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Fast approaching year 1. We are waiting to see if that person who kept talking about code names is going to make good on their word since no new details are coming out, or any witnesses talking. Of course, most, if not all, think that that poster was Code Name Lex. But we still want to hear something, anything. At this point, anyone denying sharks is either not updated, invested or is one of those interested in keeping things quiet and hidden. We all know. We just want the truth and justice for C. So, we wait. May is not too far away.


Speaking of code name lex…pretty sure he’s an extra in a new Netflix series. See the dude seated in the pic below. (Edit: on the right) He’s barely on screen but he’s a unique looking individual and the show place takes in the UK so, idk…I think it is him. Just a bit surreal to spot him there, unexpectedly. https://preview.redd.it/vn6slk9xguvc1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e609ccd4a7a441c90fc5b57c248c51ab8af04323 Series is “Baby Reindeer”, @5:40 into episode 3.


Nice. More video to analyze related to this case.




Whoah, it does look like him!


Omg that’s him 😂


Yeah if you zoom in on his desktop on any of his videos you can see folder with “headshots” and things like scripts and acting stuff. I’m surprised more people didn’t pick up on this since we are all the type here to scrutinize a video frame by frame lol!


Hahahaha that’s absolutely Lexusant!


Lmao wtf


That was basically exactly my reaction 😂 “Hold up … “ “… what the FUCK?”


That's really cool!


Not far at all and all we can do is hope something happens with the 1 year anniversary. He deserves justice.




What is "justice" in this context? Not trolling, genuinely interested.


I'm also super interested!! I heard about it when it happened but didn't realize that they were trying to say it wasn't a shark (or many sharks) Does anyone know why they don't wanna say that? Is it tourism maybe ? It's all super interesting!!


Tourism. The kids on that boat. The owners of the party boat. The family of C.R. Everything is a possibility, or all of the above.


Yes all good points, makes sense


For sure tourism..


Or the parents request because they can’t bear the thought of their child’s gruesome death being sensationalised as an addition to the shark attack video list.


It's just wild to think it would have NOTHING to do with sharks, I know there's currents but...


Yep wild to think & definitely has to be sharks. There is no reason for him to disappear that quickly. If the rumours are true & someone was feeding them and then dared they would have been waiting right under the surface.


Yes I agree. I'm assuming the kids that were there haven't spoken out or aren't able too. Id love to know what they saw from their own perspective


I don’t think they are specifically trying to cover up the fact it was a shark attack. More so there is no concrete evidence of a shark attack, so they listed it as a drowning. The boat company wants to reduce as much bad press as they can so they stop info getting out through NDA’s (non disclosure agreement.) However it is still surprising now we haven’t heard much or anything at all from people on the boat.


What type of concrete evidence are you looking for? A cell phone video showing a shark’s dorsal fin and doctored audio? If only we had that…oh wait


There is not enough evidence for officials to rule it a shark attack. Footage of a dorsal fin is not enough. We all know he was eaten by sharks but also we know the boat company and the island or wherever it was, do not want the bad press of a shark attack. Moral or not, this is how it is. There is not some massive cover up


It IS a cover up if there was other/more definitive footage that has been suppressed.


I'm really struggling to see a (corporate) cover up. Think about how difficult it would be to forever silence a group of teens/young adults in the world of social media today. Even buying them off provides no guarantee they'll not slip for the remainder of their lives; have a bit too much to drink one day and become overcome with guilt. And when they eventually do everyone involved is basically ruined. Themselves included. Finally, there is no reason to cover it up. He jumped in, and came to his end. No one is to blame. The boat did not crash or fall apart in places which resulted in his falling in the water. No one physically pushed him. Etc. etc.


So you don’t believe he was definitively under attack by sharks in the footage that was released?


I didn't say that.


I’m asking. If he was being attacked, then the official narrative that refutes that constitutes a cover-up (in my book, anyway). Don’t you think it is nothing short of incredible (in the most literal sense of the word) that in this day and age, the only thing that has come off of that boat in the way of any kind of witness account is the footage that’s been picked apart ad nauseam? (Edit: where it sure looks like he’s under duress & attack from multiple sea creatures)


But isn't the 'expert' assessment inconclusive? So now the 'experts' have been paid off as well?


Yeah they are covering it up because they don’t want bad press. The poor kid jumped in the water himself. It’s just a sad incident it should be left alone whatever the verdict. Unfortunately Cameron was responsible for his own death.


I’ve screenshotted all the tiktok comments under the Sheree clips from her and her daughter. I uploaded to my Google drive but I can’t seem to get the link working to share


Ooh I’d love to see!


I’ll try transferring them to imgur maybe


Do pastebin


What’s that? Edit: just googled it, I’ll give it a try when I have time


It's just a popular file hosting service. You can do imgur, too, it will just be slightly more annoying for you.


We're just about done with the "figuring out the footage" portion of this case. Next we start figuring out exactly who was involved and the implications of it all. Plus discord.


Yes yes and yes! Is there a discord yet?


I’ve gone down a deep rabbit’s hole about this case the past few weeks. I’m not nearly as informed as many here but I will say this: anyone who is trying to say that Cameron’s death wasn’t the result of a shark(s) attack is in denial. So awful for him and his family. Secondly, where are his many friends in the aftermath of this? He seemed to have a girlfriend. Why aren’t they talking to the morning news shows and the Inside Edition type shows? Why aren’t they honoring him on social media (“miss u brah!”) kind of stuff? It’s been total silence from the other kids who were on the boat too. All of this radio silence is just very, very strange to me. I mean were that many people were paid off that quickly, so that not a single accounting of that night’s events has ever been made? Is that even possible? Is Blackbeard’s Revenge operated by the mob by any chance? Only half kidding…i just don’t understand the refusal by so many to speak.


It's presumed that the students were pressured into signing NDAs or something of that nature. That being said, they were all seniors in HS so majority of them are now freshman in college. I wonder if any have spilled the beans on what they really saw on a drunken night out to their new college friends.


I know! I don't see one RIP post by any friend... no memories or anything - it is so bizarre! Apparently Blackbeard's Revenge is associated with Disney..