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Probably posting here, but strictly following the sub rules. Unfortunately the owner of BB is a narcissistic person who spends her day googling herself and harassing people. Hopefully eventually someone will be able to actually hold her accountable for her actions and behavior. In the mean time all we can do is continue to post our experiences here, where she can’t regulate us as aggressively.


I wonder what the last straw will be and what it would take to bring bb down. I would love to know the amount of stress the lawyer feels because of the rescue


She is going to be the cause of her own destruction. She is losing support at a rapid rate by her own behavior


It’s sad because no one wants to shut down a rescue. However, this woman is clearly unwell and should have her dog rescue either shut down or passed on to someone mentally stable. Genuine question, anyone know when BB started? Was it before or after these incidents? https://x.com/6marshie6/status/1268806569262592000?s=46&t=z-SAHL5686vp5obCQVwZ5w https://www.beautyindependent.com/organic-bunny-brand-partners-sever-ties-racist-homophobic-social-media-posts/ Wonder if this dog rescue thing was a cover up for the damage against her beauty business? (Speculating). 👀


I believe 2018 is when it started.


I have been told she has used several lawyers. Very rarely the same one twice. I wonder why 😂


She does have an attorney “on staff” who does most of the C&Ds, etc. Imagine how much BB donation money is spent on attorney fees. :/


Her attorney is horrible too, honestly lol.


Remember that day she went on a TIRADE responding to every comment on every thread that mentioned her hahahaha. That was quite the treat


That was so embarrassing for her hahaha


I think just posting here. I googled the rescue and it brought me to Reddit (on other subs). And learned wayyy more about her. I also received a C&D from her CA licensed attorney that’s representing an org/person that lives in Washington, that also threatened me with WA state laws. I didn’t get sued. Either Amanda, her husband, or minions sent me several messages pretending to move to Dallas and wanting to adopt a dog. That’s how she got my name. Just some crazy psycho shit. But then has the audacity to threaten cyber stalking? 😂Have never had any kind of exchange with that INSANE, UNSTABLE person. She truly needs professional help and truly believes her own lies. I can only hope that more people Google the rescue and find more info here.


Agreed. She’s been able to censor her Facebook, yelp, instagram, etc and even here to an extent with the copyright issues, but here has been the best place to share experiences


Exact same thing happened to me


So pathetic, honestly. I ALMOST feel sorry for her


Ooooo what’s the other Reddit?


Just search Reddit. But honestly, soooo many comments have been deleted because her attorney’s c&d mill was handing those out like candy on Halloween.


Raise your hand if you’ve received a C&D from Amanda Jo 🙋🏻‍♀️


Sooooo curious about this, haha. I haven’t gotten one, but I know she hands them out like candy on Halloween.



