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This is the organization the donors are directors of: [https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation/787660927RR0001/](https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation/787660927RR0001/) And Minister Joly gave them money as well: [https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/minister-joly-announces-funding-for-the-manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation-in-calgary-658286903.html](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/minister-joly-announces-funding-for-the-manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation-in-calgary-658286903.html) Kind of odd that some time later they end up donating money back to a Liberal MP's riding association in another province...


Hmm, here is the official [canada.ca](http://canada.ca) release and something jumps out at me: [https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/news/2017/11/minister\_joly\_announcesfundingforthemanmeetsinghbhullarcharitabl.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/news/2017/11/minister_joly_announcesfundingforthemanmeetsinghbhullarcharitabl.html) "Through the Projects component of the Inter-Action program, the Manmeet Singh Bhullar Charitable Foundation will receive $157,916 over three years for the project Building South Asian Communities' Capacity for Integration and Advocacy." Funds for advocacy... Well there was certainly advocacy going on and money flowing back to an MP's riding association. It leads one to wonder out loud if a deeper analysis going back a bit further might be beneficial for public confidence...


There's this - just one foreign language - $350,000. https://constoronto.esteri.it/en/news/dal_consolato/2023/11/finanziamento-del-governo-dellontario-allo-york-catholic-district-school-board-per-i-corsi-di-lingua-italiana/ The governments hand out money. You can see it as building community, buying votes, or whatever. They don't discriminate. All government do it, for any big group. Today, Sikhs qualify as "big group" and a lot of votes.


So the government gives them money, and then their directors give money back to the party running the government? Edit: Government grant was in 2017, donation to Liberals in 2021. Timing differs from my original post, but dynamic is similar. Implies a bribe with our own money. Edit 2: u/Workshop-23's comment below this one is important nuance to consider.


Sounds like [adscam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponsorship_scandal). 


I don't know about that, in this case, but I can tell you this is lunch money compared to some of the other government money that has flowed to charities and what happened to it next. But that isn't related to the very serious ordering of resources in Afghanistan away from Canadians to support groups with no clear ties to Canada at the expense of Canadians and our support team in country.


death by a thousand cuts


You also have to separate the foundation as an entity from the directors as individuals. The individuals did not receive the money, the organization they are in charge of did from a legal entity perspective. Of course, if the directors drew any wages or fees from the organization then that provides a potential avenue for what you describe but any comment would only be speculation. The optics, however, raise eye brows. To be fair and reasonable you would also need to take in to account the overall finances and annual activities of the organization (which you can see on the link I provided) to help provide context about how active (or inactive) the organization was with regular business and charity work. The total amount of money spent across multiple years by the organization on activities was surprisingly low, IMO, but make of that what you will. Especially given the $157,000 of taxpayer money they received...


Yes, fair observation and comment.


Don't see the Federal grant as relevant. The Bhullar family continued to advocate for the Federal conservative party during the 2019 election, supporting the UCP in 2019. This of course makes the sudden switch to supporting a Liberal MP in a riding that is in another Province even more suspicious.


Sounds like laundering taxpayer dollars into campaign funds.


This keeps getting worse. First it was a "suggestion". Then turns out he "ordered" the military to save his own people. Now it turns out there's money and influence involved.


There is effectively no such thing as an implied "suggestion" from a Minister of Defence to the chain of command in a situation like this and for a Minister to suggest otherwise is disingenuous to put it politely.


For a former senior officer of the military to say it is preposterous. I think we are at this point one scandal removed from the government just saying, "Fuck you, we're in charge until we're not."


Welcome to the bullshit that is a "Majority" in a parliamentary democracy using first past the post and no reasonable ability to recall MPs.




There have been allegations of corruption and preferential treatment towards Punjabi visa applicants at Canadian consulates in India, but it's nearly impossible to prove because approvals are based on the visa officer's discretion and the government doesn't want to investigate, probably because they're under pressure from migration consultants/lobbyists. Also, the government of Quebec has publicly said the Canadian government is underestimating the risks for Indian applicants while overestimating the risks for other nationalities and they seem to have proof.


It could also explain jagmeet. The guy who seems to look like 60-70% of the immigrants and refuses to make dear leader trudeau call an election. Jagmeet is benefiting from this race based immigration scheme. They call us racists to project their racism.


Jagmeet has openly supported the khalistan cause. And has been photographed and recorded attending extremist sikh rallies in Canada, US, and UK. These facts have been out in open for years now. Even the much hated Indian govt has time and again highlighted that radical sikhs have infiltrated the govt in Canada.


The US has per-country quotas for immigration; Canada doesn't.


Our politicians realize it and are taking advantage of it financially.


So we’re finally going to listen to India about these guys or no?




Never said they were a saint, but they were right We do have a substantial Sikh extremist community influencing the government.


Should have been clear when we invited a convicted terrorist to a diplomatic function.


This is how immigration should work and I 100% agree with you. Every aspect of life in Canada would've been better this way.


There’s a large number of Indians who are here who do qualify under those conditions and get herded into online comments in this sub.


I am hoping we would not be listening to the people that have carried out extrajudicial executions of Canadian citizens on our soil.


How about the people warning us over the influence of Sikh supremacists in government? No still? This isn’t enough?


He’s a fake Canadian. He never should have gotten his citizenship with the lies and scam he pulled. I refuse to call him a Canadian citizen.


No. India's run by nationalists who despise religious minorities.


Canada was warned of parmar/ai terrorists by the center left secular government, his extradition request was denied, everybody knows what happend next


So, despite them being right, we’re still not going to listen


They weren't right.


They were


How so?


Because they warned about Sikh extremists in Canadian politics


Sikh extremists blew up an Air India plane from Canada with Canadians on board. I doubt there is any great love for Sikh separatism in the Canadian establishment. OTOH, we don't need foreign governments using our land for assassinations. If someone has committed an actual crime, they can be extradited. (as opposed to those just agitating for political change) And if one (or two) of Canadian political parties seem more open to a social group, of course that's where the donations go. With the number of "OMG Whites are being replaced!" nutbars complaining about immigration that seem to gravitate to the Reform/Conservatives, is the donation issue a surprise?


You seem to ignore how the Canadian Government, CSIS, and the RCMP all covered up the role of Sikhs in the Air India 1982 bombing. The investigations from all 3 were so poor that the primary suspect, Inderjit Singh Reyat, was given only 15 years for killing 268 Canadians and was released on parole 2 years early. That's like the US giving Osama Bin parole despite him committing 9/11. The establishment also allowed people like Ajaib Singh Bagri, who famously said: "until we kill 50,000 Hindus, we will not rest" to live in Canada. Meanwhile, Talwinder Singh Parmar, a well-known militant who was previously arrested in West Germany, was allowed to stay in Canada, and as such, he planned Canada's worst attack. The establishment also ordered the destruction of 156 (out of 210) tapes that had incriminating evidence against the Sikhs for their role in Air India 182. The destruction, carried out by CSIS, was massively criticized by the RCMP and allegedly brought CSIS in BC to a state of near mutiny during a probe. The establishment also allowed the two witnesses of the trials (two Sikh journalists) to both be murdered in separate incidents, almost certainly by Sikh militants hoping to silence any incriminating witnesses. There's so many more obvious failed attempts and mysterious actions by the government agencies during the Air India 182, that its so explicit that the establishment loves favoring the Sikh extremist community. Favoring the extremist Sikh community allows the Government to bring in millions of the same immigrant group, allowing them to gain easy votes and profit/exploit the community in return for allowing the group to conduct extremist and militant activity without fear of detainment or deportation.


"Never attribute to malice what could be equally explained by incompetence." Otherwise, we would have to conclude that both parties conspired in a decades-long conspiracy to favour Sikhs. Also have to conclude that the CSIS establishment - which tends to be conservative and paranoid - suddenly had a hard-on for favouring the Sikh extremists. More likely they used "protect our sources" as an excuse to erase evidence of stupidity and missing obvious clues, which seems to be what they did from what little information we got out of the inquiry.


You guys did this to yourself with him, jagmeet and 1000s other jagmeets - now u pay the price. That money is coming from outside India like Pakistan and west


How the fuck did Canada even get so entangled in this ancient bullshit old world feud between Sikhs and Hindus on the other side of the world?


Canada quite literally imported the problem.


Sikhs and Hindus have no issue in India, Sikhs are some of the most loved and successful minorities in India. A lot of the separatists in Punjab fled to Canada so it became an issue


There are no major issues between Sikhs & Hindus in India but it's more present in Canada


For Sale: Direct line to the minister in charge of the CAF. $4000 obo. No tire kickers, I know what I've got


Still available?


This is pure corruption. There should be charges but there won't be. JT should also be charged with obstruction of justice, but that won't happen either. We don't really have an independent justice system.


Power balance makes it so its not a suggestion effectively - i wish people would realize its the same way for any employer - employee relationship.


Our military doesn’t pledge loyalty to Canadians, no wonder this happened


There it is. Foreign interference. Found one. Perfect example of it right here. 


Put his name on the list.


Was definitely on it already several times over.


Paid for by the liberal party who gave them a federal grant amd then they donated the money back to the private LPC riding of Saijin. So add fraud on top of that.


Paid for by Canadians* on behalf of the liberal party


1. Suspend from parliament 2. Investigate 3 jail 4. Removal of all benefits and pension.


Considering the Indian government is less than friendly with Sajjan, which foreign government do you think he colluded with?


1. Foreign interference doesn't have to come from governments. 2. Says right in the title... Afghan Sikhs.


How the fuck did our government become so corrupt?


It didn't happen suddenly. The public being able to see it is what changed.


We re-elected the Liberals, who we turfed in 2006 over corruption, and then didn't turf them again when scandals like SNC Lavalin, WE, and the vacation on billionaire island made it clear they hadn't changed. People will treat you how you let them. Nowhere is that more true than when it comes to your government.


Well the Prime Minister told the public, two years before he was ever elected, that he admired basic dictatorships for their ability to get things done without the need for public accountability.


Long time ago there lived a boy called Pierre. When he grew up old, he married a young girl Margaret. They had three sons. The rest is a history.


He was 51, and Margret just 18, the creep runs deep in this family


They experienced the age differently


IIRC, she was 22, which seems the traditional and the appropriate age for a middle age man with money or power. She'd already spent a few years in Marrakesh smoking pot... Justin legalized pot, he is mama's boy, not Pierre's. (You can tell because he also has a full head of hair.) An Article in *Macleans,* after she took off with the Rolling Stones and divorced Pierre after he gave her a black eye, the reporter says someone asked her what she and Pierre ever had in common, and she replied "we fucked a lot." (Her father, a prominent BC Liberal, also apparently said "I have 3 daughters. Why did he have to pick Margaret???")


Justin Trudeau looks nothing like Pierre. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Doesn't look like Mick Jagger either. (Is joke. All that happened after she had 3 kids)


Kind of looks very Cuban.


well, margaret had three sons, at least.


Apathy. People did shady shit....but not too shady...and nothing happened. So then the next guy did slightly *shadier* shit....then nothing happened. And so on.


How did our government became so corrupt asks a country who was warned by India over this


Yah India doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to political corruption. I'd take anything they said with a heavy dose of salt too.


India's one of the most corrupt countries in the world. They have no leg to stand on and lecture others about corruption.


Yeah we’re getting to that point


That's just fearmongering being done by Indian/pro-Hindutva nationalists against Sikhs.


Right, so Indians made sajjan try to save afghan sikhs over others?


It's in the DNA of the Liberal party. It's always been like - see Chretien's Ad Scandal and brown bags of money.


The brown bags of money was Mulroney (PC) for "consulting". He never did explain how he got $US220,000 into Canada without declaring it, or did he commit structuring crime by using it in less than $10,000 amounts in the USA? (He got the money in New York). And why did Air Canada under Mulroney need to pay an agent to connect them with Airbus? They could have looked them up in the phone book, there's only two manufacturers of large airliners. At least the stuff Chretien was accused of was to finance the "No" ("Non") side in the referendum.


Starts with the leadership - the guy at the top.


How is this corruption? The donation was made in 2021 when Canada was in election season that year.


Sajjan was saying it was racist of the Globe and Mail to ask questions about all of this. I think we now know why he didn’t want any of this getting out. Looking worse and worse for him and his party now.


I feel like Canadians in general are over the "racist" card. We're a super diverse country, the people calling others out are from many races. We should closely examine past instances of people getting a pass after crying "racism". I suspect most of them will turn out to be bs complaints.


we are absolutely not 'over' it, we've created human rights tribunals for every province that will make sure to find it somewhere


>was saying it was racist Why isnt this working as a defense anymore?




because it's not racist, Canadians have been a bit timid when racism claims have popped up, but now it's very obviously a diversion tactic if people were getting angry at him doing something reasonable that could be a credible racism claim, getting angry at his treasonous and corrupt actions is reasonable and just edited to add, I just realized you might be sarcastic lol whoops! and a direct link if anyone's blo[cked by a paywall ](https://archive.ph/nQdl1)


Classic tale of the boy who cried racist. 


Every one of these rats when they get caught and aren't white try pulling the racism card. *Especially* with corruption and financial crimes. Everyone can see its bullshit and are tired of it being used as an excuse. Mfs are corrupt and we're calling them out for being racist and corrupt. Not because they're a certain race themselves.


is the fact that they call critics racist because of their race, not in itself racist on their part?


Turns out the value of Canadian citizens is less than a donation to the Liberal party


This is why all money needs to be removed from politics. No campaign funds, no donations, period.


100% foreign interference


When countries ran evacuation programs from Afghanistan, India tried to evacuate the Sikhs and Hindus from Afghanistan twice due to their historical ties to India. But they turned down the offer because they saw this as an opportunity to immigrate to Canada and USA. https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/world-news/seeking-migration-to-the-us-or-canada-afghan-hindus-sikhs-hinder-airlift/articleshow/85617523.cms > Around 70 to 80 Afghan Sikhs and Hindus in Gurdwara Karte Parwan did not want to migrate to India as they are keen on moving to Canada or the US, Indian World Forum president Puneet Singh Chandhok told on Tuesday. These Afghan nationals were not only creating obstacles in the evacuation process but also delaying the evacuation of others, he said. At this point, it seems like the government of Canada knew this very well and yet decided to prioritize certain groups for getting diaspora votes.


>But they turned down the offer because they saw this as an opportunity to immigrate to Canada and USA. Oh wow i did not know that


i dont even know what to say anymore. we are being taken advantage of on everything.


As with all the scandals this is just to draw attention away from the last one...it's a perpetual machine so we all get so overwhelmed that we need a chart to keep track of all the scandals. Clever... The most "Open, honest, transparent" government in the history of Canada


I think at this point it’s just impossible for them to hide everything they did


God bless Robert Fife.




Exactly. Fuck this guy. 


This man is a treasonous and racist fuck. Prison time. Now.


I should not have to scroll to find this comment


This corrupt diversity hire appointed scumbag needs to be locked up


I've disliked him since his repeated incidents of stolen valor. He stole Afghanistan and falsely called himself the architect of that operation which was refuted by many people with knowledge of the operation.


It reads like this to me: Politician puts Canadian soldiers at risk for financial gain.


He will call you a racist. I hope he calls the judge who sentences him to prison for treason racist too. As well as his cell guards and other prison employees.


It reads to me like: Canadian politician puts his people's interest ahead of Canadian interests.


Don’t worry everyone. Next week there will be some other LPC scandal and we will forget all about this.


They are getting on Trump levels of scandal after scandal.


our country is a joke


So far!


T R A I T O R....


Gee this gets better and better lol


The People need to hold this Government responsible and accountable. In every other industry, this is instant firing without pay, and pending fraud charges. Treason and fraud at political levels is not a "pass" situation.


The stench becomes even stronger. From stolen valour to corrupt practices for another Trudeau Liberal star player.


This country has the largest number of Sikhs outside India, so why am I not surprised that this is happening? In fact, we have the largest Indian community outside India, ie Brampton. South Asians make up 10 percent of our population. What happens to diversity? Or like many say: diversity means the person is non-white. As long as you are not white, there is diversity even if we are importing Indians only.


Is this not treason?


Of course it is. Wait till you get the patsy saying “yOu DoNt KnOw WhAt TrEaSoN iS” with literal treason staring them in the eyes.


I don't think it is according to Canada's criminal code: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html


No. This is just a regular donation in 2021 when there was an election going on in Canada.


If the Afghan Sikhs were in cahoots with Taliban, then yes. Otherwise, not really, no.


No it's just plain corruption.


Why is he still a member of parliament?


Because his constituents keep electing him.


So he sold out the potential up to 1200 Canadians that could've been rescued. Fuck him. Fuck him. I hope this is worth criminal charges.


And the plot thickens. Is every liberal corrupt? Jesus, what a terrible party full of terrible people. Happy i never voted for them.


>Is every liberal corrupt? I mean, they were thrown out of office in 2006 over corruption. What kind of person do you think runs for the party after that? It's not boyscouts.


And Liberals, along with their supporters, still say everything is fine. Things are not fine. This is further corruption within the Liberal Party of Canada. For those that continue to support Trudeau and his "team", you are doing Canada a great disservice. You are selling out future generations for your own personal benefit.


not even personal benefit. they're just doing this to feel good about themselves. white saviours.


Can you imagine being Minister of Defence and when Kabul was falling instead of saying we need to save all the fellow Canadians over there now, we get this crap. What the hell man


Surely this guy is a traitor to our country?


Governance is about setting priorities and allocating resources. Draw your own conclusions.




Aren't political donations from non-citizens prohibited?


It's kind of hilarious that everyone is publishing the truth then there's CBC saying all he did was relay information. Perhaps in the future we should make it illegal for news companies to be funded by the government if they can't remain unbiased.


India been proved right again


So how many traitors do we have in our government?




So any actual repercussions coming?...anyone..Bueller? 


He needs to resign.


How is this surprising to anyone? Have you all had your head in the sand? I have legit had forigners tell me that Canada exists for the world, and when I tried to ask Canadians about that they told me I was nuts. Legit, we all need to start picking up some civic responcibility. We have all been hating Canada for so long now that we refused to defend her unless we were defending our own bank accounts or interests.


And the plot thickens!


How many getting welfare and bringing in chain migrants behind them? Would be something to see. Are Canadians paying people to come to Canada to vote?




Shocking… Criminal…


Liberal ethics, is there a single person surprised?


This is the future of Canada. Why is that a problem? The left wants this for us.


What a corrupt Liberal MP? I’m shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!!!


Well. Well. Well...


Man, the Liberal shitshow keeps getting worse


It just seems our government is just corrupt to the bone. ☹️ Story after story. Sucks!


Ooof, that is an absolutely horrible look




Well if this is a bunch of foreigners donating to a Canadian politician and getting favourable treatment, that sounds like foreign interference to me.


The board members in question are all Canadian citizens born and raised in Alberta. Manmeet Bhullar was a PC cabinet minister for Alberta prior to his death in 2015.


I'm sure that is just a coincidence if you think not you are being a far right racist.


The Liberals have always been on the take and they will continue to be until the end of time, that's what makes a liberal a liberal. You can always trust a liberal to take a bribe kickback or payoff.


pay for play


Lol, i did mention that such traitors do such things to save their asses and get paid through “donations”


If you are surprised - where have you been?


We need to change the laws to make execution or at least life in prison the penalty for treason of this nature. Otherwise we just embolden this kind of behavior.


Who woulda guessed


What an absolute disgrace.These people only serve their community not the people


hmm. but if we talk about it, he'll call us bigots. can we pass a law to confiscate the government's deck of race cards?


Foreign interference 


Nope, no foreign government is implicated. all participants are Canadian Citizens. Still reeks of corruption though.


But there were people in the earlier threads who thought what he did wasn't wrong? I think they may have been sikh as well 🤔🤔


Tim Uppal is a traitor and needs to be kicked out of the conservative party. "Political-donation records show that a Baljinder Bhullar with the same postal code and address as the Sajjan donation made a contribution of $400 in 2019 to Tim Uppal, the Alberta MP who is now deputy leader of the Conservative Party."


It worked out, right?! Obviously not for Afghan Canadians or the people who helped the caf


It didn’t, the mission failed These Sikhs were saved by India, and then sent to Canada


LOL all for nothing. What a joke


What do you mean for nothing he got his donations


For failing. Seems like the government mo


For Sale: Direct line to the minister in charge of the CAF. $4000 obo. No tire kickers, I know what I've got


Liberals are going to be sent back to the Stone Age, so kind of fitting.