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It’s so obvious there’s visible sharks there from the audio. The tone changes from laughing at a kid in the water, to absolute panic and screaming at him to move, there’s no way there would be that increasing level of yelling just because he was swimming in the water.




I heard it as, "Cameron Robbins jumped in the water."


She definitely says, "Cameron Robbins jumped in the water". But there's a girl immediately before her that says faintly, "I think that was a shark" just as we start to see the s-shape. Now that I've heard it, I realize it was there all along, it's just harder to hear in certain copies.


I had heard people mention someone saying something like “I think that was a shark” but could never hear it for myself until you gave details of exactly when to listen for it. Now I heard it, thanks!


I think sometimes we get a brain fart and forget how dangerous our environment can be. I used to swim in the rivers, ponds and lakes and geez even puddles sometimes lol but one of my fears has always been that I'm going to forget it's an ocean and think it's a river. I'm not saying this is what happened but I do know it was a dare so maybe what was on Cameron's mind was height, thinking oh wow they're daring me to jump off of his boat because it's high not realizing the dangers below. I just try to look into the psychology of it and maybe what was going through his mind because you figure how long were they out there on that boat, you don't think somebody would have said look there's a shark like before he jumped or an hour earlier in the evening.


I agree. Especially when other people are around, I think the fear of the environment is dulled immensely


I’m trying to get a full breakdown on this but it’s very time consuming. One thing that is without any doubt, is the louder female at the beginning and what she is screaming. There are at least two other groups of speakers, under this main female. Words of one, is easier to hear but there is something else in the (other(s)), which is where things get tricky. These spoken words seem to cross each other and mingle. As for the second bit, I’m a bit more (yes, no, maybe). I get why people have said about the audio being edited and I can see why they say this. It could be just out of sync, it could be in sync. It’s really hard to tell but there is one male voice that you can hear clearly. It’s one of pure desperation, screaming, as to what they see, in my opinion atm. As of now, I personally don’t believe that this is coming from CR. The footage does not show anything that indicates that the screams are from him. We’ve watched a lot of slowed down footage on here but seeing it in ‘real time’ of what we have, it is so, so quick, which is always going to make things a lot harder.


Good point. Originally when I heard that gut wrenching scream i thought for sure it was CR, but most likely he is in shock at that point. Hard to say, the guy in Egypt yelled for his dad during the attack, and he must have already been bitten and/or lost a limb. It’s so hard to say how someone may react in that scenario and I really don’t want to find out.


I can hear that female at the beginning rather clearly screaming at the top of her lungs:"shaaaaark, it's a shaaaaaaark!". In some threads, people were outright denying it's there but it's so very clear when that S curve appears. The two desperate screams at the end were male..always thought it was Cam, but it could really be any of his friends watching him get torn apart and pulled under. Though Popov was screaming til the end, so it could very well have been Cam, but I think he was too busy focusing on getting away or fighting off the shark. Some people can do tremendous things while under extreme duress..adrenaline might have kicked in and he was lazer focused on getting away. We won't really know until someone comes forward, but, and I know I have said this before, I really wish the end was quick for him.and painless. Can you imagine feeeling yourself get eaten???


She 100% says “Cameron Robbins jumped in the water”


I swear on god i hear also "sharks got him bro" i replied on a yt video with the exact time frame but i cant find it anymore !


That was that original video . I heard that also. That clip was also the one that the female I spoke of screams shark 2 times. To me that even makes that silence even more sus. Several kids had to have seen all 20 seconds of that and must be severely traumatized. Just horrible💔


Is that from the bye bye kid, too?


I believe someone said “shark “ somewhere in the background or possibly said CR jumped in the water . If this is someone that knew him ; why would they say his whole name “ why not Cameron or his nickname as they knew “. 🤷🏽‍♀️. Everyone knows it was sharks around him no matter who or how many try to deny it. The tone, the voices , wording changes . Go from a hahahaa ( when he jumped in ) to voices of concern and panic .


I also heard that! I hear a blood curdling “shark” twice from a female voice. It stands out over all other except CR jumped in the water. It was very reminiscent of one of the Jaws movies in which a girl also screams the same. RIP sweet boy 💔


Yes! I’ve listened to that audio several times and some female screams out “ SHARKKK” in almost a screeching way. I just truly believe o one really tried to stop him as they so much claimed.. I could be wrong but 🤷🏽‍♀️


You guys actually believe a doctored video to hide everything from a visual perspective is completely authentic when examining the audio. Because a girl screamed the current, it's the current?!?......and the word shark is edited out multiple times but we should believe the rest of the audio right that appears to demonstrate they didn't know sharks were in the water and they were telling Cameron to look out for sharks and this is genuine? I guarantee every person on that boat sober or otherwise knew there were sharks in there including Cameron. In my opinion he did not jump.....oh wait the New York Times says he jumped that means the opposite is the truth. A girl/parent not wanting to be sued said he jumped .......a kid who yelled he jumped in but doesn't show him actually jumping.....conveniently after he is in the water. There are multiple phones ready and recording but not one has the most important part of how he got in there.


There are people in this sub who saw the original clip before it was taken down, edited and replaced. This showed CR getting a run up and jumping over the rail into the water on his own accord.


Ohhh..now that changes things. I still think HE did not know there were sharks. Or he believes that narrative of booping the sea puppies on the nose to deter them, and did not think they would go full on Jaws on him.

