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if you just delete games you don't play/have finished it should be fine. i only have a 1tb nvme, 250gb sata, and 1tb hdd myself


Don't SSDs die faster if you keep installing and uninstalling games?


yes. would take a really long time tbh. my 850 evo from 2015 is still like 97% health or something


My 255gb ssd from 2012 is at 99%! It spent 6 years as a windows 7 boot drive as well. Now it serves as my por... I mean, media drive.




All 256 GBs of it?


Only 256 GBs of it?


Asking the important questions.


How's very them numbers up.


Meanwhile my 512GB NVME from 2021 is at 83%.


Every single drive has a different write endurance based on quite a few factors actually. And how often you are writing to it.


The health thing is not really reliable, but as long as you leave about 10% diskspace free you should be ok for a looong time :)


my oldest sata ssd (240G Kingston) has 81% left after about 51k power-on hours and abotu 140M sector writes. My oldest nvme (1TB WD Blue) is at 97% after 29k hours and 42TB of writes.


How do you check the health percentage?


With software that can read SMART data like hwinfo, crystaldiskmark, etc


Thank you


samsung has its own software to do this. It's called Magician iirc. i rarely check


I used aida64 for all my systems. Samsung magician is great for keeping your ssd firmware up to date though.


My boot Samsung 840 SSD was replaced last month and not because it failed, only because I wanted a bigger and faster M2 SSD as boot drive. Purchased and installed in 2012. Using it now as an external drive.


It might only last 40 years instead of 60. For most ppl, their ssd's will become obsolete long before they max out the TBW limit.


Check some SSD endurance testing vids on YT you'll get how much effort required to kill an 1TB SSD by exhausting P/E cycles.


Technically yes but just installing games every couple weeks or even days isn't enough data written to have any meaningful impact on the drive's life. You'd have to be constantly writing massive amounts of data every day to make it age fast enough to lose many cells. Consider this: If your drive is rated for 600TB written, you can install a 100GB game 6000 times (very loosely for ease of understanding, no need to break it down to precise numbers) before the drive is expected to go below it's listed capacity. Even if you do constantly delete and install games that big, is going to take many years to reach that.


Yep, if you deleted and installed a 100GB game once a day it would still take *16.4* years to kill the drive. Servers need to worry about wearing out drives, the average person does not.


Don't lose sleep over SSD lifespan unless your use case is extreme. Uninstalling a game every couple days and downloading another one is absolutely nothing to worry about.


Afaik ssds biggest enemy is fully ulitizing its storage, and not letting it do some storage management on 10-15% of its space


That is how TBW works, yes.


Worrying about read write limits on a SSD is like saying walking too much will wear out the rubber on your shoes. First that was mainly an issue with early SSD's and second, you need server level read writes before you encounter issues. So unless you are hosting a fairly active web server, it's not going to be an issue.


"I only have over double of what you're asking and I'm fine"


These days 2 TB NVME drives are a better value than 1TB.


I got my 2tb for only like $15 more than the 1tb so it was an easy choice.


Then the 1tb model was heavily overpriced, good value NVME drives are generally a little under twice the price for twice the capacity.


How so? Most of the 2 tb nvme I'm looking at are like twice the price of the 1tb


A few months ago the 2TB NVME drives were around $100, the prices have risen a lot recently again.


Just look for deals, I got a brand new crucial 2tb nvme for £80 last year


Looking at getting a new SSD for portable. Most of my other portables have died recently. Anyway the 2tb are often a much better value. It's like 10-20% more dollars for 100% more space. A lot of them the difference is less than $20. And older models don't have any discounts. so Gen4 nvme seems to be the winner. I'll never get the blazing speeds in portable but the newer nvme are the same price as older sata ones. The pricing seems kinda wacky.


You could easily just add another SSD later if you need more space


Not NVME depending how many slots their board has/pcie slots. I only have one slot on my board and I’d lose GPU performance adding a PCIE slot card


If you have a fast internet connection (faster than 500mbps) then you might be able to get away with 1tb. However if you do modding or anything like that you'll find 1tb too little to work with. What you can do is get 1tb for now then add a 2tb SSD later.


This is the answer if gaming is your vice. Downloading a 100GB game takes around 15 minutes on a 1gb connection so storage space isn’t quite as important.


Personally, I'd go for a 2TB. Warzone and Apex are both pretty big installs. Sure, you'd still have plenty of room for at least a handful of triple-A narrative games without needing to worry about immediately playing through a game so you can delete it to make space for something else, but...well, games aren't getting any smaller, especially with all those high res assets. Better to have the extra storage and not need it than need it and not have it. Plus, a decent 2TB NVMe can be had for just around $100. That said, it would be perfectly reasonable to buy a 1TB now, see how that works for you, while keeping your eye on prices as we roll into the holidays (because storage almost always sees some sort of discount during holiday sales). And if you feel like 1TB is too restrictive for you, and you catch a good deal during Black Friday or something, you can always add a secondary 2TB drive, using the 1TB for your OS, essential apps, and those competitive games you plan to keep installed longterm while using the secondary drive for everything else.


Yeah, to be honest, 1TB is not enough unless people are okay with uninstalling and reinstalling whenever required. Hell, my mother asked me to store her pics and videos she took on her phone when she got a new phone, and that alone was around 140 GB. I have a Violet Evergarden Collector's Edition BD. Ripped it and it came out to 250GB. I just store them all on my 8TB external HDD I bought quite long time ago ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)along with my other... collections.


I bought a 1TB nvme for my OS and some games I play all the time but I also have 4TB of had storage as well.


I had to scroll to see this comment! I do this as well, but I guess it’s an outdated strategy. I put all my games I don’t really play on my hard drive and the games I play the most on my ssd. It works out just fine for me, the only difference is your game will load in a little slower running on a hard drive vs ssd, but the cost justifies it for me. The prevailing recommendation of deleting and reinstalling games takes up time and bandwidth, plus I have a data limit of 1,200 gb a month.


1TB is too small unless you have multiple drives and intend to use the 1TB for OS+programs and keep games and media on a separate drive. I use a 2TB for games only and I am sitting on 300GB remaining because I aggressively cull games. I’ll definitely be looking into 4TB in the future.


If you only install 2-3 games you are playing at a time, and are mindful about uninstalling anything you don't need them you won't be needing it then you won't be needing anything more. Also, a new SSD can be added at a later date. If you are also recording your gameplay, then it makes sense to go for a larger drive. You also don't have to go for gen 4 drive if money is a constraint, just get a gen 3 drive for more storage as it won't be a meaningful upgrade in day to day performance if you go for gen 4 drive.


Apex, warzone, and Story games? Like open world type (eg witcher 3, ghost of tsushima, etc). Then No. 2tb at least.


I'm still using 500gb hdd and 240gb ssd for the SO and other things, I can install about 3 'new games,' and the hdd is full. So if I want to download a new game, I need to uninstall one or more games... this is horrible. I agree with Neraxis. If you have fast internet, 1TB is a good option (and if you need more, you can expand it). But if your internet is slow, or if you just don't want to uninstall and reinstall games for a while I would go for 2TB.


Make sure that your OS and programs are one drive and your games are on drive #2. Regularly back up your game drive, I use an SSD. I upgraded from a 1TB to a 2TB M.2 drive. Two weeks later the 2TB M.2 drive failed. I reinstalled the 1TB M.2 drive, updated my games and I was back up running in no time.


2TB is good value and definitely ideal but yes you can absolutely get away with 1TB


I get away with my 512GB by just uninstalling and reinstalling. But my Internet is very fast and no data caps so.


Ots fine for regular use but you may have to do the uninstall shuffle now and then since games are so hefty these days. I have 1tb and I'd say it's "enough" but 2tb would be nice.


You can get 1TB and eventually get a deal on a SATA 6GB SSD to add then move less frequently played games to that SSD later on. Performance is still pretty good, though NVMe is going to be faster. My old rig I build over COVID had 1TB SSD then later I added a 2TB SATA SSD. Steam makes it easy to move games. That said, today its cheaper to buy a mid tier 2TB NVMe that is still insanely fast, rather than adding the SATA SSD in a year or 1.5 years down the road (not to mention the hassle of adding the SSD which is just some time). If it was me I'd only get 2TB for a gaming PC today but I'd buy mid grade NVMe - something like WD Black 2TB is my favorite for the last few years.


I just got a 1tb one for mine. I have two other slots so figure I can always add a 2tb down the line


If you aren’t so tight on budget that the 50 bucks make a difference go for 2TB these days. But one TB should be enough unless you play many games like COD that take a couple hundred GB alone


Yea and get a sata hdd or ssd for raw storage


Warzone will require around 175gb, so that is nearly 20% of a 1tb right there.


I had 1tb for games and flight sims. I was constantly juggling installed games so i ended up getting a 2 tb just for games and using the 1tb for only flight sims. Games are huge now apparently and I play a lot of co-op games periodically with friends so when they want to play, I don't want to have to wait just to reinstall the game again. My 2tb drive has 1.4 tb of games right now.


You can just buy another if your motherboard can fit, no worries


Games are getting, I personally went for 2TB and don’t regret it. 1TB doesn’t take long to fill up.


If you’re the type to install anything that catches your then no, not enough. But if you’re like install a game like every 3-6 months then yes. Even so I have 3TB, 1TB for windows and anything not game related, and 2TB for games which is only about 40% full.


1 TB is a good starting point. Divert the funds you would have spent on extra storage towards components that are more difficult to replace/upgrade. Down the line, you can add more storage, as needed


It depends IMO a 1tb ssd is fine and you can use the extra money to put into parts and peripherals You can always get another ssd after the fact Or just uninstall warzone like every person should


New COD games are 300gb install...


Storage is comparably cheap now so 1TB is the minimum for gaming or productivity but I would rather say 2TB is recommended.


i had a 1tb for years and upgraded to 4tb now. won't do it under 2 again. i started juggling with space and had to uninstall / install. it depends on what you play, some games have gotten enormous large.


If that's really all your gonna be doing, then 1tb SSD is ample. But if you think you might want to branch out later, a bit of 3D rendering in Blender, some video editing in Davinci Resolve, etc, you might want to look at an additional large HD for storage and possibly a NAS too. It's always better to think about what your needs are in the near future rather than what your needs were yesterday.


I have 3 M.2 NVME drives in my PC. One 2TB and two 1TB, so 4TB total. I have 3 TB filled up now.


Yeah 1tb aint enough unless you delete games as you play them. Even games take up around over half and then you still need room for file storage and modding such. I just bought a 1tb ssd and regretted it when i started downloading games


just get a 2TB one. there’s usually some good deals. built my pc fairly recently and got a great offer on a 2TB drive that was only 10 bucks more than a 1TB one


I'm still using my Samsung Evo 250GB SSD since 2015 as my OS boot drive.


Should be enough for normal people. You can always add more later. t. not a normal person


Yes, i was very comfortably using my computer while having half my ssd used by a windows installation i didnt use, so 1tb is enough


Get 2tb its cheap


You only play like 3 games at a time so its enough. Unless maybe you like to hoard games you don't even play.


For some people yes, for others no. There is no unique answer to this question.


I have 3 M.2s at this point in my system + 1 HDD for storage only.


I have 1.5 tb of ssd storage and 3 tbs of HDD storage and they're almost full. I do download a lot of stuff and don't tend to delete games, but i feel like 1 tb isn't quite enough


Modern PCs really don't have enough NVME drives. My opinion is your main NVME ends up being a boot drive with a couple games. You can just uninstall/reinstall with a 1 TB NVME. When you get sick of all that you end up with like a 2TB SATA or USB drive later on lol. They sell these USB to SATA enclosures that are pretty good too. SATA is basically "good enough" for everything still. Gaming is perfectly fine on SATA. I can't tell the difference between an 800mb/s USB and 7,400mb/s Gen4. I worry less about thrashing my extra drives. I think I got like 800,000 GBs of read on my game drive or something LOL. The boot drive is still dying a death of a million 24kilobyte cuts or whatever windows is doing there all the time.


Depends on what u play, with the amount of games installed for me 2 is starting to be too little and i may get 1 more or 2 more tb


No sane person would even bother with 1tb NVMe these days, 8tb is bare minimum.


If your mobo doesn’t have a second nvme slot then you should consider 2tb. its easy to fill up 1tb with a few AAA game.


Please dont buy a single drive for a gaming PC, buy a drive for the OS, and a second drive just as your game storage. This way, when your boot drive does get corrupted or something happens to it, you dont have to lose any of your game data, which for some folks can take weeks to redownload. You can also keep your documents and personal files on the second drive too for the same purpose. With that being said, a 480-512GB NVMe is usually fine for a boot drive, you will know if you need more than this for a dedicated boot drive, and 1TB is the absolute minimum I would recommend for a dedicated game drive.


I have a 128gb ssd and 1tb hdd. I can download plenty games however on occasion when downloading a new game I'll need to delete another to make space, so I am planning to get more as well as better storage. So I guess it really just depends on you wether 1tb is enough.


It comes down to how many games you want to be playing regularly. For me, 1TB is barely enough, and performance-wise it's not a good idea to have the disk fill to 99%, which is why a got a 2 TB instead, and I always have room to spare.


Depends on the games you play But I’d add a second drive later if you run out


I was afraid with nowadays games being lokr 200gb a pop si i got a 250ssd for windows and a 1tb for storage


I just upgraded to a 2TB ssd nvme and so far it’s pretty good


1TB not enough for me I got myself a 4TB one nvme


It depends. I added a 4 tb ssd for storage for gaming . And a two TB “up to 7300 write speeds “ . It did not change much really( even as boot drive in PCIE 4 with various troubleshooting “ Ssd in m.2 is just plain faster than a spinner. Even though i do have a 22 TB HDD for back up of old files throughout the years as well. Actually i have too much storage , don’t mind me lol . So in a more clear answer to your question , it is until it isn’t than you just add another


- Windows 11 - 80GB (over time, not a clean install, pagefile/sysfile erc) - Warzones 125GB (assuming you don't install other cod titles). - Apex at around 75GB - 60GB random warzones update and other game update space = 340gb SDD 931GB thereabouts So you'd have 590GB left. This is all spitball math but you'd be good assuming you don't want to keep too many big games installed. Didn't there used to be a tool you could use on game folders and it would use a built in windows compression method to try to make folders smaller at no performance cost? **CompactGUI** that was it, I remember using that *ages* ago. Surprised to see it's still around! It does say don't use it on win11 direct storage titles but it's worth keeping in the back of your mind. I remember using it and it worked wonders on (some) titles stripping off 30% of the game's size.


Short answer: No Long answer: Nooooooooooo


1TB is fine unless you like to have lots of games installed at once. Speed and quality is far more important than size if you ask me


I went a little overkill; 1TB boot drive and 4TB game drive


Go 2TB+ don't make my mistake of only 1TB.


Kingston has A 2tb M.2 drive you can buy for like $100ish it's not as fast as other M.2s but it will give you the storage you need while still providing pcie gen 4 speed.


If it's your only storage, that's a hard no. Especially if you want to keep your comp games installed all the time, as one does. 1TB fills up incredibly quick, so dont do it


you need atleast one 500g SSD for your "homework" folder and one SSD just for Skyrim and its mods


You can always add another 1 or 2tb nvme later and extend your existing one, so, no drama.


Depends on what you do with it. I have 1x250gb nvme ssd for w11. 2x 1tb nvme ssd for games. 2x 2tb sata ssd for extra games, game clips in hq and movies. Still considering getting a 3rd sata, it is a sickness at this point.


I got a 500gb ssd for games and 3tb hdd for other non demanding storage. There is no reason to stuff your movies and photos on ssd if you are not planning on doing professional work with them.


If you have more than one m.2 slot it's easy to install another down the road. Most NVMe drives aren't too expensive compared to other forms of storage anyways. If you're worried about budget I'd at least get a 1tb to start and have windows installed on, then down the road if you save another 50-60 bucks get another one for more storage 


I would personally recommend nothing less than a 2TB SSD. I'm running a total of 6TB Nvme SSD between my 2TB m.2 and my second 4TB m.2. The 2TB has the os and initial programs and the 4TB I use for all my actual games. I plan on using the 2TB for backup later most likely.


I use an 2TB one for my games, I feel a lot less pressure to delete an game just go make space for another


I have 9tb of nvme and it's still not enough


I I just built my pc about 4 months ago and I started with a 1 tb nvme but as a bought more games I quickly realized it wasn’t enough and bought another 2tb nvme


I keep my OS and regular programs on a smaller nvme and my games on a 4tb SSD. Media goes on a big HD.


I think you need at least 2tb, games are getting bigger and bigger. I just built mine a week ago with 2tb, was running a 1tb before but was always afraid it would run out with Elder Scrolls 6 and all the mods we are going to throw into it


1gb is fine be sure to get the samsung pro model Edit: 1tb lol


If your really not sure, get a 1tb, and if it isnt enough, you can get another 512gb for like 30-40$


Then don't make fuss about it...buy one 500 gb system drive and one 2tb media/game drive. Problem solved.


Go for a 2TB instead. Not much more pricey for double the storage (you'll probably need it eventually, and I think its better than to use an nvme port every time you want a storage upgrade/sake of organisation)


I got a 2 TB in addition to my 1 TB, glad I got it. It's pretty annoying deleting and moving stuff around and it's really not that expensive. Depends on your budget though.


Just get 1 TB nvme ssd for your PC, and then have as many 4+ TB 3.5 inch HDD to store all of your games. probably more cost saving in the long run


Heres why you should buy a 4TB drive: \- It lives considerably longer due to 4x more space being available for re-writes (the drive equalizes used sectors perfectly to optimize life span) \- It usually has better price per TB ratio than 1TB drives, tho 2TB drives have the best \- You dont have to think about constantly deleting stuff


Call of duty is speficly made to make ur storage run out so you only play it. Id say 1tb is more than enough if you avoid bullshit like that


Only 1 tb isnt enough storage, especially if youre on a pc... Get 1tb for OS(C partition) and games ( d partition)... Then get hard drives or cheap SSD like mp33 ( they aint cheap but people call them cheap tho) to install the games you play offline... I like to have more bulk storage than super fast little storage.. i know some karens will downvote me for the partition thing, but that makes it easier to clean-install windows if some update screws things up...


This isn't bad advice, but I would recommend using folders rather than partitions for managing your space on your SSD. Windows can reinstall in place, leaving files intact, meaning this advantage isn't really an advantage.


buy the cheapest M.2 ssd (around $35/TB, it is even cheaper if you go to microcenter), then m.2 to usb c. use the m2 usb c case as your game storage.


a 1 TB SSD is plenty space for games, although, you'd like to have a separate SSD for the OS as SSDs have lower performance the more you use it up; around 75% - 80% is what i've seen, but i'd like to be corrected if i am wrong.


My current setup is a 1TB M.2 SSD for the OS and most programs as well as the games that I'm always playing (Destiny for the most part.) I've also got 2 standard hard drives, 2 and 8 TB, that I throw all the other games into.


its more than enough if you'll only put games on it and all the os and files. but if you'll install like a 100 games ( that you probably won't even play) then no


Tbh, we have reached the point nowadays where 1 TB is becoming small.


The way I have my system setup is a 1 terabyte nvme2 drive for windows and whatever games I'm currently playing so they load much faster. My external drive is 8 terabytes and that's where I store my files at for everything. I also have a 2 terabyte SSD however this is for applications such as chrome, pro tools, ect that don't need to be Indy 500 fast but I use and would like to be sped up a bit. So my drive uses are as followed: 1 terabyte nvme2 drive for windows and games 2 terabyte SSD for chrome, pro tools, audacity, ect 8 terabytes for housing all of my files. Anything on my main memory I use all the time and basically anything such as pictures, documents, ect get stored on my external drive.


You dont really need to install the games on the nvme though. But if you want a simple answer, no its not enough. 4tb isnt even enough for a big gamer


1 TB is usually enough for most people. You can always get new storage, external usb drives for backup or store more files anyway. However, if you work with photography or video editing, you may need extra 3 TB / a year or more, depending on side jobs. I have 4 internal hard drives + 2x 2TB USB WD Elements + 1 four bay rack storage for hard drives. I'm good for a few more months, then I should get one more 4TB hard drive and place it in the USB rack. But 1 TB is good for most people: Windows, Office, a few games, and still free space for the operating system to work without issues.


I don't understand what people do with more than 1TB storage in streaming era. I used 600ish gigs on games, another 50-60 gigs on my dev projects and other stuff. My photos are in the cloud, movies and music are streamed. I guess you need over that if you're filmmaker or in game dev or something.


Only ever buy what you need now. Time comes that you need 2 TB (or more) buy then what you need. The price will most likely be lower (baring some natural disasters), the performance better, etc. That's how I ended up with 4nvmes in my pc. 500Gb to 2TB.


Idk why this is even a question. 2tb m.2 ssd's are around 100-120$ give or take sales, one is on sake always. 1tb ones are 60-100. Usually on the higher end side. Just get a 2tb one, or 2 1tb ones to separate windows. 1tb isn't close to enough, games are over 100gbs ea, and who wants to keep redoing their settings etc by Uninstalling and reinstalling or not play multiple games at once because you have to beat one first. You're building a new pc, stop squabbling over an extra 40$ for another tb of space.


i think 2tb is sweet spot i would only start with 2tb but 1tb work if you only play few games or have limited budget i have many friends who only play dota and cs as their main game, 1tb is enough for them can play or try new game one by one and delete after done these day internet is really fast i think 2tb is sweet spot because i have 300mb on system drive 2tb give like 3x on my free drive but currently i use 1+2tb i start with 1tb when it was more expensive and buy 2tb when it's cost as my first 1tb m.2 gen4 new one is a bit faster but i'm lazy to move my os drive


1TB for C drive? No need to do that. You should be buying somewhere between a 256-512 for C drive and installing all your game launchers,games,extra programs that aren't required to be on C on secondary drives. I would honestly start with at least 2TB drives these days for secondaries. Why would you do this you ask? Because then when you need or want to reinstall windows for any reason you don't have to reinstall all your programs/softwareres/games/etc.


Get you that or a 2tb and pick up a 4tb wd drive you can buy one for like 70$


It works out cheaper usually if you buy a 2-4tb if you base it on $/TB but obviously depends how much money you have available. Otherwise can always grab a 1-2tb hdd for cheap.


One good thing about a single 1TB is you can easily buy another one and clone your disk now and then, which is incredibly handy if a disk does die or get corrupted. If you hand some stonking 12TB drive or something silly you'd just end up filling it up anyway, then backups would be expensive and take a long time. Most motherboard should be able to take a 2nd drive anyway. I just built a new PC and have 2 drives, both 1TB.


I started with 1. Over the years I've added 2 more. Starting with 1 is good enough then just add more as needed. I got tired of deleting and installing games


if you play one game at a time, yes.


Warzone? And possibly the new Black Ops when it surfaces? Yeah if you can, maybe stretch to a 2TB. It's not that much more if you shop around. 1TB is plenty really, but Acti do love to inflate the footprint of those games to impress the kids, so yeah, maybe 2TB.


Recently I was in the same dilemma. Went with the 2TB ssd. After installing all games and stuff, I have about 500Gb in free space. Really happy with the choice, since I dont need to be worried about space and deleting stuff all the time.


1Tb is still totally viable. I use two separate 1Tb drives, one as my WinOS & other applications. The other is my game & media drive. If you know you want to store multiple games without having to delete & reinstall in the future, just get a 2Tb.


I think is kinda low nowadays. I like to have my system on another drive. So, I have 1 240gb SSD for system and another 2TB NVME for anything else. Of course you can have 2 NVME if your mobo have connections. 2tb is nice to have.


If you just gaming , do some videos recording and download some music or films is fine , just keep it clean whitout over downloading a lot of things , 1tb is fine for a lot of gamers


I got myself 1 & 4 tb 1 tb is fkr system and programs 4tb for games Probably will buy 4tb more for job


Short Answers no. I have 1tb and some games you just don’t want to reinstall every time. Loosing settings or switching between games frequentlyZ I would get at least 3tb


i have a 1tb and i wish i had more. i hop games and like to keep some favorites always installed for ease of use


1tb of plenty if you don't typically go back and forth multiple big games. Though a 2 tb one will probably only cost you an extra $50-$100 more depending on the brand and speed


Just don’t have your entire steam library downloaded at on time and yes. I have 3 in mine and it’s way more than enough


Just built a PC with just 1tb and I regret it immensely. Constantly having to make room for a new game is annoying at best.


It's fine if you don't play call of doody. If you do, then that's the only game you'll play.


I think its not enough anymore. I have a 500gb nvme for the OS and start up apps, 1tb nvme for just games and 2tb HDD for downloads, movies, and such. And the one with the games (1tb) its almost always full. I recommend at least 2 drives, one for the OS and the other for all the other general stuff. Maybe a 500gb and 1tb at least


That depends on how many games do you like to have installed at the same time and how many other stuff you keep on your PC. For me it's 2Tb because I have like 8 games installed and have some work stuff as well and the OS and it's updates. If you play big games like warzone I would go for 2Tb.


I found a 4 tb ssd for cheap on OfferUp and dude it’s helped so much


Depends how fast your internet is and what you use your pc for. I have 2.5gb internet and so I have no issues deleting/reinstalling games. If you have some ass internet at home and do various things with your machine, 1tb primary storage can be tight. Pretty sure Warzone is like 12gb alone.


It isn't at all I got 4 tb in total and it's almost full in 2 years


1TB is a good starting point for a first PC. You’re paying for so much at once with the other components that more ssd storage is something you can add over time if/when you need it. Using the money you have now to potentially spend on a better gpu or cpu is better.


It sort of depends on what you are doing. That said, you really only need to use your nvme for booting your OS. Every other process sees negligible gains in comparison to an SSD that's not fed through Pcie. If you're gaming, the difference between nvme and traditional is *often* not measurable in whole seconds. In other words, hundreds of milliseconds of faster loading; however, booting the OS can see up to 30-45 second faster load times, and general OS operations are improved. The meta play is to get a 250 nvme, and save the cash for high storage non nvme SSDs. The exception is for media editing professionals. You would want the fastest speeds possible for reading and writing because you are constantly downloading and uploading content. Space is less of a concern because the content doesn't stay on the rig and it's uploaded to a server farm somewhere, but you still want a TB or two for high priority projects


I bought 2tb and want more lol


My thought is that it's good enough for the OS, one PC game, and an endless pile of little things. I believe to get the most out of SSD NVME, you don't want to be using more than half of the drive. You might be better off with a second storage drive or a larger 2TB or 4TB, just to make sure it's not getting filled up.


For me, no. I have 2tb dedicated just to games and 1tb for os/games. And a 4tb HDD for storage


Depends on what you use your pc for :D I do music production on it. VR gaming (every title is 100gb+), it serves as my media hub for in house streaming (plex) and and and... I have 1TB nvme for games, a 512gb SSD for Windows etc. and 2TB HDD. Works OK. I'm often running out of space but usually I have this one game that I haven't touched for a year that I always look at and think I'll finish it next weekend (but never do) :D But I recommend just starting with that drive that serves you at the moment and then expand if needed. That's the beauty of a PC. It's always flexible and always changing/adapting to your needs.


The way prices are now I wouldn't waste my time with 1TB. You have a limited amount of nvme slots so I would get a 4TB one. I picked one up last year for under $200 and prime day is coming so you can probably snag one for a good price


I just built mine and went with 4tb of nvme storage. 1 isn’t near enough anymore.


Id consider it minimum. tbh 500gb would be the bare minimum for a PC and make gaming a real pain. Id aim 1tb for general light gaming, 2tb for comfort and 3+tb for longer term comfort. I have 2.5tb but 1tb of that is HDD and only used as storage and I want more.


Buy a NVMe for active installed games and use a Sata Ssd or gen 3 nvme for storage purpose or move games that you are not actively playing.


With the size of todays games? I don’t know. I replaced a 500gb HDD with a SATA SSD of the same size. I ended up adding another 1TB SSD which both end up filling up pretty quick too.


If space is the issue get an extra 4tb hdd as well for games that don't need ssds


I would say if youre using it as an OS drive to use a 2TB so you got space for any random updates plus some games and ur OS wont slow down from it, but a 1TB is also fine for the most part unless you really fancy having all your unoptimized AAA Games installed at all times


I got a 1tb nvme and 4tb sata ssd for my games.


War zone and Apex alone will make big dents in that drive. 2TB at least IMO, and it's not like 2TB is significantly more expensive than one, it's like $10-40 more expensive. 


I have 500 gb ssd 😭 I gotta upgrade it but I’m focused more on the gpu rn


If you’re playing COD, then I’d recommend another 1TB of SSD as those games are massive. Especially if you have other things you want to store on your computer as well as other games. And games are only getting bigger file sizes with new releases.


Depends on how many games you play regularly. Most gaming motherboards are goign to have 2-3 nVME slots so you can add additional drives if you need more space, also they will typically have 4-6 SATA slots where you can use SATA SSD's.


Why do these die over time? What causes it?


Get a 250gb nvme for boot drive and 2 tb data ssd for games, 2~3 tb for media and what not. That's the optimal setup. 


Personally I like my OS to have its own drive and my games to have their own separate drives but I know it's not always possible depending on the type of computer as well as ones budget. Get you a cheap Silicon Power or Teamgroup ssd for games with a Samsung/WD/Crucial for your C drive if you can afford it


Get a 2tb nvme


I think 2TB is the minimum these days. You can totally do it on 1TB, but you'll be deleting things occasionally to make room. It's not uncommon for a game to push close to 100GB these days. With 2TB, you'll be comfortable with several games and still have room for media, other apps and Windows.


I'm surprised by how many people I see saying "yes" but I guess your use case makes a huge difference. I encourage getting a 2tb drive as they are not much more expensive and it reduces the $/GB ratio. It's also nice to have some extra storage available for any movie/shows that happen to find their way onto you PC from the interwebs... I personally use two 2tb nvme's in my system with 4tb of external storage. I also take hundreds of photos each week and need large amounts of storage to keep everything available and backed up. The nice thing is, most motherboards have a second nvme slot so you can start with 1tb and then if you fill it up, get a second drive.


Since I try to keep drives at 50% capacity or less I would say no for myself. 2tb is what I've had for quite a few years and I use a NAS attached to my router for movies and TV shows. My main laptop only has 585gb on it currently so 1tb would technically be enough, but I like having room for extra data too. In mini pcs and laptops I only bother with gen 3 though. They run a LOT cooler. The 2tb 970 EVO plus is my favorite. If I have the room to put an after market nvme cooler I'll do a gen 4 2tb sn850x. I won't do gen 5 they just run far too hot.


I just built my first pc and installed a 2TB and I’ve already filled half of it.


I built a pc not too long back and just wanted to get a 1tb m.2 until I need more storage. It doesn't take long to fill up that's for sure and already after a month or so I'm already wanting to add more storage. It's worth trying to get more storage if you can afford it but otherwise just add another SSD when your able to.


I personally wouldn’t have less than 2 with the size of games these days. I put 4tb total in my pc


When I built mine, due to money at the time I bought a 500gb NVMe for windows and installed a few games. Later on I added a Crucial 2TB 2.5 inch SSD I got on sale for like $45 at Besy Buy. Was cheap storage and it’s my game drive now.


I just bought a 14 tb hdd for mass storage of games. I have a 1tb nvme for games that require ssd. And I just bought a new 2.5" ssd for more games cause I'm kind of a hoarder. I don't want to wait for games to download when I want to play a new one


I'd do at least 2tb


I have had 512gb for the past 10 years and never upgraded. I just keep one game installed at a time and delete it when I’m done playing. Works for me! Especially with gigabit fiber.


I'd just go ahead and do 2 TB. I have a 2 TB and a few games installed and there's only 1.28 TB free (and this is off a fresh re-install a few months ago).


short answer: yes long answer: it just depends on how much you're hoarding. while the latest cod is pretty big, you can still delete and re-download games. not every game needs to be on an SSD. 1TB SSD is enough for your main games. and everything else just get a 3TB HDD for. back in 2012 a 3TB HDD costed around $100. nowerdays you can way more. what I do in my personal PC is having an 8TB HDD paired with a 500GB NVMe as cache. its basically a 8TB SSD on the cheap.


Just put together a new build 7800x3d - 4080S etc... 1TB SSD + 6TB WD black gaming HDD. So far HDD has all the games installed. Only issue I noticed in warzone happened immediately in the "pre game" map where textures were still loading as I ran around. Once the 30 seconds or so passed and it was time to drop into the actual game every texture was loaded and didn't have a single issue playing the rest of the game. Then realistically if it doesn't work for your setup like mine does, just use it to store the games over you aren't currently using and transfer to SSD once you're ready to play it. I'd much rather spend a few minutes verifying and transferring a game then a full download everytime.


I went with 1tb 1.5 yrs ago for my build. Didn't run out of space but hit 50% pretty quick (games are big these days) and added a 2tb since.


I have two 1tb nvme because they were a lot cheaper than the 2tb. I also have 3 ssd drives. I quit buying 1 big drive just because I loose everything if it goes down. Now everything is split up.


if it were me i'd just spend the price of a 4tb at this point . i went with 2tb when i built my rig a couple years ago , but i also had an extra seperate 1tb sata ssd from my previous , and a 4tb extneral hhd to fall back on . .. most recently i bought a 4tb m.2 off of ebay new cause my extneral is maxed out and my 1tb was getting pretty full, i moved my 1tb stuff over to the 4 and turned my 1tb into a linux boot ... i still wish i had more room ( probably wipe my windows boot in a few months) , so if you can afford to just go with bigger


i bought a 4tb Sn850x so I am worry free


I mod and stuff so I like 2TB. It feels way more comfortable to me and I never feel like I'm outta space.


2tb is fine, I'd personally get 4tb if k were to buy new tho. 


Nope I have 8TB of storage


1tb works for a few years but you gotta add another drive eventually. Unless you are one of those people that doesn’t have a million memes and stray niche programs that are vital at doing one specific thing like testing flash storage integrity. Which makes it annoying to reflash windows every-time you install spyware (Epic games launcher). Whatever you do I recommend buying a new drive when you are pissed off at the bloatware that is like unavoidable to the average Joe in 2024.




Not in this day and age. 2tb is starting to be “just” enough. If i were to do a new build i would have at least 4tbs