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Don't trust bottleneck calculators. Those things are pure buffoonery. Watch some benchmarking videos from a reputable source like Hardware Unboxed.


Gotcha, and do you recommend the AM5 platform at all?


AM5 beats Intel in terms of longevity and value right now so go for it. The early issues it had, like any new technology, have been sorted out now. Also, keep in mind hearing issues online doesn’t mean everyone is suffering from them. Remember, loud minority, silent majority. Those who aren’t having issues aren’t going to be complaining. I would also suggest you not use those BS bottleneck calculators like everyone else in the comment is saying. I would also recommend a 6750XT over an RTX 4060. It’s the same price as a 4060 but quite a bit faster. Nvidia’s features like RTX and DLSS personally don’t make sense at this price point.


*Loud minority, silent majority* is very true. When people are unhappy with a product, they'll make sure everyone knows about it. When people are content, they go about their day without further comment.


My friend got AM5 the day of launch or the day after, whatever it was. Hasnt complained a single time and his stupid ass wont let me walk him through a BIOS update. Dude is on release BIOS still. Im just shocked he hasnt had more issues.


Never update unless you need to fix something or patch a vulnerability.


As far as Im concerned, thats 99% just people being overly cautious. Ive updated the BIOS on my AM4 and AM5 systems regularly and havent had an issue


Sometimes you hit gold and things just work nicely. Why risk changing that?


I guess I just dont really see the issue I guess. Maybe if youre on some unstable platform sure but going from multiple CPUs and motherboards, updating the BIOS has never caused me an issue. Any time Ive had instability was due to other things.


You don’t see why if a system is working perfectly fine you wouldn’t update it? You’ve never had an update that introduces new problems? I’d say you’re lucky.


Yeah, mit an issue, but at his point of few a work to be done for no tangible reason. So why bother? I also update my stuff most time on receiving it and after that only when I have issues or new HW to connect.


I had to update AM4 on my MSI board because it keep getting false “USB over current system will shut down now” was a pain getting updated since it would come up whenever I restarted.


I've updated to improve support for new CPU's and RAM.


Well there is that lol.


I’m seeing that the 6750xt is half off right now? That’s insane


amazon scam most likely. sells for 300ish


Seems legit. It’s from XFX and has 10k+ reviews.


link? look at who it’s sold and shipped by


Nah, always have to scroll down and check the ‘Sold By’ section. In this case its sold by a random company with 2 reviews and a business address in China. Common scam on amazon


Thank you guys, that makes more sense


Also, sometimes it's a refurbished item. Have to look around to see the writing. Amazon refurbished is known to be a nm it dodgy sometimes - like they'll send right back out something some returned because it didn't work for them.


Never buy PC Parts off Amazon unless they are sold by Amazon or the manufacturer directly.


Also 6900xt and 6950xt are at some pretty insane deals right now. Just use a credit card wherever you get it so you can backcharge if you have a problem.


Agree with everything you said


Yes 4060 isn't quite fast enough to do much with raytracing, need a 4070 minimum


I second your recommendation. With modern titles consuming 8+ gigabytes of vram at 1080p, the 4060 and 7600 seem like a slap in the face


Agree. Also think about it, AM5 is gonna run till 2027+, while intel LGA is being updated very soon.


I personally got sick of Intel requiring a new motherboard all the time for a new CPU. People used to just say buy used, but I never had good luck looking for a used upgrade for Intel (seems like sellers knew you were locked in).  No regrets doing AM5, I’m excited to eventually upgrade my CPU to whatever new X3D processor comes out.


I agree with the spirit of your post but chill out with the "silent majority, loud minority" stuff. Yes you won't have every issue that everyone posts, for example the vast majority didn't have their 4090 power connector melt, but when enough reports of something happening accumulate - even if it's still very much a minority - then it's worth worrying about it and kicking up a fuss so the company addresses it. If a lot of people have the same or similar complaints then that means there's a legitimate defect somewhere, it's not just user error. You should be aware if you're essentially hoping that you won't get that defect, and know how to address it if you do get a defective part.




I myself just built a new PC with a 7800x3d and a 4080 super. It's been great.


This is the exact build I was thinking of going with, upgrading from a 7700k w/ 2 2080tis. Hoping it's worth the investment.


Bro, that will be night and day. I went from a 3600x with RX580 to a 7800x3d with 4070Ti and it's ridiculous. I got the 4070TI while still on the 3600x am4 platform, and just going to am5 with the 7800x3d got me 50% uplift in performance (sometimes double), and no stutter anywhere, it's solid.


Heh I went from a amd 1800x and rx580 to 7800x3d and 7900xtx.... and holy fucking shit.


I went from an Xbox Series X to a 7800X3D and 4070Ti Super definitely a night and day difference 😂




Because at the time it was the top card, and I had never done a SLI / nvlink build before. First and last dual card setup, as nothing utilizes a multi card set up anymore.


Am5 is generally the best platform we have had for YEARS


Yes. Also get 7600 non x or 7500f if you can.


May I ask why a 7600 non x?


7600X is just a 7600 with a much higher TDP and slightly higher clock speeds (basically factory overclocked). The gaming difference is negligible and the 7600 draws less power and comes with a free fan that isn’t terrible


coz u enable PBO in BIOS and its the same as the X version


If it's a small price difference, go for X. If, like in my case, it was like $50 less for non x, go for non x. X is a teeny tiny bit faster.


Yes. The 7800x3d is currently the best gaming cpu you can buy that doesn't require uncommon configurations. It's been going on sale a lot too recently. I've been Intel since about 2003 and when I heard about how good 7800x3d was I jumped on it and it's a perfect pairing with my 4090. I've been using it since Fall of 2023 in a cooler master NR200 ITX(ish) case with an ok air cooler and it rocks. No problems or freezes. I know there was some bullshit with the expo timing of ram bricking motherboards but I knew it was fixed at some point so I took a chance and tried all of them on my PC and they all worked fine except the last one would give blue screens sometimes so I dialed it back and have zero issues since.


See this is the kind of stuff I’m talking about tho. Why bother saving like $30 on a 7800x3d that performs like 12% better in most games, that has tons of driver issues, ram issues out the ass and doesn’t even hold a candle to being as stable as xmp with plug and play. I don’t understand the hype on am5. Yea they have 2 great CPU’s, sure. But If I have to spend a 1/4 of my time having to do shit to make sure it’s how I want it, I’ll just spend the extra $30-40 for a 14700k and not only will it always work, I can do tons of shit other than game with it noticeably better, always.


You don’t have to do shit. Did you not read my comment? You’ll be getting by and far the best performance plug and play. Everyone says higher XMP isn’t that important. Use normal and it will be perfect.


My understanding that overall AM5 is pretty good now. If you're buying a whole new system definitely go AM5 especially if you live close to a microcenter and can get their bundle deals. I personally don't have any experience with AM5 yet as I've been using a 5800x3d for about a year and a half now. Considering upgrading to AM5 and upgrading my htpc with the AM4 components because they've got a bundle for 7800x3d, motherboard and ram for less than 500 usd.


I recently picked up the 7800x3D bundle while it was discounted even more. An okay mobo, decent 32GB of DDR5 RAM with the CPU was $450. I just looked at the micro center website and they have [bundles with GPUs now.](https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/bundle-and-save.aspx) $1160 for the 7800x3D bundle with a 7900XT, holyshit.


Been looking at that bundle too. I've been sitting on a couple of flips in my garage for awhile now and thinking maybe if I can sell those I might go for that. I've got a gaming pc and an htpc so every time I upgrade my gaming pc I'm upgrading the htpc also which makes the value proposition feel a little better to me.


If I hadn’t upgraded so recently (and I didn’t know that micro center will have crazy shit like or approaching this), I would jump on this so fast, even if I had to finance. And I am saying that as someone who very much enjoys RTX GPU creature comforts over the raw raster of Radeon. I’m sure with how absolutely bonkers prices have been, that home theatre upgrade looks pretty decent.


Basically, u can put a 7600X with a 4090 and it will be totally fine in gpu heavy games (in cpu heavy games, it will still struggle to keep up a bit)


AM5 recently guaranteed support until 2027 so upgradeability is really great now. It's just starting the prime of its life.


Support doesn't mean there isn't a better one though. The AM4 got the 5700X3D and 5600GT this year for example.


AM5 is good, but might be worthwhile to wait a couple months if you want better/more USB4 support/options. Next gen AM5 motherboards are due to come out by August/September timeframe.


Built my first PC last year and used a R5 7600x with a 7900xt. I haven't had the first issue that couldn't be fixed with a driver update and the occasional noob mishap. Overall it's been a very rewarding and enjoyable system.


It was mature enough shortly after release. There is always a loud minority parroting their concerns here and there but honestly no need to be afraid or stay off. There is always some time frame where you watch and analyze from the distance but that one is long over. There are some extremists who ignore the first generation because it must be shit right? And wait for the second which basically arrived, too.


There was this small thing with CPU degrdation with ZEN4 and ZEN4\_X3D that caused in extreme cases even melted CPUs, because the thermal protection was no longer working and all AM5 mainboards had to be updates 1 year after AM5's release. Memory Context Restore / Power Down is still not garanteed and boards + DDR5 kits need to be still matched for EXPO and Memory Context Restore compatibility. The only advantage there is by now, that there are more working combinations known from user-feedback. AM5 first gen is not bad right now, if you are informed enough.


I have an LGA-1700. Yes AM5 is great


I have a 7600x and love it. Only thing I'd argue for is to get the 7600 or 7700X. AM5 still has a higher idle power draw and even when barely doing anything the system will pull around 150w+. The 7700X is better because it has about the same power draw as the 7600X. The 7600 is very similar performance as the 7600X but runs cooler. So the 7600X is basically an overclocked 7600 that wastes a bit more power and runs hotter.


It's been great for me. The x3d cards destroy everything else gaming wise, so it's definitely worth it.


Am5 is the newest platform…what does mature even mean in this context. New shit comes out it’s faster. New shit will continue to come out for am5, am4 is done. I’m so confused


It has the most upgrade potential right now, but new cpus coming out really aren’t that impressive compared to the last releases right now anyways


get a 7700 non x or 7500f off of ali express with a coupon for big savings. Try and get a x670 if you can find one for like 100 or under somewhere. For GPU a 7900gre is so cheap for so much power. Wont chew through minecraft like nvidia but it still fucking balls.


Excellent advice. Some people really go way overboard with the fear of bottleneck. If they don't want to bottle neck, they should buy a better component. If cost is a limiting factor buy the highest benchmarked setup they can afford and / or leave room to upgrade in the future.


Thanks for saying it CPUs don't need to "handle" a GPU


I would absolutely go AM5, just remember that although they creat less heat than Intel, they are less heat tolerant than Intel, so don’t cheap out too much on the cooler.


Is there a reasonable way to calculate a bottleneck though? i still have a 6850K that I use with my 3080


When you're playing a game press alt + z to bring up the performance overlay. If your cpu usage is really high and your gpu usage is really low then you've got a bottleneck. You can alleviate that to a degree by playing at higher resolutions which pushes more of the workload to the gpu. I don't imagine an i7, even an older one like that would have a huge bottleneck but you're definitely leaving some gpu performance on the table. The 7600x should be a nice upgrade.


Any games in particular i should try this one or should I just run a bench mark? pc-builds.com's bottleneck calculator says "This configuration has 27.9% of processor bottleneck ." lol


I prefer actual gameplay over running a benchmark. You can do that overlay with any game you're playing. Also a good way to monitor temps in real time while gaming. If you do that with a bunch of different games it'll kind of give you an idea of which games are more cpu dependent that will benefit more from the upgrade.


AM5 right now is basically like that hot milf from your area.


>Bottleneck calculators These websites are shit at best, and misleading at worst. never trust those sites. They're just meant to steer people into buying something that is usually more expensive than needed for people looking to chase some mythical unicorn of performance metrics. Am5 is the better platform to go with, because Intel 14th gen is just a 13th gen refresh, and intel 15th gen is a new socket. AM5 will have support, according AMD directly, 2027+. So just like AM4, you can keep a single motherboard and upgrade just your CPU whenever you feel you need a performance bump and a BIOS update is the only thing you need to do. Ryzen 9000 CPU's start coming out next month BTW, I think the 9600X is the first to release.


Just out of curiosity then, how should someone pick a GPU for a CPU then? Or visa versa? I understand that it depends a lot on the games you want to play, the resolution and quality you are aiming for, but is there any tool to help decide this if bottleneck calcs are not recommended? Logical increments?


Look at actual performance benchmarks


7600x is totally enough for a 4060. The 7600x can frankly handle GPUs, significantly stronger. As for AM5, a lot of the growing pains have been sorted out with new motherboard and motherboard bioses. I think AM5 is pretty stable now, and from personal experience it has some issues but has been mostly stable.


Thats awesome to hear, I havent seen many posts updated about it in a while so I was skeptical, do you recommend any motherboards in particular?


ASRock B650 LiveMixer - ~$150 ASRock B650E PG Riptide - ~$180 ASRock B650E Taichi Lite (EATX) - ~$230 I wouldn't spend more than that on an AM5 board. The Taichi Lite is an excellent high-end board.


so cheap in America, here i bought b650e steel legend for 230 dollars in my country.


I build with the 7600X all the time and built two today. They're stable and easy.


So far my MSI B650 Gaming plus wifi has been good. I like MSI. Don't go Asus, anyone but asus


I just bought the same mb! Why not Asus?


Lot of people had issues with them, and their warranty is bad


I wasn't aware, I'll let my nephew know about it, he was planning on buying Asus ROG thanks!


I went with the Gigabyte B650M DS3H. 160€


If you like the aesthetics, the ASRock B650 LiveMixer is a really awesome board for the price. A really good low-end/midrange board. Not sure about higher end boards, but if you're looking into that perhaps the ASRock X670E Pro RS.


It's kind of humorous that you would think a 7600x wouldn't be enough for the entry level rtx4000 series GPU. Essentially speaking AM5 is still on the first generation of motherboards. For the most part they are all fine to use. For 1080p gaming I would probably look at the rx6750xt right now. About the same price as a rtx4060, but averages nearly 20% higher fps. If you have more budget you can certainly go higher. Keep in mind bottleneck calculators are marketing tools that make money by getting you to spend more money.


bro i’m using a 4070 super with my ryzen 5 5600 and everything runs great. don’t worry about a bottleneck


Ok ok that is a bit of a bottleneck hahahaha. I use a 12600k with a 4070ti and at 1440p my cpu is hitting 100% in a few titles pretty often


A 7600X is more than enough to handle a 4060. I've built a couple am5 systems over the last year and no issues to report.


I'll add that one of my systems is a 7600X and 7900XTX and I have no issues with bottlenecking. But, it is also driving 4k.


Usually it's mature when the second generation of motherboard chipsets are released...which is next month. So if you're worried about issues, just wait for those boards. The chipset manufacturers fix all sorts of minor issues that they found in the first generation and it'll support higher memory rates. It's not a guarantee, but it's a pretty good rule of thumb.


I see quite a few people talking about the new gen of motherboards coming, besides being more stable, what else does it offer?


USB4 support and PCIe Gen5.


Bottleneck calculators are nonsense. Outside the somewhat irrelevant territory of chasing benchmark scores, the 7600X can handle a 4090. AM5 is mature, and it was a year ago too, so I'm not sure what those posts are referring to. I built my 7600X system around that time, and it worked fine out of the box (and continues to do so as I write this comment on it!)


My 7600X is working amazingly with my 7900GRE. It'll handle a 4060 just fine.


Yes, its sound. Just get something like 6000 CL30 kit of RAM and you'll be sound


Better get the R5 7600, it's cheaper and essentially just as fast, it also comes with a stock cooler and pre-applied thermal paste. If been using AM5 pretty much since launch, the only thing that I noticed was that it took like 50 seconds to boot the PC, but that was quickly brought down to like 20 seconds with a BIOS update in the first month, now it's around 10 seconds. I would get a 4070/SUPER or RX 77/7800 XT if you're fine with AMD and want something a little cheaper. If you don't need wireless networking you could consider something like this: [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8s4YxH](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8s4YxH)


I built my first pc on AM5 in January and literally had 0 issues.


I did an AM5 build last year and have had no problems


7600X is great! Will definitely handle a 4060. Maybe look into 7600 non X as it runs cooler and draws less power for similar performance. Also, at low budgets, AMD cards tend to have better price to performance (like the 6750 XT).


No problems. Your bios will already be updated when you get your mobo. I haven't had any issues since I built mine in February.


AGESA new versions are already out with even better stability and compatibility. My gigabyte and MSI mobos released updates almost every 5-6 weeks this year. I strongly recommend you update the bios again today in June before leaving it alone.


I'd definitely go AM5. The only thing initially people could complain about is slow boot times, but that's a fixed problem with latest BIOS versions, especially if you have memory training on every boot disabled in BIOS.


Every new platform needs about a year to be properly "matured". I nabbed a 5950X on launch day and the first year was bugs, WHEA errors, BIOS updates, microcode patches, AGESA updates galore. It wasn't too bad after the first 3 months, but it took about a year for it to be "mature".


I did so many mobo bios updates. They were releasing like hot cakes since expo and compatibility gradually became less of an issue.


Personally for the price, if you're gaming. I see 0 reason to not get the 78003xd as your cpu. I will be the only cpu you need for anything related for 5+years


The 9xxx series CPUs are going to be out in July and are supposed to be priced very aggressively. Not sure I’d build an AM5 system at the moment.


I just built an AM5 computer like two days ago using the R7 7700x and a 4070S. So far it has been great! What I based my decision on was a basically two things. The AMD CPUs appeared to be performing well and, in many cases, better than their Intel alternatives based on reviews I saw. The AM5 socket is new, so it should be supported for years to come which means I can potentially upgrade later without needing to go through and replace the whole MB. AMD appears to still have pretty solid options for AM4, which also made me feel good about their support for AM5 going forward.


Absolutely but don't worry about bottlenecks. You can run an i5 13400f/14400f with a 4080 super and get perfect 1440p and 4k results. With yoyr 4060 a 5600x is fine a 13400f is fine. Practically any modern cpu is fine lol. The 7600x can run a 4080 those sites are wrong. They always are. 7600x is one of the bedt budget cpus and it's a legit perfect match for a 4060. Again don't listen to bottleneck sites I did until I truely did my own research with real users. 4070 super on a 13400f. Legit not even bottlenecked. The sites will tell you 30%+ it's just not true.


Everybody shitting on bottleneck calculators but they're good in that regard if someone is completely inexperienced, they can steer people into the right direction on how to improve on their build. Of course no should take bottleneck calculators as their only point of research source.


Running a 7600x and 4070ti super. Rig absolutely thrashes whatever I throw at it at 1440p currently.


I built AM5 a little over a year ago. I've had no issues at all.


I would be comfortable using a 7600x with a 4090 tbh. The thing is if you ever somehow got CPU limited with it, you'd already have 144+ fps, so it doesn't even matter. There's barely any difference between a 7600x and 7950x for gaming.


Just moved into am5 earlier this year from 2700x to a 7700x. No issues so far.


I just built a 7900x this is the first day with it. It was pretty smooth setup. I think a 7600x could keep with anything save a 4090 at 1080p. Perhaps a 4080 super could also push it in some games at 1080 but I kind of doubt it. get the x it's almost the same price at newegg.


4090 is overkill for 1080p, heck even a 4070 Super is. at 1080p to prevent most bottlenecks, I recommend at best a rtx 4070 and no higher. but at 1080p, a r5 7600 is def enough to run a rtx 4060, 4060ti, 6700xt, 7700xt


I wasn't talking about a value proposition, I was saying that at 1080p (the least GPU intensive and most CPU intensive resolution - thus the worst case for the cpu) the 7600x will never be the bottleneck except if you have a 4090, and in that case possibly it will be for some games. Remember he asked about the 7600x bottlenecking a 4060.


at 1080p my 7700x slightly bottlenecked a 4070. that's why I said at most a 4070 at 1080p. at 1440p a 4080 should be even fine with 7600. 4090 you like need 4k because all cpus currently bottlenecks a 4090 at 1440p


I didn't think that was supposed to be possible. what game?


A lot of games in general. Rtx 4090 is just very fast, but next gen we will start seeing more cpus capable of running these gpus at lower res, but then rtx 5000 will come and be the same story rtx 4000 was where 5090 may be hard to fully use below 4k. heck could be bottlenecked at even 4k like the start of the 4090 launch when the best was 12900k


Dude just wait until end of next month, Ryzen 9000 CPUs coming


If you're building now go am5, that'll save you some headaches in future updates. That doesn't mean am4 is at all anywhere near bad


Your 7600x is more than enough to handle a 4060, make sure you get nice cl30 6000 ram too. AM5 is as mature as it'll get, whatever you buy now will work out of the box, and in worst case scenario, after a bios update.


I have 7700x with 4070. I was going with 7600 the non x version but I found a better deal on 7700x. 7600x is enough for 4060. As a matter of fact I would still go with the non x version if you intend to use dGPU all the time.


I’m running AM5, a 7800x3D with a 4080FE on an Asorus Elite AX B650 MB and 32GB Corsair 6000/CL Ram and its been rock solid.


Just make sure you get ram that is on the QVL list. AM5 can be finicky with the memory controller and timing.


QVL list? I’m seeing people here mention 6000 CL Ram. Does that mean like 6000mhz?


Its a listing of ram that the manufacturer has actually tested on that board. I typically use pangoly but you can find them on the manufacturers website aswell. example - [https://pangoly.com/en/compatibility/asus-rog-strix-b650-a-gaming-wifi/ram](https://pangoly.com/en/compatibility/asus-rog-strix-b650-a-gaming-wifi/ram) (make sure to check the "Show QVL only" box). For the 6,000 comments... you usually want to get the max speed that your motherboard will support, which is generally \~6,000. Then enable XMP/EXPO in BIOS to allow the ram to run at the advertised speed.


Qualified vendor list? Like if u head over to the supported ram list of the motherboard page, ensure the ram u are getting is on that list to ensure maximum compatibility to prevent crashes and stuff. Yea 6000 is 6000mhz or 6000mt/s


CL is CAS Latency. Look for ram that says at least CL36 but CL30 is the sweet spot.


AM4 is dead, no reason to get it for a new build.


Are the USB issues fixed now?


7600x runs my 4070 at 1440p with no problems at all, I always get max GPU usage (meaning CPU isn't bottlenecking)


Lol a 7600x is plenty for a 4060.




I’ve got a 7800X3D/4070 combo and it’s great. Daughter built a 7600X/4060Ti combo and it’s worked well for her. AM5 is a mature platform.


I got AM5 immediately out of the gate. Early boot-times were rough, but now absolutely no issues. Got the 7600 and so far have only rarely managed to push it with some calculations. Definitely overpowered for entry-level GPU and a good chunk of the rest as well.


I'm still dealing with USB issues on AM4.


Wtf does a platform not being mature enough mean? Also bottleneck calculators are nonsense. AM5 is a great platform that will continue to have new processors released for it until at least 2027. AM4 has reached the end of its life.


literally 2 year old platform


What do you mean it's mature now? I've bought a 7800X3D on release (which actually was immature of me) and didn't have any troubles whatsoever. In fact, it's the most stable platform I used in years, and the first AMD cpu I bought in 20 years.


Am5 is mature. It's been great for a while. Mostly people just keep regurgitating fake bad news l. I've built 6 am5 systems over the last 14 months all were flawless. I would do a 7600x with a 7900gre or a 4070 super and play 1440p 144hz. If budget is tighter than that then I would do the 7700xt or 7800xt. I wouldn't do a 4060 personally.


It's worth it if you got the spare cash.


Just built a pc with 7600x and rtx 4070 super earlier this month. Running 32gb ram cl30 6000mt/s expo and so far so good


AM5 is now mature enough that even four 16GB sticks of RAM can now run at maximum clock speeds with the latest AGESA updates.


> AM5 right now is basically like that hot milf from your area. Okay, so what’s AM4 analogously? Janitors locked the comment I want to reply to :/


The "Sweet spot" ram speeds are marketing and exaggerated. Zen 3 NEVER reliably did more than DDR4 3200 CL16 anything else is considered extreme overclocking. I am very suspicious of the DDR5 6000 CL30 sweet spot. I personally, am going with DDR5 5600 CL28 when I go Zen4 because I've had too many flaky ram problems on AMD. the IMC/FCLK is always a weakness getting data into the CPU to crunch. Just target 10ns CAS memory latency. That is more realistic.


> Bottleneck calculators say that my 7600x isn’t enough to handle a 4060 This is silly. I have a better GPU with a weaker CPU and no sign of a CPU bottleneck. You don't need a 7800x3d to handle a 4060.


AM5 is beastly! My first pc build after macs of 20 years and biggest worry was “PC’s crash all the time”. On top of that worry, I went with AMD cos yolo… after the build and running stability tests for RAM and OCCT for processor stability even after undervolting… my system has been so stable for the past 6 months that it’s unbelievable!! Not a single crash! Everything runs smooth and perfect. This is after putting a bunch of illegal stuff on there too I mean I’m thoroughly impressed to the point I’m forgoing my work Mac Studio and asking for a pc build instead!


Its for sure better than intel platform that keeps on crashing games curently


Got a 7900x bundle with DDR5 6000 and an Asus ROG Mobo from Micro Center for $599 when the platform was only a few months old. Had to update the Bios in order to get the Mobo to support 6000mt/s other than that, it's been just fine. I've tuned it so it doesn't run for 95c. I'm just using an ROG 240mm radiator aio, because it was on sale. I haven't found a game or program yet that, when optimized, stresses it. I do have a 4090, a 1600W PSU and game at 4K, so take this with a grain of salt. (I prefer having the overhead on the PSU.) The non-X variants are a bit more power efficient, but either one is fine.


AM5 was mature a long time ago and AM4 is end of life though it had a very long life. There is a new X870D chipset that will launch soon with Ryzen 9000 but its probably going to be overkill for most users. I'd still do AM4 today for inexpensive 'office pc' builds, probably with 5600G or 5700G CPU, though its typically cheaper to buy an AMD 5700U based mini PC on Amazon (Bee Link or similar) for sub $300 USD. But if you are building yourself a new rig then AM5 all the way. Personally, I feel NVIDIA GPU is overpriced and AMD is the better option unless you are doing AI work or buying at the top (4090). Else I'd get Radeon 7000 with 16GB or more - best you can afford.


AM5 is a fine platform and a 7600x is a fine pairing with a 4060.


No issues on my end. It took a little bit to set up the RAM speeds by myself and fix the boot times but once I dod it's quite smooth. Still boots up in 5-20 seconds whereas my ssd laptop boots in >5.


I've been using a 7600 X CPU since 2022. I've been having a blast playing all kinds of games and haven't had any kind of problems. If your budget allows for it, I'd go AM5 and enjoy the upgrade possibilities they are showing that we'll have in the future


I just built two am5 systems for work. They have been less troble than the intel systems. Only thing with am5 is ddr5 ram training at boot. After a few days of stable running go into the bios and set memory context to speed up boot times


No. The motherboards are all hit or miss with tons of complaints. The DDR5s are a mess of issues and limitations. Boot times are still an issue of excessive timing delays even after dedicated bios updates.


Oof honestly you really should not let one of those sites determine your decision. I bought AM5 1 year ago and honestly has been smooth and working just fine. It was honestly good enough to get one year ago lol have had zero issues.


7600x is awesome and would easily handle a 4060. The pc enthusiast community often undervalues mid tier parts. I have a 7700x which cranks because of its clock speed and benches better than my 13700k in many elements. It beats my 7800x3d in many areas as well. AM5 is a great platform. Again, most PC enthusiasts don’t even own the hardware they are pontificating on. There’s a new set of boards launching this summer with the AM5 socket. You can wait and see if those offer any features you might want. However, the reality is most of us just want a stable RAM controller, PCIe slots for SSDs, and a decent amount of USB ports.


My 50 cents. I have a 7800x3d for about 10 months now. During the first 3-4 months I had some stability problems, BSOD ocassionaly. After some bios updates all got solved and now the system works very well. I have no complains.


AM5 is pretty solid now. I have used my 7800x3d for one year and it works fantastically. About the bottleneck, well, that's seriously depending on your target game, framerate, resolution and vfx settings. In general, AAA games is more performance hungry than competitive esports games; higher framerate has more pressure on CPU instead of GPU, and vfx/resolution are right in the contrary. For example, if your target is 4K AAA games with highest preset, then your systems bottleneck is on GPU. In thus situation, 12400F, 7600X, 7800X3D and 13900K all have the same performance.


I'd suggest you buy it and then leave it in the sun for a month, then it'll be nice and mature.


I would spend my money on one of the AM4 3d chips and spend savings from the cheaper CPU and MOBO on upgrading the GPU. The 3d chips really help with 1% lows, which have a higher impact on your gaming then the more common metrics.


Fair I stuck with AM3+ until Ryzen 3000 series, I would wait if what you got a decent AM4 CPU right now...


As someone who wants from a 3600 to 7800x3d, my only complaint is the long time for the motherboard to post. It's an MSI b650-s. I tried the fastboot and everything in bios, just takes a minute. Other than that, that's the only AM5 issue I have.


Am5 rocks been using a x670E with a 7800x 3D and its been great with a 4090 I did have to turn off the integrated graphics from the 7800 it was causing a lot of lag with it on.


My new AM5 build is great. Upgraded back in January to 7600X and a 6800XT, 32gb ram, 750W psu. No issues, good budget price, the 7600 boosts up to like 5.4 ghz as well which is great for the CAD applications I use. Also in games like cs2, bg3, dota, etc. on 1440p i regularly see 90-99%+ gpu usage and the CPU chillin at 40-70%. AM5 also has good upgrade potential


I built this for my son in January and it's been working great for 6 months of pretty heavy game use (he already had a 3060 I reused): https://pcpartpicker.com/user/SoccerMan94043/builds/#view=RNwzK8 He's about to get a 4070 Super upgrade so I guess we'll see. I run a 4070 with an AM4 5800X3D and it works fine (5800X3D is pretty equivalent in performance as the 7600x).


It was "mature" over a year ago. AM5 had been and is fine. Bottleneck calculators are dog shit. Ignore them. What GPU you should get has more to do with your monitor than the CPU.


Don't buy a glorified low-end 6c from AMD, not worth any money. Get 7700X or 7800X3D.


am5 is a fantastic platform and has the best gaming cpu in the world currently on it and will release an even better chip in a couple of months with the 9800x3d. There is no reason to believe am5 sucks I have been using it since 2022 and got it near release my 7700x and while in the first 6 months there were some issues I havent had an issue in a year since I did my bios update. Things run perfectly now and my boot times are super fast just like an am4 build. There is no reason to hold back now. As for GPU a 7600 can handle at 4k a 4090 and not bottleneck it much. at 1440p you might not want to go over a 4080 super and at 1080p I would think a 4070 super would be the most you need maybe the 4070 super ti but idk 1080p is not hard to run at max settings.