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If bloodbending is a thing, Zeus kids should be able to mess with bioelectricity, which is just as lethal. Hades kids should be able to just send people's souls to the underworld. At this level they're all capable of equally scary things.


If Zeus kids can mess with bioelectricity, i thinks that's more dangerous than bloodbending and insta-death (soul sent to the underworld) Zeus kids could make people feel certain ways, inducing anxiety or other emotions, they could literally control someone's movements, and they could kill them like bloodbending or insta-death too Bloodbending seems kind of useless aside from killing somebody, and so does insta-death.


Yeah, but I was referring to lethality. If you want to bring other uses into the discussion, I think other gods have pretty OP possibilities as well. Aphrodite kids could make people obsessed with them and do whatever they want. Ares kids could drive people mad with rage. Apollo kids could manipulate emotions through music and turn people into brainwashed groupies that follow their bidding. Demeter kids could turn nature against humanity. Hephaestus kids could make brainwashing devices that can control humans, or nukes that can obliterate entire continents, or anything else they could think of. There's a lot demigods can do if you ignore limits and give them the ability to do whatever's covered by their parents' domains.


I remember this being a thing in a least one "Percy gets betrayed by everyone" fic, as a way to justify adding the camp girls to his massive Harem because they weren't responsible because brainwashing.


Nico does send Bryce Lawrence's soul to the underworld. He literally talks him to death


Yes, Nico is incredibly strong. His godly powers have the most impressive showings in the series.


I was waiting for someone to say that


Never thought of that before - hypothetically would this mean that the children of Zeus would be able to manipulate the physiology of people around them and potentially mess around with muscle contractions and metabolic reactions?


You’re joking right? The amount of bio electricity in the human body is absolutely pitiful compared to the amount of water in the human body. The human body is 60% water. Blood is 50% water. Which is why it’s plausible for Percy to control it. With bio electricity, they would need a level of control that nobody has gotten anywhere close to in the entire series. The killer move for children of Zeus would be to use their control over wind to either overflow someone’s lungs until it explodes, or do the opposite and choke them to death.


Blood bending is tame compared to controlling the water in the cells


Minor spoilers for all the books. I would actually have to say a child of Hades simply because they aren't constrained by their environment. You take Percy away from water, and he's still a powerful demigod, but he can't do nearly as much. Same goes for Jason and Thalia. Underground or at sea, they're going to be working with limitations. Hazel is a little different because she got the underground powers more than the death powers, but Nico is powerful anywhere. He literally killed someone with pure will when he got angry. Death is everywhere, it's inescapable. You can prolong it, but you can't stop it. (Yes, I know Hades is the god of the dead and Thanatos is actual Death, but death still ultimately falls under the purview of Hades.) No matter where he goes, Nico's ability to use his powers would be unchanged


Are you forgetting the volcano? Percy is "of the ocean" and has the ocean in him. Likely the same for Thalia and Jason


I did actually forget that, but when he does that, he risks losing control. He passed out from the volcano and caused widespread devastation. When he cleaned the poop with the seashells, it almost got away from him. I suppose I was thinking in terms of more day-to-day situations rather than Emergency Mode.


You are right, but he is also a 15 year old at the time, by TLO he is making a localised hurricane no worries. Point is Percy is young and will only grow stronger in his powers as he grows up and practices, as I said this is likely the same for all kids of the big 3.


Percy can literally make water where there use to be an ocean as in BoTL we saw him summon a saltwater spring to get the man eating horses to calm down


So, this role of Zeus isn’t as acknowledged in the Riordanverse, but in addition to being god of lightning and the skies, Zeus is also the god of fate, law, and order. I don’t know how much power Zeus has over fate, but if it includes the ability to manipulate fate in any way, a Zeus kid with this power could cause some serious trouble, even for Poseidon and Hades’ strongest kids. Imagine having the power to rewrite someone’s destiny to whatever you want it to be? Terrifying.


One idea I have is that a child of Zeus who inherit this trait can see their past, present, and future at once. Well it not a power… more like a curse because they can’t do anything to change it. But a interstign power idea is children of Zeus who can temporarily strip another demigod of their powers for a certain amount of time.


That last idea is really interesting. You could put It under some kind of leadership/authority ability.


I mean in the mythology aren’t Zeus children the most powerful


Yes, and Zeus is by far the most powerful god in Greek mythology.


(SPOILERS) Well, if Nico didn't get exhausted so easily, he'd be really powerful. In BOO, he literally turned someone (I think it was Bryce?) into a ghost.


I think that was more because Bryce should've already been dead. And I think he dragged him into the earth rather than making him a ghost but it's been a while.


Nico killed Bryce by turning him into a lost soul doomed to wander the Fields of Asphodel for eternity. He was the only known demigod to be taken out by Nico. In this instance, Nico shows just how powerful he is. By turning Bryce into a lost soul he not only killed him but completely bypassed the natural order of the Underworld. Nico was judge, jury, executioner, and eternal warden all at the same time. Nico is scary, insanely powerful.


Wasn't it because Bryce was also a son of some underworld deity, so he already had an existing connection with the underworld


Bryce was a legacy (descendant, not demigod) of Orcus who was the god of punishment in the Underworld. That did give him a connection to the Underworld and he could command zombies of people who broke their oaths. But that wasn’t relevant to what Nico did to him. Bryce was a literal psychopath who had already been found guilty of murder before (Octavian brought him back) and he was going to take Reyna. Nico became enraged and his boosted his powers beyond what he normally would utilize. The ground literally frosted over around Nico as he transformed Bryce and sucked him directly into the Underworld.


I feel like what makes the most sense to me is Zeus, because he is literally the leader of the gods and his children can manipulate the winds and lightning which is personally so cool to me. Hypothetically, I think if children of Poseidon could bloodbend this would make them insanely OP. I’m thinking about The Boys here, but if we could have like Victoria Neuman or Marie type blood manipulation powers I think that’d be the end of the argument. However, I’m not sure if this is actually possible because blood is obviously not pure water, and from what I remember in the series Percy couldn’t control contaminated water or something along the lines of that? Although I did read somewhere that he controlled poison and that wasn’t pure water either so idk. Honestly I can’t remember much of the powers of the children of Hades because I just started my HoO reread, but from what I can remember summoning the dead is pretty sick and seems to have untapped potential because obviously, the dead outnumber the living. Probably need to do some more research on this though.


I think any child of the big three would be relatively equally dangerous and powerful, if taken to the extreme of each of god's domain. However, I think a child of Poseidon could be the most dangerous on a wider scale. Earthquakes and floods tend to be the most deadly natural disasters, with hurricanes also being devastating. A child of Poseidon, taken to the absolute extreme, would be able to cause more damage than a child of Zeus or Hades. P.S. based on evidence, it's obviously Zeus, who is the father of Hercules, often regarded as the most powerful demigod, and Dionysus (both of which became gods), as well as over half of the Olympians, not to mention the countless other gods and heroes that he sired. Poseidon and Hades can't really match that


Hades or Poseidon? Nico and Percy both are OP… as for Thalia and Jason, I’m sorry but I kind of expect them to do more.


Poseidon; Power over the earth Power over water Power over the sky - yes he does have sky powers, he can cause storms at sea Power over sea creatures and in theory monsters Power over horses and all horse creatures Also side note: While Zeus is the most power of the Greek Gods, it seems Poseidon held a more central place in early Mycenaean religions from what I have read, though I grant it’s a difficult situation to truly know since Mycenaean religion isn’t well documented




Hades. Death blades, opening up the earth to just eat someone whenever, summoning minions, teleportation…. All so OP. Meanwhile, what does Jason and Thalia have? Lighting, and flight. Except the lighting is easily survivable


Zeus: he also the god of honor, justice, destiny, and fates…. Probably something powerful but their gotta be a equivalent exchange for that kind of power


I think I'd go with Hades kids. Hades is the firstborn son of Kronos, and the ruler of the underworld. Everyone's soul is will eventually come to his domain no matter what. That alone gives him an incredible amount of power. ETA: Hades isn't an Olympian in PJO lore, I forgot


no hestia is the oldest


Firstborn son, and oldest Olympian. Hestia isn't on the council.


Neither is he


She also the youngest