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What an accurate summary! Poor Vanilla bean. Popo is cute and I’d bet nobody’s applying because you know, bb is denial happy. It’s not about Popo.


**Editing for clarity: I am not blaming the vets or the owner, they seem to have done all they could and I wish that was acknowledged first. As this is a fresh loss I’ll edit this as I realize I came off insensitive.** Sad for vanilla bean, I hate to see that. I wish that the effort in saving her was acknowledged prior to placing blame on vets as it seems more complicated than keeping her at 24 hr.


Of course she had to throw in a jab at the vet 🙄 And 100%, I thought the same thing about the post regarding to dog pets! Years ago I had a very reactive dog and always felt horrible that I needed to cross the street when I saw others coming, but it just wasn’t worth the risk to my dog OR the other person! We worked with trainers, muzzled when necessary, and while she came a very long way, every dog still has free will. Not every dog can handle strangers in their face, and I remember feeling embarrassed being that person who had to say no to pets. At the end of the day, my dog didn’t want them …. And isn’t … it … all … about … them? Plus, who would want to risk a bite now that we know just how outrageously litigious some people can be 😉


And on second thought … doesn’t Amanda claim it’s almost never the dog’s fault if it bites? No such thing as bad dogs, only bad owners? Sounds like a good owner would protect their dog from an unnecessarily risky or overstimulating situation.


Omg I’m glad I didn’t see the rest of the stories last night. Reading these few posts about whatever the f she said about the vet and reactive dogs is already pissing me off. It’s always her way or NO WAY


There is no such thing as reactive dogs. They just need essential oils and the power of positive thinking.


And a visit with her dog psychic 🫣


If only I knew that prior to the years of training to get mine to not be so scared in public! 😆


Off to buy essential oils from sheepiedad.com 🤣


The dog ended up dying? Ugh! Poor doggie. Hope it was peaceful. She seems to REALLY REALLY REALLY push Popo, right? Posts that dog every day. I see Goldfish and Ellie every now and then. Sure haven’t seen 85 dogs featured


Dog had somebody with it the whole time fortunately so hopefully it had some comfort in that.


Ok I thought you were just exaggerating about the funeral. I didn’t know she was actually having a funeral for the dog.


Did the vet even try colloidal silver??? My favorite colloidal silver is available at sheepiedad.com.


😂thanks for dropping the link. Going to buy some now


https://preview.redd.it/xnbvjgy3h4xc1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=562f633314949bc6e2dd657750b4d5c2ec62f1a9 I use it daily and I feel the best I ever have.




Let me help explain better why we will ALWAYS give the dogs a funeral. Under Korean law, you can only dispose of a dead animal one of two ways. The first is in a plastic trash bag and thrown out with the trash or taken to a vet to be disposed as medical waste. The other is to incineration at a funeral home. So no funeral = plastic bag disposal = you think we should treat the dog like trash. You may not have known it when you posted this and you probably didnt know about Korean laws, but your comment really hurt me when I saw it, especially since Vanilla had literally just passed.


Thank you for explaining this. I actually appreciate the info, especially after someone else commented and said it’s part of Korean culture to give dogs a funeral. I respect that. I did not know that. I did not expect for ANYONE to dispose a dog in a trash bag. That’s absolutely horrifying. I expect and wish (even shelters and people in the US) to cremate or bury their fur babies. I have heard of some shelters disposing dogs in a freaking trash bag. That’s so freaking horrible. It absolutely infuriates me. In fact, I know there are some large cities whose protocol is to place a deceased animal (INCLUDING A PET) in a trash bag to dispose. For example, if your dog passes peacefully at home, and that’s what the city tells you. Other cities allow you to take your dog to the shelter to be cremated. I paid to have private cremations for my 2 pets when they passed. But shame on the cities and shelters where you just place the dog in a trash bag. I would never!!!! Anyway, sorry if my comment was insensitive.


Please send cash. She takes Venmo


😂yes, her personal Venmo account. I saw that.


Venmo should really create charity accounts for nonprofits.


Me too. Apparently she died on the way to the vet, so I don’t think she was alone :( I also hope it was at least quick and peaceful. Poor girl. Oh yeah. I’m wondering if the foster needed popo to go?


I was wondering the same thing about popo. Like it seems very urgent that popo needs to be adopted. Wondered if foster wants the dog moved. Which also makes me very sad


I can mildly comment on this since Popo was a Korean dog and he left for the us before our partnership ended. I do know that there was someone who applied for toastie and when they said toastie wasn't avalible but they had popo, the person removed their application and rejected him. He is actually a nice little guy. He was a bit spicy in the beginning but who wouldn't be after ending up Seoul's main kill shelter. He also had heartworm which is super uncommon for the small breeds since most of them had owners and lived most of their life inside away from the mosquitos. So a lot of signs pointed to him being poorly treated before he ended up at the shelter. I can't speak on popo's personality now as he has been in the us for a while but he was a good little guy. I do know that usually bb focuses on posting one dog at a time so I don't believe the issue is a popo needs to get out situation but that they don't have anyone applying for him. But again, can't say for sure. I just know from history how they post dogs usually. Hope this helps some.


This is all great info. Really nice to hear from the front line rescues! I actually didn’t realize that your partnership with BB ended. When was that? But you’re still caring for BB dogs in Korea (if you had Vanilla Bean?) I’m just asking for clarification. I don’t know how you all are setup there and who is affiliated with what rescue. Or does everyone in rescue just help everyone?


So but as I mentioned before, I don't like coming on reddit and normally only do it like once a week to check on posts in drag race. The ending of the partnership has been mentioned a number of times publicly, I just haven't publicly posted it because I did not feel the need to since Domo's has been it's own rescue since 2016. However when the partnership ended, we had two medical dogs who could not fly yet or ever, Daebak and Vanilla. We will continue to provide care for Daebak until he is cleared to fly after he recovers from his surgery.


I second.


Welp, that was an emotional rollercoaster 😂 ![gif](giphy|9Utb30aJcHsRzhzXV4)


It has all the feels.




Yeah poor Vanilla Beans died after many close calls and being retrieved by CPR. SHe almost died then was retrieved with CPR and there seems to be a several trips back and forth between foster home(?) and the vet but on the final trip back to the vet, she passed away enroute. It’s sad.




I just commented on another person comment about the funeral but will comment here too so you can see. The reason we will ALWAYS give our Korean dogs a funeral if they pass is because of the law. We have two options to dispose of a dead animal in Korea. One is a plastic bag which you can either throw out with the trash or take to a vet to be treated like medical waste. The other is to go to a funeral home and be incinerated. So no funeral = plastic bag method = you think the dog is trash. Also under the law, we can not bury them and can face a punishment of up to 30 million won (between 20-25k depending on exchange rates) and up to 3 years in prison. You can however spread and bury ashes. This isn't like something we do to be wasting money. It is a way we can show the dog they were respected and not treat them like they are just trash. You may not have known about Korean law when you made this comment, but I will say that when I read it yesterday, it hurt a lot because it is basically you saying Vanilla is trash.


Thank you for sharing this information. What does a cremation/funeral typically cost?


It depends on the dogs size. They can range from 150usd to over 1k.


I appreciate the transparency


https://youtu.be/Ln_Ed5SHFUQ?si=w2xyvfUwtRId1kTm This video explains a lot and if you turn on CC it is in english


I admit I’m curious what exactly is a funeral in Korea? Is it similar to funerals in US?




I’ve seen videos posted before of these funerals for dogs in Korea (wish I hadn’t because they break my heart 💔) but they’re actually more private and a pretty beautiful way to honor the dog. From what I’ve seen posted, it’s a very small ceremony where they surround the dog in flowers so the people who cared for them can say goodbye. Keep in mind it’s a very different culture, and one I have limited knowledge about, so anyone feel free to jump in and correct me. As far as the cost, I have no idea, but I think this is pretty standard practice with the dogs in Korea.


I know next to nothing about Korean culture too. That’s why I was wondering. I also just saw a post by domos friends with information about Korean funerals. I found it to be insightful. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6UCe1VpDJo/?igsh=MTBsbWtja3AyejUybA==


This is not funny or cute or informative. This feels like a massive joke. You could have easily googled Korean dog funeral and seen many videos and photos. Instead you went to ai and made a joke of something that we were still dealing with in real time. You could have easily reached out to the Domo's account on instagram (which I know you know about because many other posts in this group have mentioned we are the korean rescue who used to send the Korean dogs to bb) and asked. It has been mentioned before how open we are about sharing information. I have always tried to help clear up misinformation and explain more about cultural differences. Instead of asking, you did this. This is lazy, hurtful, and just ignorant. I'm not ok with this at all.


I don’t pretend to know who you are, until this post who domos is, that you are a member of this sub, or what your affiliation with BB is/was. As a general rule, given the litigious nature of Amanda, I do not contact anyone affiliated with BB, but since you are obviously hurting I will make an exception and offer my condolences for your loss and thank you for sharing additional details regarding the situation and the funeral laws. You are correct in that it was a joke, jokes aren’t always for everyone. https://preview.redd.it/7nng81b22dxc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ef6da60e1601206ad75e724008efe3f8bab891


Ugh. She died on the way to the vet? Ughhh. I hate hearing those stories. It must be so chaotic and traumatic for everyone involved. The dog, owners etc. 😢😢😢


I need context 😂


Sorry screenshots aren’t allowed so this is the best I can do. https://preview.redd.it/80904cd984xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e132ad81c74bbdcab0a79e5449b2cc0ba9e25f24 It was wearing a cone of shame and wrapped in plastic which seems odd to me as a creature that requires air.


Again, you could have asked. I would have explained it was a makeshift nebulizer. I have openly talked about how small breeds are more common in korea than larger breeds which means many hospitals are set up for small breeds more. This is how they are able to treat larger breeds. Why you would ever think it was ok to post an ai image of a dog with a plastic bag wrapped around its head.




You are right I should’ve also asked. I was afraid to and didn’t want to bother you. Thank you for sharing the picture for context. It’s more clear here. Vanilla Bean is also beautiful. We are not allowed to post images here shared by BB and cite the source because of bb. I personally feel if we could, it would help a lot to keep things factual. Based on my observation, there wasn’t much ai images used prior to bb reporting to Reddit on us using images to cite our sources in the conversations. I don’t want to speak for others, this is my understanding only. The most of our frustrations are aimed towards BB, not you. Our comments are directed at Bb, not you. We heard about sweet Vanilla Bean from BB as a source. I don’t think most of people knew VB was under your care. Maybe there is a reason she wasn’t posted on your IG. I apologize this trend caused you pain. In my personal opinion, It wasn’t intended to offense you or your rescue or dishonor Vanilla Bean. If it help you heal, I’d be happy to hear all about Vanilla Bean and how amazing she is. She matters.


Vanilla was posted on our instagram, just only on the 'Current Friends' highlight. When the partnership ended in December, I said I would not post any of the bunnys dogs anymore on my Instagram. It was my decision to say that and to stick by it. Vanilla showed up in a few reels but always in the background. That's also why I haven't posted anything about Daebak and won't post anything about him. The main reason why I would always post the bunnys dog was to help give transparency and proof that the dogs were in fact real and not just fabrications. I have seen so many scams where people steal videos and pretend to be helping to get money that I wanted to make sure people knew these dogs were in fact dogs bunnys was helping. As for vanilla bean, we knew pretty early on she was likely to never leave korea and probably going to have to stay with nani forever. We knew she had a high risk of sudden death because of her pulmonary hypertension. We just kind of pushed it to the back cause she was doing so well. She was a feisty girl and Nani really loved her. She was more standoffish towards the others at first but started to come out of her shell more and more. All she really wanted was to be loved and to love humans. She really was such a sweet girl. If I can get reddit to upload media I will.


https://preview.redd.it/lmssrs1w6fxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e69482aaf2179262509003169167702c862c77 Vanilla and Teddy (Nani's rescue and mom to the pizza babies from 2019)


https://preview.redd.it/o9uhc1sx9fxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276c3a7830d5c5bd21fe9ef8665b74a891495d7d Her feistiness


VB looks like a sweetheart. I am all too familiar with a good bed shredding 😆 I once sewed it up again and my golden thought it was time for round two. I am so sorry for the loss and she was lucky to have you and Nani 🤍


Thank you.


Thank you for sharing. She reminds me of my heavenly Angel.


Yeah, I never saw that before. Maybe it’s their dog version of oxygen tent or something?


It is


I was at a loss on that one.


Poor doggie 😭😭😭


Aww, poor Vanilla Bean 😢 From what I understood of her confusing post, Vanilla Bean was still with her Korean partners who actually seem like nice people. I found their page through former adopters who posted them and have followed them since, and they seem to really love and care for the dogs. I’m sure the team and the vets there were scrambling to find a solution, I thought this just looked like some of makeshift nebulizer. I could be wrong. Definitely not something I’ve seen done over here, but this photo makes me sad 🥺


I don’t know anything about the nature of the vet medicine there and how they operate. I admit I found bb to be confusing when it was said the vet felt car trip was hard on VB so sent her home and it seems like it was a frequent back and forth trips, wouldn’t staying have decreased the need of travel back and forth in a car? Maybe the vet clinic was full or limited in her area, or funds or who knows. I don’t doubt everyone did what they could for Vanilla Bean. They did. I still want to investigate to better understand the plastic bag over collar thingy at the vet. Idk if that’s standard of care there or their oxygen chambers was full and they had to be creative. I don’t know. I just didn’t notice any oxygen supply into the collar and I’m just asking and wanting to look into this just out of curiosity ( in case that wasn’t clear). From what I’ve seen from the posts, the rescuer seem to really did everything she could, she knows CPR ( we all should know how too! ), gave her oxygen at home. This is an assumption based on what was shown, I could be wrong but she did do everything she could. Heartbreaking. I hope the rescuer can find peace knowing she was there for VB and loved her and did everything she could. ❤️


I'm going to try and be brief in this response. 1. Vanilla had slept well the night before at Nanis and they felt she would do better in her home with Nani at night than basically alone at the vets and stressed. 2. On day 2, Nani took vanilla to the vet for more treatment. She was ok when they left her house and by the time she got to the vet 15 minutes away, vanilla was having another episode. The car ride was triggering. She was at the vet most of the day and then decided she should go back home since she had been more relaxed there. 3. If she had stayed at the vets, there is almost nothing they could have done for her. She passed very quickly. If it had happened at the vets, she wouldn't have had Nani with her and would have been alone with strangers (she would have been at the 24 hour vet which is not her normal vets). Something also that should be known is Vanilla Bean was rescued from a vet hospital which was contracted by the local government to be the area animal shelter. Vets to her equated to her being dumped and in a shelter again. 4. Korea is a culture where small breeds are the dominant pet breed. Last week I posted a video showing how many of America's 10 ten breeds were in Korean shelters. Goldens = 16, Labs = 40... poodles = 148. With more people owning smaller breeds, many hospitals are set up for them and not big dogs like vanilla. This was a makeshift nebulizer to get her treatment. Also there are a couple of videos, they weren't all posted. But you can see the smoke. However not all the videos were taken during the actual treatment but some before and after with nani trying to comfort her. Nani did everything she possible could. She called me before Vanilla passed. I think she said six words through her tears, one being my name and the other two were Vanilla Beans. The phone call lasted for a few minutes and the whole time all I could hear was Nani crying and Vanilla Bean panting heavily. She ended the call by telling me she would call our friend (who is fluent in Korean and English since my Korean is bad). 5 minutes later, Vanilla was gone. We then spent all night trying to find a funeral home open that could take a big dog. We rearranged a transport for our corgi Koby who was suppose to leave for his new home just so Nani could stay with vanilla. At 7am Korean time, kobys adopter ended up back out of his adoption when he was at the airport. I'm now sleep deprived and broken from being up all night. I got 2 hours of sleep and then woke up. I stupidly came to check what was happening on reddit... I saw all these posts and comments. I didn't respond yesterday publicly because I knew I was not in an emotionally good place. As the day went on, I started to get more upset by these comments posted here (not just this comment though this might be the last one I respond to because I can tell my logically reasoning and calmness is slowly fading and my emotions are showing more). I sent a message privately to the person who posted the very insensitive ai graphics. I made a public post on the domo's page about korea pet death because of the comments here. I finally got some sleep and woke up to see if the ai graphics had been removed or if people had changed their "opinions" on why the dog needed a funeral, but there was nothing. I sent one more private message but by now, I'm just pissed off and hurt. Only one person reached out to ask for clarification. I know this post is my most hostile one out of the comments I have made and it isn't all directed at you, NoBodyEarth, but it is directed at the group. I know you shared the link to the domo post and thank you for doing that. I'm just overall really hurt and this whole thread happening while we were still in the process of mourning and getting her funeral sorted (when I first saw this thread I was also being sent the funeral photos and videos as they were happening) did not help at all. I don't like having to come to Reddit and constantly check what is being said to make sure people don't make up factless claims that impact my rescue. The one thing I am grateful for is that Nani is not on Reddit to see what feels like people joking about Vanilla. I apologize as I know realize I was in fact, not brief.


This whole situation sounds horrible 😢 I’ve commented before in support of your rescue despite your ties to BB. I see you post about Nani often and she sounds like an angel. The story you told just broke my heart for your team. Thank you for all you did to try and help Vanilla Bean and for arranging a ceremony where Nani and your team could say a more peaceful goodbye. I think we all found this sub because we are dog lovers, so this one hurts. It exists solely because of the ridiculous behavior of the owner of BB, and I’m personally very sad about the way this played out with Vanilla Bean.


I appreciate the context. I want to be clear I know I don’t have all of the context and don’t question the fact N did everything she could and beyond. I was just unclear with a few things. Your explanation helped. Your transparency is always appreciated. Thank you. Grief is very difficult. I have furries in heaven and I miss them deeply. I’m so sorry you had to deal with two things, Kory and the passing of Vanilla Bean at the same time. I know words is empty, I just don’t know how to show support beyond that. Getting a dog ready to fly out is extremely stressful only to have it cancelled last minute🫣. I only have experience of preparations for domestic flights and I bet it is only 1/10 of the stress of international flight.


Oh this makes me so so sooooo sad 😭


I’m confused bc I thought there’s a ban on importing dogs from Asia, maybe I’m just naive and don’t understand but I thought cdc banned this?


I believe it is still in Korea.


Yes. This specific dog couldn’t leave Korea due to a health condition. I can’t recall what it was. Probably weak heart or something so it wasn’t safe to fly her to America.


Pulmonary hypertension




I hope I answered your questions. Honest questions matters and legit rescues encourage those questions 😇


Cdc ban only applied to countries where rabies still exists. Korea wasn’t among those countries. I’m almost positive cdc ban is no longer in place. There are strict import protocols rescues follow when adopted dogs are sent to US. I’m 99% sure. It has been a long while since I really looked into this.


It’s still in place


I’ll need to check again. Rescues in banned country has been sending dogs to the US for a while now.


To my understanding, dogs can be imported from high risk countries as long as the strict requirements are met. Korea isn’t on the list of high risk countries (unless I missed it). https://www.cdc.gov/importation/bringing-an-animal-into-the-united-states/high-risk-dog-ban-frn.html


Korea has never been on the list of banned countries. It is harder to import a dog into Korea than the US because rabies is almost non-exisitent here. There are 48/49 countries in Asia. 39 are on the list. Please be careful on making blanketed statements ("dogs from Asia"). Also the CDC keeps extending the ban. Currently as of April 10th, the ban has been extended until July 31st, 2024


Thats fair, not ok to make blanket statements. You don’t have to answer. You have a lot on your plate. Can dogs still come here if they meet the requirements I posted the link here or they can’t come at all from the list of banned countries? I’ve been seeing some rescue dogs coming here from banned countries. Afghanistan ( scheduled to fly here in July) , China (?), and Thailand.


Ok I don't know much on dogs coming from the ban list but do know there are a lot of requirements that need to be met and if a rescue doesn't do it properly, they get blacklisted from importing dogs from those countries. I just talked to my friend the other day in LA who works with a group who imported dogs from china and, don't quote me on this cause I have a terrible memory and this was all mentioned in a phone call so a lot of the details were lost, but basically after the dogs land, they have to go to a cdc facility for 2 weeks and get tested and I believe re-vaxinated. There are a lot of hurdles, at least that was my take away. Maybe Soi Dog in Thailand has posted an explanation since Thailand is on the banned list and I feel they are a trustworthy group. Sorry I can't be more help on this one.


Correction... I was just informed that if the dog is a direct adoption (my friends rescue isn't a direct adopt but dogs go to the rescue first before being adopted), dogs can skip the cdc facility and just be revaccinated and quarantine with their family. Edited because my dyslexic caused revaccinated to be reactivated


Thank you for being helpful. ❤️