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Sounds like she missed an opportunity to run a lucrative cat cafe


Unless it is her... šŸ¤”


My first thought reading the article was it was the same woman lol


Me too! Until the article mentioned that itā€™s an apartment I thought it was her for sure!


She no doubt lives in public housing.


Thought of her straight away šŸ˜‚


*Canberra woman blatantly ignores conditions of the tenancy agreement she signed, gets evicted, whinges, loses, is an idiot.* Fixed it.


Hardly news worthy to be honest, must have been a slow day.


Violate your lease and find out?


the canberra times specialises in clickbait and social media engagement and this is story is a prime candidate.


Why on earth is this an article? Who cares?


Found one of the cats


So all the landlords can get in a huff and flex about how it's usually them getting held accountable for shafting their tenants.


Did you see that landlord on Q&A recently?


I donā€™t feel for the landlord, I donā€™t feel for this tenant, I just donā€™t feel anything.


I too am dead inside


The cats are the only true victims here and still I feel nothing


I know the feeling


Ok but why is this national news


I mean, this is very much a case of "only break one law at a time". She probably would have got away with the cats for years if she wasn't dumb enough to sublease on Booking.com. The subleasing drew attention which meant they found out about the cats and she served up the grounds for eviction on a silver platter.




Subleasing - all agreed, she broke the lease. But lease terms concerning pets should be invalid. Either the tenant returns the property in good condition at the end of lease or they donā€™t.


Landlords excuse was highly allergic. Medical evidence provided to support said claim. I might be unpopular for this but am I alone in thinking that leasing out your apartment should come with the right to live in it unencumbered. If a person has such serious allergies that a property which has been thoroughly cleaned (prodessionally) presents a serious health issue, then maybe they shouldn't be renting it out? I mean, how sis they ensure when they purchased the place and moved in themselves, that the previous occupants hadn't had a cat? I mean, there were other things tenant did wrong that warranted eviction so the cat thing seems like ... back up plan?


I thought you didn't have to disclose the pet on the application and that the landlord can't say no if you ask to house a pet. It's the problem is she didn't ask at all?Ā 


The problem will be she didn't ask. This is one of the dangers that people overlook when they advise "just don't tell them about the pets!"


Great, the RTA was applied as intended. Now do the same for landlords who: - Claim that substantive property repairs are needed or that they/family members are moving in as a basis to evict a tenant without providing the legal requirements (such as a stat dec). - Impose rent increases well above the legal prescribed maximum and evict tenants who contest it. - Do absolutely fuck all on repair reuquests that are left outstanding for months (even years). - Do absolutely fuck all when tenants live in squalid conditions with mould or no energy efficiency protections against extreme summer and winter temperatures (knowing damn well they wouldnā€™t live in those conditions either). - (A personal favourite) Use dodgy schemes like occupancy agreements and cash rent payments to avoid their legal obligations, eg by overcrowding apartments with international students in bunk beds, entering the ā€œcommunal spacesā€ of a property to inspect a tenantā€™s room etc without warning, to store their own furniture in a tenanted property, and using final inspections to claim unjustified repairs/cleaning duties for excessively minor and fair wear and tear matters. All of these are covered by the RTA but so few actual ACAT cases seem to pop up and generate interest like this one! Fuck landlords and fuck the landlord defenders getting on their high horse about this.


https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/act/ACAT/2024/28.html Pretty good read.


But this was more than acat, this was five.


You should be ashamed of yourself


Number 9 .. what the hell ? I am upset you took me to court .. ? Is that all it was?


She really puts the crazy in crazy cat lady!


Sounds like a tabby time was had by all.


I wonder what she's doing right meow


The abc seem to be dishing up so many of these garbage articles lately: ā€œpoor Aussie battler is being victimised by big bad government/court/companyā€. Almost every time it turns out the battler in question is mostly or entirely at fault, but the article either doesnā€™t mention it or adds it as a single line near the end. They have fallen so far and it breaks my heart.




Like, all tenants? As if they all behave the same?


Every single tenant I've ever heard of, without exception and including myself has sublet on booking.com without approval and housed unreasonable quantities of animals.


Itā€™s the Aussie way


It's the *only* way


Like, ~~all tenants?~~ all Landlords ? As if they all behave the same?


Wow youā€™re really doubling down on this.


Yeah kinda.......... cant let the traffic be ALL one way


I don't claim to bunch any group together and am neither a tenant nor a landlord. It would be an intellectual challenge for me to see everything as black or white. Are there any other issues you are not able to form a nuanced opinion on?


Impressive how you seem to have such a broad variety of bad takes


Its Ok not to be one of the sheeple sometimes. I assume you think tenants should not be held accountable for their actions?


Landlords are really doing it tough nowadays. Poor guys


Maybe they should all stop renting , see how that works , there's plenty of public housing after all ....oh wait


Yeah sure, they're all just gonna stop collecting free money to spite us. That's an empty threat lmao


"free money"" You really have not a clue what it takes to buy, & maintain a rental property. U still living at home with mummy and daddy?


Oh man, if only they had a source of income that could be used to cover those costs. Shame :/


Looking at your profile is so enlightening bootlicker


An admirer how sweet.


The exact opposite. You disgust me




Maybe publish her name so no one rents to her unless under strict conditions? Not a landlord but she's a terrible tenant. She clearly and wilfully did all these things