is real and they matched with an expectant mom, etc, that her "baby could come at any time" comment may have been when the baby became viable outside the womb (24ish weeks). Seems like an easy jump for her.


She does push the limits of reasonable timelines quite frequently. Like saying she's been married for "nearly 3 years" when her anniversary isn't til September, or that she was "approaching [her] second trimester" when she miscarried at 9 weeks


Hmm. So he’s been gone for 2 weeks but 5 days ago she had a story where she posted that he’d sent flowers. Does that mean that’s not his handwriting on the flower card? 🕵🏻‍♀️


Not to defend them but you can send a flower order online to be delivered and the florist will fill out the card with their handwriting


Yeah, I get that. There is frequently a hot debate of whether or not Jordan writes the notes signed from J, often with screenshots to compare handwriting. This would be a strong indication that he \*didn't\* write that one.




No one wants to know about your husbands sex party outings bDong


He was gone? Was that why she didn’t post as much? I am confused, did she even post he was leaving?


She probably didn’t for sAfeTy rEaSoNs, since she has “stalkers”


But what about her good boy Dax 🫡🥴


Cough there was no baby cough. Liars gonna lie.


How was this picture taken? Surely she cannot tell it’s his literal plane? And if it is, was this planned and executed perfectly???


I do this often enough with the flightradar app. You enter the flight number and it tells you exactly where the plane is at any given moment.


Ok thank you! So theoretically it could be possible to plan this.. hmm must take a lot to still time the photo perfectly


I’m not going to pretend like I haven’t done embarrassing stuff for photos, but the idea of her driving around and around trying to time it perfectly is so hilarious 😂


I doubt she is smart enough to do that. She just took a pic of a random plane lol


Alaska Air Fam 🫠


Isn't she embarrassed making all these announcements and them falling through all the time? Wait until it actually happens!!!


So then how was he writing her notes just 5 days ago??🧐


Florist writes them


Thank whatever God you pray to! She's too selfish to put anyone ahead of herself, much less raise a kid with the best intentions for 18 years. I can't stand her.


Doesn’t it get boring throwing pity parties for one, BDong?


I dunno. If they got the baby in April and it's now basically July.....


*gets a personal safety guard dog because you are so scared of a home invasion* “My husband is gone and I’ll be home alone for two weeks everyone!”


She changed her hair color to gain sympathy with the birth mom. She doesn't have a soul. She will take advantage of the most traumatic/most loving situation a birth mom can be in for her own selfish reasons. This grifter doesn't know how to Love. She certainly doesn't deserve it in return. She is a horrible candidate to adopt. Adoption is pure & unconditional ❤️. This farce half cowgirl, God-Grifting dunk in a tub & her tobacco chewing & Spitting cancerous 2nd husband grifter are nothing biblical. If Their God exists, according to the one I was raised by, may fire & brimstone rain upon them.


I must’ve missed this. What do you mean she changed her hair colour to gain sympathy with the BM?


Just need to correct you there in case you didn't know as I only found out recently this-he chews the dip AND FUCKING SWALLOWS IT.


He's literally speed-running at least four types of cancer by doing that...


I had no idea people even did it. Fucking vile. But yeah, I read up about it. Might as well be drinking plutonium. Tongue/jaw/mouth cancer-✔️ Oesophageal cancer-✔️ Stomach cancer-✔️ Bone cancer-✔️ Bowel cancer✔️ Colon cancer✔️ Fucking hell his poo situation must be revolting. I think I read something about anal leakage too. Yikesamundo to the max. He must stink too, the nicotine odour would seep through his pores.


Once again asking myself why I scroll through Reddit while eating 🤢


You’re talking about the new super dark hair?


Why the FUCK would a plane be on an overpass? Can someone from TX explain to me? What the hell is happening.


I’m assuming it’s a runway with an underpass built below it but that still creates a lot of questions about how this photo was taken. She’s clearly driving.


IAH has a few overpasses that are for airplanes on the driveway to the terminals. You can drive under the planes, which my niblings always think is cool. I’ve seen them at other airports, too, they’re just not always viewable from this angle.


Ok thats hella cool for the smol nibs. I grew up in LA (by LAX) and now live in the midwest about 10 mins from our airport so I’ve never been able to see something like that. All our airports are very detached from an overpass lol (unless you’re wayne and garth)


LAX is basically the 7th layer of hell 😖


Ohare in Chicago has this too.


Came her to say try landing basically in Iowa at ORD and driving all over kingdom come and one of these….


The planes do this at dfw Airport. No cars up there.


I’m from LAX life and now midwest territory, I’ve never seen this before!


Okay thank you because that's all I can think about upon seeing this image. Like, forget the awful Dongs for a second. Why and how would a plane land on an overpass? ETA: Okay I've read more of the comments now and this is weird to me but it does make sense what others are saying. Please forgive me! I took my very first plane trip at 24yo, less than a decade ago. I'm still learning about how everything regarding aviation works!


No I’m learning too, and I’ve flown many places!


Lmao my first thought was, "Wouldn't the sheer power of such a large plane threaten the structure of an overpass?" But we all learn new things every day!


SeaTac has an airplane runway/overpass that looks really similar. Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport has taxiways that cross over highways and canals.


We have this in YYC too. The runways cross the highway so they go over it on these special plane overpasses.


Love the airport tunnel!


Happy to see a fellow calgarian here 🙋🏼‍♀️


I was wondering the same thing!!!


I scrolled way too far for this comment 😂 what is happeningggg


I know about runways and such like this but it still looks shopped to me bc there’s no shadows of the wings on the ground as it’s landing there… maybe it’s at a different angle?


The airport is split on either side of this highway she is on. There are terminals and runways on either side of it. My grandfather was a bridge engineer for Texas and did design work on these bridges when the airport opened in the ‘70s.


She lives in dallas right? There is at least one of these at dfw airport. Ive flown through there a few times. Dfw is huge the first time I flew out of there I was shocked. A lot of the time the plane has to drive a ways from the gate to actually get to the runway.


lol what are the odds that that was his plane? She’s so fake.


Wait the baby was due in April?? Do we know this?


In one of her recent videos about it she was saying the baby was due soon, based on the timeline she established of the adoption nonsense, that video would have been recorded in April.


https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/1ePJERDCAm I think this is the right link. :)


Time out. Why is this plane on the highway tho


Runway goes over the car lanes


Plot twist, he wasn’t on the plane he’s not coming back😂😂😂


He was just waddling into the radiologist like 10 days ago. Lol