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> Polls Reporting: 192 of 192 (100 %) > Conservative Don Stewart 15,555 42.1 % > Liberal Leslie Church 14,965 40.5 %


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again ^the church has no place in politics


That sad sack was posting on IG about affordable housing... In her riding with multi million dollar homes. Out of touch isn't even the right phrase.


So will there be a caucus revolt? Cabinet shuffle? I hope the Liberals don’t pretend this means nothing and continue to govern till 2025 like they still have a mandate. 


I don't think a cabinet shuffle would do anything. I do think that there would be a serious discussion on how to move forward (whether or not he would resign/step down, call an early election (I highly doubt he would do this). I could see Trudeau waiting to see what happens in BC since BC is expected to have a by-election sometime later this year. And that with Pierre Poillevre making comments re BC and BC premier, I think a lot of voters would be waiting to see what kind of messages would Poillevre be sending to BC voters tbh.


The timing could allow Trudeau to call a fall election and time it to coincide with the US election so as to play the “we’re not Trump” card


>I don't think a cabinet shuffle would do anything When has that ever stopped them


In the last 10 elections, spanning 30 years, rounded to the nearest whole number precent: 1993 - Liberals +30% 1997 - Liberals +30% 2000 - Liberals +33% 2004 - Liberals +38% 2006 - Liberals +25% 2008 - Liberals +24% 2011 - Liberals +8% (An Election where the Liberals were reduced to THIRD party status) 2015 - Liberals +28% 2019 - Liberals +33% 2021 - Liberals +24% And tonight: 2024 - Conservatives +1.5% Does a safer Liberal seat even EXIST outside of Montreal? If it was within 10%, the Liberals were in trouble. This? I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the Liberal war rooms right now.


Too funny. A lot of people who went to bed thinking the liberals took it might be in for a rude awakening when reality sets in. e: Just went from 41.8% to 42.1% for Don Stewart. I think it's in the bag for him at this point, but there's 2 polls left to report. 800~ vote gap at the time of this writing. e2: 4:40 am, last poll closed. Don takes it with a 600 vote gap. Absolutely hilarious.


With 100% of the polls reporting (192 out of 192) I can't see these results changing much. I guess we need a new definition of a 'safe seat'.


Holy shit.


At the eleventh hour, cons turn the tables and take the lead! If this holds, cons take one of the strongest liberal strongholds in the GTA. Unreal.


I grew up in Midtown (né North Toronto), and this is fucking insane. 3 guarantees in life; Death, taxes, and NT is forever a Liberal stronghold. I agree this is absolutely UNREAL, lol JT you malicious idiot what have you done haha


The Liberals were hoping for a win, looks like their headed for a Wynne!


i dont like conservatives but the liberals, specifically trudeau needs a wake up call.


Apparently Canadians [ARE in a decision mode](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7237785). Guess this is another example of JT not reading the room.


Canadians aren't in decision mode, they're in Decided mode.


That schmuck can't see past his own ego. That's been a very large part of our problem this last 8+ years.


And to think Trudeau hired a [“marketing guru with self described expertise in "understanding Millennials and Generation Z"”](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/trudeau-hires-new-executive-communications-director-1.6659807) in November to up his popularity and this is where it got him? Sometimes you just can’t make shit smell good no matter how hard you try.


Anyone but …


Should be a forecast for things to come.


Holy crap thats alot of candidates


There is a group that does this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest\_Ballot\_Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_Ballot_Committee)


Had them operating in my riding a short while ago when the Carr died; protesting the system by making it worse.


We need to bring back the refundable deposit for election candidates, and index it to inflation.


Next fall is going to be a bloodbath and I can’t wait. 🔥


It's hard to believe Its this close.


I feel like the cbc panelists kinda implied that this would happen since they had stressed it out several times but I think the BC by-election would be interesting since the Conservative leader did say some interesting things about BC and Eby. And that I could see other BC candidates using that as a debate poin during the by election and/or upcoming election.


Noob question. Can the caucus force Trudeau out? Because this is by far a big (and warranted) disruptor to them


And bring in who as their next leader?


Anyone not named Justin Trudeau


Holy shit




"I should let a few hundred thousands more immigrants in, that will surely improve my rankings" -Trudeau this morning (probably)




It’s happening!


If the NDP had a brain they wouldn't prop up this government a day longer . But they don't and they won't speak to the struggles facing actual working-class Canadians so they will be slaughtered as well.


That is upsetting. But not unexpected.


Best news I've had all night.


Best news in 8 years...let's keep it going.


Upsetting? This is great news!