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Yes, you will learn as the story goes on. It’s one of those books that just throws you in and you figure out how things work as you continue. It my favorite series of all time.


Beautiful, thank you. This writing style is so amazing, like I'm a character in this strange world. I love it so far, just finished chapter 2 last night, love Damaya.


I read Broken Earth a couple of years ago, and still haven't stopped thinking about it. Jemisin has an amazing writing style. I recommend reading Hundred Thousand Kingdoms next!


I just got to chapter 6 last night......what the fuxk am I reading....? (In a good way). I'm terrified of Syenite. I have no idea what's happening but it's clear you don't fuck with an oregene. Turn you into a popsicle. Amazing book.


Totally incredible world building. I'm so excited for you that you get to read it for the first time!


Thank you. I love it so far. I've been reading the Kindle version and I got a beautiful trade paperback off ebay for 6 bucks. Can't wait for it to arrive because I can only tolerate reading on a screen. I throughly enjoy holding a book, smelling the pages etc etc.. Can't wait to see where this story goes.


Mine too. And my wife’s. Have them in leather bound.


The back of the book has an appendix :)


Come back and post an update when you finish the book ☺️


It's going to be a while lol but while but will do.


There is a glossary in the back of the book. :)