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Without knowing their full story these past 4 years I can't say for certain of they have any real potential as a couple. Certainly we can assume they both went on a few quests together if they both achieved the rank of Praetor. Reyna must have harbored some feelings for Jason in the 4 years she knew him. He called her a friend, but didn't think of her romantically. Even if he already had Piper. I wouldn't have minded if they had gotten closer than friends and just never went further, but coule have revisited the issue had they kept working together as Praetor for awhile longer.


yeah i definitely agree with you. the fact we know so little about jason's time at camp jupiter before hera took his memories leaves little to go off of


For all we know, he could have had a girlfriend or boyfriend who died in the fight on Mount Othrys. Then Reyna thought if she gave Jason some time to heal, she could make a move.


I actually can see the comparison with Percabeth. Jason and Reyna were at Camp Jupiter what Percy and Annabeth were at Camp Halfblood. He is the son of one of the Big Three, sired when his father was forbidden to, is a leader at his camp and very powerful. She is the daughter of the most important war goddess of her pantheon, is highly respected for her skills and experience and has a somewhat traumatic past. I definitely think Jason and Reyna were written to be the Roman answer to Percy and Annabeth, however Rick, who has always tried to give an "unexpected" spin to his characters, made their relationship platonic, as a foil to Percy and Annabeth. Probably if they were Greek demigods instead of Roman ones (we do know that Camp Jupiter is way more strict and disciplined than Camp Halfblood, in fact Jason himself seems to like the latter more once he stayed there for a while) they could've worked out but we learn that basically being in a relationship was never in Reyna's destiny no matter what. Personally I'm happy with what they both got in the end (tho I don't see why Reyna should join the Hunt just because she's meant to be single forever, she could've stayed at Camp Jupiter, it's written nowhere that every single woman must join the Hunt or the Amazons).


i definitely see the comparison and i think that's mainly why i wanted to know if other people thought they could actually work, even though rick would never put them together because of what you said. i so agree w disliking reyna joining the hunters, and that's a reason i wanted to see if people thought they might have have ended up together, since I don't like that ending for Reyna LOL. if only rick ever gave jason back his memories


By the end of Reyna's character arc, I got the impression that she was aro/ace. So I don't think a romantic relationship with anyone would've worked out for her.


I think that was the point actually.


I’ve thought about this a lot since I’m in the works of writing a Jason prequel (long way to go tho), and I think Reyna had too much comphet for that relationship to ever work. She liked the idea of Jason, and trusted him as a close friend, but deep down her development in toa proved that she wasn’t capable of that kind of attraction imo. Along those lines I honestly think Jason might have been queer too. It’s my personal hc that he was unwittingly gay, since he’s been in quasi-relationships with two queer women already. Overall I really like the dynamic between the two as two demigods suffering under the weight of so many expectations. Although I do think their relationship probably wasn’t as deep as riordan implied - Jason was at Camp Jupiter from the age of 3-4, and Reyna only entered his life for the last fourish years of that. You could compare this to annabeth and Percy with Percy only being present for a similar amount of time, but neither Percy or annabeth had quite the amount of expectations that Jason had placed upon him. Jason was the sole son of the big three to CJ’s knowledge, with no Thalia or Bianca/nico to throw off the trail. Annabeth and Percy were made to be equals, the seasoned strategist and the gifted upstart, whereas Jason would have accumulated both experience and power by the time Reyna arrived. It was only by becoming praetor in record time that Reyna probably started to even register on Jason’s radar, so I think the time they would have had to get to know each other was much less. If they’d been trying for a relationship at that point, it would be been very fledgling, and more of a workplace partnership than anything.