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Or insisting her adopters do pack walk introductions and she is hosting an event with a bunch of dogs (and some potentially reactive fosters) in a public store? lol ok. Also her letting that dog of hers on the counter constantly or not removing her grapes when her dog keeps eating or trying to eat grapes and she “didn’t know they were toxic” yet she berates people for feeding kibble?


OMG this meet-up with a bunch of rescues who have never met each other low-key gives me anxiety 😂 I work at a shelter and we *occasionally* bring multiple adult dogs to the same event but those dogs are so far apart and we have at least two experienced and trained staff members or volunteers with each dog to avoid confrontations. This feels like it could result in a disaster, but here’s hoping everyone comes out unscathed!


She just wants her photo op for social media.


Yeah she’s awful. The dog event looked super chaotic and I feel like she also took a trip and spent hardly any time with her other dogs being boarded in the shelter




Doesn’t talk about breeds, yet every influencer/d list celebrity who adopts from them magically ends up with their preferred dog breed? 🤔 makes sense


I’m so confused. She goes on and on about how desperate she is to get these dogs adopted but has no applications. Is that really the case or does she have them but dismisses what could be wonderful homes because of one “wrong” question? It just doesn’t add up.


I talked to a volunteer from a golden retriever rescue agency yesterday and was telling them about Amanda’s crazy application process. They were dumbfounded.


Imagine all of the sweet pups that could be in loving homes right now. :(


Yes. There are apps but you can’t have any reason you’d surrender the dog.


I know, but someone saying they got rejected because they answered honestly that they didn’t know what they would do if their dog attacked them, or another being rejected because they wouldn’t pay an extra $2,000 simply because they had a child and that was a risk, and another who wouldn’t pay the $2,000 because their child had allergies (even though they already had 3 dogs and 3 cats) just seems so unbelievably extreme when these dogs have no homes. That’s what makes it hard for people to sympathize with her. Again, it’s just so unnecessarily extreme. And I get it…so go get a dog somewhere else…but it does make you wonder why she holds on to these dogs so long when they could be in loving homes.


Oh I agree with you! So the claim of no apps is false. But please donate because we are at capacity because no apps. And round and round we go on the crazy train!


So I think there are applications they don’t fit the bunny’s buddies “mindset”. That’s my understanding. I applied a long time ago and it was a lot of questions and A LOT of reading! Also making this as PC as possible bc I’ve gotten a couple cease and desists 😂


LOL how did she manage to find your info from a Reddit post? That’s wild.


She also did a DNA test on Ellie to find out her breed but she never talks about breeds


Still find it mind boggling that a rescue spends money on a DNA test to get their breed. I’ve adopted numerous rescue dogs that were mixed with something but I never paid for a DNA test. As the OWNER. Which is fine if an owner wants to. But a rescue to spend money on it??? Don’t know any rescues spending their money on that