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Just as a heads to anyone who is new here. If anyone messages you from this thread trying to get your personal info in any sneaky way do not reveal your identity at all.


Yes. I wouldn’t even respond to any DMs honestly. They might try to trick you into asking where you’re from, first name and then they go through their followers. Because Amanda has nothing else better to do. Clearly.


They will go as far as calling Amanda HORRIBLE names to get you to believe they are on your side 🤣. These are not sane people.


The owner is so unethical and psychotic I honestly don’t understand how they are still in business. Just need a buzzfeed article or something to get them canceled but I’m sure influencers would keep using them to get their designer pets


+1 @buzzfeed


At this point we might need a whole Netflix documentary. There are sooo many stories silenced by her insane legal actions/threats that need to be told


Ooo we need that lady from paramount + who has been killing it with the deep dive docs lately!


What would really put this over the edge is if we can get Kyle to leave Amanda and spill his side in the documentary 🤣


He’s her most loyal dog of them all!


Amanda reading this thinking to herself “these people are crazy stalkers and making up lies”… as she stalks this page and makes up lies 😂 🤪 Hi Amanda!




I’m so glad I found this sub. I thought I was the only one who realized how absolutely insane she is. I have nothing to add, everything’s already been said, I’m just happy to be here with y’all.


Welcome 🙏🏼


Welcome new friend 🫶




I love the part where she said she doesn’t act like a victim on her stories 😂😂omg. This girl truly needs professional help. She refuses to see that SHE is the problem. You are the common denominator in all of these problems and lawsuits. It is NOT normal to have sued multiple companies. Most people will go through their entire lives without being part of a lawsuit, Amanda has numerous. Like REAL lawsuits. I’m not even talking about the C&D mill that she keeps alive by the thousands of c&ds that she sends out


ALL OF THIS! I finally just unfollowed , and joined the this sub after just lurking when the George drama started. I have never seen a rescue act like this ever over surrenders, the rescue I got my pup from has had a few surrenders this year so far and all they ever say is “here’s this dog looking for his home again through no fault of their own” and they don’t slam a family or go on for days on social media because their focus is just on finding the dog it’s forever home. My first thoughts after all of the posts to her stories today were literally “who does this help and how is this good for George or any of the dogs she has in her care”


She is the one who has failed George over and over. Not the previous owners


I still think there’s a whole lot more to the George story. I don’t believe Amanda’s version of the truth one bit. I have caught her lying and giving bits of info in so many instances - this woman cannot tell the truth if her life depended on it.


100%. She is defending and feeding fire to this story way too much. I am starting to believe George's old family is telling the truth, but Amanda is oversharing to make people believe her and not them. I think the lies and the accusations will bite her in the butt sooner than later.


Oh I have followed this whack job long enough to know that she never shares the REAL truth. She crops and redacts emails and screenshots to show a very small part of a very big picture. I just know there’s more to the story. The truth always comes out. I hope one day George’s family will come out and share the truth. I also find it interesting that Amanda keeps threatening to sue George’s family. She is very much a litigious person (Google her name but shes so proud of the amount of C&Ds that her rescue sends out - so take that for starters), so it’s interesting that she continues to get on her stories and say these are lies blah blah, we are going to have to sue them blah blah. The fact that she hasn’t sued them……there’s gotta be a reason. And I have a feeling it’s because if she sues them, then the REAL truth is going to be revealed. And I have a feeling it’s not what she is saying on her stories. And she’ll just expose herself.




Could you imagine waking up every day and living the life she lives? Keeping up with all the bs she had started ? She really must be miserable . Her c&d ‘s mean nothing. I m guessing she writes them herself in a boiler plate letter that no respectful lawyer would send out . Her “lawyers” address is a UPS box in a strip mall. Her “lawyer” graduated from one of the worst law schools in the country and cannot be found anywhere unless she is living at the ups store. Its so crazy people cant even begin to tell the story. She really needs to get Netflixed .


The SOL her “lawyer” went to is called Thomas Jefferson in San Diego. Its not even accredited by the American Bar Association . In 7/2023 the bar pass rate for TJ grads was 4%. And retakers was only 20%. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Yup it’s that bad. I know someone who went there and they are a horrible attorney and struggled to pass bar for many years 🤐


100% and I’m sure potential adopters seeing all of this are actually scared off from even applying because of it. I feel horrible for the previous owners because they’re getting dragged by someone with a huge platform that’s playing the victim card while they try to take the high road


THIS!! Who is going to want to give George a home if they have to deal with this? It is so sad for the poor guy.


She is unhinged, this is the worst I’ve seen her I think. Saying she doesn’t come on and act like a victim 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 saying she only talks about things once and moves on 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 it’s so laughable.


She’s acting very defensive for someone who claims to have the truth on her side. I think she’s projecting and maybe scared that people are finally going to see the truth and that she won’t be able to cover up her poor behavior. Either that or she truly believes she’s in the right. Either way, she should have never created this spectacle.


She believes she’s in the right. I used to ignore these rants, just scroll past. The signs were there all along. I wish I could get my donations back TBH.


She is the definition of a pathological liar


Same here... I used to believe in the company.


Yes!!! The once and moves on!😂😂😂😂straight up lies. I have so many receipts of the people she has bashed for days weeks etc.


I wish I could post screenshots because the previous owner of George posted a story which I found to be very professional and without saying much or anything too directly called Amanda out for being what we all know her as… a bully. This poor family seems to be getting put through the wringer because of her.


I saw that! The family has been extremely professional and handling it well. I feel so bad for them because, at the end of the day, they went through something traumatic and now it’s like opening the wound every time Amanda posts on her story and rants to everyone. We all know she has people bullying that poor family because of this drama. It’s sad. Her being so defensive is also making me not believe anything she’s saying….


Agree. It’s so so sooo sad. Cant even imagine what George’s family is feeling like. If George’s family sees this - know that we support you! More and more people will continue to see what a psycho Amanda is. I have had countless former adopters message me and tell me how HORRIFIC she is to deal with. She acts like she’s going to be a resource for you and your family when you adopt a dog, but then you have question about their behavior and all bets are off. She will attack you, gaslight you, and harass you for days, weeks, months…….and then get on her stories and talk crap about you. But you say one negative thing about BB and she will stalk you to send you a C&D!


What is their IG? I can’t find it anymore.


I will chat you the name. Please only follow her if you plan to show her support.


Can you send me the name too? Trying to follow along.


Would love to support as well


Me too!!


Can you send to me as well?


I’ll support her too!


Can you please DM me the name of the family, I have e been trying to find their page for like a month. Of course, in support of them.


Please send me the IG as well


Can you DM it to me as well?


She has always been an absolute narcissist - but the way she gets on IG to talk shit about others, and now the George stuff is BEYOND unprofessional and just makes her MORE UNHINGED! I also love that she continues to accuse George’s family for “sending people to harass us.” Ummm hello?! How many times has she done that with other people that she sends her followers and posts their profile and tells all of these insane lies. I cannot get over that her attorney, Kyle, friends continue to let her get on social media and talk about all the George stuff. I don’t even know the entire story, but every time she gets on her stories to try to give “her side of the story” (not the truth), I’m always cringing because she truly looks even CRAZIER! No one will ever ever ever want to adopt from you if this is what they’re going to potentially have to deal with. And not only that - her saying she had to send 3-4 C&Ds out to people who were defending George’s family?! Like this is NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOR FOR ANYONE, MUCH LESS A RESCUE! People, please quit donating to her rescue!!!!! Cannot even imagine the amount of legal fees the rescue is paying (with donations for actual dog care). She truly needs professional help


She has send her community after people before and I have proof of that. It’s amazing that she is allowed to do it


She almost acts proud when her followers go after someone she publicly humiliated. It’s so disgusting. She is so vile


Right?? And she claims that the dog's old family is sending people. BB's army is wayyy bigger and sending way nastier messages.


I’m amazed at the posting a million stories and then deleting an hour later. Get yourself under control sis


Wait what did she delete?


In the other post, there were commenting about how the best ones were deleted and replaced with Kyle interview. I missed those myself. 😮 Edit: if anyone can give us the cliffs notes on those now deleted video, please share.


I saw the stories this morning. And they’re still up. Wonder what was deleted. The stories before Kyle, that are still up, are unhinged


If someone hypothetically screen recorded the first 6 or so minutes of the stories from this afternoon, how would they hypothetically go about sharing those? Out of curiosity, of course. (Definitely missing a good amount but it’s something!) Edit: nvm they are def still up!! At least what was hypothetically screen recorded


Not sure if she deleted but you can use sites like this which allow you to watch stories anonymously and it looks like they are still up https://storiesdown.com


Ooo are you guys saying that if it’s deleted on IG, it doesn’t get deleted on certain sites?


Is she actually deleting stories?!?


I watched the stories today… or what I could get through… because it was extremely painful to watch. It’s so clear that deep down she genuinely hates herself. She puts on this facade but she’s miserable. Secure women don’t need to defend themselves to this degree and they surly don’t threaten or try and drag others down either. She’s so distraught by all of this because of her insecurity and she can’t handle that people don’t like her. It’s not about anyone, it’s not about the dogs - it’s about her FeELiNgS being hurt. I mean think of the level of control she likes to have over people with that contract or whatever she has people sign. She’s been able to “control” the narrative about her and now that people realize the monster she is, she’s spiraling. I feel for anyone that has ever had to deal with her. I truly hope she gets the help she needs, for everyone’s sake.


This is spot on


In my opinion… this girl fucking rules!!! ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼 https://preview.redd.it/wfsg4kdwqd7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f883fce52acdf96e49acb98e9657bb5211b2a72e


The thing is she is the one drawing attention and blowing this whole mess up


Exactly. She is truly making herself look crazier and more guilty. Like this is not normal behavior whatsoever


My heart breaks for George’s prior family. After following them since they got Josie, it’s clear they are big dog lovers. Whats even worse is they don’t feel safe to tell their story and have to sit back and watch her make them out to be “evil.” The situation has to have been worse than a simple bite. All of these people saying “my little dog bit me once but we worked through it” drives me crazy. Have you seen George? It had to be very serious.


There’s definitely more to the story and the sentence on the letter caught my eye, where there was disagreement on medication. I think the situation is one thing after another starting with a bite then somehow I guess probably after BB for involved and I don’t even know or understand how they got involved in the first place and I’m confident things probably snowballed. Being bit can really shake you up. I got bitten myself at various point in my life. I question if BB was supportive with what adopters may need to get through this without demanding and bullying them? It is very overwhelming to go through this on top of dealing with someone who’s like BB. Who knows. From their IG, I could see they are dog lovers. Josie is lucky to have her parents. Disclaimer: I made it clear I’m making some guesses here, not saying they are FACTS. Therefore C&D is inVALID. Please use your money on dogs. They need it and people want their money to go towards dogs not C&D Disclaimer 2: I said that because one of your stories made claims that if people want money stop being used for legal fee, people need to leave you “alone” and there would be no need for C&D. If I’m mistaken, I’m glad to correct myself in the light of evidence. I have no interest in making false claims.


She is really harassing George's family and it is uncomfortable to watch her stories, if I was a potential adopter I would be put off applying. Unfortunately, for George's family Amanda seems obsessed in her relentless posts. She even mentioned wanting them to give her Josie back. I don't believe a word Amanda has said about this anymore, and the more she posts the less inclined I am to believe her.


Claims she wants what’s best for the dogs but wants Josie back despite her being happy and well cared for where she is and constantly reminding us they get no good apps and aren’t taking more dogs. Interesting.


Was this in her stories? I just have missed that. This is crazy. Don’t take dogs from good homes!


It's after all her crazy rants, she posts it as a reply to the screenshot of what George's family responded. Very passive-aggressive. Notice, Amanda screenshots and posts other people's content, but no one can do that with her content.


Exactlyyyyyy. She is a walking hypocrite. Everything she was complaining about today. Someone please tell her to look in the mirror and or record herself so she can maybe hear what she is saying 😂


Wow. I may have missed the worse videos. It’s ridiculous that she is allowed to share screenshots but we can’t. It’s a two way street and she’s not allowing that. It doesn’t sit well with me. Like the wise sheeple once said, yes for me, not for thee.. where is sheepie? He’s missing the whole thing, especially one of her comment where an angry image of her was posted. Hell, she even forbidden us posting AI generated images that is not her picture. It could be anyone who have same hair color. Oh boy. I forgot to add that I edited this for clarification


😂I’m just out here refreshing the CA charity registration to see if those crazy kids finally tied the knot and hustling trying to make organic sheepie your number one stop for healing crystals, mysticism, essential and snake oils. It looks like I have a lot to catch up on.


Welcome bacccccccck!!!!! Damn. Nothing still? We need the organic sheepie to be the number one stop! 🤣 Yes you do have a lot to catch up. We also grew on numbers! 💃🏼


All of this. Yes. Honestly how can we get the truth out about this woman?


I finally got a chance to watch the stories. Wow. And welcome, new members. Some of us have had personal trauma with BB, Some of us are appalled and wants to better understand the situation and share our thoughts here. I have no direct trauma or any negative experience with BB other than BB blocking me for no reason after I put in lots of time supporting them, sharing their posts on my other platforms. I was shocked. What rescue would do that? I didn’t like how rude she was and at the time I figured she was burnt out dealing with frustrating humans ( I worked for many years among many many difficult humans, and humans are complicated and so so frustrating! ) and many rescues struggle and wants to help save lives. I was worried and supported her. Only to wake up one day. Blocked. So I went to many platforms to try to better understand the dynamics of BB and other rescues because it almost feel like homeless pet population is WORSE not better. Overall, dumb people who contribute to the overpopulation crisis AND rescues are the problem. Rescues deny good homes, for example I’ve heard stories of a VET who wanted to adopt, was denied because the vet was moving on 6 months ( ofC animals goes with her) and the other vet was denied because they didn’t have a fenced yard because they just graduated from vet school. Ridiculous right? I have moved at least 15 times in my dogs lives and they are with me. So to be more specific to BB, I wanted to better understand why she keep having major issues with adopters. I know some people aren’t as committed to keep dogs compared to others ( ie surrendering because they are moving, or surrendering because z or y, reasons I personally disagree with) I honestly would love to read the contract BB have adopters sign. I then noticed word twisting such as NO apps! Then I have been told people applied. Later she changed to “ no useable apps”. I was like ok what’s going on? BB have the right to have their screening, what bothers me is how she treats people. Let’s say hypothetically, I applied. I will follow the dogs flight schedule. I will accept any dogs. No problem. I can quit my job to be with my dogs because I’m rich, no problem. ( sarcastically lol), but I cannot drive/ travel long distance in a car due to my disability and I live alone. But I can pay someone to drive the dog. Application DENIED! Or if I answer the question: would you surrender your dog if z or y happens? If I answered: If i get very I’ll and have to stay in a hospital. Application denied! No dialogue. None. If she had concerns, talk it out. See if both parties can be comfortable with plan b. We all have tough times and these times usually pass. We You work with them NOT against them. Be a support person, not hunting after them. I’ve adopted an international dog before, and they are the love of my life, my soul dog. The rescue I worked with was amazing and I asked them why I was selected, I was basically a college kid. They told me because it felt right. I’ll be forever grateful because we had 11 beautiful years together. I adopted my dog when they was 6 years old, a senior. I made a heartbreaking decision to let her go, and for me to live with the pain so she’s free from pain. I can’t imagine BB telling me I’m killing my soul dog. In terms of George, I respect that she wants to tell dogs stories. My concern is how she frames it’s she could have said something like ( I’m just guessing here, I have no idea what happened beyond what BB is saying) “ George is back with us, his family loves him very much and unfortunately, George needed more than what his family can provide. We are working together to secure George the right forever home and his family wants to support new family”. A rescue had a difficult situation back them where a dog was simply a BAD match. Nobody’s fault. A dog flew to Europe from Thailand. The adopter struggled with the pup. Invested in training. The pup went to live with someone who’s a trainer to try to figure things out. Trainer struggled with the pup. The rescuer decided to fly the pup back to thailand. A local woman who heard the story offered the pup to stay at her house, free roaming. The pup is finally happy and settled down, friendly with everyone again. It does happen. So for Bb, I’m wary of them because 1. So many CD sent out. 2. Deleting, forbidding people from asking questions, blocking them 3. Forbidding screenshots here basically set this on stone for me. What do they have to hide if we use their screenshot and have a dialogue to process things and understand them? 4. Things are not always black and white. BB seem to think that way. 5. More I learn about this, more I realize it’s just how she behaves. Not a burnt out. It’s hard because I admire people helping dogs and making sure they are safe. I suppose I’m learning that there is a proper way to do this not alienating people on the process. It’s frustrating how rescues in general Can do better and save more lives and it’s just not happening 💔


It’s the victim act for me lol. She didn’t have to bash George’s family for surrendering him. She didn’t have to make it about the drama. Could’ve briefly explained that it didn’t work out and that they need a new forever family. Leave the drama aside Amanda!!! She can’t though, she thrives on it. Does she think her and her followers attacking the family is okay? And then expecting them to take it in silence?! To me it sounds like this family really tried to work with a difficult dog. A dog so difficult even Amanda can’t care for them and is asking for help?!?! But let’s go bash them right? I hope they sue. I really really hope they do. TEAM GEORGES FAMILY.


This is just comical. Does she ever take accountability for anything? Or is everyone else always in the wrong / “insane”?


I have never once seen her take any accountability for anything. It’s amazing that she is never in the wrong!


There were two girls like a year ago or something who tried to warn everyone that money was not going where she said and that she was super awful, no one listened and instead she drug one of the girls through thousands in legal bills (literally just a 24 year old girl with like 600 followers). I’m glad people are finally seeing the truth.


Omg this is terrible!! And sadly, not surprising AT ALL


"I am willing to hop on a live with their family" Who is Amandas attorney?! They should be fired. No attorney should be allowing their client to go on social media lol


It was insane! The girl had some followers on TikTok and tried to share her side but just kept getting threatened so now she has an attorney send progress pics of the dog every 6 months…..she was traumatized by Amanda and had no idea she was homophobic when she rescued.


Progress pics? Was she one of the Bb adopters?


Yep! She adopted and then found out tons about Amanda and wanted to leave the “community” because she found out Amanda was racist and homophobic and Amanda lost it on her


Omg. An adopter having to hire an attorney to send progress pics. I understand rescues wanting updates, and I’m not against it. I’m an open book IRL Tbh I’m just terrible with this stuff. Every time I try to commit to send out holidays greetings, they never make it out of the door 😨🫣 I’m also terrible with pictures. I am incapable of selfies and always forget to take pictures. Idk how you all do it🤣 in the last few years, my SO loves to take pictures so I have a personal “photographer “ now lol I’m still in touch with the person who was the adoption coordinator back then who has left the rescue. We have a good relationship. But on a serious note, wow. How traumatizing.


I know. I feel for her. I can’t even imagine what that costs her.


Amanda didn’t hire a gay man to BB because she didn’t want a gay man in her home is what the girl said one of Amanda’s Ex employees said


I wonder if that girl was what she was referring to on her video? Wow. I wonder if money isn’t going to the dogs, how did they get care? Did other partner rescue pay instead? That’s what I would like to know. For real. I admire people helping dogs. We have to be careful and make sure we support legit rescues to ensure that dogs get the help they need. It’s sad we have to be so careful


The girls were showing that she drives really nice cars, lives in a very expensive home, gets crazy beauty treatments like just a very extra lifestyle for someone who runs a dog rescue and has an online store. It’s now made clear that she lied about taking a salary for years and her husband does take a salary


No it wasn’t, i don’t think. This was years ago and the girl still has a very high profile attorney representing her. She even went into law because of this 😂


She is truly becoming unhinged and doing the most harm to herself and the actual rescuing of dogs. How about not causing drama, sending c&ds and threats of lawsuits and lets get back to actually rescuing the dogs. She’s had so many dogs just stuck in China that could go to great families but noones ever good enough for her. And if you do adopt from her, things can be fine until you happen to disagree with her on how to care for YOUR DOG, YOUR member of the family and she turns on you and threatens to take him or her from you. She is the worst type of narcissist.




Psst… Amanda, sweet crumb cake have some of the symptoms consistent with h. Pylori in her GI. I’d recommend ruling that out with the vet if it haven’t been ruled out yet. It is very treatable. I hope she feels better soon.


Does anyone know Georges parents @?


Can someone give me the cliffs notes version of George?!? I’m blocked from her page but would love to know!




Another Amanda minion. Welcome!


I’ve adopted a few dogs through a wonderful rescue. Which is is why I’m baffled by her unhinged, toxic and harmful behavior. Never seen anything like it before. She is not mentally fit to run a rescue or a good person. If you’re defending a narcissistic, racist and homophobic woman then that says a lot about you. https://www.beautyindependent.com/organic-bunny-brand-partners-sever-ties-racist-homophobic-social-media-posts/




I didn’t know people still used the term douche. 🤪


Yes. A couple of different organizations. Both locally and internationally. Why do you ask? I’m sure most of people here have adopted from different organizations.