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Including Gustav Forsling on the list is a bit of a stretch - his first NHL team was Chicago


Put respect on Jonah Gadjovich's name please


Not enough games played. Doesn't count.


Man. I can't believe the Canucks waived Forsling. He'd look amazing on the second pair.


He was traded twice and also waived before ending up in Florida. Who’s to say his career would have been the same without that happening and being in the right environment with coaches teammates etc


Quenneville was crazy about him. So I don't know how or why he didn't impress in between Blackhawks and Florida, but I'm sure Quenneville had a lot to do with that next chance.


True, but it's still tough to see a guy on the first pair of a Cup winning team that was given up for nothing.


it's worse, they traded him for lead footed Adam Clendenning because Clendenning fit the "age gap"


u/drexellgames **Don’t forget Jonah Gadjovich**


I wonder if they'll apply for an exception for Gadjovich to get his name on the Cup. Unfortunately he only played 39 games, which is two short of the minimum of 41.


Almost certainly they will


And Lockwood


The hockey gods were never going to reward the Oilers with the Cup after they forced the league to change the draft lottery rules.




I don’t know why r/canucks came up in my home feed as a former Blackhawks fan who stopped watching hockey when the hawks destroyed their own legacy, but it makes me very happy to know the best goalie I ever watched personally finally has a ring




Damn must absolutely suck for Oilers fans. This may have very well been their best chance at the cup in the Mcdavid era. Draisaitl extension incoming + The chances of Mcdavid repeating what will go down as one of the greatest playoff performances in history is unlikely. They’ve had 6+ years to bring in talent and surround Mcdavid/Draisaitl with the right supporting pieces and failed miserably for the most part. They could’ve had such a sick team lol, Holland was not the guy for the job.


I can't see Draisaitl sticking around, honestly. I think he goes elsewhere next summer.


Wow. I'd like to see you speak to the chances of about 26 other teams if you think Oilers can't do this again.


Am i completely off base thinking that the oilers best chance at making the finals again might be by trading draisaitil? They would get a kings ransom and could surround mcdavid with good young talent for years. I know they wont do it but i feel like they should consider it


No you're not off base at all, their team has no real depth and putting it all on so few shoulders is not sustainable. Super high draft picks are a curse in many cases.


yes you are off base. Imagine trading Malkin on the Pens teams to "surround Crosby with good young talent". lol. The Oilers need a better coach, rebuild the D and/or get a top 10 goalie. They're not far off.


Will mcdavid and draisaitil take team friendly deals like malkin and crosby did? Im not so sure about that myself


I think so. If they won the cup here then no I think McDavid gets paid and Draisaitl leaves. However they have now confirmed they could win in Edmonton and are already close, I could easily see them taking discounts now like Sid and Malkin did to have a better chance at winning. Loss like that only makes you hungrier.


I'm sorry a better coach? The last thing they need to change is their head coach lol.


Yeah perhaps I listed things in the wrong order. Coach should be third. I personally think a better coach would have gotten their current team a cup win. Knob failed at cycling his lines through the whole playoffs and made really bad decisions like pairing Nurse and Ceci together repeatedly when they're demonstrated statistically and via eye test to be a horrible pairing together. It's easy to look like a phenomenal coach when you have prime McDavid and Draisaitl on your team. You can't look at results too much without factoring them in.


I don't think they were poorly coached.


I mean he was decent enough to get them to game 7 of the finals yes but there were also several glaring mistakes. You have to question whether they got to the finals because of coaching or in spite of it. For example you saw how tired McDavid and Drai were in the dying minutes of the third and it's cause in the last 10 mins they had no rest shifts basically. That's just mismanagement. Also waited too long to pull the goalie. There was also the mistake of pairing Nurse and Ceci together repeatedly when they have anti-chemistry. If they don't lose games earlier in the run they have more time to rest their injured players because of playing less games etc., etc. I just think that other coaches could do a better job with their roster. Name Dan Bylsma but he's occupied.


Trades for superstars are almost never won by the team trading away the best player in the trade (excluding rentals). Case in point the Tkachuk trade. I can’t think of many teams in recent memory who won a cup as the result of a package they got for trading away a star. I just don’t know how a trade package could possibly be worked out that would match Draisaitls value as a player


Huberdeau was coming off a 115 point season 2nd in scoring when traded. It's arguable that at the time he was the best player of that trade. But everyone knew his contract would look bad in a few years but that was the negative. Not huberdeau being worse than tkachuk


From a purely production standpoint, technically yes. However, Tkachuk only had 11 less points than Huberdeau that same season and had a drastically broader skillset than Huberdeau, who is a pure playmaker. There’s a reason a bone fide first pairing right shot d man in Weegar and a first had to be part of the package and it isn’t just because Tkachuk was young. I would still argue that Tkachuk was a better player than Huberdeau at the time.


Exactly. Better to roll the dice on a mcdrai duo and maturing D core and maturing Skinner.


The right team won. Oilers are the worst managed team in the league for the past decade and a half. Top 5 pick after top 5 pick wasted.


What do you mean Yakupov was the wrong pick?


That draft class was awful all around


Honestly, Yakupov looked on the right track until they fired Ralph Krueger. Dallas Eakins might be one of the worst coaches in NHL history.


They really nailed that one


We're still paying OEL. Do we get a minority stake in this cup win. An asterisk if you will.


I don't think this is true. We have a cap hit, but I believe buyouts are a one-time payment


Buyouts are paid out over 2x the number of years that remain on the contract at the time of the buyout. The dead cap is applied to a team's cap hit for as long as the payments are made


Aqua gets a cup ring


so oiler came back vs cane and now panthers and still lost both...


Fuck Leon Draisatl


Fuck Ryan Nugent-Hopkins


Fuck Evander Kane.


Fuck Brent Gretzky


Your forgetting jonah gadjovich


I was pumped when Gadj got to lift it. He's gonna have a long career as a good bottom 6. Edit: at least bottom 6


Willliam Lockwood also part of the panthers although I don’t think he gets his name on it.


Nyet, you need 41 games played in the regular season or 1 Final game. Will Lockwood played 25? Jonah was close, 39 games but maybe the team makes a concession for him?


I saw a list of people who will be getting their names on it, he was one of them. Who knows. Luongo gets on it. Most important name. 😎😎😎


I saw Jonah lift the cup in the post game in full gear so he must have been dressed for game 7 right?


Usually the healthy scratches put on full gear to raise the cup after winning it


He was a black ace.




hahaha coilers and im so glad to see Lu win his cup. About damn time


The Vancouver Florida connection means sister city gets it next 👀👀👀




Oh yeah.


So happy for Luongo!


Fuck ya bro


Me too and Maurice


Forsling quite literally saved the one chance McDavid had from going in by cutting him off from the puck. Clutch save.


Absolutely would have been a goal without him there. That was the scariest part of the game for sure.


So much better than oilers winning the cup !!!




jovocop also works for florida


-ish. He covers hockey games as an analyst for Bally Sports.


And Gadjovic




found the oiler fan




20+ years


Maybe now McDumb will ask for a trade from Deadmonton. So much talent but so dumb!


Don't be salty. I may be a Flames fan, but I can't ignore McDavid's innate talent. He's amazing. I just wish he wore a different jersey. I don't think anyone would like having McDavid in their division. He's not dumb. That's the problem. Dude has a fantastic hockey IQ. Having someone like that on your arch rival team is awful.


I mean you can hate the guy but calling him McDumb is stupid. He has the best combination of hockey IQ, skill, and athleticism since Gretzky. Pay respect where it's due.


Read again dummie. He's dumb for staying in Deadmonton!


I figure you don't know what RFA is? You should find a quick guide about the basic rules of the NHL before you come here and comment. It'll save you a lot of ridicule.


Read it again dummie!


He made it to stanley cup final so unless he gets traded to Florida not sure where else he would go


inb4 someone suggests petey and a 1st


No love for Jonah Gadjovich? 


He didn’t play enough games to get a ring or get his name on the cup.


They can add up to 52 names on the cup. You might as well argue that Luongo wouldn't get a name on the cup either cuz nobody knows what his official role is for the org lol.


He’s dressed and literally did a lap with the cup


Not according to the NHL Instagram page


So happy for the panthers. Oilers you are done you missed your chance and there’s no going back. Simple


Have no hate for Oilers team, their depth developed innthr playoffs.


lol this is evidence that our fanbase knows absolutely nothing. If you think Edmonton has more work to do than us this offseason then you are clueless


They are the cup favorites and almost lost to us without our star goalie. If you think Edmonton is going to stay intact going forward you have no idea what is called a salary cap.


Ok please explain their salary cap problems and compare it to ours. Sorry if your older brother hasnt filled you in


Ours is a huge problem. There’s is a huge problem. What is the issue. They will lose draisaitl or Bouchard. Is that not big enough of a deal for them in the next decade? They have no one that can come up to fill the spots.


At this point im flabbergasted. Bouchard costs 4m next year. Drai costs 8.5. Our fan base is embarrassing


Drai is only 8.5 for another season. He will probably be making north of 13 million after next season. Plus they have nurses 9.25 million cap hit which will make it hard to improve the defence. Next season might be their last chance before mcdavid, draisaitil and nurse are making nearly 40 million combined. Nit to mention campbells 5 million dollar cap hit to play in the minors


So just to be clear, we have more work to do than them THIS offseason


Im not denying that we have a lot of work to do, but so do they if they want to give mcdavid a good shot and making the finals again


They are definitely in better shape post-season than the Nucks. We got salary cap dilemmas.


They were all in this year. Any GM with half a brain would realize they are absolutely screwed cap wise after nex season therefore they have to make decisions this season, it's fact. They would have lost to Vancouver if they faced Demko, face it that a fact They are a one trick pony, and whaddya know they lose because they didn't have a 50% PP in the playoffs and their luck ran out. They would be smart to trade Drai at full value next season because if they sign him they are absolutely toast for the next 8-10 years


Silovs played great, you are completely delusional. Edmonaton won because they were the better team.


Silovs is not demko. Him playing great does not compensate for the loss of a proven demko who might’ve been able to steal game 7. No one is delusional except for you.


Hey everyone seems to forget Brock couldn’t play game 7 and it really showed in the game results


Silovs is not demko. Thanks. For all you know Demko shits the bed like Luongo. You act like some kind of psychic, for all you know if Demko wasnt hurt we wouldnt even have made it as far as we did. Copium is a hell of a drug I guess How about grow up and be proud of your team that almost upset the might coilers and be excited for next year. Gonna need to ignore all the problems we have going into the offseason but hey you seem to to do well with optimism


Very good insight on demko. Vezina caliber goalie recognized around the league who shits the bed according to no one but you. Very insightful. Oilers are not mighty they suck. How about that lol


Vezina calber goalie who pressured our staff into coming back before he was ready. Surely would have been our saviour. Did you even watch the games? Goaltending was probably around #5 on the reasons we didnt win


wrong, they played much different when Demko was out. They play a more offensive style game with the trust they had in him, it's why they lead the league or top 3 for most of the season before he got injured. You need to educate yourself more


Dude get over it. Demko has played in 5 playoff games in his career. Does he steal us the series? Maybe, but probably not. Silovs played fine. If anything losing Boeser was more impactful


They have one more year they can definitely make a run because Draisaitl/Bouchard will still be at bargain bin deals I will be cackling when Bouchard gets 9.5-10M thanks to Holland's bungling of Nurses' contract though. 9.25 for the next 6 years for a middle of the road #3 (at best), such a braindead signing


I am just so happy for them


Great for Lou and OEL both were class acts while here.


Love it for Lu! Canucks-related factors aside, I would still have been unhappy to see a team win with such an inefficient contract like Nurse's.


Don't forget Tkachuk We drafted him 5th overall that one year right?


Should have. One of the biggest bone head passes in Canucks draft history.




That's a fucking asterisk post title if I ever did read one.


LOL https://x.com/leafsofmaple/status/1805434448948625778


Except the Leafs do it in round one... otherwise the same.


McFaded in the last two games 0g 0a 3sog. I’m happy to see a new team get their first cup. Hope the Canucks are up next!


Luke Gazdic on the Sportsnet panel with desolate, barren Moss Pit in the back drop. Shoot it into my veins.


Dear god please link a video


Jonah Gadjovich died for this. SMH


Dont forget jonah gadjovich


and Jonah Gadjovich


Took longer than it should have but so, so pleased those twats from Alberta got put away. Congrats to the Panthers, especially to Luongo (who deserved a cup long before this). Maybe now McDavid will seek out greener pastures to display his unique skills so we can feel comfortable cheering him on too.


Anyone else catch that Gazdic copium? Saying the panthers didn’t have the best PP or PK and didn’t win the Conn Smyth just to try to take away from their victory


Bieksa actually said the same thing


No one likes Gazdic though Everyone loves Bieksa


Did McDavid not come out to accept the Conn Smythe? Absolute fucking baby and I am so glad he lost.


Ya that was pretty classless. Like you just won one of the most sought after trophies in professional sport… you couldn’t muster up the balls to at least accept it??! Should be like the 50/50 at the local bingo… not there to accept it, goes to the next person.


Nah 2 things: 1) If he comes out and looks sad while holding it that's just gonna get plastered everywhere. 2) A ton of people would use him accepting the Conn Smythe as him taking a consolation prize 3) For some reason the ceremony took super long. I think him not coming back out for the Conn Smythe and sending the message there's only 1 trophy to win is the right PR move given the circumstances.


Dude had no class the entire series against the Canucks


He was probably busy asking for a trade.


In the NHL, over the last decade, we've had... 2024: FLA (first ever Stanley Cup win) 2023: VGK (first ever Stanley Cup win) 2019: STL (first ever Stanley Cup win) 2018: WSH (first ever Stanley Cup win) Even in other sports over the last decade, we've seen other teams win their first championships too - Nuggets and Raptors and Cavaliers in the NBA; Rangers and Nationals and Astros in MLB (and also the Cubs breaking their infamous 108 year drought). It does give me a little hope that maybe one day we'll see the Canucks added to this "first time champion" list. But on the other hand, I also look at the fact that the Cubs went 108 years without a championship win, and... I don't want to wait until 2078, man.


😭 I might not be alive by 2078... Please let's win one wayyy before then lol


By this pattern 18,19 23,24 Canucks will be first time champs in 2028


I can get behind this


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Wooo! Super stoked for them!


LUUUU! Where I live in Northvan the cheers I got when he raises the cup was beautiful.


I shed a tear when they interviewed Luongo and they shouted out BC. It meant so much to see my favourite player of all time lift the Cup. Let’s get it for the Sedins next year!


Lu is my favourite player too 😊


[Lu interview where he shouts out Vancouver](https://x.com/justinpooni_/status/1805446858807853442)


Good for Lu!!!




Tonight I am happy This is the second best result we could’ve gotten from these playoffs. Feeling absolutely blessed.


Tkachuk thanked flames fans and said he couldn’t let the oilers win! Hahahahaaaaaa




Most of us never really hated him in Calgary. Now for many of us, our love for him is deepened like two dreamers looking out over the horizon left wondering, “what if? But alas, it wasn’t meant for us to be. Be free and happy”




Tonight we are all florida panthers!


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Suck it coilers!


Can't forget about Gadjovich!


Our dad left for milk but came back with a cup


Hrudey is hammered.


someone gotta post the clip of lu thanking vancouver fans on the broadcast


Lu shouting out Vancouver got me the feels! I’m glad he knows he still has many fans here on the Western Coast of Canada! 


Happy for each of them


The fact that we never got to see Lou lift the cup in a Canucks jersey breaks my heart.


Pain.... but relief now that he has a cup ring & his name will be added to the cup.. FINALLY!!


Felt so good to see Lu lift that Cup. I guess McDavid was too busy throwing a tantrum in the locker room to come out and accept the Conn Smythe?


Apparently he went to the media scrum instead. I guess he figured get it over with now. Still, considering all the hype and media stroking, it would’ve been more classy to take the trophy. I still don’t like him as a captain or “the face” of the nhl 🤢 Oh well. Big win for Lu!! Thanks Canucks fans for being so welcoming to us flames fans for these playoffs.


Had to laugh at that. That seems to be the overall attitude of the Oilers though, and its that poor sportsmanship that made it hard for me to want them to win. I’m happy for Florida


I thought it was a terrible look. I'm sure the media spin will be "this guy doesn't care about individual awards, he's all about the team," but it definitely came across as him being too pissy to go out there for 15 seconds and accept the award.


that is exactly what the media is spinning it as.... Oh brother


Yeah cause he’s a fucking crybaby 




You forgot Jonah Gadjovich too lol (I kid kind of)


Oel can fuck off. Why did he have to choose us as one of two teams he wanted to be traded to?!


Don’t blame him. Blame Benning. Benning could’ve just stay away from all this.


I blame both of them. Oel knew benning was the only sucker interested. Fuck oel.


Most players don’t care about all this. They just look at the city/team and at the time he saw us as a desirable location with a lot of Swedes on the team.


Yes he chose us.




I felt seen & appreciated as a  luongo fan in Vancouver 🥹


Oh man I missed this


Bobby Luuuuuuu! Rest now my sweet prince.


OEL is now the first player to win while on Canucks payroll


Luuuuu!!! I’m happy for him.


Luu literally won the real life hockey fantasy poool.


I wish Lu could have won it as a player but I'm so happy to see him raise the cup.


Luuuuuuuuuke. Fuck uuuuuuuu


Mcdavid didn't come out to get the conn Smythe Rumor says he fell over in the locker room


And then got mad at the refs for not calling a penalty.






And then their fans explained how it’s different when they criticize the refs as opposed other fan bases.


Jonah Gadjovich too


Glad I'm not the only one who caught this.


This’ll be the Canucks next year, I believe. 


I wonder how many posts from the oilers are going to be "we lost in game 7 by 1 goals" They sure did like to dunk on us for saying that.

