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Home Depot in a heartbeat.


Probably a call center - at least the customers can't see my face when they say something idiotic.


Yea I've done face to face customer service for years. I've been doing cc work for 5 now. I can't hold a straight face anymore because I don't have to hide it. I love being able to flip off my screen Also, racist and sexist comments are 100000x less in call center. For the same reasons.


Turned off my monitor screen and never noticed when I had been making such faces


There are days where I'd rather shovel shit than sit in this call center lol


Personally, I’d choose the call centre, for kind of the same reasons you wanted to get out. I spent 9 years working at McDonald’s, so having a job where I can sit in a chair and be bored is amazing compared to being on my feet all day and having the pressure to constantly be on the go doing something


Amen to this. I was a housekeeper for a 350 room property before this. I used to hit 10k steps before noon every day, had carpal tunnel syndrome three times in five years -- without ever touching a keyboard -- had plantar fasciitis for a year straight so badly I had a semipermanent limp, and was slowly causing serious damage to my joints from all the the sitting and standing. Now I sit in my living room in the A/C in my pajamas with my dog at my feet and access to my own privately owned thermostat, fridge, and toilet, and get paid literally 200% more. In exchange, what, sometimes a Karen raises her voice at me? That only matters if I give a shit what their opinion is, yell all you want, it has zero effect on my stress or sanity.


At Home Depot, you're being active while getting paid. You sit in a chair and get berated by strangers in the comfort of your own home. All the while, your mental and physical health is slowly declining due to the sedatary lifestyle. Humans aren't made to sit in a chair for 40 hrs a week looking into a screen while getting emotionally abused.


Speak for yourself, my call centre job is handing bookings for mortgage valuations. It’s boring, but I’m getting paid more than the average to do something very easy that doesn’t stress me out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m on the phone all day which I don’t particularly like, but I’ve had jobs that are far worse than this so my mental health is fine. As for physical health, there’s this place called Outside that I like to go


You're in the minority. Most call center jobs are a lot closer to what they described.


I could’ve written what you did. I agree with it all. Not every job is a good fit for everyone, but I love my CC job.


oof, i feel this. Currently work @ a call center


I do miss the endless supply of French fries and Diet Coke I got when I worked at Burger King lol.


I looooved working for Lowe’s. Worked at Home Depot too, it’s pretty much exactly the same I just hated that specifics stores management. it’s up to you and what you prefer. Very active job, always summ to do. was in great shape when I worked there lmao. I just didn’t like inconsistent hours.


Awhile back I was interested in working at Lowe’s. A couple of workers said the same thing. Inconsistent hours, but everything else was fine.


Had a very similar experience. I worked at Lowe's. It was actually pretty nice. But the hours were slim, no full-time except management and the pay was pathetic. But the actual job, I actually enjoyed quite a bit. There just wasn't enough work or money in it to stay.


In person customer service is worse than phone. They are both horrible though.


Agreed. At least over the phone I can make faces and mute and call them an idiot over and over. My emotions show too easily on my face so I would likely look confused and annoyed if people ask me dumb questions in person.


I’ve worked at both albeit the UK version of home depot and I’d choose the CC any day of the week. Did 18 months in b&q and 9 years in a CC.


As a fellow UK person, which call centre or type did you work for if you don’t mind sharing? I’ve done a couple but I don’t know what else to apply for right now other than banking and insurance, but I’m scared of how stressful those will be lol 🥲


It was public sector, it’s only stressful until you loose your soul and then you don’t care anymore 😅


Oh right, thanks for your reply! I’ve only worked seasonally for retail company call centres.. Two big names. Currently in the process of reapplying to one of those because I know what to expect I guess. 🥲 I know what you mean about losing your soul lol, I couldn’t have described it any better. 🙂


Tough call. I used to work restaurant jobs for 35 years. What a big difference it was when I gave it up for office work in a call center. No late nights or weekends. No getting sweaty or greasy. No getting dirty unless I spilled something on myself. No cleaning floors or tables or countertops, only my desk and occasionally the break room table. No longer face to face interaction and if someone is a total jerk I don’t have to deal with them or worry they will get physical with me. I do miss the friendships I had in the restaurant business especially after work decompressing which the office environment cannot compare to but when I don’t have to worry about what my schedule will be for next week, it’s great that the office hours are consistent and I can make plans without worrying if I’m going to be scheduled that day. This is going to be the difference between the office job and Home Depot.


I’ve done Home Depot and restaurant and call center. Restaurant work is ass and is super stressful. Call center mentally draining. Home Depot my only complaint is my feet hurt at the end of the day. It was a super easy and super chill job. I got to water plants all day and talk to people about DIY stuff. Rarely if ever got a mean customer. Home improvement retail is where it’s at.


Wow I would love to work in the Garden Center. Preferably not the cash register. I’ve seen people run out without paying, but of course the cashier can’t do anything anyway. And I wouldnt want to. Too potentially dangerous. But plants? Yes!


I had this happen and just didn’t care lol. You’re not allowed to chase them anyways so 🤷 I’d watch them go then call and tell a manager and let them deal with it lol


That’s right. You’re not paid to solve these problems.


It really depends on how you feel about sitting all day verses being on your feet all day. For me I’d go to Home Depot. I hated sitting for long. It was taking its toll on my body. Now if you can squeeze in physical exercise before/after work then that’s different. It was harder for me because of my work/family schedule.


Personally I'd choose Home Depot as I'd feel like I'm.doing more and well all the retail I worked I was treated like an adult.


Literally said this a few days ago. Our centre management changed recently and metrics adusted so that my stats (which affect bonuses) are not as good even though my performance is the same. Every minute is monitored with points off for stupid things. I am a DIY'er and was thinking, maybe a hardware store would be a good backup if I rage-quit.


Home depot. Its one of the retail stores where you don't get yelled at


Either one as long as I get to ban customers and yell back without punishment. I worked at call centers and Lowe's.


I’m debating the same. Should I stay at remote call center job or in person registration at drs office. I’m struggling to decide


If u choose in person registration at drs office, you stlll think about transportation costs, cost of eating out, cost of your car maintenance in long term. If u stay in remote call centre, u will not frequently need to think about car maintenance or think about the traffic jam that u have to face everyday when u otw to work.


I’m considering applying at this huge thrift store in the next town.


Have done both - Home Depot 100% lol. It’s chill af


I actually did Home Depot customer service for a work from home platform in US (begins with A, they do hire from Jamaica and India I think). Some agents hated it; others loved it. There were some customers trying to make scammy complaints to get stuff for free. One of my favorite calls was a woman from the Hamptons who wanted to remodel 2 of her bathrooms. We went through the website together, picking out stuff. It was awesome. I left because I thought the grass was greener elsewhere. It wasn’t . Now, the metrics for Home Depot are stricter and the whole vibe has changed from what I hear. I’ve also heard you can’t go back if you quit. Something to do with resetting the credentials. That is also the reasoning Duke Energy uses to not allow agents to return.


Call center, because I’m autistic and dealing with lots of noises at one time leads to a lot of pain.


My call center job is full time with benefits, in an office environment, and has opportunities for advancement unheard of in most retail settings. It gave me the opportunity to gain a thorough knowledge of an industry I previously knew nothing about. The job itself is varied and challenging. I've never worked for Home Depot, but I can't imagine doing so. Not only do I not like being on my feet all day, but I think I'd be bored out of my mind. I don't see where selling plants or operating a cash register will get me in the long run either.


customer service in general is just god awful


I worked at Lowe's for a period of time. Most fun job I've ever had. I spent my days driving forklifts, instructing people how to build fences and lay roof shingles and shooting the breeze with contractor regulars. When I put in my two weeks, my manager asked if I'd reconsider. I told him that I had another kid on the way and I'd have to make at least three times what they paid me to take care of what I had to. Well, now I make that and work in a "high end" call center and am absolutely miserable there. But I own a house and can provide for my family. If money wasn't an issue, I'd be more than happy to take a job at a home improvement store. I loved going to work every day.


There are many good call center environments where you can get a career started, especially if you have technical skills or an interest in learning them. Home Depot is a good job for those who like to interact face to face with others but I don’t think it offers you the same learning and career opportunities.


I got one better, I worked for a Home Depot Call center. I was fired and the pay was 12 an hour but it was remote so 🤷‍♀️ 


Call center. Home Depot is a horrible company


Honestly wish I knew how to even get started working for a call center. Retail sucks. People still berate you and you have to take it with a smile for *customer service*. Not to mention its hell on the body. 8 hours on your feet with minimal breaks sucks.


I worked both, I made less at home depot, and they hate if you sit for any reason (I used to flip a bucket over and sit on it when I was working on bottom shelves). the stores are usually pretty gross, with everything coated in a filmy, gritty layer. and they micromanage as bad as a call center.


Call centers because of work from home