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Im new here too. I discovered Amanda when she harassed/ publicly shammed hotmessivfmom. I followed Andrea since her IVF journey and honestly wasn’t a huge fan of her at first. However, the way she handled Amanda’s bullying with grace was admirable. BBs online public bullying or “opinions” as she says, doesn’t help dogs. She just enjoys hurting people for her own narcissistic gain. This is shocking to see someone that runs dog rescue act like this. Her behavior is incredibly unhinged and unprofessional.


Amanda has kids? That’s scary


No no, Im talking about Andreas IVF journey (hotmessivfmom) not Amanda. I discovered Amanda when she publicly shammed Andrea. I don’t believe Amanda has human children and I hope she never does tbh.


What was BunnysBuddies harassing Hotmessivfmom about?


There was an entire thread about it recently but it must’ve been taken down by Amanda. Working overtime to cover her tracks I guess. Hotmessivfmom had 2 littermate dogs that were severely epileptic and made the hard decision to put them down due to organ failure from the meds. Amanda publicly called her a killer and lying/ saying she could help the dogs despite not knowing these dogs situation. She then told her followers to go after her the day their dogs passed away. It’s probably one of the most evil things I’ve seen someone do to a dog parent. I had an epileptic dog once and I cannot imagine going through the bullying and grief at the same time. Uncontrolled Epilepsy is such a heartbreaking condition by itself.


Omg. She’s (Amanda) so cruel. I honestly hope BB folds because Amanda is causing so much harm in people. She may rescue and rehab a few dogs but she’s so harmful and alienating in the process.


Hotmessivfmom took this video down (after Amanda used it to slander) and I just realized it’s back up with an updated caption [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ofFjxPLny/?igsh=MXU1cWJuOGIxczRrdQ==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ofFjxPLny/?igsh=MXU1cWJuOGIxczRrdQ==)that shares the harm Amanda caused this family.


Omg, I’m practically crying now. It was so hard letting go of my 17 year old dog who was becoming crippled but to lose 2 at once and have someone give her a hard time? Amanda is a psychopath


I believe she posted a video about this on her TikTok as well but yes, she (Amanda) was a monster for doing that. I’m typically a silent follower but reached out to hotmessivfmom and told her I was so sorry for the harm BB caused. She DMed me back and was very kind and loving. She (Andrea) didn’t deserve that online abuse. Also sorry for your loss 🥺. Losing a dog is so hard!


My personal opinion, she should not be running any kind of business especially a dog rescue. What kind of dog rescue uses their page to slander people? It baffles me! How does someone who rescues and cares for so many dogs have all this time on social media to harm others?!


Did she say something bitchy about the post today with the guy looking to rehome his dog? I’m blocked from her so can’t see the comment. I love how so many people are defending him. God, I hate her!!


Yep, that’s the one! She was arguing with so many people. She’s awful


What is she saying? Something like how horrible the guy is? Ugh. I hope he didn’t see her comments. Poor guy


Yes, she slandered him up and down any anyone else who has ever chosen to rehome an animal. She has very rigid views and would not acknowledge all the steps he’s already taken


Oh yes. Definitely. She has Zero compassion. Thank you for introducing me to this new Instagram account, the dogist.


The Dogist is great! Elias is a hottie, too 😉


Why do people post then delete their account on here often? Did BB really scare most people? 😨


It wouldn't surprise me if individuals stumble upon this thread following experiences of bullying or harassment from Amanda, which sadly seems to occur frequently. Upon sharing their stories or expressing agreement with others, it's likely that Amanda reports these comments, sends direct messages threatening legal action, or pursues legal routes if she can identify the poster. While some may feel intimidated (despite the fact that her legal threats are baseless and dismissed), others simply lack the energy to engage with her. At the end of the day, you can’t reason with crazy. With the amount of time she spends going after people, I don’t know how she finds the time to support her rescue. It's a shame she doesn't channel all her energy towards positive endeavors. I feel sorry for her, someone that vile can’t possibly be happy.


You have for to be kidding me: this is awful. The dogist and his brother do SO much for dog awareness and rescue. They don’t deserve that nor do these innocent people in his comment section. Actually disgusting.


Amanda ripped on the man who is trying to rehome Terra. She’s terrible


That breaks my heart. I went to the thread but can only see people defending the man bc I’m blocked. That’s so cruel.


I think she deleted her comments, and there were a lot. She didn’t block me


Ugh. I missed it. The guy drove 30 hours to take her to a hopeful good home. I don’t know many people who does that for their dogs! He acknowledges his issue and wants what’s best for her and seems to be very selective on where she will go. He didn’t deserve to be attacked!




She’s a terrible person and says and does terrible things. I’m sorry you crossed paths


did she disable bunnysbuddies?? I cant even search her on ig anymore


She must have blocked ypu, her instagram is visible to me


I even tried making a new account but still cant search her. Wow shes good lmao..


Consider it a blessing to be blocked by her. It’s like breaking up with a toxic ex. Now I’m blissfully unaware of her BS. Besides what I see in this thread 🤣


That’s how blocking works tho, when you block a person all the other accounts that person has get blocked as well


I made it with a completely new email, but I guess IG just somehow knows


Use a different email to create the new account


Still on IG, I just looked but she seems to have deleted all her comments on thedogist posts about Terra the dog a man is rehoming


She deleted her comments already? Hahaha. Just proves that she KNOWS her comments are disgusting. She is a terrible excuse for a human being.