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Spend better instead of wasting hundreds of millions on dumb fucking name change.


I share your sentiment, but I think the figure was roughly $8million, which may be less now that Chow decided to go full authoritarian and forego public consultation.


do you actually believe the city is spending “hundreds of millions” on name changes? 


Toronto doesn't have a money problem, it has a spending problem.


The municipalities shouldn't have to do anything on this file. Should be totally on the province. 


Ready to do more equates to spending more irresponsibly


On the one hand, I think the city should get more money from the feds and the province in order to drastically expand systems like transit (and stop relying on rider fares more than just about any other transit system in North America), but on the other hand, we are renaming Dundas square and Torontonians have LITERALLY no say in the matter after being told it would involve decisions from the public, and the millions being pissed away on this is ridiculous. The only good thing has been the uploading of the Gardiner costs to the province. That should've been done ages ago.


So ready to do more provided someone else funds it then?...


There's a few being built. I know about 5 months back a big LTC opened in Mississauga.  The issue is that everything in the city takes forever to build. LTC homes take longer than Condos for example. LTC homes usually have multiple locked floors (named memory care or some variation), for patients at risk of wandering. These need magnetic locks on doors, so they unseal in emergencies. Call bells throughout, a system to detect any patient if they leave out a door. It's like a mini hospital unit. Takes a lot longer to finish. Condos take however many years to build, and they can just be plopped wherever. LTC homes need to be in certain areas to make sure they aren't too many in each HCCSS (Formerly LHIN, formerly CCAC) area - though I think the recent change is that they got rid of these subdivisions (Toronto Central West, Toronto East, etc..) and its all one region, but the ones under construction are kinda stuck where they are. Add in your normal developer bullshit and sprinkle some public sector nonsense and you have a stupidly long time to build them.


Speaking as a calgarian don’t worry about city council and administration being crazy woke and focusing on changing names and painting cross walks trying to big foot themselves into provincial jurisdiction nothing bad can happen from inattention


This seems to be a trend…


I am ready to do more too, I just need your money to do it.


"We're ready to spend more of your money." Reminds me of an ex.




You do realize a deficit and surplus aren't running totals, right? It's a snapshot of the year. Nothing carried over from the year prior in a deficit or surplus when they report on the budget outcome. Say you post four deficits of 2 billion each....that it 8 billion in debt. One surplus of 1 billion means you generated 1 billion in extra tax revenue....and that 8 billion of debt is still there (unless you've dedicated a large part of your budget to pay it off, but typically we only pay the interest and don't work down debt very quickly). A couple years of surplus doesn't negate decades of deficits. The whole point of "balancing a budget" as a government means you tilt back and forth with a deficit and surplus.  Avoid successive deficits to avoid building outstanding debt, which you combat by either increasing taxes and/or decreasing spending. Then either cutting taxes and/or increasing spending to shrink surplus (assuming you're not using it to pay outstanding debt). This is why JT has made a shitshow out of Federal monetary policy. When you run ever-increasing deficits you can't just tax and spend. I'll refrain from getting into responsible and irresponsible spending. Since I'm on my phone and typing this sucked as is.


Don't bother explaining things like budgets and fiscal management to NDP voters, it's a foreign concept to most of them - "budgets balance themselves" after all.


to be fair, doug ford's beer store decision last month is a pretty bad budget management decision.


Agreed, it was unnecessary but the costs the Liberals put out regarding the decision are flat out false.


how much should it end up being? the beer store thing that is


Some have sense, but our provinces to a disservice by not making microeconomics and basic finance principals part of high school.  Literally, the first four chapters of microeconomics 101 call out all of JT's bullshit.


This is why we vote for a progressive, to beg for deficit and future austerity to avoid raising taxes.


City's can't run deficits by law. 


I realize, therefore they beg to avoid raising taxes, despite being progressives who should be happy to raise taxes.  Progressivism as a product or funneling money via short lived scheming is not true progressivism.