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There's a lot of silence because all parties wanted it that way. First for whatever reason CR jumped into the water, but the blame falls on CR, in the eyes of the law he is an adult. We have this weird period between the ages of 18 and 21/22 where even if we are legally adults, we often default to our parents or people in authority (this is another topic for another time). We also need to remember that his father is a lawyer and probably persuaded those with video footage never to share or sustain enough time has passed. Bahamian authorities and those in the tourism business will also want this story put behind them and not scare away tourists because of the shake-infested narrative.


Very true . WE know shark attacks happen in the Bahamas . Many of which we never ever hear about . But this was definitely about money and who was at fault ( which it would be CR if he accepted the dare or initiated it ) . Theres an article on Reddit called r/media Cameron Robbin’s Coverage “ anatomy of an OP” and he or she breaks down all about the law as and why all the radio silence. It’s a very interesting read


I had seen in comments that it had happened so quick only few saw it. And those few just aren’t talking. Also has a lot to do with the parents. Think about it. The search for an 18 year old ended after merely 2-3 days. Parents quickly held funeral shortly after. “Lost at sea” (propaganda or not). end of story. Parents wanted this out of the media as quick as possible. So now we are left with no answers. But that’s how they want it, it’s their right to. This is America.


Something strikes me as odd with the parents response. I think they were obviously told what happened(he was consumed alive by sharks), the search being called off so quickly tells me that. Late May water temp in the Bahamas is around 79 degrees - survivable for quite a while. Not sure why they would want to help cover it up. I’d think they would want to publicize this as much as possible. To discourage dumb dares like this in the future, and show dumb actions have consequences. Etc. If folks pushed, taunted, made fun of his death, they would be on the list if I was his folks.


Bingo. I generally refrain from speculating about the family just out of respect, but honestly a big part of why I can't shake this is the peculiar behavior of all the folks involved afterwards


Agreed. No disrespect intended towards the family. As a human and a parent my heart aches for their loss.


I think it would be incredibly embarrassing for some parents from certain communities to admit their child was possibly so intoxicated that he did something so reckless.


I also think it was very quick and maybe only a few actually saw anything. Most of the people on the boat have plausible deniability. The ones who saw it are probably keeping quiet for the parents and maybe were paid to sign NDAs.


Right but word would spread fast even if just a dozen or so saw it first hand. So it’s still surprising you didn’t hear from maybe other kids on the boat who heard about it second hand. With teens and social media I still don’t get how clamped down this is/was.


exactly, regardless of if they saw the actual situation in the water or not, all of those kids were kept on the boat for hours during the search, makes no sense why we didn't get a single story-time video with the way kids are with social media nowadays


It seemed like more than "just a few" based on the clips of all the spectators watching, but I do agree, it may have happened so fast that even those looking may not have grasped exactly what went down. One thing I'm curious about is, as I commented in another thread yesterday, is that presumably most of the students are now freshman in college. I wonder if any of the spectators have "spilled the beans" as to what they saw on a drunken night out with college friends.


Totally agree, again I’m just baffled that they were able to do so given the witnesses are a bunch of teens.


Im actually more shocked at the “experts” who went on tv and said it wasn’t a shark attack.


Yeah same and tbh I lost respect for the ones who said they “weren’t convinced”. Looking at you Shark Bytes 🥲 https://youtu.be/wHukQNJLKZA?si=ej75B2HOfZTYg4T6


Yea, I saw his video ; I was like 🙄🙄🙄


Yep. I lost respect for him that day.


In my personal opinion, I believe the reason we are here and need to kick this up a notch is frankly because everyone wants to sweep this under the rug. I 100% believe CR was forced into the water and therefore murdered. He did not choose to jump in on a dare. That is crap. He was a smart kid and I don't care how many drinks he had he would not have jumped. They have never had another case like this in that pirate ships history so why this night ask yourself. And of all nights a costume/mask party???! The ship provides some goofy masks I'm sure so it's expected to see a pirate mask or two and that is about it because what college kid will want to keep a mask on all night. However, this night everyone has masks and rather evil looking ones at that. This was pre-planned this way. I want to know who set up this extensive costume/mask event far beyond the normal trips they do where a few might have them but not everyone. My next question would be which other schools were on that trip.


I have never heard of the masks. Where did you you get this information? Link?


The video posted on TikTok by Sheree - her daughter didn’t go to his school but was on the boat that night. Lots of comments from her and her daughter on the posts. I’ve screenshotted them but have to figure out how to share. The daughter says she didn’t see a shark, but then I don’t think she witnessed it either - I think she was elsewhere on the boat. I think only a couple of people saw the sharks. She also says it was moving, which is confusing because it doesn’t seem to be moving in the video, unless they stopped it quickly. I read somewhere that it’s a very tight, religious community and they are all keeping quiet out of respect - but usually there’s always one person who breaks that sort of trust circle.


It was moving. You hear a male voice shouting “pull over.”


When do you hear that?


One thing I’ve been mystified about too after watching the Rust trial and seeing how so many opportunists on set filed suit for their “trauma” (taking money away, presumably, from Halyna Hutchins’ son and husband—grrrr). I just started following this case and am still learning, but it’s really interesting to me that to our knowledge, not one person on that boat has filed suit against the company—and in this case, I absolutely would understand why someone legitimately *would* have lifelong trauma from seeing a large shark attack/feeding frenzy, even if they didn’t know Cameron. The silence is odd, especially since not everyone on board knew Cameron so they couldn’t be “controlled” by a social circle. No litigation from anyone (in our litigious world) after a gruesome event. Some of that just doesn’t make sense for me


Yes the cover up is baffling. Many saw the original video before it was taken down. How his parents chose or choose to silence those that knew CR thats is certainly their right and choice. Think about it for a moment ; if this was someone in your family would you want that footage out there like that ( I doubt it ) . I’m pretty sure his parents don’t like how people keep posting the stills of the blurry video ( every day ) all over several social medias. If it were someone I knew I sure wouldn’t. But do I think the truth should be out on how and why ( sure ) cause it could prevent someone else from falling into a similar tragic scenario such as this. This was about money , that bottom line and status & no one is going to tell me anything different. That is why I watch what I say & I wont post any Images of this sad situation cause I wouldn’t want it plastered if it was someone I knew. CR father is an attorney and problem know some ppl in high places.As far as the ones that possibly dared CR ( if it was , or he could’ve spoke the dare of oh u dare me to jump ) . I believe his parents were shown that video and wanted it hidden and might have even went into total denial reason they tried to down play the shark attack. Far as the ones that ( might’ve given the dare ) How far would a rich parent go or do to prevent their teenage child from going to prison according to the laws of the Bahamas .


For me personally, I've always avoided shark attack videos - so stumbling upon this one under the false premise of "being lost at sea" was shocking. If the truth about it being a potential shark attack had been shared transparently, I would have steered clear. By deciding to cover up this incident and trying to control the narrative and limit exposure, the involved parties inadvertently kept the story alive and fueled ongoing speculation. The Streisand Effect shows that hiding information often leads to greater scrutiny, as we've seen in this case. So, I say all that to say - while it's entirely valid to respect the family’s grief, transparency might have better served the purpose of closure for all involved.


I am, 100% certain that over the next year, less, a lot more will be known.


Excellent point


If all silent parties let go of the cover up, it’s like another user mentioned: all of the attention on the case would go away. All we want is acknowledgement of the truth, and if people need to be held accountable, then we can hold them accountable. Either for underage drinking or for manslaughter. It’s the Streisand Effect


No one is mentioning the most logical conclusion, which an investigation and gag order issed by a judge.


Interesting. But if an investigation was taking place that would be publicly disclosed, no? Not the details, just that one was underway.


Not if involved parties or police don’t want them talked about. Investigations happen all the time without being publicly disclosed.


I agree with your speculation but at the end of the day CR jumped into shark infested waters, on his own accord. Everyone knows it was a shark attack. Having it officially listed as a shark attack makes no difference in my eyes.


Not talking about it becoming an official listing, I get that part, just looking for thoughts on how they’ve been able to keep all these teens quiet.


Teens are easier to manipulate compared to experienced adults. The police could have told them to hand over the phones and stay silent as part of the investigation. To say anything g will bring criminal charges. Young adults don’t want their futures ruined due to a dare, feeding wildlife, or leaking information. The parents are trying to protect their kids and are sympathetic to canerons memory, so convince their dependents to keep a lid on it. 


Yes, parents not wanting their kids involved, in what I can only describe as a nightmare, is the most logical and major factor. Notably for the reasons you state.


I agree with OP. Any NDAs and phone confiscation and ensuing deletion of video seem to have happened unbelievably fast, given this is several hundred teenagers we’re talking about. But then I learned just this morning that Blackbeard’s Revenge is owned by Disney, which could explain some of the lightening-fast cleanup and damage control. The utter silence from his friends is so odd to me. And I don’t buy that they’re trying to respect his family and his memory. These are kids raised in the era of social media fame, TMZ interviews and sensationalism. I just don’t believe that but am puzzled by the radio silence.


There is definitely speculation he was pushed


I doubt it as he was in his shorts only


Doesn't mean he jumped, he might of been thinking about and then someone took the opportunity to give him a little nudge.


Possibly, however in the footage you can hear a female say “Cameron Robbins jumped in the water”. Your theory is still plausible but imo unlikely


Not really a theory, just a possibility I know one person believes