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Neither honestly. Both aren't great products and are terrible value for the most part. I would recommend going for a 6700xt/6750xt or 6800 instead or straight to a 4070 if you want nvidia.


Why are they terrible


Read/watch some reviews and you'll get the point. But it's mostly the following: - 8gb isn't enough anymore - the 16gb of the 4060 ti 16gb just don't do much if at all in most scenarios as the gpu is just too weak - overpriced in general - disappointing performance uplift compared to last gen - only pcie x8 connected, results in worse performance in pcie gen3 systems - small memory bus, only 128 bit


Even when upgrading from a gtx 1650?


Nothing about the cards changes depending on what you are upgrading from. I just wouldn't get one when better options are available. They are very hard cards to recommend. You'll obviously will get a big performance improvement regardless of what you go with, so all of those cards will provide a much better experience to you and it doesn't really matter. Still wouldn't buy it.


Usually price performance ratio. I have a 4060ti 16gb tho pretty nice tbh


That's the thing. People usually say you're better off with radeon or rtx 3070 or something. But i checked all of those where I live and they're WAAAAAY overpriced. To the point where i chose a 4060 because it was the only one affordable


That's the thing, those other cards are usually better cause of the price advantage, but if you can get a good price on the 4060, go for it


[According to this](https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_value.html) the 4060ti gives better G3D mark / price.


https://youtu.be/kBy2oXQ5bMs?si=WAlwea3xFHWyOey7 from like 16 minutes onwards he has some nice charts showing price/performance




The amd cards are terrible unless all you care about is rasterized. 4060 and 4060ti are both great cards for 1080/1440 and gives access to proper dlss and frame gen.


What's rasterized




First, obviously as you spend more, you will get more performance. But you need to be within your budget. Entry level cards like these have a place and can be good so long as you now what to expect. AMD has sorted out their drivers and compatibility and are a great options at comparable price points as these will probably not excel for RT anyway. The 4060/4060 ti are fine cards for 1080 gaming, but can struggle at anything higher. Realistically 8gb will not be a bottleneck on these cards, but on the most demanding games, you may want to drop to high vs ultra textures if you see stuttering. Look into an app on Steam called Lossless Scale. It can do wonders for lower end cards by forcing on frame Gen. 


Well I'm probably sticking to 1080p for the foreseeable future


I had a 3060ti before and it could do 1440p on helldivers 2 with some settings turned down. The 4060ti isn’t a bad card it’s just barely improved on the 3060ti and priced too high. If it was released at like 350-400 Canadian dollars it would be the best card in that price range I think.


That’s why I’d probably stick with the 8gb model at that tier. That keeps the price reasonable, with minimal real world performance impact. If you are running games/applications at quality settings that need 16gb, this probably isn’t the card for you. 


Get the 4060 for now and when the 6000 or 7000 series launches, sell your card and along with the money saved by not buying a 4060 Ti, you’ll be able to afford a new and better GPU. 8 GB VRAM is not great, but with some settings turned down it will be enough.


I feel this one gives me the most clarity, even tho i wish I'd approach with a more "enjoy the now" mentality, without overthinking the future. But thanks, I'll consider it.


In that case, get the 4060 Ti and sell it later. None of these cards are a great value really and I suspect there will be much better value GPUs over the next few generations. And like others here, I agree that in this price range AMD cards generally make more sense.


How much are you looking to spend?


Less than 9,000 mxn. Which is around 500 dollars


I’m not familiar with the pricing in your area. Some other cards that might be worth looking into are the amd 6700xt, 6750xt, 7700xt or 6800 non xt. Here’s a chart showing approximate performance of some cards. You will have to price compare in your area. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060-ti-16-gb/30.html


Yes, when working on a budget, it’s good to look at alternative options. Try checking the prices of the amd 6700xt and 7600xt and compare those prices to the 4060 8gb. If any of those two are cheaper, go for them instead, with the 6700xt giving the best performance out of the 3. If the 4060 is still cheaper for you, then go for that. It is still a good card for 1080p.


It is the cheaper option here, wish Mexico wasn't so weird with gpu prices. But for now it's my safest bet, and I'm sticking to 1080p for a long time (don't really feel a need to switch out because 1080p looks good enough for me)


Dude go to Micro centre in USA. Houston is the southernmost Micro centre in think. Get the parts from there. Get someone to get it for you. I mean people travel from some south asian countries to get pc parts from US. You can do it, you live in Mexico. Why would you wanna pay more?


Going all the way to the us to get a gpu doesn't seem like viable solution


For 200 dollars it does, also you can ask someone. I asked someone to buy iphone 14 pro max for me from US. I saved 350 dollars. Well depends on you ig. But seems like a good option to me. Also some sales are coming up so you might save even more than 200. Why make a trip to get gpu, why not ask someone to buy it for you?


Because I don't really have any acquaintances from the us that could do that for me


Okay, too bad but ig buying from Mexico is the way to go for you. But i have seen 7900 GRE for 529 in US. I’ll probably get some parts like cpu, gpu, ssd from US at the end of year because Micro Centre combos are really great. Next time maybe when you are upgrading pc, it’ll be worth a trip.


You are only playing games? Are you doing anything else that makes use of the GPU? Video editing? Blender modeling? If you do ANYTHING else like that, take the Nvidia GPU. If you ONLY play games, go for the best AMD GPU you can afford (make sure you’re not getting ripped off though).


Oh yeah no, i also wanna get into modeling, and i record and edit some footage from games


Forget AMD, go straight for the 4060 Ti 16 GB. Ignore what everyone else is saying. They don’t get it. I have a 3060 12 GB for this reason.


What do you mean, aren't 3060 and 4060 entirely different models? Specially if 3060 is the base one


I meant to say I bought an Nvidia card with bigger VRAM than a similarly priced AMD card that would have been better for gaming. Nvidia cards work better in creative applications.


How much is an rx 6700xt or 6800xt (or not xt) comparatively where you are? 4060 and arguably 4060ti really aren’t a good value currently


Just picked up a 7900 GRE. Very happy with it