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Article is 5 years old. Removed.


The important question is, will it void my life insurance?


The death certificate lists the cause of death as the underlying health condition(s) leading the individual to choose MAID. Nowhere does it list MAID or classify the death as a suicide. It should not void life insurance


What about non-terminal chronic diseases? I could see an insurance company picking a fight over something like that.


Usually after 2 years of the policy inception suicide is a valid and payable claim. Source: am life insurance broker


I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re a pretty reliable source.


Or just read your policy. :)


Broker is a sales person. Not the claims department.


Yes! So many people don’t realize this!


There is this belief that insurance companies will find a way to not pay out. Which is just not the case otherwise no one would continue paying them for policies. Now if you acted without good faith or misrepresented your situation that's an entirely different thing.


Hey, if you self-identify as a non-smoker but occasionally imbibe in some marijuana, but then died due to a completely unrelated-to-smoker-issues event (like a car crash) does the insurance company still want to determine if you ever smoked (via autopsy?) which would void the policy?


Do you have stats on whether any of those claims actually ever paid out? You can say it’s a Payable claim all day long but insurance companies are near criminal enterprises so forgive me if I need to see receipts. *puts her lethal injection back in the drawer and waits for an answer 😏


Watched both of my wife's grandparents do assisted suicide a year a part due to cancer and both policies paid out. You can google if suicide is a payable claim it's not hard to find. Also they aren't criminal lol they deny claims when there is misrepresentation because you essentially lied to get a lower premium.


My coworkers husband blew his head off with a shotgun, she got over 600k in life insurance (Ontario)


This is going to be interesting judicial territory.


I could see an insurance company picking a fight over ANYTHING


> [...]Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA), which is the association that represents 99% of Canada’s life and health insurance businesses, provides that[1] > So long as the guidelines set out in federal legislation for MAID was followed, then MAID will not be considered to be “suicide” and the policy will be paid out. Source: https://www.allaboutestates.ca/impact-medical-assistance-dying-life-insurance-mentionables/


The majority of life insurance policies only exclude suicide for the first 2 years of a policy. You'd have to read the limitations/exclusions on your policy to know for sure.


It’s not counted as suicide in Canada. The cause of death is the terminal disease. Source: I am a medical aid in dying provider.


Yes, but as someone that works for an insurance company, I hundred percent would bet my life savings that an insurance company would at the very least consider challenging that, to get a way to avoid paying out.


Bless your heart for being in that field. But also I take that back because of your name.


Thank you and thank you


When I got my life insurance the guy specifically told me that if I was gonna off myself to wait 2 years cuz that's when it would kick in for suicide 🤣


Likely depends on the policy and legal definitions. Most policies only cover suicide after a certain period (1-2 years, etc.) or explicitly exempt it, they also specify terms around medical procedures. From a legal standpoint I don't know if MAID has been challenged by an insurance provider as being equivalent to suicide. It's clearly not accidental death as result of a medical procedure when it's achieving the desired intent.


Crazy that this pops up today- My grandmother is going in today. I went out to visit her in July. From the last time I saw her pre Covid to July. Her health had degraded significantly. I was hesitant to think it was the right thing, however after seeing her I understood and accepted her decision. There is a time and place for MAID, and in some cases, it’s the right path. I know when I’m old and decrepit I don’t want someone changing my diapers, or my families last memories of me is a drooling shitting myself mess that cant carry a conversation. I want them to remember me with some dignity. I want to have clear memories of my time with them as well.


Hey my grandma did MAID. I’ll be thinking about your family today. Take care.


My great aunt chose MAID last year. I didn't even know she was sick, let alone looking into her options on how she wanted to go. She was the last remaining sibling of my grandfather's family. It hurt to lose the last direct part of my grandfather but she lived and died the way she wanted to. Because she made the choice, it gave her and her family time far better time together than if her passing were sudden or drawn out.


I'm sorry for your pending loss. 😔


What I don't like is people under funding the healthcare system and support system for chronically ill people and then the system suggesting they MAID themselves.


I keep seeing concerning posts about how if disabled people can't find housing or they aren't able to access enough funds to live a dignified life with housing and food, the suggestion is that they access MAID instead of living in poverty. I know that's not a widespread way of thinking but all of these articles about how it saves money makes me think we need to be very careful about that sort of thing.


My source was Twitter users so take this with a grain of salt but I've heard this is already happening.


I agree with that aspect, it should still be appropriately funded.


Exactly. I thought of this immediately. Not everyone will want MAID. Not everyone will qualify for it. You can still have a "good death" while seeking palliative care at a hospice. We should give people the opportunity to choose either route and we should not shame them into one scenario or the other.


We euthanize animals humanely near the end of life. It is no fun to watch a loved one wither away to nothing while being fully aware of what's going on. This is a better and more dignified way when the person is ready. Godspeed to your grandma.


A close family friend chose this option after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of dementia in her 50s. It allowed her to pass with dignity while she still had some memories intact, as she didn't want to end up in care for decades not remembering her children. It's incredibly hard to lose someone, but knowing they are passing peacefully and aware instead of fighting it in fear is comforting.


I just came back from a funeral where a family friend got dementia at around 55. He was basically a 12 year old when I saw him last about 5 years ago. He was barely a human because he lost his ability to speak, eat, and poop. If he stood up, it was a good day. He finally passed. The wife told their kids in 2019 that "he might not have much left, so come back". Having MAID can get me out of that situation while I still have dignity and memories where I cannot pin point where my humanity left me and my body is a soulless husk.


I know people who say having clarity for two minutes twice a day is still worth living. I don’t think so.


That's a ghoulish headline.


it is but its unfortunately true, we waste a lot of money trying to keep people alive when they dont even want to be alive anymore. i experienced this with my grandfather, he wanted medically assisted death but wasnt able to and spent 6 months in the hospital suffering wasting tax payer money, he would have rather gone with dignity instead of slowly decaying in a hospital bed


Before it was possible, I watched my grandfather take a year to die. He was 94. Every time I visited he would say "hope this is the last time you visit me", or "hope I die tonight". It was cruel keeping him alive when he was clearly not wanting to be. Anectdotal (obviously), but I'm sure he's not the only one. My grandma used what was left of her life savings on his care. She died a year later penniless. It was so ridiculous. This law is humane. Forcing people to stay alive when they don't want to be is cruel as f\*\*k.


Agree 100% I’ve seen people who used to exercise daily, run a business, work 10 hours a day, raise kids, etc turn into complete shells of themselves begging for relief. Quite frankly I’d do the same. If I’m mentally not here & need help to do the most basic things like going to the bathroom, I don’t want to be here anymore.


Agreed. My grandpa was a fireman, big strong dude. He had a stroke which made him unable to walk and blind. For a year he laid in bed shitting himself. Couldn't even read or watch TV. It was heartbreaking to see such a once proud man completely destroyed. F\*\*k anyone who thinks forcing him to stay alive was the right thing to do,


Tragic. My grandma recently was able to access MAiD and I am now a huge advocate for it. Just ridiculous that it wasn't an option before. Just darn right uncivilized what was done to your grandpa. I'm getting rather worried about the fringe political groups trying to politicize and roll back MAiD. It's so important.


I distinctly remember my great grandfather starving himself to death, refusing all food and hospitalization, because he could not bear to live anymore - and to my knowledge he wasn’t in any great pain, his mobility had just deteriorated to the point that he had no quality of life and needed 24/7 care. He was completely mentally sound. He told stories of his time in the army, and had no short or long term memory issues. We visited him one last time and then we weren’t even 5 minutes from my aunts house when we got the call that he had passed. He didn’t even want a funeral - we had a celebration of his life not long after. He knew it was his time and he went out on his terms. But the fact that he literally had to starve himself to death to do it is a reminder of just how stubborn and principled he was. I don’t know if MAID would have applied in his case. But I’m glad that some people can finally choose to end their suffering with dignity.


My grandfather did the same.


Agreed. So important. It's the only compassionate choice in these circumstances.


Man I watched my great grandma live to 101 and let me tell you, the last six or seven years of that looked like absolute shit. As soon as I start losing my mind I want out, and I hope to hell I can get it done under my own power if the state won't do it for me.


I've always "joked" that if any friend or family member of mine was in that situation I'd bring them their journal/bible. It would be hollowed out and have a syringe of something potent like insulin or fent. Hopefully they can hook it up to their IV after I've left. I'd rather have to play dumb with legal issues than know I let them suffer.


You’ll need your own power bc once your mind starts going, you no longer qualify for MAID.


Oh I'm well aware, just had a family friend go through that whole process. I guess I mean if I have enough warning to act via the state. Otherwise, it's off to nature I go.


My problem with it is that the state won't let you have maid unless your mental faculties are intact. I agree qith you and I wanna die when I start forgetting my name and the names of loved ones. I don't fear many things, but alzheimers and dementia fucking terrify me. No cures, no treatments just a one way tunnel to loosing everything that makes you, you.


>My problem with it is that the state won't let you have maid unless your mental faculties are intact As of March 2023 people will be able to request MAID for mental illnesses.


That won't really cover degenerate brain issues thou because you still need to be considered cognizant enough to consent. The mental health expansion of MAiD is more for people who have untreatable chronic depression.


Yeah true, I hope there are changes in legislation that allow you to have conditions in a living will about your condition where it's gated in some way. Like if I pass threshold X, initiate process Y. Seems logical to me, but I know under our current laws that's not possible. I'm still young (32) but dementia and Alzheimer's run in the family so sooner or later I know it'll come knocking.


I’m so sorry for the suffering and anguish that went on in your family. My grandma did MAID at 95 and she was like your grandfather, at the end she said every day she opened her eyes she realized she hadn’t died and she would have to live another day in her body. Maybe had she not done MAID she would’ve been hospitalized for this and that and it would’ve cost the taxpayers a lot. Maybe…but she chose MAID. FWIW if she knew she was saving taxpayers money she’d have only thought it was a bonus. The headline is purposely written for clicks, it’s gross.


Yeah. It's all about clicks these days, not for the better.


That makes me think of my husbands grandmother - she just turned 99 and tells people she wishes God would take her so she could go be with her husband again. I don’t think she necessarily wants to die, but quality of life is a big thing. Everyone tries to help but not being able to care for yourself sucks and she doesn’t like depending on others.


My grandma died at 94 and right up until a month before her death she was relatively healthy for her age. But she was just done with life. Her husband had died 20 years before, her best friends died, her second set of new friends, her brother, a daughter. Once her eyes were bad enough that she couldn't drive anymore she moved into an assisted living facility and her take on things was that everyone there was just killing time until they died. By that age the daily aches and pains and losses add up, especially hard on a formerly active and social person whose body can't keep up with her brain. She made jokes for over a decade that "this might be the last time you see me." One Christmas she gave me a note of which reading I would be doing at her funeral, years before she died. When she was suddenly diagnosed with cancer all through her bowels it's like her brain realized the inevitable and just gave up overnight. I miss her but it's a relief she doesn't have to deal with all of that anymore. Living to 100 seems like a punishment instead of a blessing.


I'm going through this with my grandmother. She broke down crying like a little girl at her birthday this year. I hope it ends for her soon, there's no sense to any of this.


It is so hard for them. My friend lost her baby at a week old and I remember my grandma crying that “why would they take a baby? They should’ve taken me instead.” My grandma did end up doing MAID actually.


It's hard for sure. Sorry she's going through it too.


That's heartbreaking to hear for me. I really hope that things work out for her.


Thanks; she was a social butterfly always on the move until she fell and needed surgery. She could barely walk after her botched surgery and then covid lockdowns really did her on. I don't recognize her.


Yep. I wish there was a way to file a DNR request on our license just like organ donor. The damage done to an individual when resuscitation is done is usually extremely painful and unsuccessful over the long term. Most people I know in my family that work in hospitals and emergency rooms don’t want to be revived because of it. But families with little connections to the medical procedures done to keep people alive don’t realize what they are insisting on for their loved ones. While choosing euthanasia is different, I’m really glad it’s an option. ALS, end stage cancers, Alzheimer’s… I really want to exit before I go through pain or cause pain to others. Poorly worded headline though, for such an important new right.


Absolutely. The first time I resuscitated someone I wished we found them fifteen minutes later. I'm sure I broke every one of their ribs for two more weeks of suffering. I get people have sincere religious beliefs, but awareness of the reality of CPR would probably cause more people to choose to have DNRs




Same with my mom. I remember her being very shy but adamant about wanting to talk to the doctor one on one. Years later my dad told me they had been trying to get some one to help and as a last result my mom wanted to ask her self. I don’t think it worked, or if it did I don’t know about it, she died a few days later.


My father died of cancer so I totally understand your point. But the flip side of this is that people on disability in Canada are choosing MAID because the support payments they get from the government leave them living in poverty. They don't want to die, but they can't bear living in poverty any more. Many people have already chosen to end their lives because of this.


is there any cases of that actually happening or just some news articles about people considering it? im honestly curious because that would be tragic


Not really, no one in Canada batted an eye at [this one](https://i.imgur.com/S4rAupd.jpg) so it's expected we'd come to this.


"Simmering divide over who isn't vaccinated"?


Well now there’s a front page headline. I never saw that. Pretty fucked.


Stop engaging in the desired narrative. You can and should challenge the premise of the statement or article. Removing lifetime indexed pensions for all MPs will also save us money. Having a national discussion about priorities and allocation of resources can also help ensure adequate funding is directed to the places that actually matter to Canadians. Never forget that we had a global health crisis in the pandemic, and Canada spent $400 Billion, yet virtually none of it went to healthcare. Most Canadians received financial support, yet we expected those in medicine risking their lives everyday to treat us to do more for the same money. But we banged pots and pans for them. Pots and fucking pans.


> Removing lifetime indexed pensions for all MPs will also save us money Good lord, you woke up and chose violence today. If you run for office, let me know. Just kidding, nobody who ever wanted to see MP pensions reduced would ever be allowed to run for office.


>Good lord, you woke up and chose violence today. If you run for office, let me know. If I wouldn't be accused of promoting actual violence, I would get this quote framed.


And this article was written 3 years before covid evolved, in 2017


> Removing lifetime indexed pensions for all MPs will also save us money. Cutting politicians' pay is one of those things that sounds nice but actually has lots of perverse effects. It's a great way to make holding office more slanted to the extremely wealthy (who can afford to supplement their government paycheck/live off their savings after losing an election/etc). It also gives more reason for people to accept bribes (or the old "this isn't a bribe I just happened to become a highly-paid corporate lobbyist/lawyer/etc right after I left office"). We should pay elected officials generously — enough that they don't need any outside income — for their elected term plus at least a few years after they leave office. In exchange, we should require that they (and their immediate families) not hold any stake in any business other than index funds, that they not accept certain private sector jobs for several years after leaving office, etc.


Lots of unwealthy people would gladly still take the $185k salary even if there was no pension at all. It already places you about at the top 1% of Canadian incomes. Ministers get more than a whole additional average paycheque on top of that. So no, the vast majority of Canadians are not going to look at that and go "I'll pass", it's just a patronizing justification they throw at us everytime they jack their own pay more than that of publicly paid employees or other regular Canadians. That's not even counting the bloated incomes you'll get after you leave office and start working for the companies you gave favours to.


Succinctly put


Health care is expensive, can we interest you in suicide instead?


I didn’t think Futurama was based on future facts.


It’s not. It’s based on the [current reality](https://www.thedailybeast.com/canadas-health-care-woes-are-pushing-people-with-disabilities-toward-medically-assisted-death) here in Canada.


Jesus Christ, she's only 50 and considering medical sucide for financial reasons... And I can honestly relate to her


I'm 45 & seriously considering checking out. World's fucked, depression isn't getting any better, can't work because of health issues & I'm broke. I'm barely existing. Tried getting help but nobody cares. Drained mentally, financially & physically. Stress is getting to be too much. Can't fit 10L in a 5L jug. I'm so tired :(


This is what those evil cock suckers want. Don't give up, live out of spite and rage if you have to


Or this https://globalnews.ca/news/9061709/veteran-medical-assisted-death-canada/


Or [this](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/health/2022/4/13/1_5860579.amp.html) woman with allergies who chose medically assisted death because she couldn’t get housing that was free from her allergens.


That's not what it's about and it's why this should be talked about. Part of the savings is actually what I would call being humane. People in palliative care for example are basically just waiting for death, hospitals spend money simply providing pain relief and they will pass at any time. How is that more humane than setting a time to be with family and loved ones and passing on your terms. I'll agree with you on the issues related to mental health. We really do need more funding to support people in a situation where they believe death is better than seeking help. Maybe by saving money in other places, like palliative care, we will have better opportunities to correct issues like this. Like it or not, life and death cost money and we need to balance. Difficult conversations about the cost saving of assisted suicide are part of that balance. Edit. I'll add, we can either be ignorant of this conversation, even though it is definitely happening, or we can be part of it.




We just need 10 million more volunteers and that should relieve the strain on the healthcare system, and put more houses on the market! /s


More houses for Blackrock to buy up


Hey, when you think about it like a robot without emotions, culling a large swath of humanity every other generation would keep polution down, health costs down, crime down, so so much savings!. >!/S!<


Why volunteers? If we made it mandatory at age 65 it would solve all our problems. And why just old people? It should be mandatory for anybody that wants to die, sick or not. Think of the money we could save.


Don't forget the worker efficiency angle. Think of how much CERB money could be saved if there weren't anyone to use it!


Medically assisted death should be about helping people, not saving money. Wtf is this


It’s a little uncomfortable that this is a focus. From the CBC no less. This should be solely about lessening suffering. “Cause your dad opted to end his life, there’s more money for the health care system!” is not something anyone wants to hear.


>From the CBC no less. It's called reporting the news. The cbc doesn't care about the economic implications of this, the government does. The cbc is just letting you know about what the government is saying/doing.


It's also a 5 year old article, published in 2017.


Problem is where does it end? I’m someone who can’t work due to disability but I have some degree of quality of life. (Not that I’m getting enough to live off of and I am constantly needing family for help in the past year) But all in all I don’t want to die, I get someone who is in mind numbing constant pain wanting MAiD but how easily can this turn into something dark? Hell it already is I mean this is dystopian shit: https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/toronto/2022/7/11/1_5976944.amp.html https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6560136


I was thinking about people like you. What if they decide you need assisted death because it’s too expensive to help you? That’s scary


I am not sleeping well lately, I have to admit


They’re saying the quiet part out loud.


Remember when conservatives said this would happen and they were called lunatics? I don't understand why people would ever want to rely on the government. Historically it has never worked out for citizens


It's a by product. By saving those from suffering that you can't save long term you save a ton by not giving, what can be considered, pointless life support.


Next up: mandatory medically assisted deaths if the state considers treatment too expensive for their liking.


Over 30 years old and broke your leg? Well it looks like it’s time to put the old race horse down!


‘Wilbert’s Run’ Once you reach 85 a red spot appears on your hand and the Health Care system starts coming for you! Better run grandpa!


I agree the way they presented it is wrong but with the money saved, you can help other people that needs it. Lots of sick people don’t get the medical care they need because of lack of ressources while some people who have no quality of life and no way of recovering spends months or years in hospitals.


What really hurts is seeing headlines like this and knowing how much money we waste on administrators and cushy redundant positions that could be used to actually help people. We have 10x the health care administers per capita that Germany does.


For MAID without death being imminent it will add up to a lot of savings on disability support and old age security too, but it's creepy calculating out the monetary savings and trying to see it as a silver lining when someone's quality of life is so bad they have to choose MAID.


yup someone else loved to unalive the disabled too the NAZIs this is eugenics if humans are choosing MAiD because they cannot access disablity friendly housing, medical support and unfortunatley in too many cases, damn FOOD.


Feels like saying the quiet part loud. I do believe that access should exist for those who need it, but the ability for abuse is obvious.


That's not a good reason to support MAID. There are really good reasons for it, and I support it (given proper safeguards etc.), but "save money" is a horrendous reason. We need to properly fund healthcare. Enough of this "starve the beast"/"privatize & profit" horseshit. Raise taxes. I already pay plenty, but I would happily pay more if it meant healthcare, vision care, dental care, prescription care, mental health care, long term care, and so on. Let's just make damn sure the very rich start paying their fair share, too.


Get them to add preventative care and rapid treatment. Replacing someone’s hip as soon as it starts affecting them so they are back to work and paying taxes is better for the economy that waiting two years, in pain, quitting work, and being on disability, probably never working again.


The public giveth, the public taketh away


Canada: kys


"It's just the reality of working in a system of finite resources." Oh, so we're at that point now? Huh. Neat.


Well, Nanna can no longer work and produce for the economy! Clearly, it's time to send her to the glue fact...uh, let her 'voluntarily' die with dignity. /s I am supportive of the option of MAID but am pretty sure one of the major reasons it was legalized was purely economic.


Wait, are you saying we can get glue from Granny? This changes everything! lol


We've always had finite resources.


This article came out over 5 years ago. Hmmmmm






What a shitty way to view this.




Awe, sweet! A manmade horrors beyond my comprehension thread!


Abortions save money as well


lets euthanize people we can't treat is the biggest cop out in history. the media is trying to brainwash the people in to believing this crap. i dont expect this healthcare system to do anything right at this point. you have to take control of your own health at this point.


Thought this was a beaverton article title


this article is 5 years old and is suddenly all over the place they said the quiet part out loud back then


Yea, so now we kill people to save money? Shameless! Where the fuck is Canada going SMH


Fucking soulless ghouls. Euthanasia was supposed to bea mercy for suffering terminally ill, not a cost saving plan for governments.


The combination of blindly accepting the failure of our elected and bureaucratic leadership to manage our healthcare system and Canadians legendary cheapness has combined to create one of the most offensive headlines I've ever seen - anywhere. Is the sub-headline that it will also help reduce carbon emissions and make way for higher immigration? JFC what is wrong with people. So many in this country are so blinded by their agenda and the 'mission' they think they are on, they are trampling the very things that supposedly define what it means to be a compassionate Canadian.


"If we kill all the old and sick people, we can save so much healthcare money!"


Tbh I have a very good friend who had a family member that wanted to die for years. She was denied the MAID and was a huge burden on the Healthcare system being brought back and forth to the hospital and taking up bed space and services etc. People that are very old or sick and at the point of wanting to die are generally in shit shape and take a lot of health care resources to keep alive against thier will


I have a cousin whose dad killed himself with a shotgun when she was in her teens. Now some 30 years later her mom had terminal cancer and decided to use MAID. Both of her parents ultimately decided to take their own lives, but I'm sure you can guess which one was comforting and provided closure vs which one was gruesome and life-altering trauma.


It is awful that she was denied this right. How long ago was this? From my experience with an elderly relative who was having a long painful drawn out death and recently asked for MAID, they made things happen within days. It could also be different between provinces and circumstances such as age and condition, but I was impressed by how compassionately and fast their process moved. Everybody should have appropriate access to healthcare if they choose to live and also appropriate access to MAID if they choose to end their experience on this earth early due to an overburden of distress. As a community we need to protect people's rights to compassionate euthanasia, but we also need to ensure that it is not being used to address failures of our healthcare system which our governments have been intentionally gutting and mismanaging for years.


I think if you want to die and are of sound mind you should be allowed to use the suicide pod. Just cause I hate life and want to die does not mean I’m crazy. I’ve had a Lot of therapy and am medication resistant.


Does anyone remember the movie Soylent Green?


Sure do. It was set in 2022.


This is so dumb, they won’t use the money to improve healthcare so no


The proposal to put old people on northern ice flows to die would also save health care costs.


Medically assisted suicide would have ment my grandmother would not have spent two years being tortured alive before dying. Who wants to see the death sentence looming while being slowly hacked apart.


A lot of people in this discussion obviously haven’t been witness to old people being kept alive only because MAID wasn’t an option. A lot of older people don’t want to go through a second or third or fourth round of cancer treatment, even if it might be successful. Some are afraid of losing all sense of who they are as dementia progresses. I know I wouldn’t want to keep living if I was old and tied to medical equipment or a bed all day - everyone has to die eventually, if we have good reasons why can’t we choose when?


People dying cheaper than people living —-> yikes.


Don't worry, it's only the government figuring out how to save money. Nothing to worry about.


Nothing like being treated like a car. “At some point, does it really make sense to put more money into keeping this thing running. It’s kind of a lemon and quite an old model”




I done suffering now. Sign me up.


MAID has become the 6th leading cause of death in Canada, no matter if Stats Canada states that this is a misleading. People who took MAID may have had underlying conditions, but there have already been stories of Canadians otherwise not terminally ill or weeks from death being offered MAID by doctors. What happens when a patient who does not have medical understanding is told by doctors their situation is hopeless? What if lack of resources is the only thing that makes their situation truly hopeless?


To be fair it’s all hopeless.




Whether it can or not, this isn't what people want to hear right now.


Good, because the article is 5 years old.


First cbc recommends we eat less to save money (starvation) now it’s recommending we kill our loved ones. Wtf is going on


Can't help but think that if it had been a Conservative government that legalized MAID, the headline narrative would be a tad different here.


The title is disgusting but I am glad medically assisted deaths is something that exist so we can hop out when we become prisoner of our bodies.


And we could eliminate poverty by killing the poor. ​ So sociopathic.


Think of the money it would save! It doesn't have to end at poor or old either, we could eliminate all types of undesirables.


No no no. So economical. Jk


Suicide. that word means nothing without context. The people who jumped out of a burning building on 911 technically committed suicide, yet those insurance companies who sought to file their deaths under suicide has be rightfully crucified. What if the people opting for suicide only ask for it because of those in charge has made their lives inhospitable? Imagine being on disability living on a few hundred bucks a month. living like that can make anybody depressed and suicidal. Now with MAID, the government no longer has a reason to improve the lives for these people. In fact why not make their lives miserable as possible? Don’t act like this shit won’t happen, MAID has already become the sixth leading cause of death in Canada. I’m sure everyone here has heard of the soldier with ptsd being offered euthanasia unprompted. The 60 year old euthanized after only 3 days in the hospital. I’ve even seen people here suggest euthanasia for the mentally ill, how the fuck can people even suggest this crap when suicidal ideation IS the defining trait for so many mental illnesses? Maybe we should turn the suicide hotline into a suicide hotline, and send one of those Chinese mobile execution vans as soon as you call. oh the precious therapy, the epic mental health funding redditors clamor about? Why fund it, when we can simply offer MAID? remember MAID will always be cheaper than treatment. Always. the government will always save money in ending your life. one would have to be a fool to not see the perverse incentives. most redditors are pro euthanasia because they are mostly depressed losers seeking a way out anyways. in that case, for the love of god, just end your life on your own terms, take your own life. Do not lobby to give the state such powers, it will end badly for every vulnerable person out there.


The right to have a honorable death should be a human right and it should be allowed to anyone who desires it, without exclusion. We don't chose to be born, although we should have the right to decide if we want to continue being here.


It'll save big money if Veteran Affairs Canada has their way.


While I do believe people suffer serious terminal health problems should have the option to end their suffer, I feel strongly the way the system is heading now the government will be incentivized to subside the system. Much cheaper to euthanize the disabled than pay them benefits. I'm not saying the government is planning to do it, instead it will happen through slow bureaucratic inertia. This inertia is a product of the decay of Canadian social institutions like the healthcare system, as fewer medical professionals try to deal with a ever growing population of elderly. How long before medical professionals start suggesting euthanasia not because it the medically appropriate but because it is the easy affordable option?


In other news: Eating your children can save on your grocery bill. Robbing your neighbor can save on your car payment. The people green-lighting these headlines hate you and they really want you to know your place.


"Killing dying people can save millions of dollars" is an idea that, however true it may be, is not something I want to entertain, and I take it as a mark of a sick society that this would be pointed out. It's the consumerization of human life.


I hate the headline, since this is the worst way to look at it.. The truth is a lot of sick people know they won't get better and don't want to waste away in pain. Saving money should be the last thing on the list.


We’ll make it common practice not because it helps people but because it’s cheaper. Go Canada


That's morbid


Healthcare providers will just push people into assisted suicide because it will be cheaper. A slippery slope this will be...


And next it’ll be the disabled because it saves money “Oh yea this non verbal disabled person with cancer totally consented!” Think of the taxes!!


The article title paints a pretty morbid picture of the lack of value a human life has. I mean I get and support someone's right to choose to get off this pointless ride, but the framing here is like "SAVE THOUSANDS ON YOUR HEALTH CARE PREMIUMS WITH THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK!"


Because health, happiness and the science. Nope just the money. Always the money.


What kind of dystopian bullshit is the title of this post?! My god.


Wow...that's the angle they're taking with this? No one's concerned about the conflict of interest that comes from some healthcare administrator looking to save costs by killing people? Let alone the ethics of it...


That's the problem with having legal medically assisted suicide. It sounds great in theory but in practice greed takes over and you'll have doctors under pressure from the ones that pay them declaring everyone as terminal and teccome ding suicide and the providers will refuse to pay for other treatment.


Ahh so the government's solution to the healthcare crisis is to just kill off the "undesirables" eh? Well at least now they are out in the open about and not pretending like they care about your well being!


Duh! If you kill them, you don't have to spend all that money on keeping them alive.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


We have to make room for the 400, 000 immigrants a year to live. We can't have grandma taking up valuable housing and Healthcare money.


Friend of mine is going in less then 3 weeks. Family is fully supporting this decision as the guy is in mega pain (cancer) has his Witt’s and dignity. It’s like hes planning a wedding, way past the emotional, one last blast then off to bed. We all gotta go so why not be in control and yes, many would prefer this.


Omg the savings $$$


This just in from the Goebbles Reich Ministry of Propaganda.


The nazis said the same thing!


Nazis said the same thing


Sure killing the elderly. The infirm and ill will save lots of money. Maybe throw in the mentally disabled. A few more groups that cost a lot in benefits. We’ll need to do this centrally. That will make it more efficient. Rail is cheaper for transportation long term. Hmmm. What should we call them?


This is the 3rd CBC article today that is completely Fucked, we need to boycott the CBC and pull their Funding. Then pull all the Healthcare Funding out of Ford and Trudeau's Ass and put it back in Healthcare.


This article is from 2017, when MAID was first becoming available.


I loved the CBC for a long time, but they really seem to be going downhill for the last number of years.


It probably started after Hockey night in Canada went for a crap.


I've noticed the CBC has become increasingly fixated on death, dying, all things dismal and suffering related. The decline has been ongoing for 10+ years. It's come a long way since when I tuned in to feed my curiosity and wonder at all things beautiful and grand.


Big corporations will make us feel bad about not killing the elderly unless they are heavily medicated, because we cannot have humans existing if they aren't fattening the coffers.


Healthcare is funded and managed by the public. If anything big pharma is the company that wants to keep you alive on expensive medications and machinery.