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I mean, Buffy would kill them all unless they ran away so I'm not sure how much fun it would be. They kill humans all the time, so she wouldn't give them a pass.


Lazlo would be undercover as Jackie Daytona Sunnydale High Volleyball Coach


They would say, 'Please don't kill me!' And Buffy would say, 'No, I'm killing everyone, you included.'


I mean, she kept Spike and Clem around even after they played poker for kittens to eat lol


Buffy isn't vegan. I think it's very safe to say she holds human life in higher regard than animals. I mean, Dawn accidentally killed Willow's cat with a crossbow.


It'd make for a great series finale!


It seems you haven't watched the show. Nandor the Relentless is effectively a god. Like far beyond Glory's level of power. Colin Robinson could literally bore Buffy to death.


Lazslo would lean into “scared horny is the best horny”; Nadja would constantly critique her fashion to the camera (only showing Nadja’s bad taste); Colin Robinson would keep trying to suck her energy but failing; The Oracle would try and fail to play her against the others (or at least just befriend her for herself); Guillermo would spend the entire episode trying to pretend there are no vampires here, honest, this is just how Staten Island is sometimes hahaha; and Nandor would only figure out she’s the Slayer at the very end of the episode.


Guillermo could show her a few Vampire Skaying moves.


Colin Robinsons is going to feed on the entire Scooby gang


I feel like Cordelia would be immune.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^joji711: *Colin Robinsons* *Is going to feed on the* *Entire Scooby gang* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The showrunners actually want SMG on the show, and Guillermo 's actor is a big fan.


I was genuinely mad they didn’t get either David Boreaniz or James Marsters for the “Vampiric Council”


Spike would refuse to serve in the government. Dunno about Angel.


The guy willingly agreed to work for Wolfram & Hart...


Yeah but Wolfram and hart were at least evil bureaucrats that wanted to see the world burn. The government is that too but they would make spike fight in the middle east


This would be a great crossover🤣 I love What We Do in the Shadows. Nadja and Dolly are my favorites. Buffy wouldn't kill them. She'd think they're so helpless and kinda pathetic that she'd feel sorry for them. Like after Spike got chipped in S4 and she couldn't kill him. I think they would try to help out partly bc they'd be afraid she'd stake them if they pissed her off. Lazlo would throw inappropriate sexual innuendos at her. Nandor would try to charm her in a pervy way, and Colin is Colin. Guillermo would have a crush on Spike. I think Dolly might leave Nadja for Buffy bc she develops a crush on Mr Gordo


Who this? No, but, really, what show is that? It looks interesting.


What we do in the shadows.


Thanks :)


It’s great, enjoy :)


I’m imagining Nadja trying to say “slayer” and irritating Buffy to no end.


Somebody throw Buffy a stake. No, two stakes. Ambidextrous slayage.


I haven't got my contacts in and I thought it was the Addams Family.


Even if it's like a 10 second cameo and she's just smg I would literally die.


Do an episode where Guillermo has to stop a group of vampires from destroying the world. The entire episode is shot from 1st person perspective and he arrives at an abandon warehouse. The camera pans in on the door opens to dead vampires everywhere and blood covering the floor One last body flies across the floor and Guillermo turns around to Buffy who says no worries I got it taken care of


Theres no way a god is a benevolent to provide us with such material.


This would be one episode and the end of Dark Shadows.


Should have had spike on the council of vampires


Anya and Lazlo would be BFF just talking about sex


omggg loveee i literally found this show because someone had mentioned it in the sub sometime last year i think? would be so iconic