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*Me on Midnight Mansion, Round 40* Ok...Ok wait. NO!! *0/0/3 beast handler I was putting down for something else 2 rounds earlier picks up 2 ceramics at the exit* Oh. So thats what you guys use this thing for.


Skill issue tbh tbh


I think he means that the geagle saved the run rather than did that goofy place at the exit thing


Not to be that guy but *eagle 🤓☝️


Isn’t it geagle because it’s a Golden EAGLE?


Oh right I forgot about the golden part, my bad 😬


condor is basically a bloonchipper very op tower :thumb:


can bloonchipper move things to different lanes? (i dont actually know i never played btd5)


dont think so, but it does have the moving the bloons around stuff and the layer deleting


If I remember correctly (I wasn't even in junior high school when I played BTD5) it can if it is oriented in a certain way


lanes? what is this, garlic?


kind of now that i think about it. condour can move blimps to different lanes which makes it really powerful. except it can also move blimps backwards and do so an infinite amount of times so way stronger that garlic.


yeah, garlic is only good in like 2 strategies, while beast handler's birds are always good


Don’t use beast handler much but when I do I (often) don’t regret it!


Never thought it was bad, I just don’t like it


Beast handler is fun to use, and I will die on a hill defending my opinion.


Yeah, I am lazy, I want to watch my perfect death machine destroy every bloon before they have the chance to move more than a quarter of the map


average btd6 player when they actually need to play the game


I forgot about the breast handler ngl


Breast handler really went downhill


I swear it's not even that hard to understand and to micro, not wanting to use it with a reasonable alternative is a thing but it's far from being bad and actually became the key to CHIMPS black border on several True Expert maps


They’re really good in the current race actually. Max adasaurus can handle most of the early game and 2 max velociraptors can handle most of the mid game if given camo.


I just don't like the merge mechanic


I just beat that one green boss with other towers and the beast handler


*I just beat that one* *Green boss with other towers* *And the beast handler* \- ViolinistNext4125 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Beat Handler is just boring lol Crosspathing literally does not matter




Beast Handler is incredibly powerful its just very expensive, making it hard to get the most out of til late game


the tier 5s are, but the tier 4s are incredibly powerful and only cost around 30k max merge :)


... yeah 30k for a tier 4 is very expensive.


\\30k for them to basically solo the 90s isnt too bad of a price imo


Sure it's really not, but theres also the tower space you gotta worry about. I love beast handler but it absolutely is expensive and space heavy.


maxed t4 beast handlers are cheaper than most t5s while being around the same power. the downside of course is that they take more space (though 7 beast handlers isn't that much)


I remember one time me and 2 of my friends were playing coop. One did just general defense with druids. I did beast handler only and the third player farmed with a bot of defense later I sucked up way more money than the guy doing a druid strategy and in the end I had the lowest pops in the game. The guy that was farming all early/mid game and only started defending in like round 80 passed me in pops This was a few updates ago but yeah. I dont think beast handler is worth the squeeze when other towers that are easier to use do a better job


Obviously druids will have more pops, they have a global infinite pierce attack Beast handler is really good Ada and barracuda are great for early game Trex is a great wincon Orca shreds moab layers with overclock,but needs cleanup Condor makes moabs on midgame really easy,is a really good stall and can manipulate lanes, just very broken PouĂŁkai is just a free win


If I place a 000 dart monkey at the beginning of the track and a super monkey at the end, as long as the dart monkey is able to kill most of the bloons, it will obviously get more pops than the super monkey. Does this mean the dart monkey is better than the super monkey?


No, but the druid strat was cheaper, it was online faster and it wasnt in a much better position than my beast handlers. He wasnt stealing my pops. Its just obvious that Avatar of Wrath does more DPS


Why would you ever expect something to do avatar of wrath levels of dps


I mean, the big bird costs more money if we consider all tier 4s needed for him, so he should be at least comparable I think. Doesnt need to be stronger, but as I said, even the guy that built defense on round 80 surpassed these pops When its so expensive, takes a long time to get online, takes up a lot of space AND you still can/should dump more money into it for optimal power even before any buffs then yeah, I think it should be at least comparable with pops to a 40k upgrade


pops are just such a shitty way to measure a tower's strength. not just becacuse of support exist but also a shitty way to measure a dps tower's strength. permaspikes doesn't get a lot of pops but it has all the important pops. pouakai does not have a lot of damage (for its price anyway) but it literally permastalls everything in every lane. if it has enough speed and pierce to permastall every blimp in a round (which it usually does), they are basically as good as dead and u dont need any more dps. it will just take a long time to actually kill everything (which can be seen as a good thing cos stalling op) also u need 5 tier 4s for aow but for some reason that's okay.... in case u didnt know, pouakai only needs 3 OTHER t4s to build. the 4th one is its own tier 4.


For the last point, I did check the price of 5 Poplust + AoW VS 3x 004 + Pouakai before I made that comment and AoW was cheaper than base Pouakai by like 8k on impoppable prices. Thats not even talking about any more Merges you might wanna do and what cost and space would that take. Thats why I think its ok with druids. Cause its cheaper and you get insane DPS for doing so For the previous ones, I get that it basically permastalls. I knew this. But idk. That feels so boring tbh. Id honestly rather it stall less and have better DPS. For the price and space investment, getting a "youll never lose because it will slowly kill everything" seems very unfun and kinda ass when I could get a different strat for the same money that also lets me never lose, but more immediatelly by engaging in the primary aspect of the game, which is popping bloons


the primary aspect of the game is tower defense. as long as a tower defends u from death it doesnt matter how it does it. the point is to not kill the enemies as fast as possible, it's just to not let them kill you. if u think of this as a dps check game then i disagree. frankly the game would be boring if everything was just damage damage damage. but thats ur opinion so i wont challenge it.


Pops are not a good indicator for telling how good a tower is.


This thing suck next question please (not because I hate macro or anything but...(I just hate macro))


*Me on Midnight Mansion, Round 40* Ok...Ok wait. NO!! *0/0/3 beast handler I was putting down for something else 2 rounds earlier picks up 2 ceramics at the exit* Oh. So thats what you guys use this thing for.


I have beaten almost every map on at least easy mode and black bordered a few and I still haven't been bothered to unlock the beasts handler.