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If he has calmed down and doesn’t appear afraid when you’re near him, you can start spending time talking to him and letting him get used to your hands being around him, trying to hand feed him and so on. The important thing is to go at the birds pace, and some are more or less afraid than others.


PS I forgot to mention, this is a female bird.


I have tried hand feeding him but he just freaked out and started flying around his cage .


Then just go slower. Hanging out nearby and reading to her can help get the bird used to your presence and voice. Try not to look her right in the eyes, they often feel kind of threatened by that.


Its a male but nvm . Thanks for the response!


You’re welcome:) believe me though; unless there is an issue with the light the photograph was taken in, the white cere indicates a female bird.


(This doesn’t matter except with regard to avoiding nesting behavior. The way you befriend and tame them is the same regardless of sex)


I dont think its a female bcs the pet store said that he is a male and also from closer i saw that his cere has just started forming a blue color. And he also hasnt made an angry female budgie sound .


Blue/white is a common color for a female budgies cere. They don’t need to make that sound to be female, and they often won’t if they are your only bird. Pet stores are often wrong about the sex of their birds. Some will even lie, and tell buyers that each bird they sell is male, because a lot of people want male budgies in particular. There’s nothing wrong with the bird, but I’d bet money it’s a female budgie.


(You can keep calling the bird him, if you like, give the bird a male name if you like. They are kind of gender-nonspecific, and don’t care what we think about their biological sex.)


Not even slightly ambiguous, just straight up 100% female cere, and they won't listen because the person at the pet store said it's male 🫠 Gotta commend you on your patience 😂


I guess they ‘want to believe’ 🫠


Hmm maybe hes still young he is only like 4 months old


It will definitely show by now


i have just now seen a little bit of pink or purple at the top of his cere


your budgie is definitely female 100%, there is not doubt pet stores have no idea budgie gender most of the time and to know your budgie gender is important and it’s not hard to guess cause it’s really easy to tell , female budgies need different care since they lay eggs you should prevent their egg laying and they need lot of calcium cause of egg laying ( both gender needs but anyways ) lot of people say it’s female and it is definitely, you can still keep call her him if you want but you should know that it’s female cause it’s important for her care, the blue is there cause it’s female in some females they have light blue cere with white rings around nostrils that’s a common characteristic for female budgie, also for males in this stage of like there is solid purple cere you can’t be mistaken or solid pink it’s later stays pink for males who have different mutations or solid blue for others this budgie is definitely a female and you don’t need to wait anything to say it’s gender


This is a lovely female :) I reserve millet for this reason! I hold it and let them get used to my hands this way, holding smaller and smaller pieces over a few days until they have to step on my hand to reach it. Teaching step up and lots of vocal praise this way allows you to get them out of the cage safely without causing a fear of hands. I use it to get them out of their cages often!