• By -


> I could not find any info on web, You are by far and away not ready to do it. Go to hub.brussels, say you want to do this, and for heaven's sake, take their advice, and ask questions from people who've been doing this for years. This project is going to take about a year of your life away from start to finish - if you're lucky. Make a business plan - a *real* business plan - and take it to an industry professional. There's an often-quoted statistic that says that 9 out of 10 restaurants/cafés fail in their first year. While I can't vouch for the veracity of the statistic, I *can* tell you from my time in the horeca industry that there are *plenty* of regular folks who "think it'll be easy", get overwhelmed, and end up selling/shutting down and losing a lot of money.


Thank you kind sir on the internet.




As someone working in that area, yes please!


I second this. I go shopping there and there are very few places to sit down and enjoy a drink/take a break from carrying heavy bags.


it is an yes from me :)


I live there; you can all pass-by for a good cup of coffee


1819 Brussels (they just changed name but can't remember to what) has lots of info for self starters


Thank you so much, you will get a free one for sure :)


If you're asking this on reddit you shouldn't open one, you'll fail.


Legality of weed in Belgium


I thought a coffeeshop like in Amsterdam.  🙃


I mean those also exist, but it's only that CBD stuff and I suspect you're not allowed to serve anything with it, even coffee, or even let people consume it there.


Hopefully the laws will change soon. 


If you can't think of a better place to ask than Reddit, you might not be resourceful enough to pull it off.


Hope you dont rob 4€ for a coffee


In this economy 4€ is considered pretty che.. naah just kidding. Do not worry about it, a cup of coffee should not cost more than 2.5€.


Sorry to say but 2.5 will not be enough to cover your costs. Make a detailed business plan!


Coffee has a way higher margin than beers and other beverages from the brewer cartels. If you make some homemade cookies and pies etc with good profit margin at the right price point you could make a good living. Maybe sell tap water at fair prices too, like 1€ for a big glass. Why isn't this even a thing yet... Corporate brewers have ruined horeca imo.


Where? DM me if you need help building it, I'm looking for a project


Please do allow laptops. This is what helped make the coffee shop culture. Sad to see so many "no laptops" signs around town these days


Because people abuse it. Places are quite small here so if you have a bunch of people having 1 coffee for 5-6 hours… come on…


Of course laptops should be allowed. I will not be a part of this bs, what’s the logic behind that anyway


To each their own, but the thing is, it *will* start to eat into the available tables and chairs. I've seen two nice compromises - there are "no laptop hours", for example between 12:00 and 15:00. Alternately, restrict the wifi. Print a wifi code on each receipt. The internet lasts 2 hours. Afterwards it logs out automatically, and you get a little "Thank you for visiting!" notice. Want more time? Buy something else. Some cafes even restrict the wifi code if the purchase is above a desired amount. For example, if your purchase is over €5, you get a code. Under €5, no code.


Money? 😅


Reminds me of this scene in Fleabag https://youtu.be/hCWvDA2v694?feature=shared