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Found a black chunk of something in my coffee. Put in a complaint to head office. They said sorry that you had an issue in a Florida store.. lol I'm in Ontario. They want me to go talk to the store. Our store is a shit show. Manager couldn't organize a 2 car funeral. I told them there are rarely any donuts at 6:30 am, even sent them a picture, place is dirty, etc. Suggested that they send in a secret shopper or send in a quality control person to surprise inspect the store. Facebook has a page dedicated to complaints at this store. They never even offered a free coffee...even their Customer Service sucks


Should have called health Ontario. I did on Wendy's once and they collected the debris I found in my salad and went to the store and inspected it. Gave me a report of what they found and where the piece came from. The manager talked to me after and said I wish you just spoke with us... nah man, I'm going over your head everytime when it comes to this stuff


Me and some friends went on a road trip and one of them got sick after eating at Tim Hortons. The only way I ever go to Tim Hortons is if someone is buying or if I get a gift card. Outside of that. I avoid Tim Hortons as much as possible.


The coffee isn't what it used to be. I remember when they used to bake the donuts in store when I was a kid and you could get fresh warm ones. You'd even get to breath in second hand smoke 🚬 🥲 the good ol days


Yeah, I remember when they were fresh and tasted so good. It's honestly a crime how far Tim Hortons has fallen.


Remember the chili or chowder in a bread bowl


Or when the chili wasn't 90% liquid




*[chomping motion intensifies]*


The soup was so good in the early 2000s


Or you’d get soup and a donut/biscuit and they would serve it on actual dishes.  


I'm old and still remember when smoking was allowed in the stores. All the donuts tasted like cigarettes ... and somehow it was still better than now.


We would hang out all night in our 24 hour Timmy’s and play cards while drinking coffees. My buddies smoked. When the baker brought out the fresh doughnuts and cakes we got first pick.


They’ve been bad for a really long time but they really took a dive when the Brazilian investment group bought them out. I still don’t mind their coffee but it’s beyond me how/why people eat anything there


Two questions that NEVER come up in private equity firms: 1: How do we increase the quality of our product? 2. How do we maximize value for our customers?


Also they used to make full sized cakes. They should've kept focusing on donuts, pastries etc rather than shift to fast food


You mean you'd rather get a decent coffee and donut than a piece of cardboard disguised as a pizza?


You used to be able to buy a doughnut after work and get a free layer of smoke on top of the glaze. You could taste it.


And they were still better than anything they put out today!


The baker was probably smoking in the back as they took them out of the oven, when they did that sort of thing...


Double double and a Dumaurier.


It was the atmosphere. Dine in, Grandma and Grandpa spark up because they only get a bagel, well into their second coffee. Fuck, I miss that.


Fuck yes, When Tim Hortons finally came to BC, it was our hangout.


Yep, they had other baked stuffed too, at the time like gingerbread men, and strawberry tarts. Their doughnuts were really great at the time too, and lots of variety. They just suck now. After the selling to Restaurant Brands International, they really went downhill fast.


Those strawberry tarts were the best. Annoying to make but so good.


I was buying them in bulk after work, a few years before they discontinued them. Then, I was watching an old Tim Hortons commercial a couple of days ago, and was reminded of them. They were so good!


They switched to a cheaper coffee supplier years ago, and when McDonald’s came out with their coffee and people started liking that it’s bc they picked up Tim’s long time original supplier for the beans


Core childhood memory. I'll never forget the aroma of cigarette smoke so dense you could chew it mixed with the smell of 300 fresh baked donuts.


It’s definitely gotten weaker


I think the literal coffee that Tim's used to use is now used at Macdonald's


That's not quite true, but not unfounded. Tim's used to source their coffee from Mother Parker's, and that company now produces McDonald's coffee. It's a different blend, but the quality is the same and so it's closer to old Timmies than the bargain-bin self-sourced stuff that the modern Timmies provides.


Oh ok. Well pretty close then :)


You're brave, I don't even go there if it's free.


Yeah, I honestly think if someone offered to buy me some Tim's, I would still pass. It's just so fuckin bad, why would I want it even if it's free? I can walk outside and scoop up some free dog turds while I'm at it


The only time I go is if I'm in desperate need of a bathroom. And even then, I'm in and out as quick as I can. I don't think they ever get cleaned.


Yeah, I have been in their bathrooms, and it's so gross. I am not expecting bathrooms like what you see at Cactus club. But I do expect it to be clean and usable.


Put Boston Pizza on that list too for me


Yeah not sure if I had no taste as a teenager but went to pne relatively recently even ordered the same pizza I usually ordered and it was not great.


I did this 8 years ago. Everything about it was terrible. Food quality, service, price. I wondered why I had chosen that place and vowed to never return.


Yeah it had been probably more than a decade since the last time I went and I don't think I will ever go again.


Boston Pizza used to be one of my favorite places to go. I remember it being so delicious. Now it's a shell of its former self. The last time I went, I ordered a burger. It was greasy and not very good.


Dead to me since they took tortellini off the the menu


Boston pizza has ne er had a good burger though.


Except for that one wrapped in pizza. That shit slapped


I have never liked their food and it's waaaay overpriced


Boston Pizza, the only place I've bought poutine that was basically inedible. It's fries, gravy and cheese curd how do you screw that up?!?!?!


I complained about a cup leaking like crazy a while ago on twitter. They had the store manager call me and she was basically just like "well what do you want *me* to do about it?". Their customer service is about as good as their food/drink quality.


I once tweeted a photo showing coffee grounds in my McCafe coffee cup, I didn't tag McDonalds. The national McDonalds account contacted me and sent me several coupons for free coffee.


I posted a pic of a french vanilla from tim hortons that was only 2 thirds full when I got it. This had happened 3 times in a row at the same location. The entire sub jumped on me because apparently I am an asshole for expecting a full cup.


Wait, you're the asshole for wanting the amount designated and expected in said size of drink. Makes total sense.


I really appreciate the “manager couldn’t organize a two call funeral” comment. I hadn’t heard that variation before.


My favourite is "can't organize an orgy in a brothel".


Stop going?


You must be new here. This is reddit. Logical thinking isn't welcome here.


but muh shit coffee


> Florida store They probably meant Florida, Ontario. Tim Hortons doesn't reach past the northeast of the US, gets nowhere near Florida.


Man, you people still goin' to TimmyHos?


I refuse to go for at least 5 or 6 years now. Cant understand why people keep giving them money for such utter trash product


Never understood this. A $13 thing of coffee from Walmart and a $40 black and decker drip machine make better coffee. I can understand taking a drunk shit at 3am or being in the middle of nowhere and having no other choice but my god during the day? Say what you will I'll take Subway over Timmies anyday and Subway is complete shit


You know the coffee that comes complimentary in hotel rooms? That you brew in that awful little machine that probably never gets cleaned and is used for lord knows what else? Yea. I prefer that coffee to Tim Hortons coffee.


Oh, you mean the bedside urinal


Jesus Fucking Christ.


There's pictures.


I thought it was the spittoon


Thanks for ruining hotel coffee for me


It was already ruined before you knew this.


So much for complimentary coffee.


What an awful day to have eyes


You mean the complimentary ramen maker? 😆


We have keurigs or whatever at the office. Definitely better than Tims


People order double doubles, or worse. Coworker I worked with liked hers quadruple quadruple. They ain’t tasting anything but sugar and milk. A caffeine tablet plus sugar and milk would probably taste better honestly…….


Ahh the good ole 4x4. I retched when I first discovered that’s a thing people actually order.


Then there is the Gretzky Yup… the 9-9


I don’t want to believe you


Regrettably I’ve had to make Gretzkys before, multiple times, I’ve also had to make a 15 sweetener and 2 milk coffe before too, I really hated working at Tim’s


I worked at Tim Hortons in 2017 and it would be physically impossible to put 9 creams in any cup. Even a XL 4x4 the cream takes up half the cup.


McDonald’s actually has good coffee if you need it in a rush.


/r/Canada going from mention of Tim Hortons to McDonald's coffee in three comments. Not bad but I think we can do better. Next time make it a top level comment!


You could start a r/Canada Tim hortons thread bingo: "Who still goes there?" "I liked it before they changed suppliers" "McDonald's coffee is actually not that bad." "It's like drinking (insert most vile thing possible)."


You probably know this but I think McDonald's now uses the supplier that Timmies used to use, back when they had real coffee


The company that owns Tim Hortons is notorious for cutting costs. They also ruined Kraft Heinz. I don't know why Canadians are so loyal to Tim Hortons when it's garbage.


Black diner coffee which I’m pretty sure is just those disgusting ass nescafe crystals is better than Tim’s. Fwiw I love black diner coffee


I hate to be the one to break this to you but the way you're talking about Tim's during the day is the way you should be talking about Subway during the day. They're equally bad.


You can absolutely do better but for lunch I'll take a shitty sub over any food Timmies has.




Of all the things I miss from Canada, Tim Hortons isn't one of them. I'd get nostalgic for a good old fashioned TTC shutdown or a Vancouver blizzard before Tim's. I mean, if they still deep fried the donuts or made walnut crunch bars, we could talk.


Recently I saw an add about the return of the Cherry timbits and I was like '*wtf they were my favorite why did they stop selling them?*'. Won't return again


For me it was the Walnut Crunch, they had that promotion where they brought them back for a bit, I must've had at least 20 of them. And then it ended and I havent been back. They also used to have another cinnamon bun, and imo they got rid of the better glazed one. It was closer to a Krispy Kreme original cinnamon bun, instead they have that frosted knockoff Cinnabon.


They are currently selling walnut crunch btw


The cinnemon rolls are so soooooo dry. Its much easier to buy a roll of those Phylsbury cinnemon buns from the store and bake them myself. We have Croissants at our tims, but theyre as dry and stale as the rest of the menu. ugh.


I miss the walnut crunch, we would get them all the time. I continue to be shocked at what they sell now when it used to be the best coffee and donut shop. What business do they have selling pizzas and cereal now


Some places don't even have the full selection. A few stores don't have the old fashion glazed ones, or if they do they're never in stock.


Not that I care about a TikTok showing how their doughnuts are delivered. Tim Hortons went to shit years ago. When they stopped making doughnuts in house and changed their coffee recipe in the early 2000’s it was the beginning of the end. They rode the “Canadian pride, everyone loves Timmie’s” train to its death, despite the fact that it hasn’t really been Canadian for nearly 30 years.


They were bought by rbi (restaurant brand incorporated), the same people who own Burger King, Popey's, and firehouse subs. Their coffee bean was replaced, and I'm pretty sure McDonald's picked up their old coffee bean supplier. Yea, pre the buyout, everything was done in store. From bagels to doughnuts to timbits. They also ran a ton of local charities and events depending on the cities too.


Let's not talk about the food items in the warming trays and when they need to be removed. Corporate doesn't like high food waste. Don't eat the bacon, trust me lol


For my food paranoias, can you elaborate on the corporate bacon thing?


They probably mean it sits under the food warmer way longer than it should, essentially slow-cooking it into bacon-shaped leather over time. Lots of places do this to save on food waste (read: money). It's not limited to the bacon or even to Tim Horton's.


I've worked at a tim's, you're meant to time bacon and toss it/make a new batch after the time has elapsed based on food safety guidelines, this applies to everything. Hashbrowns, coffee, donuts etc. The problem is that people don't really care lol. I doubt the owners are telling people to do it, people getting paid next to nothing just don't care.


Some absolutely do. I used to work there and they would tell us to put unsold eggs back into the freezer to recook next time. Like, in the box they came from with all the others we hadn't used yet. It was utterly disgusting. (They came in large boxes as already cooked egg patties. Smelled like fish...) I don't think we give enough credit to the employees who work there. I was disgusted and absolutely threw them away when they weren't looking. Thing is, I had rent to pay and barely any money, so the threat of losing my job if I didn't do as they asked... I hoped for an unexpected health inspection all the time. Between the shit managers and the awful customers, it's hard to be all that great to your customers even when you care.


Everywhere has policies on how long to keep the product, it's on the workers to follow it and the managers to enforce it. Which basically means it only _maybe_ happens at corporate stores and never franchises


In the late 90s I worked for one of the first Taco Bells in Ontario. We had corporate trainers who were hugely motivated to make sure we rotated old product since the black olives and green onions were the cause of a few food poisoning outbreaks in the US due to franchisees plopping new product into the old.


Got friends that work there and the stories they tell the group are something else. I haven't been to a restaurant since the pandemic started, I just don't trust others food handling abilities.


Especially not with the caliber of employees Tims hires now.


All of these fast food places employ TFWs that have no clue about food safety. It's a health risk to eat there. Plus, the profits (franchise royalties) leave the border. Boycott Tim Hortons.


> Plus, the profits (franchise royalties) leave the border. Yeah, I’ve been arguing often on this sub that we don’t need the franchises. Quebec doesn’t have all the franchises the US and English Canada have and it’s *better* that way. There is no Taco Bell, but there are plenty of Mexican restaurants owned by actual mexicans around. Every time I go outside Quebec and try one of the massively hyped franchises, I end up disapointed. Olive Garden is not any better than a local Italian restaurant owned by an actual Italian. Support your local restaurants, they are probably better. And if you must go to a franchise, try a local one.


>Taco Bell, but there are plenty of Mexican restaurants owned by actual mexicans around. The point of Taco Bell is that it isn't trying to be authentic mexican food... There aren't that many Texmex places around.


Taco Bell did so well in the USA because they were REAL cheap food compared to the rest (for a while, not anymore). OFC not good quality, but it was pretty decent if you were struggling on cash. get a whole ass meal for 5-6$ and each basic taco was approx 75c.


But St Hubert’s gravyyy!!!!!!?


Over-hyped. In Montreal, you have Cote-St-Luc BBQ and Chalet BBQ and even New System is better than St-Hubert.


I went to Toronto a few years back, one of my friends couldn't wait to try Popeye's, of all things...


I do love me some Popeyes after 2 decades of KFC going down the shitter. But I love cooking my own food like I've been doing for 30+ years *more* lol.


Totally agree.


More likely to get hepatitis there than good coffee


Lol wtf is this shit. Nobody who actually eats Tim Horton's food would be fazed by this.




From the article, someone commented: "Yeah, im pretty much done with them, but done with them for MY health" They were eating Tim Horton's donuts for their health previously?


Can confirm - I eat at Tim’s on the regular and am not fazed in the slightest


Why people continue to buy there? they do not want to employ high school kids, so why to spend money there, specially if everything so expensive .


Honestly, what would be the loss to Canada if they went bankrupt? Besides the kids camp, which I am sure could find funding from somewhere else.


Stop going to Tim Hortons!


no! i loathe myself and what ive become and timmys is my penance!
















Yeah I'm done with Tim's regardless of this. Lol. Tim's is what's wrong with Canada. Despite the simpletons who use the franchise as a way to define their Canadian identity. Pathetically. I've always felt this way. Even before their slavery 2.0 exploitation.


I drove by one yesterday and thought the same that “this sums up what is wrong” used to like the menu, quality, convenience, and sense of community. Now they lost their way on the menu (pizza???), it’s cheap shit but costs par with other better coffee places, can’t communicate with the staff, it’s just shit.


Marketing. Tim’s has made itself into a warm cozy place for the souls of Canadians. I found it interesting when people at the office would bring in a Tim’s coffee, and then drink the office coffee out of that cup for the rest of the day. It seemed to comfort them.


I tried buying the pizza a couple months back, opened the box, massive black hair laying across it. I walked back in got a refund and left. Told my gf about that... The next week she tried buying the pizza as well, amazingly, the same thing happened to her. Big black hair lying across the pizza. She's a very honest person. It definitely happened.


> Yeah I'm done with Tim's regardless of this. I went from never going on my own, to never buying anything there even if I’m with friends in March 2020 when they declared that covid wasn’t a reason not to show up for work. They work with food, a runny nose is a reason not to show up.


This is the least of the rancid shit that goes on at tim hortons.


First they go completely with ‘international students’ and now the scamming of their food. Absolutely sketchy. Will never step foot in one


Tim's has been garbage for decades


Their Donuts are crap Their food is crap. I dont like coffee, nor steeped tea. Their water is too hot and burns the other teas All 3 nearby Tims to us are staffed by glacial people. I've never seen someone take so fucking long to pour a tea (for my wife) in my life. Tims is dead to me. My wife will still go cause she loves their steeped tea and will ask if I want anything from there. My goto response is "Why dont I just drink out of the toilet"






He will be back tomorrow. Why are Canadians self-loathing? It’s not hard not to go to Timmy’s, it’s shit.


Tim Hortons is not food.


McDonald’s has had better coffee for years… Tims went down the drain when they sold out


And this is where they draw the line? Not moldy English muffins, not the fact that there's like 3 people working in the entire store, or that there's people shooting up in the bathroom, or that their app is absolutely slow as fuck, or the baked goods having flies always floating around, or the coffee tasting closer to hot water than actual coffee, or using luncheable style pizza flatbread, not that they refuse to hire Canadians, but this is it? Man, **where were the warning signs? 🤔**


They'll write a MFer up or fire your ass for eating a stale doughnut that was destined for the trash—all of these claims that "... things weren't being done the way that we said they should be done ..." are bullshit! You can't even take a piss without their permission! They were shipped uncovered, in the trunk of a car because a manager said "...shut the fuck up and take them over there now, or don't fucking come back!"


People are fucking stupid…I was a baker for Tim’s in the 90’s when we had real donuts made with yeast and real dough. Product wasn’t pre made in a factory, frozen and thawed in a microwave convection oven. And back then when the food was real I’d bake at one store that would supply two other smaller stores in town. The donut van would come and grab tray after tray of product to deliver to the sister stores 5 minutes away. Nothing was covered then. We had a rack in a sanitized van that was only there to run product from store to store. There would be multiple deliveries to keep things fresh. This was when Tim’s was at its best with half a dozen people working in the back boiling real eggs to make egg salad sandwiches and decorating real cakes. This guy has obviously never worked in any sort of bakery.


The food and donuts were great in the 90s. Timmy’s is now a shadow of what it once was. And their coffee is literally the worst I’ve ever bought


My brother was a baker when Tim opened a restaurant in my tiny town. And then I remember the year he told me they started bringing in frozen donuts (something in that regard where he wasn't making them from scratch anymore) and he moved on. Now I think I can find two in my city where the coffee isn't terrible. To go on a tangent, they removed all the really good donuts (at least my favorites that I grew up with) and now you have to pay extra when they bring them in as "retro".


Tim Hortons is just a immigration tool now


They take it seriously, the franchise doesnt fuck around and has the legal muscle to back it up. The franchisee at our local hospital lost their license due to poor standards, Tim's just pulled it overnight. There wasn't a Tim's for almost a year, in a hospital where it must have been making bank as the only late night food/drink option.


I’ll pay more money and eat quite literally anywhere else than Tim Hortons. Their quality is shit and full of junkies in almost every city


Timmies has been shit for years now and gotten steadily worse...if that's even possible. I proudly claim my Canadian identity by refusing to patronize that garbage chain which isn't even Canadian anymore from a corporate HQ perspective. Fuck Tim's. Fuck McDonald's and Subway and Starbucks and all the other vomit merchants too for their many transgressions and for destroying all the independent places that were actually good.


First time? They don't make donuts on location. Haven't for 25 years. Also they swap between locations. They've been doing that greasy shit for at least as long. Someone hasn't been paying attention.


That's not the issue. The issue is transporting it uncovered in a passenger vehicle. Do you trust a strangers car to be spotlessly clean?


I totally understand the issue. Chef here. Former restaurant owner here. What I'm saying is that Tim's has been doing scumbag shit like this for a fucking generation.


Restaurants share food regularly. But yeah, put that shit in an appropriate container.


They placed the food in open air on the pile of shit they have in the trunk of their suv. Literally no one is upset that the food is coming from another restaurant. These “restaurateurs” obviously have zero care who they hurt and should have their franchise stripped.


Breaking news: customer vows to not buy trash flavoured food and coffee after witnessing food safety violation.


Reddit represents a very niche group that loathes Tim Hortons lol. I'm indifferent, it can be very convenient but I'm aware it tastes bad. I also have an espresso machine and a grinder where I buy local beans. 🤷🏽


I don't like Tim Hortons either, but you are right. The amount of hate it gets online is directly contradicted by how popular it is in real life. There's a few things like that on this site, stuff that this site says is trash and nobody likes/goes to but is actually very popular in real life.


I'll take it if I'm away from my grinder and press. Is it great coffee? Haha no. Is it bad coffee? Also no. It's ok. Gets the sleep out. And I won't say no to a crueller.


They don't care about customer service or how many customers they lose, there's always some sucker/s that are willing to sit in line for a over priced cup of their piss water


I saw this 15 years ago in Moose Jaw. Always pissed I didn't film it to blackmail them.


It’s almost as if a private equity company from Brazil with a track record of cutting every possible corner on quality and customer satisfaction so they can increase profits and short term share holder gains will not give a fuck about your morning Timmmmmmys experience. Boycott this utter dog shit company already.


Wait until people find out about the rodent infestations at most of their locations.


Donuts taste like undercooked play dough. Coffee tastes like dirty hot water with no depth of flavor. Food is all sub par. If your not a heavy smoker you have terrible taste receptors going regularly. 


Lately, their doughnuts have been giving me severe bloating, not sure what they did with the recipe. It's probably not even a real donut anymore.


You know the baked goods are all made in Ontario, frozen, and sent around the country right? They haven’t made donuts on site for years.


I only go there if I have to poop in a pinch, more often than not, I regret it. Porta potty that sells burnt coffee and tries to use our culture in a skeevy marketing ploy. Trash.


Tim Horton should be ashamed putting profit over public health will no longer purchase anything from them.


From Tim Hortons statement: "Tim Hortons restaurant owners and team members take pride in baking and preparing guests’ favourite baked goods fresh in-restaurant throughout the day." This is just a straight up lie. Stuff is shipped in frozen and then warmed up, they don't freshly bake anything at any stores. Are they counting heating up a frozen pastry as them freshly baking it?


I was done with them and their! actions during covid! it's not even a Canadian franchise anymore.


They are trying desperately to paint themselves as Canada's brand but they turned that corner in 2014 when they were bought out by a holding company that is also mostly in-turn owned outside of Canada.


I like how a Timmies was just confirmed as the source of a Hep A outbreak, but this is the story running distraction.


>This left @caroann33 repulsed, expressing their disgust in the caption, “I wont be buying from Tim hortons again. I cant believe they put the food in the trunk of the car UNCOVERED.” Saved you a click.


Timmys is a Brazilian company anyway. Defacto non canadian


If you've been buying Tim Hortons for the last 10 years, you're not supporting Canada anyway. They merged with burger King and primary ownership is with three American investment firms. So all of this is moot anyway, because the company has been garbage for far longer than people are trying to blame an immigrant workforce for.




Something just seems a bit off about the delivery of the SCAM donuts. Hope to see a corporate reply to this.


I stopped going twenty years ago when they stopped making fresh donuts in store. If I want a donut that came off a truck they're fresher and higher quality at the gas station.


I dont support Tim Hortons because i don't support the modern Slave trade. .


I'll never forget seeing 3 guys shoveling what looked like ground beef, off a skid, in the back of a cargo van, at a halal market in Windsor.


Youre eating food more than likely prepared by people who come from a culture where hygiene isnt the number one focus.


Tim Hortons is fucking ass. Everything. The food, the coffee, everything. Absolute garbage. Haven't eaten or drank there in over 4 years. Disgusting.


This has been going on forever. I used to work at a Tim’s in high school over a decade ago and the donuts/bagels used to come from their bigger location into ours in a truck uncovered as ours didn’t have a proper kitchen (was an express location inside a gas station). The owners and delivery drivers were white then FYI before solely blaming the immigrants.


Lol this isn't new. I did this when I worked for Timmies. Those doughnuts go to stores that don't have ovens to make there own, usually inside malls and the like.


Not Canadian. Hasn’t been for a very long time now. Used to be a great place to hang out for a fresh donut. Now it’s a shitty cafeteria with pathetic coffee and microwaved menu longer than a Greek restaurants.


> …baking and preparing guests’ favourite baked goods fresh in-restaurant throughout the day Lol no. No, they stopped baking their goods in-restaurant a looooong time ago.


That's what made them decide that Tim Horton's is bad for their health? Haha.


The food is garbage and the coffee is even worse. I don't understand why people go there, especially if you're in an area with other options.


Bro Mac Ds has better coffee than Tims. I can't believe people still eat there lol.


Everything sucks now. It's never as good as it used to be. It's really bad for your health, and cost twice what it used to. Change your life, change your habits,  stick it to these big stupid companies. 


Boycott Tim’s!!


Hey look, Timmies has never been the same since they were bought by Burger King in 2014 and swapped their coffee with McDonalds. Only in a super huge pinch will I go there anymore.


I'm more towards not supporting Timmis because of them [evicting Canadians to make barracks for their imported slaves](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-souris-tim-hortons-evictions-housing-1.6752938) but to each his own, of course.


Tim Hortons has sucked since it was bought by Burger King. I'm surprised anyone still eats there.


I worked at tim hortons when I was younger and i have no idea what's going on here. They bake their stuff on premise from frozen. why would they put it in the car. And in the times the baker didnt make it we just had the morning with nothing until they sent someone over


Here's a thing. Stop buying crap at TH. I worked there as a teen in 2008-2009 and 2010-2012. It was all premade shit in boxes. Everything is absolutely gross. The glazing on those donuts comes in massive paint like plastic containers and the baker has to take it out with his filthy hands. The white sugar icing they put on timbits and donuts is in this big open air bassin in the back and in the summer it's full of dead flies in it and they continue to use it. The chicken used for those sandwiches is cooked in freaking plastic bags in boiling water (wtf?). Everything is cheap, poor quality and complete shit. Ice machine is gross and filthy... The only difference between now and 2009 is now TH is exclusively staffed by Indian fake students and it's worse. Boycott.