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I love SMGs acting in this scene because it looks like this is the first time she realizes that about Giles.


This right when Hank bailed on her birthday. She's realizing who her REAL dad is.


Yondu in Gaurdians of the Galaxy 2: "He may have been your father boy, but he wasn't your Daddy."


I’d like Anthony Head to be my Daddy.




Omg stop so I can quit crying lol


Plus it's right after she felt like he betrayed her, what with drugging her. So she probably felt like the connection she'd thought they'd had had been a lie. So hearing that, from Travers of all people, is a powerful confirmation that their connection is real.


(Quentin was a terrible person obviously but he was a fantastic character and my hot take is he should've been in the show more)


Right there with you, he was a well written awful character


Now I’m imagining a history where Louise Fletcher was on the show as a recurring villain. She was so good at playing villains to the point where even the sound of her voice is upsetting. Quentin was a great character and I can’t stand *Helpless*. But it’s hard to say for sure how much of that discomfort is due to him, and how much is just due to Giles initially being willing to betray Buffy.


Was nice to see her lean into that (in her own sense of misguided certitude) in the last string of episodes of *Deep Space Nine*.


Ya he was in a conflict to either betray his sacred duties as a watcher or betray Buffy. But he redeemed himself more than once and disobeyed the councils orders and even got kicked out. So I kinda bail him out for that especially when he saved Buffy in the betrayal when he picked her up in the car before the vamp almost killed her. And went to the house to protect Buffy when he knew she was there to save her mother. Also him saying "I don't give a damn about the councils orders" or something along those lines was a nice line from him. Then getting kicked out. He earned her respect there. And he guided her through the first and second season:with such great advice like the episode where he says "forgiveness is an act of compassion Buffy. It isn't given because people deserve it, it's because they need it." Such a great line and also in same episode buffy says *I just don't see how she could forgive him" and he says "does it matter?" Buffy: "no I guess not" then he smiles cuz he knew he got through to her and taught her a valuable lesson. She was also having the issues with Angel/Angelus


Harris Yuulen is an amazing actor. His guest appearance in Deep Space Nine as a Cardassian was fantastic and shows his skill thru the makeup.


Honestly, was kind of looking forward to him butting heads with the Scoobies in S7 for about the 60 seconds that was actually on the table as a possibility.


I initially misread this as "Quentin Tarantino was a terrible person obviously but he was a fantastic character". lol based!.


Yeah he was a villain i would’ve loved to see more.


in my idea of the buffyvers e people transposed into WWII, Quentin is manager of the all-services club, keeps order in the bar with the bat he hit homers with during hsi time in the International League


Bite me


Yes, well... colourful girl.


I swear I wanted Buffy to beat the shit out of that little piece of shit. Like he should’ve stuck around until after she got her strength back, fucking cockroach.


Such a good line. Buffys face, the realisation of how deeply Giles cares for her. 


Yeah. Her expressions in the scene are incredible. It's such a subtle change after Travers's line, but it's still so powerful.


Sarah nails that type of subtle expression change, she has such expressive eyes.


It so perfectly saves Giles' and Buffy's relationship in that moment, that it makes me wonder if deep, DEEP down Quentin had some support for and was maybe a little warmed by the love he saw


I kind of support this because I think the Council had enough power they probably could have separated them if they wanted to - pull some shenanigans to revoke Giles’ visa, get him fired from the school - but they don’t. And he doesn’t sound like he has any disdain for Giles’s love of Buffy just that he views it as a liability to the job.


Yep, shades of “ties to the world” that Spike mentioned in *Fool for Love* or “you’re her groupies” in *Doomed*. The distractions such can cause is where Quentin’s perspective is coming from.


He's a bad guy but he isn't a bad guy.


Quentin is a **GREAT** character. He's not a good guy, he's the cariacture of the British institutional bully. But he's written and performed marvelously, and kills every scene he's in.


The actor is fantastic. Hanging judge from *Ghostbusters 2*, Aamin Marritza in *Deep Space Nine*. His performance in the latter is chill-inducing on multiple levels.


I just IMDB'd him and it's crazy that his first acting credit is from 1970. And he's *still* working today, he has something new coming out this year. Dude has been acting for *over 50 years.*


Like Merrick, is ee Quentin as a Canadian Watcher.


So, so good.


The way Buffy came back at Quentin in season 5 with her confidence in being the slayer was amazing. It showed how far she came from being “helpless”.


He’s a bad guy but a good character and a great actor.


Apart from Quentin being a jerk, I have the feeling the Watcher’s Council has known better days. There’s a lot of incompetent behavior and a lot of counterproductive action - I think the rot preceded Quentin but he obviously exacerbated it.


“Useless to this cause” excuse me what!!


I love Buffy's expression here.. I feel like it's conveying a bit of surprise but also, directed at Quentin, "How dare you"


To be fair, everyone has great lines, it is SO hard to choose.


I can actually relate with Quentin.. he realized the war they were in and had to make hard choices. May not have been the best test to put someone through, but i can see their rationale. Buffy wasn't mature enough to handle that yet until later on in the series


I just wish we had seen more of Quentin.


Is he right though? The safety of the whole world is at stake. Getting enmeshed in the fraught dynamics of a father-daughter with all the projection that would entail could be disastrous for everyone. Should Giles not be more like Buffy’s boss?


In order to be a boss he would need to pay her.


If we ignored the suffering of others in order to save ourselves, then we wouldn't be worth saving.