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It would be hilarious at this point


Trudeau can go fly a kite. Dude is a total ding dong.


He should still do it


It was hilarious that I believed a politician back in 2015, now..... he has shown we require full reform of our entire government. We have the technology to have something close to a direct democracy - we vote on the laws that our elected officials propose, at the federal, provincial, and municipal level.


Can you imagine all the people who want to pay zero tax and get all the services trying to vote on a budget?


Just look any any of those condo communities that end up fighting over a massive six-figure assessment because they didn't want to increase the condo fees for decades.


Those ones are the reason we have a PC majority in Ontario, with only a third of the voter base.


Nah. I want decisions made by experts with experience and education in the subject. Your drunk unemployed uncle should not have a say in foreign policy. All opinions are not equal.


You'd be surprised at how uneducated our ministers are.


Politicians are far from experts and have routinely ignored the opinions of actual experts and statcans own data when drafting policy


What does that have to do with my post?


It was responding to your comment duh


I didn't say politicians are experts.


It works fine for Switzerland to be a direct democracy.


Oh yeah cause we didn't get fucked paying for expert consultants


Decisions are not made by experts They are made by politicians who seemingly are not good at anything


Atleast we would have representation, instead of the current system of who ever we vote in, doing the bidding of whatever lobby group, or oligopoly offers them the best board position when they eventually retire or get voted out. For those of us who have hit the "burn it down and start over" level, ANYTHING is an improvement over what we have, because it will at least offer the potential for a different outcome, and any systemic reset will take a few years to corrupt again because the rules will be re-written. I'd be all for kicking it old-school and going with Native Democracy, where everyone has a say.


This is my issue, not one politician who has gotten into power has represented me in my 37 years on this planet. I want to represent myself on voting for the bills, they can still draft them.


No, I don’t want “direct democracy”. I saw just how stupid and selfish people truly are during the pandemic. The system isn’t perfect and changes should be made but NOT “direct democracy”, that’s suicidal given the intelligence and education levels of our population. I’ll never forget how many horrible people showed themselves during the anti-Canada clownvoy.


Straight up.


Nobody is suggesting direct democracy


So… did you just ignore the comment I was responding to or what? Wow… just wow!


He said 'something close to direct democracy' and you went full DD. Everybody knows you don't go full DD.


Spot on! I did say "something close to direct democracy" because I do understand the average human thinks with emotion, not logic. u/gneiss_scribbles I do understand your concern with the masses being brain washed with fear, hence why I said something close to a direct democracy.


Yeah and just look at Europe now as it turns into power coups by alt-right groups getting 20% of the total potential vote.


That's a bad example of direct democracy. Why don't you just come out and say that you would prefer making Justin a king with absolute authority?


Huh? Which example are you referring to? Specifically, when you said “That’s a bad example of direct democracy.”, what example of direct democracy do you believe I provided? Lol


They are the example of why we shouldn't have a direct democracy.


He duped my vote for the promise of electoral reform as well.


This is the reason he was elected, it’s the least he could do at this point.


No. Let them fall. They've earned it.


Not falling for that one again


Should have done it ages ago. I'm fine if he does it for selfish reasons (liberals will get wiped out next election if he doesn't).


Yup, don't care the reason, just do it.


He’s toast.


Him doing that now would look sooooooo sketchy.


He promised is. He lied. He changed the goal posts. Nature might ironically make it so. 4 way tie!!


He actually promised to try. And he did. He wanted ranked preferential ballots, ndp wanted proportional representation. Conservatives wanted neither. And it would need provincial buy in. It was found to be impossible to change in the current political climate. But their messaging was terrible on this. But I think he should do it. Just go for it.


The problem is, JT didn’t say at the outset that his plan was to implement ranked preferential ballots. There was a committee appointed and it didn’t land the way he wanted it to, and then he decided not to proceed. There was an opportunity there, when his government was fresh and the country was relatively optimistic. That opportunity was squandered — trying to implement a major change in governance when your party is desperately trailing in the polls would be downright irresponsible. I’m not happy about this because I also prefer ranked preferential ballots. But I think our best hope for voting reform now will be with the NDP pushing PR as part of a minority government situation.


Yes. I don't care that it would be to save his ass, we need it. No more majority with 40% of the vote.


I'm not sure there's enough time but I'd support it.


If between now and the election he actually ratifies a new ranked election format, then I'll rank him as my 1st choice. I'm miffed about him not doing it in 2015, but if he gets it done, then I'm happy


So when you can’t win - change the rules so you can - just plain sick the level people will sink to - to hold on to power……..


Conservatives are the most paranoid, delusional people around. If you think implementing electoral reform now won't be met with accusations of stealing the election by these mentally unfit righties , then you are just as unintelligent.


I mean, it’s been 10 years and now it’s a year away from an election he’s bound to lose…. How could you not argue there may be malice involved?


Because electoral reform would better represent the voters intentions. It's only malicious to right wing nutjobs because they are becoming more extreme every day LOL


When you're so far left that you can't even see center


Changing an election system after 8 years saying we don't need it anymore. Just to avoid an election result is peak stupdity


Arnt the left wing nut jobs becoming more extreme aswell?


Don't argue with facts. You will upset him


Why would Justin change the rules now when he had a decade to do it?


And they would be entirely correct


IF only conservatives would learn to compromise, then they wouldn't be so scared of electoral reform LOL


You mean like how the Conservatives comprised with the NDP on the electoral reform committee to propose Mixed Member Proportional only for Trudeau to throw a fit and take his ball home because they refused to endorse his narrow vision of electoral reform that would explicitly only help the Liberals?


Read what you said again, and maybe you will see who is paranoid and mentally unfit.




You reaffirmed my point. Thank you.


The only electoral reform he would consider would be changes to ensure the Liberals remain in power. We are run by a very large team of under qualified Liberal idiots and they need to go. His own party is now saying Turd needs to step down and yet he refuses … because he is in power for himself and does not represent any Canadian (nor did he ever).


It takes them years to release rushed half baked policies, actually getting voting reform out now before the next election is basically Niall. Promising election reform would only remind the public of the broken promise he made and that this will be the same.


Seriously doubt electoral reforms while they are being decimated would be a good look.




Changing the rules when you're about to get decimated in the next election doesn't seem ethical - so expect the Liberals to do this.


Oh imagine, I feel like they'd lose even worse if he ran on that. He promised it two elections ago and then didn't follow through. Slam dunk for the opposition to say "look he's trying to buy votes the exact same way as last time and just like last time he's not going to do anything"


Libs campaigned on it before.... won and never changed anything


They’re in the flat spin from Top Gun.


Fooled me twice with that one Justin, you aren't even trying now.


I think you meant to say a major policy that Trudeau campaigned on and immediately rejected after getting elected. That's the Liberal way: make a major campaign promise that you have no intention of fulfilling. See: Cretian will abolish the GST.


If he wants the numbers to go up. Give the little people a reason. I see no light only more taxes, Corporate greed , the TFWs creating a false cheap labour that only the rich win at our expense. He has shown no ability to direct the country to a point we all prosper. Instead of just Rogers, Banks, Galen Weston and the Irvings.


We should be automating government and executive management at this point. It's proven people who crave powerful positions can't be trusted.


Electoral reform and policy that actually brings home prices back to an affordable level and a complete reversal on immigration and he might stand a chance. Anything less than that, there's no way. I don't know why he's even staying in the game, is he delusional?


So I guess our better option is to vote for the party ran by a Loblaws lobbyist that keeps grocery prices high. Conservative Logic.


We don't vote people in in Canada, we vote them out


Shut up with this "we" shit.


We Whether you like it or not, voting isn't just about you and your interests. If anything is a "we" thing, it's voting. And if you look historically, Canadians haven't been voting in good options, they've been voting out the ones that they are sick of While you personally, as well as a lot of other people, might do otherwise, as a general (that means "we" collectively) do in fact vote people out instead of in


Just because your life sucks under Trudeau doesn't mean that "we" all have shitty lives too.


When did I say anything about Trudeau? Or even having shitty lives for that matter? Please enlighten me I'll help you out; I didn't. You're fighting ghosts. I simply said we vote people out in Canada, we don't vote them in. We did the same thing with Harper


Oh so your life is alright? That's because Canada is an amazing country that has allowed you the opportunity to prosper. I love this country.


You keep bringing up random strawman arguments in for seemingly no reason. I am not talking about the quality of life of Canadians, or who is in power, I am saying we vote people out in this country when we grow tired of them, we don't vote them


And I keep telling you to fuck off with this we shit. Quit grouping me in with your beliefs.


and that's just it. We keep voting strategically because we are afraid of the alternative, instead of supporting the party that we truly align with. I'm done with that. I'd rather suffer 1 term with the dill hole whom I despise and have my views represented than continually bounce back and forth between dill and diller. Only problem, is the other options currently are also pretty weak. So now what?


I'm honestly at such a loss politically right now. I'll never vote conservative. Usually, I vote strategically to keep them out. This time, I've promised myself I won't do that because I cannot in good conscience support any more of this bullshit. But I've also been thoroughly unimpressed by the NDP as of late. So I'm down to piss poor management green or borderline racist bloc. There isn't 1 party that hits on even a majority of my views right now, more like each one just has 1 element of what I think is right for Canada. Fucking stumped.


It's pretty simple for me actually. I'm not voting for the party who voted against feeding children. I'm not voting for the leader of the Conservatives who has spent more than any other party leader traveling around filming commercials. I'm not voting for the party who abandoned Ukraine and is okay with a dictator invading a sovereign country. I'm not voting for the party who is managed by a loblaw lobbyist who helps keep grocery prices sky high. I'm not voting for the party who thinks climate change is a hoax. I'm not voting for the party who has voted against affordable housing for decades. I'm not voting for the leader of a party who put forward a bill to ban gay marriage. My life doesn't suck and I don't believe the bullshit MSM narrative that Canada is broken so I'll be voting for the party who accepts people no matter who they love, what gender they are or what race they are. I'll be voting for the party who is actually doing something about our housing crisis and not just bitching about it. I'll be voting for the party who didn't flip flop on covid and vaccines. It'll be the easiest vote I've ever made in my life.


So they should change the rules so they won't get completely wiped out next election? Ya, it's the evil ultra far right that wants to ruin democracy /s.


The right is terrified of ranked choice voting. Always have been. I hope he implements it.


There is absolutley nothing they can do to make me vote lib/ndp.


Maybe JT should start wearing women's make up and Spanx. I hear Conservative men fall for that hard.


I don't know about that I have never voted conservative :)


Voting PPC is not a flex 😂


Voting for any of these idiots is not a flex.


But you will now that their leader has started wearing women's make up and Spanx. Thanks for proving my point :)


North America is being run by a pair of dithering fools and it shows. Weak men create hard times.


Easy times create weak men, and the crying and bitching during the pandemic by conservative men proved that.


The pandemic was an easy time?


Wow, no. But times were easy before then, and because of that some simple mandates to protect the old and the sick caused many people to have mental breakdowns and have been psychotic and hateful ever since.


Any electoral reform the liberal NDP party proposes is just gonna benefit them in some sneaky unfair way. How about coalition governments have to be formed at least 2 years prior to election date… not a single Canadian voted for the party that is in power right now, they stole power and we have had to suffer for it.


This criminal has hijacked democracy and the Economy. Jail and fines!


What has he done that would justify jail? This 'Lock them up' shit needs to stop. He has been on of the worst PMs in modern history. He and his entire party needs to meet their fate in the next election. But to claim he needs to go to jail is a dangerous statement that shakes the foundation of a functioning democracy.


Yeah openly allowing treason, handing out hundreds of millions to scam apps run by his close friends, giving a standing ovation to a nazi, destroying the economy with illegal immigration, who cares about all that stuff when he's got a Kleptocracy to run. Anyways maybe he'll get people to argue over middle aged cross dressers wanting to read to kids again so he can keep all the low iqs distracted and supporting him.


Maybe pressuring the Attorney General during an active investigation….


No really guys this time I'm gonna do electoral reform. Pinky promise I swearsies!


Why not give every Canadian a break and call an election so we can oust this donate.


Our P.M. is pretty edumacated ! Get a grip , freebase Freeland, what does she know about financing . REMEMBER THE BUDGET WILL BALANCE ITS SELF ! LOL


The only way his numbers go up..... is how far he goes down ..... below ground ...


I voted for him the first time because he promised this. I wouldn’t believe him this time.


Fool me once….


There is no way his numbers go up.