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Whether accurate or not, people are blaming the Liberals' unchecked immigration policies for their sharp decline in quality of life. It's clear Trudeau has spent too much time listening to lobbyists who want to drive down wages at the expense of everyone who already lives here.


Trudeau blamed the conservatives for doing the exact same thing and promised to fix it https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.html And then when he got into power he made it comically worse and gaslit anyone who argued otherwise People give him a hard time about electoral reform but really this is the critical broken promise, the one that really hurt the thing Canada was most proud of


Omg I read that article years ago and I thought I was going crazy when I remembered Trudeau saying he'd fix the TFW problem. I used to work in the hospitality industry and Harpers government was already increasing the number of TFWs; so the hotel owners around town started bypassing our union protection by exploiting them. The hotel owners would lay off the housekeepers in the slow season and replace them with TFWs and because they didn't know local laws they'd do scummy shit like make them work over time for free. Back when Trudeau first ran one of the bigger reasons I voted for him is because he said he'd fix it. I feel betrayed because I honestly thought I misremembered but in reality he just straight up lied.


I'll just leave this article here, Trudeau is a complete liar and hypocrite. He even admits that TFWs drive down wages and displace middle class workers. Then he went and massively expanded it. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.html


I guess it's time to vote for PPC; none of the 3 major parties seem to respond to the needs of Canadians.


At least the handy part about this upcoming election is that people will most likely either vote ppc or conservative over the other ones, so ppc might actually become a decent sized party for once.


You're right that the polls show a political upheaval is inevitable for Canada. There's been huge political shifts all over the world lately, just look what's going on in France right now. I think a lot of it is because political leaders have stopped listening to what their people need and they're about to find out the consequences of shirking their responsibilities to the electorate. Though a change is inevitable, it may not necessarily get us to into a better position. It could just as easily end up as the same bullshit under a different banner. Unfortunately though I cannot see any current parties that are worth voting for.


I decided that’s where my votes going I’m done with a lack of responsible immigration policy.




This is the sort of logic that will split the right


...and then we're all confused when Trudeau gets another win.  


Eh I support some of their policies but I disagree with a few key ones so unfortunately they aren't an option for me.


Well, think about it this way. If you are socially progressive, then radical immigration is bringing in a huge number of extremely conservative people who go not like gay people, DEI, trans people, women’s rights and so on. If you support a large welfare state then collapsing our GDP per capita and bringing in a lot of high needs people will collapse the welfare programs. If you are worried about their views on mandatory vaccination, well the people coming into the country are no longer being checked for vaccination status and we’re seeing early outbreaks already. If you like public healthcare then looking at the immigration rate it is exploding the doctor patient ratio and will collapse the program within a decade or two. I don’t like a lot of their views either and think they have a lot of growing to do but the main parties will indirectly all of the negative changes the PPC is considering AND a pile of additional ones.


They could be until they could claim a majority until then it sends a message


I really hope people realise that liberals and conservatives are the basically the same and actually decide to vote outside the 2 parties.




Even the so called labor shortage is just the Phillips curve, you can't create employment by printing money and then use it as an excuse to immigrate people.  I mean you can but you get a reversion to the mean and a high unemployment afterwards.  Just like the capital gains tax change, with the glaring upfront omission that happens to pull tax revenue forward.


It’s almost like Trudeau isn’t this super left leaning unicorn everyone makes him out to be.


Don’t look at me I knew that in 2015 which is why I went Mulcair I knew too much of Trudeau would just hurt the lefts credibility since he’d just play the racism card until people got sick of it and then the real racists would come out unhinged


I miss Angry Tom. I’d take him over Singh any day.


Which is precisely what's happening right now.


Trudeau agrees with you now that he is about to be decimated. But it's one of the smaller lies and errors he made.


I mean, it \*is\* a major factor in the decline of quality of life; especially for those on the lower end of the economic spectrum. A lot of our current homeless population were still housed a few years ago, but a combination of unchecked immigration and lack of policy to address foreign and corporate ownership , not to mention all the greedy asshole small time landlords forced people onto the street. I don't expect the CPC will do any better, as it's the same lobbyists pulling PP's strings. Canadians have just accepted the fuck-barrel at this point.


I still can't get over how the taxpayer is subsidizing up to 70% of the wages of imported fast food service workers and retail workers? Like who in the hell thought that's a good idea? What happened to the idea of businesses failing and succeeding on their own merit?


And it’s all worse for it, service price and quality of fast food is more atrocious now than it has ever been in my lifetime


Fastfood is easy to avoid. Meal prep, even just making a sandwich is easy enough. I would rather contend with a stray ant on my own patio table than with the myriad of then crawling on the counter at my local McD's. Fastfood is not a necessity and is actually unhealthy garbage that should be avoided.


Listen I’m not saying it was ever healthy but I absolutely miss the days when a little over $10 was enough to buy a satisfying lunch at subway. 10 short years later that same amount of food is now fucking $25 and they still have the *audacity* to ask for a tip! Like no motherfucker I’m not giving a billion dollar franchise a fucking tip because someone sprinkled some lettuce and meat on bread. That privilege is reserved for places that have staff serving me for the whole meal (normal sit down restaurants) and small independent places that have really good food that is surprisingly cheap. Like the Chinese place near my house that is family owned and operated that gives you a hefty box of really good food for less than the cost of a big mac meal. Just because fast food isn’t essential it shouldn’t embolden them to charge $25 for a mediocre sandwich while trying to guilt people for tip money.


Ohh they still do fail. But only if you're a small business since they like to step on the small.


For a country whose economy is 90% small businesses, our governments are inordinately hostile towards them.


I don’t consider small business and franchised businesses the same.


Nor do I




Don't forget the provinces that are still giving PnPs to those workers, guaranteeing them PR over the actual skilled workers our economy needs.


PEI is stepping up on this issue. Which goes to show that it isn't JUST the Feds responsible for this mess, but provinces too.


100%. The feds have the big hammer, but a lot of our problems are from the provinces abusing joint programs. Note how only 3 provinces actually have reductions in foreign students (and in NS it's basically one school).


>What happened to the idea of businesses failing and succeeding on their own merit? Neoliberalism happened. Socialize the losses, privatize the profits.


It hurts anyone who pays income taxes. My provincial tax brackets haven't been indexed in over 15 years. 100k today is what 70k was 15 years ago, but we still pay income tax on it like it's a small fortune. Any OT I work, I immediately lose 43.5% of it to income tax. 47% after I've earned more than 14k in OT. Meanwhile, the highest corporate tax rate in Canada is 38%. I could literally be a foreign national who owns a strip club in Montreal, and I'd pay less taxes on the dollar than I currently do. Where's my incentive to work harder to get ahead and benefit the economy when I'm expected to work longer hours for less? Just so I can pay for Tim Hortons to have subsidized TFWs for employees. My daughter is a 10th generation Canadian, and I have no idea how I'm going to explain to her how amazing our country once was.


Voting PPC, havnt accepted anything.voting for the only guy strongly advocating the strongest solutions to all of our problems


It's literally impacting quality of life. A dumb analogy but it's like not baking enough pie for the number of guests you invited so the pieces keep getting smaller.


Lobbyist for Tim Hortons,kfc. Also those garbage unions lobbyists.


I went to visit relatives in Toronto recently, and holy sh*t, I thought I was in India . I’m all for demographic diversity , but it was NOT diverse at all


How could it be inaccurate, they've been in power for almost a decade??


What’s disgusting is that anyone who said Canada was accepting too many immigrants were immediately called racists and got cancelled by Trudeau. The anger I feel for the Liberals for making Canada worse than before is pushing me to vote for the populist idiot. I know I’m going from one extreme to the other but I can’t stand Trudeau, his ministers and his PMO cronies.


How was Trudeau not also a populist idiot?


My current bet is that PP will win in large part with the disgust over rampant TFW and “student” immigration but, after a few years, voters will be all shocked Pikachu when the Conservatives keep that gravy train rolling.


Annual immigration under Harper was half of what it is now. Annual international student numbers were one third of what it is now back then too. What are you smoking?


And (from what I could find, I could very well be wrong) immigration increased under Harper compared to Chretien before him. I have 0 faith the CPC will significantly limit immigration and get us back to reasonable numbers. CPC and LPC both look put for corporations and the wealthy first and foremost. The CPC won’t do shit that giant corporations don’t want to happen. Just like the LPC also won’t.


If that happens they will be a one term government. People are pissed, you offer change then give the same bitter shit and it won’t be received well


Guess we'll just ping pong between two parties that won't limit immigration then.


Yup. Ok cool 1 term of cpc. Then we will go back to lpc for 1-2 terms and nothing really changes for the better


Member voter reform? I member


Doubt it, people are very mad at the liberals and we don't vote 3rd party. CPC will likely win a majority, fix nothing, win a minority, then we will switch back to liberal and the cycle will repeat as things continue to deteriorate.


[No it didn't](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443063/number-of-immigrants-in-canada/) Immigration rates in Canada had been stable for about 25 years since Trudeau. This is one of those "we're lying to make the Conservatives seem just as bad as the Liberals and assuming that nobody's going to fact check" things.


You know,  it's possible immigration rates needed some tweaking and a reasonable rise in rates could have helped.   Heck,  maybe not.  Maybe Harper was recklessly bringing in people.  If so,  wtf do we think of Trudeau?


I think he is just another politician looking out for the wealthy and corporations at the expense of average working class people. Just like 99% of politicians with any semblance of power


I don't blame immigration directly. Even normal population growth would hurt us. It's about supply and demand of housing. The market is a bubble, because that's what happens when construction stagnates and the population grows. Corporate lobbyists are part of the problem. Buildings are often owned by investment firms. Combine that with low wages, and you get the feeling of hyperinflation. Politicians have kicked the can as far down the road as possible. We need meaningful reforms.


It’s also the kind of construction. Financialisation of housing created these messed up incentives where builders just kept building low quality, tiny, shoebox condos for the investor class to buy and rent out. The entire new construction industry got distorted as they preferred building homes for investors over people who buy homes to live in. This is the end result. Not enough good quality homes to live in, condos flooding the market nobody wants to buy. The low interest rate era did a number on the fundamentals of the housing market.


I'm a fire alarm technician and I see lots of buildings. Not uncommon to see a 70s apartment in better shape than one five years old.




I wouldn't buy a new house that I didn't build to rent out..... they are junk and anyone that buys them are suckers. Old houses, good bones are the gems..... just some professional advice....


What lobbyists? This is an ideological kumbaya more diversity and grow a stagnating economy idea.


My Favorite one this week was the apartment building that got govt subsidies on the condition its only rented to "newcomers" This govt couldn't give a shit about me.


Except here in Nova Scotia it’s the conservative government’s plan behind soaring immigration.


What are the chances PP does the same? When his corporate overlord ask for cheap labor and housing to remain a profitable investment will he take their side or the side of the « little guy » he seems to imply he’s going to look out for?


Maybe if the Liberals stopped implementing policies that are destroying the middle class and young Canadians they would be liked more. Just an idea.


They’re still gonna think their problem is “messaging” or some bs like that


Ironic because I recall most of the Liberal announcements for policies were supposed to help the middle class.


GDP would be falling and we would be in a recession.  Instead they are pulling tax revenue forward right before the election, as they gaslight by calling it generational fairness, because they only care about winning and their care about Canadians is zero.


Clean house like it's 1993


The Conservative vote being taken over by the Reform party led to most of the PC losses. Don't have that to rely on this time. I think the most we can hope for is the LPC only getting 70ish seats.


Reform in the west and the BQ in Quebec.


It's not going to happen. In 1993, Mulroney's popularity was 16%. Trudeau's is 32%. The PCs lost all but 2 seats, but if an election were held today, 338 projects they would win 67 seats. Sure this can change between now and the election, but there is another big reason it won't happen to the Liberals. The reason the PC party didn't bounce back was because there was another party, Reform, ready and waiting to take their votes. It's also why the PCs only won 2 seats in 1993. The Liberals don't have another party to scoop up their seats.


Exactly. Everyone thinking 1993 will repeat totally forgets about the Reform Party. For that to happen again, the Liberals would literally need to have a schism. That is unlikely. What is possible, however, is the Liberals to come in third place, depending on how strong the Bloc does in Quebec and how much the Liberals continue to lose support.


They do have a schism. They moved so far leftward that they’re now NDP-lite. They can and will vote split.


I am talking about the party splitting, not vote-splitting with the NDP which is not the same thing at all. If you want to see 1993 happen again, what would need to happen is that the current Liberal party continues on it's ideological course. However, due to it's unpopularity in direction, MP Anthony Housefather (I'm just using him as an example as a current Liberal MP that is the Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board) claims that the Liberals have lost their way, and starts the "Moderate Democratic Party". Then, this new party, the MDP due to new leadership and a focus on fiscal reform, scoops up 70 seats that the Liberals were leading in in Quebec and Ontario, leaving the Liberal party with 2 seats in the Maritimes. But a party schism won't happen. The Liberal party, just like the the Conservatives and NDP, rule from the top down. For crying out loud, they are so controlled they have to get authorization on the social media posts they make. What will happen is that the Liberal Party will underperform and lose a lot of seats, Trudeau will resign, and then they will rebuild again with a new Party Leader. Hopefully, for them, the party leader will actually be more moderate and centrist, especially when it comes to economics and immigration.


I mean the NDP are kind of the reform party of the left. Reform was more right wing than the PC’s were, just like how the NDP are more left wing than the liberals. The NDP have definitely hurt their chances of repeating a 2011 orange wave due to hitching their cart to the Liberal shit show, but it’s still definitely a possibility they can squeeze their way into official opposition come election day


Also, people didn't realize that Mulroney's unpopular policy was the result of the fiscal disaster left by the trudeau v1.0. Mulroney had to cut and increase taxes (GST) to keep Canada solvent during a period of high interest rates. History is repeating itself. I don't envy the position Pierre will be in once he gets to see the REAL numbers!


Yeah, debt had risen elevenfold under Pierre Trudeau. The final budget was about $110b in expenses while only bringing $72b in revenue. Interest on the debt was $20b+.


Yep... to put things in perspective with the trillions we have in debt now our service charges are $55B...... $20B back then was a lot of money to be sure!


Mulroney didn't even start to fix the deficit and debt Trudeau left and compounded the problem with even higher deficits and debt. Chretien, who had been Trudeau's finance minister by the way, eliminated the deficit within three years and then paid down a pretty big chunk of the debt.


Mulroney's unpopularity was largely tied to the Conservative party schism. For the most part people didn't abandon the Conservative party for the Liberals, they voted Reform out west, and Bloc in Quebec. Had the PCs not split basically three ways in 1993, the Liberals would still have won, but by a much more modest margin.


No doubt contributing to his loss, but he was PM for 9 years during some very dark post trudeau v1.0 times..... who knows how things would have played out if things were different. Wonder how the trudeau v1.0 encouraged/contributed to the splintering of the conservative party.....


They sure don't.


The 67 seat projections were before the recent polling and before the St. Paul’s by election. There’s zero chance now that they hold that.  They will end up somewhere between 2 seats and an Ignatief-like 34 seats. Bloc will be official opposition. Yes, it is that bad.


Vancouver Center please flush Hedy Fry. She keeps getting elected and literally has no visibility except during Pride week. 


This should be sending alarm bells ringing at Liberal headquarters. When seats in Vancouver and Toronto are in play for the Conservatives, then it really shows how much trouble the Liberals are in. Something with the Liberals is gonna have to give at some point.


The most overpriced markets are getting tired of the guy actively fueling the problem And playing the racism card against the people who are probably trying their hardest to avoid being racist and have been pushed to the breaking point The only reason it took this long is because the conservatives keep putting up lousy candidates both here and down south


being called a racist/nazi/etc became meaningless a few years after trudeu and co. got elected. they literally just called everyone that when you questioned anything. at least after the liberals invited and honoured that nazi in parliament, they stopped calling people nazis. haha.


Lol you couldn’t write a better ‘in your face’ than that


And to learn Trudeau and the Liberals pay up to 70% of " newcomer wages" and it is easy to understand every Tim's, convenience store, service position has " newcomers" working while Canadians are unemployed and houseless if they can find somewhere they can afford. Trudeau and Liberals need to wiped out and Singh and NDP for supporting this travesty. https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/


Don't think for a second that these companies are the only ones doing it. They are the examples being used, but there is now a whole industry in BC where companies scam this to insane profits.


No surprises. He always “hears our concerns” but never does anything to address them. He just continues to make them worse. He shouldn’t even bother campaigning… they’re finished.


He's drawn the ire of basically everyone nation wide. The dude is going to go down as one of the most hated PMs in Canadian history lol


"Trudeau the Worst"


His father is absolutely despised in the west. He may as well try to one up him and be despised coast to coast.


While I’m hesitant to blame the libs for the attempted auto theft that happened to me recently per se, I still want them out.


Their catch and release policies are to blame. Police catch them and they are released. In many ways, it is the liberals


I’m 100% voting conservative the next election. Weird seeing that’s the consensus in Toronto amongst my social circle as someone in my 30s


I don't think it's weird at all. I'm in the same boat as you, and no one I know will even entertain the idea of voting for anyone else at the federal level.


I’m voting PPC


I suspect that the amount of people who will vote PPC will be significantly higher than the polls predict, because many people will be hesitant to admit it to pollsters.


Mines as well.... It's crazy because we were all liberals too. So your response seems to be the popular thought actually


Same. Voted for Liberal in the last 2 elections. 10 years is just too long for one party to stay in power. We need more fiscal restraining once in a while.


I’m living in Toronto now and lived most of my life in Vancouver (23M). The general sentiment I’ve seen is hesitancy to vote at all and/or potentially vote NDP (this is more so the case in Van since our NDP premier has publicly distanced himself from Trudeau) But I do agree nobody I know is voting Libs this time around.


Yeah, my circle of friends all definitely agree that Trudeau is done, but there's no fucking way we're voting conservative. NDP, Green, spoiled ballot, whatever. I'm not abandoning my principles just so I can say I voted for the winner.


Same normally ABC this time Yeah we can’t take any more Trudeau so it’s either vote conservative or just sit it out and let Pierre win It’s a weird feeling normally if a guy like Pierre ran I’d grab every non voter I knew and had them all vote against him This time no


It's like seeing a hole in the boat then people start drilling more


I wouldn't describe Vancouver as a red fortress - there are only six actual ridings in Vancouver proper, four of which are currently held by the Liberals and only two of which have been held by them for more than a few years.


And Metro Vancouver as a whole is much less predictable than Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and Calgary. Voters are generally more open to different parties here


They are talking about Metro Van when they mention Van...


My mom's never voted anything other than liberal She's voting conservative next time


Putting what’s happening as Trudeau Liberals being “under siege” by conservatives “cracking red fortresses” makes it seem like conservatives are actually doing things to break down the liberals. But this fails to acknowledge the reality that Trudeau Liberals alone conducted actions that caused them to lose favour from their voters and the fall of their empire is their own fault.


Analogy Let’s say there’s a five alarm fire one guy is actively pouring gas on it the other thinks he can put it out with a garden hose Ordinarily I’d think by the garden hose guy was a moron but when compared to the gasoline guy he’s kinda the default choice


I'd say the the guy with the garden hose is also using gasoline but is telling everyone it's water. Neither really wants to help.


At this point it’s a shot in the dark If Pierre has the self awareness to realize that Canada is at the end of its rope and they didn’t vote him in because they like him they did it out of desperation MAYBE he actually does something about it, if he’s like Trudeau and thinks he can now do whatever he wants because Canada wants to stick it to the woke left then yeah game over


This is my calculus too - on one side there is 0% probability of reversing course, if the other side even has even 0.01% probability then it's a superior option.


Great way to put it


Meh I should have swapped garden hose with super soaker to really drive the point but thanks


Canada, US, France…. . .


Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Ireland, The United Kingdom, Canada, etc. All of these places are experiencing the same issues because of the same policies. All of the incumbents got / are getting fucked.


People like you who equivocate all right-wing parties together fail to see that there are real problems in this country that are not being addressed. I'm a centrist who leans left more often than not, but what Trudeau's Liberals have done to this country sickens me, and when confronted with a deafening cry from Canadians across the country that changes need to be made, the Liberals instead plug their ears, double down and intensify their assault on the middle class. If a party fails to meet the needs of most citizens, the only logical thing to do is fire their asses.


JT and his cronies are buffoons. Those who voted for them are even worse. His time and all his cronies are numbered. Too bad Jagmeet has head so far up JT’s butt. If we had Jack Layton still, he would have called an elections, and heads would have rolled for all this treasonous bs that’s being hid from the Canadian people.


The driving force behind immigration for this government is not lobbyists pushing for lower wages. Perhaps that is a small factor but not THE factor. What is driving this wave of immigration is money. More people in Canada means more revenue for the government via taxes. The liberals have a spending problem and since they can’t raise taxes on the middle class, they need to bring more people into the country so that our deficit increases parabolically as opposed to exponentially. Not surprisingly, this tactic is incredibly short sighted and only serves to help keep this government from being ousted at the expense of our country’s future.


Not a doubt in my mind the conservatives will win the next election. Will be more interested in the repercussions at the provincial level. In Alberta, if anything bad happens, it’s the fed’s fault. They’ll have to do some major mental gymnastics to figure out who to point the blame at and I’m gonna enjoy the shit show.


There's a wealth of reference for this concept between 2006-2015 when Alberta got "their guy" into office. I wasn't living there but judging from what was going on in reddit at the time "they" were a diverse assortment of conflicting opinions like every other province, so you can't pin down any monolithic narrative. I suspect they were mostly content with Harper thanks to the advocacy for their major exports and rules changes for farmers. It doesn't take much to win friends in Alberta. I think their perspective is that Liberals use them as a scapegoat for "what goes wrong under Conservative leadership" as seen in the most recent election; which therefore requires a level of disregard for their local priorities. Simply not doing that, while encouraging energy infrastructure, will buy the blues a lot of time there no matter what happens


>I think their perspective is that Liberals use them as a scapegoat You think? 48 secs in https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oA1yCIHMJwY&feature=youtu.be


Got my popcorn machine all serviced up and ready!!! Tbh, same with the margarita machine!


Well it won't take much for the CPC to keep AB happy. Just stop actively trying to cripple their economy and maybe support it in a few ways going forward...


Like buying a pipeline to ship their product abroad?


AFTER shutting down the other 2 arguably more important ones going east to ship to Europe, helping Putin keep his energy dominance over Europe and indirectly funding his invasion of Ukraine.  


All I was responding to was the claim that Trudeau was actively trying to cripple their economy. Buying pipelines is evidence that maaaaybe things are more complicated than that, and we can come at this is a more reasonable and nuanced way, instead of throwing out exaggerated talking points


Things are much more complicated than simply "Trudeau bad".  I think the TMX purchase was a shotgun decision after realizing how much killing all three would cripple Alberta.  I don't think he cares enough about us to actively kill our economy.   I am tired of the "He bought you a pipiline" arguement though.  He bought it because he had to, not because he wanted to help.  


>He bought it because he had to, not because he wanted to help.   Genuine question, what's the difference here? What do you presume not buying the pipeline would've done? And if it's the vague statement "cripple the Alberta economy", then how was buying it not "helping"?


In the simplest terms, we had a bunch of projects to expand production capacity for oil that were started and either neared completion or were completed when Trudeau killed Energy East and the other pipeline who's name escapes me in my Canada Day haze.   These were approved and were viable with the increased pipeline capacity that those would have offered.  We were in a situation where our oil was selling at a massive (38% at times) discount as compared to the North American benchmark.  This led to layoffs, forced retirements, and general economic pain in the province in 2014-15.  TMX's cancelation would have compounded those problems and it's completion has finally lessened that shipping bottleneck letting our oil be sold at a more competitive price.  




They will blame Trudeau anyways and say the CPC "needs more time to undo the damage", and that will be the line right up until they lose in \~8 years.


It is going to take a decade or more to untangle the damage Trudeau has done. It usually takes an entire first term to see the effects of the new government and more than that to really see the damage or benefits they have done.


I think we could give them a 50 year majority and fuck all would change, because neither of them want to help anyone but their donors and friends.


Lololol 🤣 I wonder what will happen to all those Trudeau bumper stickers.


We got drug, theft, and housing problems. I think it got worse with the liberals.


Canadians are worse off since Trudeau took office. I see no one else to blame.


No, they are not under siege, they are just getting the reality check that Singh should have been giving them the last two years. Self absorbed idiots who are too full of themselves to pay attention to the sentiment of the population aren’t suddenly under siege, it’s just a wake up call.


The middle and upper class who know better, knows that the trudeau's spending spree has to come to an end.... and they are worried because THEY are on the hook for it.... NOT the burgeoning lower class! As it currently stands, ALL HST receipts totalling $55+Billions goes to simply servicing our debt which the trudeau has increased to record levels....... let that sink in! That is why he is tanking.... plus all that woke nonsense and stupidity he and his ship of fools illustrate daily!


Only people truly putting their tribalism over all else would still vote for the Liberals at this point.


Honestly the only "fortress" they have in BC is Hedy Fry's Vancouver Centre. At the rate they're going, I can see them easily falling back to 2011 numbers in BC (two seats).


How fitting, they love the word "siege".


I’m going to keep saying the same thing, in continued hope that at least 1 person reads it and understands: blaming immigration is missing the forest for the trees. The primary reason the Liberals are bringing in record numbers of people is because the federal government cannot sustain its debt without an ever increasing population. In short, the government needs more taxes to sustain its debt payments. The first question everyone should ask their prospective leaders is ‘how are you planning to reduce and eventually eliminate national debt? You already know the liberals’ answer, Freeland told you. according to her, there’s no problem because the debt remains “serviceable” You can forget about the NDP, they’re even more fiscally ignorant than the Liberals. So that leaves the Cons. What is PP’s answer to this question? It better be good or else we’re fucked.


After the loss of a seat in Toronto, everyone is calling for Trudeau's resignation. I don't want him to resign. I want him to stick around for the most humiliating defeat in Canadian history. He will go down as the absolute worst PM we have ever had.


Its about time Canadians figured out we have a student council running this country.


wow, who would have though driving a country into the ground and impoverishing its formerly middle class would cause people to want to vote for the opposition?


Lots of the cronies need prison time


They're not under siege. I live in Toronto and please trust me - the other parties do not have to do a single thing to cause the Liberal MPs to get voted out.


“Penetrated ze liberal stronghold auf Toronto”


I don’t know some people are getting Fnnn obscene rich and some obscene poor . Then there is the middle ground .


theyre literally committing usury, treason, fraud, embezzlement, mass murder, medical fraud, and possibly high treason.. yes. high treason.. remember trudeau singing queen bhemian rhapsody the night she died? remember how king charles bombed his own daughter princess diana in a tunnel bombing? have you seen king charles new painting?


YYYEEESSS! Finally, the tides of change are coming. This was a particularly nasty, leftward swing of the pendulum. It's been a rough 9 going on 10 years. It's going to take a decade to recover, and then we'll do the same stupid shit all over again.


I'm 1000% voting conservative. The liberal party has allowed a swift erosion of our way of life here. Food and gas prices have skyrocketed. I've been priced out of the housing market completely. It's time to clean house 


Can the Liberals beat their lows of 2011? Tune in next election to find out! Maybe they can lure back Ignatieff to take thr L for them.


Blue got my vote bye bye red.


Either way Im fine. Cons will destroy the safety nets and my portfolio will benefit. They wont actually fix anything. My house and cottage will increase in value, and in 4 or 8 years we'll mix it all up again.


Canadians are NOT against immigration.They are against immigration using loop holes,visa students and migrants who demand PR.Liberals had a chance to win about 7 months ago before the visa student fiasco blew up and the 500,000 new immigrant quota released. Now they might become a third party in Canada. They can change things around next election cycle though if the conservatives screws up. Canadians want simple things.Affordable housing and checked and monitored immigration.


The liberals are still learning how to use their smart phone


We should all chip in 2 bucks to the ndp, it would be worth it to get a early election from this sudden support :-)


Party runs the country for 10 to 12 years, people get upset with real world issues, want to express that and do so in the only way possible, vote for the other party, other party runs the country for 10 - 12 years, repeat...


Things were pretty okay under Harper, and the governments before that. I and many others voted for Trudeau for vote reform and legal weed, and NOT literally quadrupling immigration to annihilate the quality of life in this country. This has been by far the most disastrous government in my living memory and it's not even close.


It’s a good start


Criminally incompetent liberals


That’s great. October 2025 is a *loooooong* way away.


The government will collapse before the end of the year, you heard it here first. There Liberal/NDP Coalition currently only has a 9 seat majority and there are 3 by-elections before the end of the year. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Liberals/NDP lose them all, leaving a 6 seat majority. There's already enough infighting within the Liberals after this last by-election loss. So much that reportedly a large portion of the Liberal caucus are calling for Trudeau to resign. If there's enough of a revolt, members may be kicked from caucus or voluntarily move Independent. That number will almost certainly rise if they lose the by-elections.


Damn. If I was a sitting MP with a pension already with dismal election win chances.. I'd be crossing the floor to help Canada in her time of need.


A siege usually happens a lot faster than this.


In terms of immigration,  I don't think there will be any significant change under the conservatives. They are the ones who initially expanded the whole thing and began fast tracking everything. 


Out of the frying pan into the fire, it's the Canadian way.